Newbie Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 17
by Calpain
Nothing wrong with a little bit of daydreaming, right? It helps us figure out our goals, our ambitions, and, well, our dreams. In a way when you're thinking of your next drawings your daydreaming if just a little bit. Of things you'd like to make but aren't sure if you can pull off, things you wish one day you can eventually create with your own two hands. With our journey here past the halfway point I hope you have seen those little improvements in yourself that will lead you to believe you can do this if you just stick with it. I know you all can do it!
With that being said, we brought in 89 ponies today which brings us up to 1885 ponies in total! Nice work everyone!
Now up to this point I've mainly had you dealing with singular ponies or a couple at a time, but as you've all had some time getting used to drawing our equine friends I figured we could do with a prompt where you have a great opportunity to include as many ponies as you can. For today I would like you all to Draw a pony festival / Draw a pony or ponies having a night on the town.
As always our submitter is here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
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Nightly Discussion #1855
by CalpainThe great thing about art is all of the different styles you get to see! From the cute to the awesome there is just a little bit for everyone out there.Evening everyone! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Kerfluffle is the pinnacle. Hopefully she sneaks into some of the upcoming episodes this season.
And in other news, we really need some new poll ideas. Feel free to submit them with the title POLL.
New poll time:
What do you think of Hasbro's new push for retro pony stuff?
Go vote on the side bar and get these results below.
China's ever-growing pony scene is busting out more SFM animations for their community. This one is dedicated to anyone out there in school that was or is bullied for their love of the pone, starring Celestia and to the tune of a famous chinese song from "Thge Monkey King".
Head on down below the break! It does include embedded subtitles.
Baseball griffon edition.
Because claws are overpowered.
Get a bunch of art below.
[1] Source
by のうぷ🐊 on Twitter
Another very early development game has popped up from the pony gaming sphere. "Horizon" seems to be an action game similiar to Horse Game from a while back, albeit even earlier. The video itself seems to have a super low framerate, though I doubt the game has been optimized yet.
Get the video below to see what might be releasing in the future.
[Sci-Fi][Dark] That image is straight up creepy!
Author: Greenback
Description: One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance. Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.
The Monster Below
But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part? What if he wanted to rise above everyone else, and become an Alicorn? Such a thing is possible...but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple. Risks must be taken. Sacrifices must be made. And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted? And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?
The Monster Below - Nightfall
The Monster Below - Sunfall (Updated)
The Monster Below - The Father of All Dragons
Additional Tags: Change is not always goodop 13:42
Sildid: Author: Greenback, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Luna, Octavia, Sci-Fi, Soarin, Star-Needed, Story -
We have been on the pony ride for a long time, some of us a full nine years this October when the show celebrates its nine year anniversary. I don't think any of us back then would have imagined it lasting as long as it has. Now as the show winds down, friends are moving on to other interests that they may have had before or pony helped start.
Change can be a painful process, but at least we have our memories.
Comics guys! Get them all after the break!
"I swear it's not that show from the 80s!" is what we've been using as an excuse for years. Looks like that's about to change, as Hasbro is bringin on the retro with a new youtube exclusive series starring oldschool characters in a seemingly parodied twist.
It also includes a new set of Retro Mane 6 toys, which are now available to pre-order cver on Amazon (exclusively) with a Fall 2019 release date.
Anyway, get episode 1 below.
If like me you've first misread that title as "Twilight Time", congratulations, you're a true brony! Jokes aside, this new piece from Elias is quite breathtaking and has a lot of emotion held within it. With some inspiration from some of the deeper and darker themes and characters arcs found in animes, the talented musician held nothing back and crafted a gorgeous progression of strings, piano, and guitar, with some epic percussions completing the frame for a rich experience. Not to mention the artwork and stunning frame-by-frame traditional animation in the video, all made by Elias himself! He truly went all-out!
Morning Discussion #1627
by CalpainI used to play a lot of Animal Crossing back in the day and had a blast with it. I really should think about returning to it someday.Morning everyone! Hope you all slept well, as usual. Ready for some morning chatter?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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