Newbie Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 12
by Calpain
Out of all the possible pickles to be in this is simply the worst a pony could be in! Of course we had a lot of ponies that were literal pickles which I did see coming but was still amused to see all the same. Well done everyone!
For today's prompt we brought in 76 ponies for a total of 1442 ponies in all. Keep it up guys! You can do it!
Continuing our run of ponies being in precarious situations we have another prompt for you guys tonight that might be a little more lighthearted. For today I want you guys to Draw a pony living on the edge / Draw a pony who lost a bet.
As always our submitter can be found here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
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Just the kind of fan songs that I love to see in the community, this tribute to Yona from Blackened Blue is a real bliss for the ears and especially if you're a fan of rock music and those aggressive riffs found in a lot of Hard Rock tracks, as well as those charismatic and blissful melodic vocals that Blackened is acing here with a lot of talent. It's just as much a bliss for the heart, as our feelings for Yona get channeled along Blackened's through the music, and in unison we're sending our love and support to her! Isn't that just amazing? That's the power of fan works, and Passion! Thank you Blackened Blue for being who you are!
Nightly Discussion #1852
by CalpainEvening everyone! Hope you all have had a great Saturday, some of you may even be getting ready to go see some fireworks tonight. If so, have fun!In the meantime, let's chat!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Bubbles, Ditzy, Wall-Eye, Mailmare, or whatever Hasbro chose to call her over the years apparently didn't resonate with the staff over at DHX. Derpy Hooves was always just Derpy to them, following our original fandom nickname for Ms. Hooves here since her first inception back during season 1.
I'm still amazed that a single pony could create so much havoc for the legal and PR teams over at Hasbro, but just like she knocks over town hall, she did it.
We saved Derpy, but apparently she never even needed it internally.
Get the tweet below.
Lyra and Bonbon continue the trend with another Open Art compilation. If you are looking for the best of the best art of the last year, do a bit of scollin down for that one.
Get your open art below!
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Lyra and Bon Bon Sketch by HitBass
For being background characters, Lyra and Bonbon had a pretty awesome offering of art this year. Well worth a compilation of the best!
This post only covers the new stuff. Check out the compilation last year for older things:
Best of Lyra and Bonbon 2018 edition.
Since we already covered anthro on these two, and there wasn't a whole lot of new, we won't have one of those this year. You can find lots of it over here though.
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Lyra by Tomnesss
Kerfluffle needs more art. I almost want to do a drawing event after the ATG just for her and the other two.
Get the drawings below!
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Kerfuffle by ShadowReindeer
This one was released ages ago in internet pony time, but for anyone out there that wants to add it to a playlist or something, Hasbro has uploaded "5 Lines You Need to Stand In" to their officially Youtube channel.
Check it out below! Other Equestria Girls shorts are here.
We've got another giant pile of things to read for Lyra and Bonbon today. As always, this is a different list from last year, so if your fav isnt here it's probably there.
And thanks to Whisper Key for digging them all up!
Our background ponies sure have come a long way since their first appearances wouldn't you say? Who would have known how fleshed out not fandom would make characters such as Lyra and Bon Bon, but how the show itself managed to contribute to their lore.With the show wrapping up there isn't probably going to be much more change with these two (or for other background ponies for that matter), but how have you enjoyed their transformation over the course of all these seasons? What did you like and what did you not like? If they could have had an episode exclusively for them what would you have liked to see?Discuss all of that and more down in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #1622
by Calpain
Good morning everyone! I know it's nice to just stay in bed and be all snuggled up like these two but we have a new day to get to.
Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
I think this animation sums up Lyra and Bon Bon's relationship pretty well, don't you guys think? Welcome everyone to another one of our character appreciation days, this time celebrating the bestest of 'friends': Lyra and Bon Bon!Throughout the day we will be having a number of Lyra and Bon Bon posts in between our usual posts so keep coming back to see what classics and new material we bring to you throughout the day.If you still have material to send in make sure it gets us by 12pm Blog Time to be included in our posts today.You can send everything to [email protected] with the subject line Lyra and Bon Bon Day followed by the type of media you are sending in.Example: Lyra and Bon Bon Day: ComicsWe hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain
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