Newbie Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 8
by Calpain
Our poor ponies, having us look through their darkest secrets! I have to admit you guys were pretty clever with some of the secrets your ponies were hiding or the cleverness in switch some of your ponies were sneaking around. Keep it up, we're almost to our first Makeup Day!
Today we managed to bring in 118 ponies which brings our total up to 967 ponies in total!
Now that we've gotten a week of pony drawing under our belts and you all are starting to settle in we've gotten to see some new faces and old among our gallery each day. One part of being an artist is being part of a community: sharing art, techniques, encouragement, trades, but most importantly, friendship. To do that we first need to know a little bit about each other, don't you agree?
So for today's prompt I would like you guys to Draw a pony doing something you like to do / Draw your OC’s special talent.
As always our submitter is here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
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Released on the Drumscape Library channel, your source of pony DnB, here is an unexpected and delightful treat from Single Purpose who remixed Tripon's Tirek-themed track in the most awesome ways! Keeping that story-telling and character flair with including those vocal samples, the musician just went all-out in the sound design department, and the Neurofunk drops are of pure beauty. A wicked and enthralling banger, giving Tirek a renewed assault with untold force!
This event at Johnny Red's Pizzeria Tavern in Baltimore on the weekend of BronyCon is an absolute dream come true for any fan of IDW's My Little Pony Comics! And the best part is that it is opened for everyone to attend!
Tickets are $350, and you get a whole slew of stuff like:
Dinner with four all time fan-favorite My Little Pony comic creators? Check.
Original art of a pony of your choice (including OCs) created by all 4 artists just for you? Check.
An exclusive art book showcasing never before seen art from the comic? Check.
Good memories to last a lifetime? Quadruple check.
Tickets are on sale now!
Nightly Discussion #1847
by CalpainSometimes you just find something weird on Derpibooru and you just have to share, you know?Evening guys! Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Everyone's favorite BEST FRIENDS have a day coming up in their honor! July 6th marks the beginning of Lyra and Bonbon Day. Your skills are needed to make it wonderful!
As always, fire off an email to Submit@equestriadaily.com with your submission. Title the email LYRA AND BONBON followed by what it is, so LYRA AND BONBON - OPEN ART if you are sending for art.
If you want to double-up your art submissions for the Artist Training Ground with Lyra and Bonbon submissions, feel free. They are considered completely separate submissions, so go for it!
See you all for Lyra and Bonbon~ -
It's rare to see a Mayor Mare figure. I'm surprised she didn't get more love in the general toy line.
Head on down below for more statuettes, mini figures, customs, and more!
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A Very Rare Mayor Mare by dustysculptures
Mistmane needs more love. We've got a bunch of new plushies created by the amazing crafters of the fandom today! Go check them all out below.
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Handmade Plush Mistmane Unicorn - Adoption Ready! by PurpleNebulaStudios
She is isn't she? Flutter is the pinnacle.
Get the art below.
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ATG 2019 Prompt 6: Top Pegasi by GrapheneDraws
Comic: Prof Sparkle / Card House / CMC Parenting / Pet Draconequus 1 / ANL 2:32 / TWD 2:24
by Calpain
Don't take the small class size too personally Twilight, think of it as a great opportunity for you to get some experience as a professor and ask your students one on one how you're doing. It can be a lot more informative and fun when you can teach students in a more one on one style.
Comics guys!
Concept Album: Royal Canterlot Symphonic Metal Orchestra - Pillars Of Equestria Part One [Symphonic Metal]
by MakenshiIt is here! The long-awaited new concept album from the Royal Canterlot Symphonic Metal Orchestra, following Fall Of An Empire! This time it's a tale about the Pillars as we know them from the show, and how Stygian gathered them in this "Part One". Complete with an overture and several interludes, and focusing on story-telling, the album features epic character themes of various arrangements and tempos, and many guest musicians and singers who are acing the Pillars' voices! L-Train conducted the "orchestra" and opera so masterfully, and SkyBolt's incredible lyrics and story come to life in the most amazing ways in what is sure to have been a labor of love. The last track in particular was very emotional for me, with that exchange between Stygian, Star Swirl, and the Pillars who sang in harmony, Forged As One! Listen to the whole album along fitting visuals in the video embedded below the break, or from Bandcamp here!
Third New Equestria Girls Short Appears on Discovery Family App - The Last Drop (Pick Your Ending)
by Calpain
Apparently this little short slipped under our radar over the past couple days but thanks to some very helpful folks in the comments we were able to get links to it for you all today! As usual for these Pick Your Ending style videos there are three different outcomes so find all of those after the break!
Morning Discussion #1617
by CalpainYou heard the mare, who's awesome? You guys are!Morning everyone! Welcome to another Monday. I hope the week finds itself enjoyable for you all!Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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