Quantum SEAPonyCon - LIVE from The Medium
by Calpain
Uh oh, looks like Quantum SEAPonyCon (as announced on April 1st) has hit a bit of a snag! Check out the full presser after the break.
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It is here, the first song in CisumClassic's MLP RPG series! With tasteful inspirations that I'm sure at least some of you will recognize, the musician started fittingly with the main menu theme, where you have that emotional moment when you select "New Game" for the first time and have a special SFX playing... (By the way, FF9 is my favorite game ever.) Using gorgeous choirs, and even re-creating a main menu in the video along with the proper SFX, CisumClassic paid much tribute to both MLP and RPGs with this! I'm excited to see the new entries in this series!
Nightly Discussion #1768
by Calpain
If Twilight is having trouble with the whole ruling Equestria thing I know a certain unicorn that can fill in.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Nocile Dubuc puts here writing skills up for "Uprooted" when it airs tomorrow! She was the creator behind School Daze and Marks for Effort recently, with Shadow Play being one of her earliest.
As always, we will have the morning posts to get you all hyped for it. Onward to finally not being in hiatus!
Discussion: How Do You Feel About Starlight's New Role As Principle of Twilight's School?
by Sethisto
Note: Expect discussion topics every day at 5:00 PM blog time this month! We've got lots of topics to cover. Unless something newsy bumps it back.
While I always thought Starlight would take up the Starswirl the Bearded mantle with Sunburst in tow and work on bettering Equestria through advanced magics, it seems like Hasbro has other plans for her. She's most likely going to take over the role as headmare of Twilight's school once the whole royalty transition phase completes.
What do you think of her potential role as a principle? Is this a good enough ending arc for the Glimmer, or should she do more?
Author: Cold in Gardez
Description: Leave it to Twilight Sparkle to create the greatest spell of the past century – and then want to destroy it.
It's too dangerous to use, she says. It's too tempting. It can't help you the way you think it can.
Well, Starlight Glimmer knows a thing or three about temptation. She'll prove to Twilight that this spell – this magnificent book – is too important to destroy. That it can help ponies.
She just has to survive using it, first.
The Book of Might Have Beens
She's great! She's powerful! And she has come in town to perform, with a backing electronic track by 7th Stive! Watch in awe and get impressed just like Twilight, in this nostalgic track that calls back to the simple yet awesome use of pony vocal samples in songs to give them such a lovely theme and identity! The instrumental is quite good as well, with notable Trance vibes! Such songs will never get old!
An early Drawfriend post since we didn't have one yesterday due to schedule issues. Grogar needs more fanart. I'm actually surprised he hasn't gotten more.
Head on down below for pones.
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Return of the Demon Ram Grogar by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen
A momentous release from Heartsong, this marvelous piece full of OST vibes was actually composed to represent a certain place from the fanfic Magisight: Thaumaturgical Ocularity by PsychicKid, not to say was designed to work as a BGM when exploring the mysterious cave..! The story snippet in the description of the video on YouTube will pique your curiosity and reawaken the exploration spirit of those like me who are hardened RPG players, while all of Heartsong's beautiful magic unfolds in the music, with choirs, mandolin, and bells in the perfect arrangement of a stunning composition...
If you're like me you're probably wondering right now "Another Equestria Girls Short? So are we now getting new episodes on Saturday AND Equestria Girls Shorts on Friday?", and truth be told...I have no idea! But there was no indication on whether or not these will stop, so we're going to be preparing for one anyway and post it below once it goes live on Youtube.
Update: Very unlikely that anything will go up today anymore. Although, according to Katrina Hadley on Twitter, there is more to come in the future. Guess we'll just have to wait!
Morning Discussion #1540
by CalpainIt's the quiet ones that are always surprising, but then again she is able to fight with bears after all!Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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