While we can't completely confirm that this is pony, the eyes and that little fire icon in the corner look pretty pony-ish. We've got a big reveal coming from Discovery Family at 9:00 AM MST. Will we get cartoon horses out of it? Or is it another show entirely? Start speculating below!
Personally I'm hoping for a MLP season 9 release date. We are due for one with April so close!
Thanks to Akela and Brian for the heads up.
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Nightly Discussion #1723
by CalpainIf this will be our reformed Chrysalis I think that will be ok. She looks pretty cool!
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
It's a terror of the gaming world, and one of the most controversial topics of our time. The world of Pay2Win has taken over as mobile continues to grow and train a generation of little monsters in the art of swiping their parents credit card to have prettier digital goods than their friends. Whether it be dumping thousands into anime waifus in Fire Emblem Awakening or even our very own pony game with its $9.99 90% off sales, we are inundated by it.
Lets dive into the hypothetical world where this blight has wandered it's way over the cartoons. Companies everywhere are charging and auctioning off slots in their shows for your very own characters.
How much would you pay to get your OC in the last season of Friendship is Magic? What is your absolute cap?
A new toy commercial apparently has this short Twilight sparkle with rainbow wings animation. The gif has started popping up on the internet. This is most likely based on those rainbow wing ponies from a few weeks ago that were announced for the upcoming Rainbow Roadtrip special. We don't have confirmation yet though, as it's just a gif from a supposed toy ad.
More information to come if we do get it!
Grab an awesome artist, and they can make any OC look amazing.
Get a bunch of art below~
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OC - Calice by FidzFox
Another incredible music that is accompanied by an impressive animation, this is Lianella Stilson's song about two ponies watching fireworks, and they appear in the video as they're cuddling together and singing the words while watching fireworks! The vocals and sound design are much reminding of Trance greatness, while the heavy Dubstep drops are bringing in much hard-hitting-ness, but always with that sweet side to it. Pony Trance from Russia! Lots of other cool pony stuff all over Lianella's Bandcamp, check it out!
Community soapbox time, where opinions from around the fandom are dropped down below for you all to discuss and debate! Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM MST. To submit your own, see this post.
Headlines this week:
- Why are people obsessed with their favorite characters?
- 5 Practical Uses for Plotholes
- The need for a Hippogriff Navy at Mount Aris
- Discord in “Forgotten Friendship”?
- King Sombra is extremely underrated
And get your soapboxes below!
A new survey has arrived out of a discussion over on Twitter about conventions and the people attending them. It has now started making the rounds pretty much everywhere, with tons of con-goers submitting their 2-cents into the ring.
Everything from price, guests, and NSFW content is included. Help con heads get an idea about who all is attending these things!
Take the survey over here.
There are not nearly enough Night Glider plushies out there.
Get a bunch of pones to go with her below!
[1] Source
MLP Night Glider Plush by Egalgay
Now here's the kind of fan works that I love to see. Dizzy Inmotion imagined a whole new storyline in an alternate version of the EQG world, and is making a whole concept album around it, enacting each story part in songs and even skits..! Released at the same time, Rainbow (Skit) features voice acting between Dizzy as Sunset and DaWillstanator as Rainbow Dash, and it's the story part that comes right before this one, Expectations, which is re-imagining that beloved kitchen scene from Rainbow Rocks with its own intro and song conveying much character depth. And it's a collab with Mystic Genesis! Catch up with previous parts of the story, with the very awesome Bad Girl, Don't Let The Sun Set, Vinyl (Skit), and Battle, all on Dizzy's channel! I highly recommend them! And be on the lookout for future releases from the album, and the release of the full album!
It's Tuesday! We should technically have another Friendship is Magic short today. If you missed the last few, you can find them all at the Episode Post tag. I might swap that to something else once the season starts, but for now these are episode enough.
If it airs, it should be at 8 AM. The embed will be swapped below when it does. I wonder who will be the focus this time?
If you are bored while you wait, go draw a pony! All welcome.
UPDATE: According to Big Jim this is the final short of this series.
Morning Discussion #1496
by Calpain
Poor Twilight. This meme is going to kill the poor girl.
Morning everyone, hope you all slept well!
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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