The second episode of the humans in Equestria animation series PFOR has released. If you watch the first one and liked it, this one upgrades the overall animation skill, though the story is still the same, which is probably it's weakest point. Still though, mayor mare is cute.
Get the animation below!
Some eagle eyed readers of the MLP Comics published by IDW might have noticed that there is a new name added to the list of credits. For the first time in the history of the MLP Comics, there is now an Assistant Editor working on the book. And Equestria Daily was honored to have the opportunity to sit down and interview Megan Brown!
You’ll be able to find the full interview with her after the break. It’s a little eye opening to find out what an Assistant Editor does for a comic book. But you don’t have to talk my word for it.
Nightly Discussion #1686
by Calpain
Looks like someone's secret is out, but if you didn't want to get caught why eat out in the open like that in the first place?
Evening guys! Ready for a new week ahead?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Anyone want a giant Tempest Shadow?
Get some plushie pones below!
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Life size(laying down)Tempest Shadow plush by agatrix
JoinedTheHerd's happy MLP remixes are always such a delight, being so full of smiles and cuteness from both the original pony vocals and the uplifting melodic instrumental that is now pretty much the musician's signature! This remix of the CMC's song We'll Make Our Mark from the momentous S05E18 Crusaders of the Lost Mark is extra emotional, with not just memories of the impactful episode surfacing, but also the inclusion of certain dialog lines in the remix, you will know which ones I'm referring to! We Love You, JoinedTheHerd and the CMC!
Morning Discussion #1460
by Calpain
It's early on a Sunday morning so ponies are still sleeping in their cuddly pony piles. Make sure not to be too loud guys.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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