PonyvilleFM are celebrating their 8 year anniversary this weekend with a whole heap of mixes from their resident DJs. They've been doing a wonderful service to the community throughout their many years of operation in delivering pony music aplenty to our ears, so make sure to check out some of the sets if you want some music to listen to. The event kicked off around midday EST, and you can tune in via the PVFM player on their website here!Share This!7 Comments
KIRIN Music: Ardeleiz - A Kirin Kind of Christmas (feat. Koron Korak & Maritina) [Acoustic]
by MakenshiArdeleiz aka Peshka aka Featherly Flame had such a wonderful idea here, depicting the warmth and peacefulness of the kirins with such a heart-warming song! It would play so well as a BGM when visiting the kirins' village during Hearth's Warming and looking at all the cuddly things going on. The violin is by Koron Korak and the flute is by Maritina! This track is available as part of The Seapony Orchestra's compilation album Hearthwarming!
Nightly Discussion #1678
by Calpain
Maybe that is why clothing in the pony world is considered saucy: it adds that layer of mystery they don't have in normal life? At any rate, poor Sunburst is being duped.
Evening guys! Ready for a chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Lyra and Bonbon battling it out EDITION
Get a bunch of humanized and anthro pones below.
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[Comm]cAll's fair in Love and Friendship Game by iojknmiojknm
Pone is stuck in a snowglobe. Will you save her?
Get a bunch of art below!
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Scarlet Rose (Ych for BillyHarris) by MugGod
For my first music post on EQD, I present you Koron Korak's contribution to Pinkamena Party's concept compilation album from last Hearth's Warming! Koron lovingly imagined a story about Trixie crossing the woods and facing dangerous creatures, and he enacts that concept with this rich and atmospheric Ambient track that is such a delight with many different instruments!
My Little Pony: Pocket Ponies recently released for the iOS, and it also looks to be migrating over to Android in the near future. A new pre-registration listing has been spotted over on the Google Play store where you can prep your device to pick it up once it's available.
We don't have any official announcement for it's actual release date, but we will get an update up when it drops.
Thanks to CloudBurst for the heads up.
Art credit goes to Steam Flash
Hey everypony, I'm Makenshi, and I have become the new music writer for EQD!
Youtube's automatic copyright striking happened once again yesterday, when PONIES The Anthology VI was uploaded to the usual ZephyrStar channel. It has been taken down by a company Warner Brothers record label for one of the songs it contains. Considering its an hour of audio covering every pop culture thing in existence, I'm guessing it's going to be hard to sneak it on without something flagging.
Hopefully they find a solution!
Thanks to TheBatPony for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #1452
by Calpain
Some favorite Bacon Horse to go with your breakfast this morning guys.
Chat time everyone! Sleep well?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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