Part of Equinity 02 Catalyst, 7th Stive's new foray into Bass House makes wonderful use of pony vocal samples to bring lots of flavor to the music! How the track is including them into the composition is quite creative, and the very cool artwork was certainly a clever choice to accompany the song! Also check out 7th Stive's other recent release, Outrun!
Tuesday, December 31, 2019 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Bass House, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: InstrumentalShare This!0 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2026
by CalpainIt's been one heck of a decade, hasn't it Twilight?Happy New Years everyone, especially to you all who have passed into 2020 already! Here's to a brand new year and a brand new decade of ponies!Twitter: Calpain -
She looks so good in Asian.
Happy New Years everyone celebrating it today! Go get some art.
[1] Source
Happy new year! by RenoKim
So apparently this thing is rolling around the internet now. Of course people sent it our way. A company called Pefect Buddy has apparently released there very Pinkie Pie looking unicorn taco holder. Why would you need a unicorn taco holder? Why wouldn't you need a unicorn taco holder?
This is apparently a common trend over there on Amazon, as according to their "What other items did customers buy" section, people decided that unicorns weren't good enough and wanted a T-Rex taco holder, or a taco train. Yes, a taco train. 2020 baby.
This slow news day brought to you by Sonata Dusk. Tacoooos
Community Love Music: Brilliant Venture - End of The Era (HeckOfaDecade Mix) [Electronic]
by MakenshiFor new years', Brilliant Venture took the time to reflect, and not just that, to express much love to the community once more with this special release! It samples a plethora of songs (pony and non-pony) as well as the ponies themselves for an explosion of Dash-approved awesome to end the year with a bang. The emotional pony vocal chops near the end, Brilliant Venture's signature, bring an epic and powerful finale to the track, and this is so much bliss and emotion!
[Slice of Life]
Author: The 24th Pegasus
Description: It has been years since the Mayor's rainbow generator overloaded and drained Hope Hollow of its color. Kerfuffle did her best to stay happy and inspired despite the new gray world she found herself in, but even she has her limits. It's hard to make art in a world of gray, and now Kerfuffle's inspiration has finally left her. Struggling to get by and remain upbeat in a hopeless and friendless town, the pegasus soon finds herself feeling as gray and empty as the world she lives in. But perhaps a close encounter with death will show her that maybe there are still ponies in Hope Hollow who care, and maybe she's not as hopeless and empty on the inside as she feels...
I Remember Red
Additional Tags: Inspiration Can Come From Unexpected Placesop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: The 24th Pegasus, Complete, Fanfiction, Kerfluffle, Normal, Other, Star-Needed -
Morning Discussion #1798
by CalpainFluttershy is cute as a kitty~ Too bad she is having such trouble with the yarn.Morning everyone! Today is the last day of 2019, ready for a new decade?Twitter: Calpain -
Another masterpiece by Elias from "Stories Vol. III", The Beginning of The End echoes the plot of the S9 finale to set the stage for an impending battle. A clear emphasis on OST-like music is palpable in this track of more than 12 minutes, with a progression revealing Sakuraba-like melodic Orchestral parts, as well as more hybrid parts using Electronic elements. The progression is definitely the strongest asset of this piece, as you could guess from its duration! As for the epic climax of the song, it just makes you want to cheer for Twilight and her friends!
Monday, December 30, 2019 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Orchestral, Soundtrack -
Nightly Discussion #2025
by CalpainWell, she is, isn't she guys?Evening everyone! The year is almost at an end. Got any plans for tomorrow?
Twitter: Calpain
I need to get back into running. If I could stop hating doing it.
Get a bunch of anthro and humanized below.
[1] Source
Running with the Princesses by johnjoseco
Pony Life isn't even released yet, but the toys have already invaded Walmart. At least according to a thread on good ol' 4chan. If you missed our original announcement on these, it's the one with a bunch of unicorns and oddly proportioned ponies.
Obviously call first before you make the trip, but they do appear to be out there in the wild. Hopefully that means we will actually see Pony Life soon to tie into them.
A slightly different blindbag style pony model has been attached to a loop to create something called a "Dangler". There are 7 in all according to the box, so most likely the mane 6 and spike.
These were found at Target. Feel free to go hunt 'em down if you want them.
Thanks to Adam for the heads up.
Author: The 24th Pegasus
Description: A lot can change in a thousand years. For a pony out of her time like Somnambula, it can be disorienting and confusing. With her mind full of worries about her home, she decides to take a trip south to see her old hometown. But will she really find peace in a place where so much has changed, or does she perhaps have another reason for making the journey?
Additional Tags: Somnambula heads back homeop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: The 24th Pegasus, Complete, Drama, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Somnambula, Star-Needed -
Silva Hound - Live From The Castle (feat. iBringDaLulz & 4EverfreeBrony) [Electro House]
by MakenshiThe opener track from Silva Hound's fresh new album Equestrian Stories: The Prelude, not only features Vylet Pony for a creative intro and outro, but also heralds I Bring Da LULZ's return to pony rapping! And with such a flow of very pony lyrics, it's definitely a delight! As for the banging instrumental, Silva's expertise in production quality is making for such a delectable experience of sound once again!
Shuxer59 has done it again. A brand new absolutely awesome Pinkamena rocker figure has been crafted. As usual he also has a timelapse of it's creation if you want to see how he made her.
Check it out below!
Morning Discussion #1797
by CalpainSome winter ponies for you guys this morning! Even though it feels like spring outside here despite it being December.How's everyone doing? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Community Classic Remix: Pony Sauce - NRG (Toby Macarony Remix) [Alternative Electronic]
by MakenshiToby Macarony just released an album full of remixes he made and that is free to download, Remixie Redixie, and to introduce it the very active pony musician presents us a remix of the classic NRG from Pony Sauce/Rabies Bun! Original vocal chops from the original make for a very cute experience, along brand new vocal chops crafted for the occasion! As for the instrumental, it's as crazy and creative, "hard to put as a genre", as you could expect from Toby!
Sunday, December 29, 2019 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Alternative, Electronic, Indie, Media, Music, Music: Vocal -
Nightly Discussion #2024
by CalpainAn interesting ship I don't see much of but it totally makes since considering their personalities.Evening everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Fanfiction: The Heart Beats Still
by Calpain
Author: ArgonMatrix
The Heart Beats Still
In its earliest years, the Crystal Empire was no stranger to threats. Chief among these was the umbrum, a race of ancient shadow-beasts that stalked the arctic wastes. Seemingly born of pure malice, they took great pleasure in tormenting the crystal ponies—destroying their homes and breaking their spirits for fun. And as the Empire grew in both size and prominence, these attacks only became more abundant.
Princess Amore did everything in her power to keep the umbrum at bay. And by using her magic in combination with the Crystal Heart, she was largely successful. But against such overwhelming and unrelenting darkness, even she was pushed to her limits. And the umbrum were growing more cunning by the day. Eventually, something had to give.
Now faced with the darkest days the Crystal Empire has yet seen, Princess Amore will be put to the ultimate test. Against a hatred as old as the wind, can the love of a single pony really make a difference?
Additional Tags: Princess Amore Protects Her Family -
Insane masterpiece alert! You don't wanna miss out on this one, for its surprising progression will blown you away along the crazy sound design and next-level composition. Divine Flutterchops and melodies are paving our way to another world, as we embrace the creative change of pace and stunning ascent to enlightenment when the heavier last part kicks in! Tw3lv3 and Niłch'i Poni definitely did amazing!! Grab this beauty as part of Equinity 02 Catalyst!
As we come to the last few days of another decade, we come to the final results of all the hard work, determination, and Snips and Snails being terrible stage hands. We got some interesting options here and for good reason. With this being the big performance and all, of course the thing to go wrong is a certain timid performer is getting stage fright…again. Can’t say we’re beating a dead horse anymore. This is just how it is with her. Add in a technical difficulty and you have the main recipe for theater gone wrong. But let’s see how our choices deal with someone who only needs to read one line and how she screws it up.
That is a ridiculously happy Derpy there.
We've got your open art this week! Head on down below to check them out.
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Derpy Tree Topper - Happy Holidays! by AquilaTEagle
[Slice of Life]
Author: papiersam
Description: Rarity and Rainbow Dash pose as Sweetie Belle’s parents in the age-old story of I-can’t-let-my-parents-talk-
to-my-teacher-they’ll-ground- me-for-life. But things, of course, get worse in the not-so-sensible way before they get better – the good better.
The Good Parents
Additional Tags: Something silly, something said. -
One of the many lovely initiatives and creative ideas among the newly-released Equinity 02 Catalyst, MrMehster and Tw3Lv3's collab is making use of "brony vocal chops" of their own voices! It is reflected in the visuals made for the occasion, and they even feature rare IRL footage of Tw3Lv3 playing the drums! Hardstyle drops full of energy, cute melodies... A tasty banger for sure!
Lister dawn gets the plushie love. I'm surprised there haven't been lots of her yet.
Get pones below.
[1] Source
Luster Dawn Plushie by DoctorKoda
Morning Discussion #1796
by CalpainRainbow Kitty is best kitty.Morning my friends, I hope you all slept well! Ready for a new day?
Twitter: Calpain -
For all kinds of wicked plotting from the villains gang in S9, Suskii delivered a wicked Dubstep banger! Villains At The Door emphasizes on what started with "Grogar" to end with the "villain 3" wiping all out, and the vocal sampling is just perfect as always from Suskii! The mad sound design will deliver the villains' wrath to your ears, resulting in an explosion of awesome.
Nightly Discussion #2023
by CalpainSugar Belle is one pretty pony, isn't she?Evening everyone! I hope this Saturday has been treating you well. Ready for some chatter?Twitter: Calpain -
That would make a great painting for a really purple room.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Das kleine weisse Pferd by RysunkowaSucharia
For Equinity 02 Catalyst, Niłch'i Poni aka F 109 crafted another stunning and very unique masterpiece! Creating an amazing soundscape, with instruments from all over the world as well as vocal samples, The Séance of Koma Kulshan can hardly be defined as any single genre, as it ventures past the norms and defies expectations to blow us away with that very surprising progression!
Alright, brahs, it’s time we got to the bottom of this once and for all. I made a ton of Spike posts in the past – some agreed, some didn’t, and some are complaining as to why some of us are so obsessed over him. In this post, I’m gonna talk about as much as I can to answer the question so we can finally understand eachother!
Fair warning – this could get pretty political.
Three years ago, we got a teaser for a ridiculously well done animation celebrating some of the biggest media hits in the pony fandom, Weird Al style. Today marks it's release!
Head on down below to watch it. Assuming it goes live right at it's allotted Youtube time.
In reponse to the famous hoofdab call from StrachAttack, TPressleyJ and ShobieShy went even further with Brohoofdab, a massive banger part of Equinity 02 Catalyst! The sheer compositional prowess of the Dubstep masterpiece alone is enough to bring fire to any pony rave, but when you add ShobieShy's dank and cool call for a brohoofdab along TPressleyJ's shenanigans and that perfect cover photo, it breaks the limits! An incredible gem to savor without moderation!
Episode Rewatch - MLP Season 1 Episode 19-20 - Dog and a Pony Show / Green Isn't Your Color
by Sethisto
Another in one of Rarity's many "You're going to love me!" episodes that solidified her for so many people. She started off the first season as one of the least like and absolutely dominated as each episode focused on her kept getting better and better.
We've got your rewatch! The episodes start at 10:00 AM PST. Head on down below for links.
Morning Discussion #1795
by CalpainLooks like Sweetie had a little accident...Rarity isn't going to be happy.Morning everyone! Have a good sleep?
Twitter: Calpain -
Another massive compilation album to drop this year, the second installment in Equinity's series is here!! Showing off no less than 40 tracks from many pony musicians and familiar faces, it's quite incredible and definitely a must-have. Having listened to the full album, I can tell that you're in for one hay of a party, what with masterpieces such as the mega collab Catalyst, the dank Brohoofdab, the cute Am I Interrupting featuring Fluttershy, the pony vocal chops-fueled Goodbye, and the very emotional remix of Shining Free VIP! And many, many more unique gems and emotional tracks are awaiting you in the album! Snowbound, Amber Skies VIP, Fractures to name a few! Check it all out from Bandcamp, and all over YouTube with the many individual releases from the musicians! And don't forget, all funds from the Bandcamp will go toward TeamTrees!
Get the album from Bandcamp here! -
Nightly Discussion #2022
by CalpainJust the girls having a night on the town!~Evening everyone, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
What is with Russia and pumping out awesome pony artists left and right? I almost want to move there just to drain some of that ridiculous skill they all seem to acquire from eachother.
Pony-Way is yet another one with a uniquely appealing style. His pones tend to go for a more curvier build, with thicker barrels and more cuddly cheeks. He also broke heavily into anthro art, rockin an assortment of OC's and canon characters.
Go learn all about his journey into the world of drawing us awesome cartoon horses below!
TCB went all-out again with this new original masterpiece part of the compilation album Hearth's Warming EP from VibePoniez! Not your average Chillout track, you'll notice it's quite unique with its distinct cuddly atmosphere, cute melodies, fluffy pony vocal chops, and crafty soundscape. And the Twilight gif in the visuals is adding even more bliss to the experience!
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