We've got the fanfic updates here! Get three below and go read~
[Alternate Universe][Adventure]
Author: Trinary
Description: An alternate universe where Celestia was in Cloudsdale when Rainbow Dash performed her first Sonic Rainboom and made Rainbow her student instead of Twilight Sparkle. A re-imagining of the evens "Friendship is Magic," Rainbow Dash must grapple with the expectations surrounding being Celestia's student, including her own, all the while dealing with the return of Nightmare Moon.
Rainbooms and Royalty (Remastered) (New Part 23!)
[Adventure][Alternate Universe][Dark]
Author: PortalJumper
Description: Twilight the Wise, Celestia the Bright, Luna the Dark, Cadance the Beloved, Chrysalis the Dreamwalker; the Princesses of Old vanished eons ago, their power taken with them. With their guidance gone the world has fallen into disarray, with only a few pockets of ponies able to even recall them, let alone the times when they ruled fairly and justly. Starlit Sky is one such pony, and after being contacted by a mysterious stranger she has been tasked with bringing the old princesses home to their ancient seat of Canterlot so that they might bring peace and prosperity back to their kingdom.Alicornae: The Legend of Starlit Sky (Update Part 42!)
Author: GMBlackjack
Description: The League of Sweetie Belles was founded by a handful of Sweeties who decided they liked hanging out with each other. What started as a simple club for like-minded white unicorn mares turned into a complex organization with a lot of responsibility. One particular team of Sweetie Belle explorers have taken it upon themselves to visit the universes near to their home worlds, delving into the lands of ponyfics and beyond.The League of Sweetie Belles (New Chapter 49!)