A stunning and lovely fan song that just made me melt, this one not only features new creative Flutterchops crafted by Evershade, but a whole story around Fluttershy gathering the courage to fly high, imagined by the musician and explained in the description, and that happens throughout the track and its progression! You will be able to tell for yourself upon listening, and experiencing the story with the help of vocal samples that were so well chosen, including samples from S02E22 Hurricane Fluttershy. This is so cute, and I'm so happy for Fluttershy!
Nightly Discussion #1995
by CalpainI like it when artists make our ponies more cat-like, it's cute~Evening my friends! Hope your Saturday went well. Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
There are a lot of forgotten pony characters, but tempest just keeps on truckin. I'm not complaining.
Get a bunch of plushie pone below.
[1] Source
Tempest Shadow by calusariAC
This show has the cutest ex-villains.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Slumber party with all my foes by dstears
Comics: Puddle Worms / Turkey Pets YOU / Missing the Signals / To the future / Sunset Apple / Dragon #6 / You are Loved / Madness #5 / Storms #55
by Sethisto
We've got a ton of comics today. Hope you are in the mood for a flood.
Get them above and below and click for full.
Sombra Music: MelodyBrony - THE KING (2020) (feat. PrinceWhateverer, Drummershy, Luck Rock & KriZzZ) [Rock]
by MakenshiThe King is Back! Reference intended? Who knows! One of the highlights of 2019, MelodyBrony's super-collab The King just got an updated version, remastered and remixed! Featuring talents of PrinceWhateverer, Drummershy, Luck Rock and KriZzZ, the masterpiece renews the sheer power and awesome it holds, with such divine vocals, epic lead guitar solo, and those beloved keyboards parts! And let's not forget the passionate drums performance and the blissful bass! Everypony's work on the track is shining all over again and it makes me so happy! I love all these musicians so much!! This is available for download on Bandcamp here!
Honestly this one is probably the most painful. I vividly remember awaiting Winter Wrap Up after the song leaked way back when. We were all so new to pony back in those days. So many people were questioning why they were obsessing over this and the fandom was barely even a thing. It's crazy to think we are all here 9 years later still chuggin along. I miss the early discovery days for sure.
Anyway, we were all super hype for this one since we wanted to know why Twilight was singing about not having magic. There were already fanfics about it, albiet in >greentext form.
Get your stream party below! The episodes start at 10:00 AM PST.
Morning Discussion #1767
by CalpainWith all of this cold weather, Glimmer has the right idea to adapt to the season.Morning my friends! Hope you all slept well, ready for a brand new day?
Twitter: Calpain -
Single Purpose's streak of amazingly produced tunes is continuing, and after the Trixie-themed Blue Coated Smug Horse, he explored Twilight vocals from I've Got to Find a Way in this mix brimming with DnB Greatness and that crisp sound design and clean sound. The magical atmosphere is palpable, and the effects on the vocals are quite creative! This track is available as part of Ponies at Dawn Eternal.
Friday, November 29, 2019 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Vocal -
Nightly Discussion #1994
by CalpainI have always found it adorable in art that Fluttershy seems to be the only one that can make Discord flustered.Evening everyone! Ready for another night of chatter? Hopefully you got everything you wanted during Black Friday!
Twitter: Calpain -
Celebrate turkey day late with some Flooter, and get art below!
[10] Source
Thanksgiving by WeirdoFish
That's a cute dash right there. I'd trust her with whatever I need to carrry in a bag.
We don't get a lot of submissions of random merchandise anymore. Maybe there isn't much out there these days? If you run into any pony stuff we haven't posted yet, be sure to send it our way!
Now head on below for random merch.
Hallmark always drops a new pony ornament off around this time of the year. Usually we get these, and if you are someone collecting them, you probably expected a Rarity or Fluttershy to continue your set.
Apparently not...
You can find her over here if you want her.
Thanks to Jeffrey for sending it... I think -
Morning Discussion #1766
by CalpainThe progression of Fluttershy, always adorable no matter what age.Morning my friends, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
Penguin Random House has popped up the cover and info for the upcoming 19th volume in the Friendship is Magic compilation books. This one covers issues #84-88. Since the solicitations aren't even out yet, the date of August 20th probably isn't accurate, but at least you get to see the cover.
Find the page for it here.
Description below.
Nightly Discussion #1993
by CalpainAnother year, another Thanksgiving. We just got done eating here as I schedule this post, I hope you all had your fill and had a great day today. Remember to keep safe out there if you're going to partake in that Black Friday madness.Evening guys, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
A bit of rainbowfied thanksgiving to enjoy if you are eating turkey and stuff today. If you aren't, just have a dash.
Art below!
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Duchess of the Amarezons by YinglongFujun
Toys R' Us is looking to make a return to the USA for the holidays this year. While this isn't specifically pony news, we covered quite a bit of it's/ closure a few years ago so it's good to followup.
These newer ones look to be focusing primarily on play areas, where kids can test out the toys they might buy in a much more exclusive and small environment. I doubt we will see the goliath megacenters their brand has become known for over the past few decades. The employees are going to be more heavily trained, tech more modern, and a big focus on having easy tie-ins with their online portal via touchscreens that let customers scan QR codes to order other products relating to what they are playing with not available in store online.
Hasbro in particular is running a full NERF testing center, plus play-doh and whatever major licensed properties they are focused on at any given moment, including Frozen and Star Wars currently.
Will this be enough to save brick and mortar toy stores? It seems like books are making a big comeback on the small store front now that mega-marts like Barnes and Noble and Borders are closing up shop. I wouldn't be surprised if this sort of thing becomes the norm. Our cycle of big store eating little store followed by Amazon eating big store tends to promote the need for smaller niche stuff for people to browse.
Thanks to Miak for the heads up. -
Such a tasteful release from Djohn Mema and SlightlyAmiss who present us a delightful Metal instrumental starring epic and magical melodies on the lead guitar, and powerful riffs on the rhythm guitar! Instrumental music often makes for beautiful progressions and it's definitely the case here, with an amazing part taking you by surprise at 2:08! I'm sure Luna would approve and invite these musicians to her all-night music festival!
Fanfiction: In and Out of Phase
by Calpain
[Romance][Sad][Slice of Life]
Author: Grand Moff Pony
In and Out of Phase
They say a life remembered is a life well-lived, and Twilight and I lived a very good life. But when there's more years behind you than there are in front, memories are all you have. Lose those and what do you have left?
That I can answer that question at all breaks my heart all over again.
Additional Tags: Lose your memories and what do you have left?op 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Grand Moff Pony, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Sad, Sci-Twi, Shipping, Story, Sunset Shimmer -
TeePublic's 35% off Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale Now on - Lots of New Pony Artists Added!
by Sethisto
Teepublic has grabbed a ton of new fandom artists for Black Friday this year, adding well over 40 shirts sincee we last posted about them to the pony section. I should probably keep up a bit better with those.
Get your memes, cute, and shipping below:
Top Designs
New Designs
OK Boomer
Fallout Equestria Steelhooves
Fallout Equestria Blackjack
Twilight Pop Art
Pinkie OK Boomer
It's good to see these still happening 9 years later. We had some absolutely wild ones back in the day.
Get your YTPMV below!
Author: NaiadSagaIotaOar
Description: A princess from a magical land, with fiery hair, ruby lips and eyes that could melt stone. Rarity's diary reads like a fairytale. But something we tend to forget as we grow is how rarely fairytales end happily.
Fifteen Pages
Additional Tags: Sunset/Rarity told through Rarity’s diary. -
Morning Discussion #1765
by CalpainHappy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat a lot of good food and have a lot of fun! Ready for some chatter this morning?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #1992
by Calpain
Such a big chonk~
Evening everyone! I hope you're all doing well this day before Thanksgiving. Drive safe and make sure to have fun, we'll be here if you ever need a little break from family!
Anyhow, ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
We apparently haven't seen the end of the Equestria Girls yet. Pony Life brings on a brand new toy line, and it looks to be migrating over to Canterlot High as well. We've got both Celestia and Luna donning the new Pony Life toy style with the playsets above, and the rest of the mane 6 plus Sunset Shimmer join them.
Head on down below for all of the images and links!
If finally happened. You've been teleported to ponyland and transformed into the pony type of your choice. Mare, stallion, unicorn, bat, all except alicorn are available.
You are still you though. Does this new world inspire something in you? Or do you still have the same issues you were trying to escape on Earth in Equestria? It's pretty obvious that they still have poverty and plenty of problems of their own if Applejack's constant worry obout bits and losing the farm is any indication. Hell, Granny Smith doesn't even have access to universal free healthcare if her bad hip is any indication!
Does Equestria Successful change you into who you want to be?
Maximum Tempest Shadow initiate. Please standby while we serve up art.
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Tempest Shadow by light-of-Inirida
Yes, I vandalized a cover to make a pun. Definitely earning a spot on the naughty list.
The time has come to take a look at the latest IDW holiday special.
Catch the spirit after the break, but beware. Spoilers await the ill-behaved!
op 12:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, Holiday Special, IDW, Official Comic, Review -
Two experts of Drum & Bass in the pony music scene, Hay Tea and Tripon teamed up for Ponies at Dawn Eternal and crafted a story-powered intricate banger transporting you to the suburbs of a Cyberpunk-like Manehattan. You can hear Tripon's dark Neuro tastes in the track giving it some incredible stylistic flair, and Hay Tea's delightful clean beats, in this beautiful composition! The melodies in the last part are quite emotional too!
Morning Discussion #1764
by CalpainGood morning everyone! Dashie is here with some Pocky to help wake you up! It's a long day today, especially for those of you traveling for Thanksgiving so please make sure to stay safe out there!Now let's get to chatting!
Twitter: Calpain
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