• Jasmine Leaf, Twilight, Marble Pie, Kirin Music Album: Steryotype & Ditherer - Community Service [Hip Hop]

    New album from Ditherer and Steryotype, and if you've been staying in the loop of Ditherer's pony rap albums, you should know what this means! A lot of heartfelt rapping of clever and thoughtful lyrics, about various ponies and themes! This time we've got a song adding chara depth and lore to Jasmine Leaf the owner of that tea shop from S07E12 Discordant Harmony, a love song written toward Twilight, Ditherer's take on the kirins' depth and meaning, and much, much more! You can just feel the pony love and dedication in all those verses, and "Community Service" or not, this is all so wonderful to see!
    Get the full album from Bandcamp here, and check out all the individual uploads of the tracks along fitting cover arts from Ditherer's channel!