• Fanfiction Updates - October 28th

    We've got a ton of updates this morning. Hope you like reading!

    Get them down below.

    Fanfiction: Empty Horizons - Sea of Stars (Update Part 8!)


    Author: Insipidious
    Description: Sanctaphrax, the city of knowledge. Wherever there's a question, there you can find the answer. For the right price. Unlike most of the citizens of The Ivory Island, the Admiral doesn't concern herself with economics. Her wealth comes in knowledge and the never-ending struggle to pull the future into the present. As long as she has the bits to keep Algol's Shadow running and its crew fed, she dives, and Sanctaphrax pay is more than enough. When a routine salvage job leads to a discovery that could change the way the world sees the sunken ruins of Equestria forever, she can't help but get a little excited. She can hear the future knocking, just another dive away. The very stars themselves might as well be in her grasp.
    Empty Horizons: Sea of Stars (New Part 8!)

    Fanfiction: Songs of the Spheres (New Part 125-126!)


    Author: GMBlackjack

    The scope of the multiverse is so tremendously beyond the comprehension of most beings that, if they were to truly know what it meant, they would break down and be unable to live their lives the way they wished. Most worlds are lucky to be blissfully unaware of the true picture of reality, never to encounter the higher forces and civilizations.

    (Long description, continued below!)

    However, when one of those higher forces make contact with one of those unaware worlds - intentionally or not, peacefully or not - everything will change drastically. Sometimes the change is slow, sometimes rapid. Regardless of the pacing, like all change, it is both good and bad. Civilizations have risen from simple worlds overnight and have crumbled just as quickly. Many can't handle the revelation, and those that can are not always the best examples of honor and dignity.
    It is often said that each world - each universe - has a Song, and that all these Songs are related, intertwining together in a mesh of powerful destiny among the Spheres of the multiverse.
    This is the story of how a certain world inhabited by Technicolor ponies found their Song and how it interwove itself in the Songs of so many others.
    This is a story of how everything can change in a single moment.
    Songs of the Spheres (Update Part 125-126!)

    Story: Empty Horizons (Update Sequel Part 12!)

    [Adventure][Alternate Universe]

    Author: Goldenwing
    The surface isn't safe anymore.
    Over a thousand years after the triumphant return of Princess of Luna, ponykind has abandoned the surface of Equestria. They now live on great floating islands, held aloft by powerful spells cast so long ago that none alive can remember their origin.
    Magic is slipping away from ponykind, with most born completely lacking in cutie marks. There are no alicorns. The pegasi cannot fly, the earth ponies are weak, and the unicorns have no spells. Those Gifted who are lucky enough to be born with marks go on dangerous expeditions into the land below, salvaging magic and materials from the wreckage of the world long past.
    It is on one of these expeditions that six mares are found, long forgotten but miraculously preserved. Though they cannot remember what happened to the world, they still possess the powerful magic of the old times. On the empty horizons of the brave new world, an unknown threat closes in, steadily wiping out entire cities at a time as it advances.
    It's up to the Elements of Harmony to discover what happened to their world, save it from this new threat, and search for some way to bring things back to how they once were.
    It isn't going to be easy.
    Empty Horizons

    Fanfiction: My Past is Not Tonight, Either (Update - Sequel)


    Author: Pascoite

    Description: Has Sunset actually changed? She’s nice enough around her friends, and one of them has become something wonderfully more. But what does her girlfriend see in her?
    My Past is Not Tonight, Either

    Story: The Parliament of Dreams (Update Story 5 Part 1-2!)


    Author: Wheller
    Description: It's been a hundred years since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were overthrown, and the Equestrian Republic was founded, a hundred years since anypony has gotten a cutie mark. So what happens when a completely ordinary pony living in the Republican Capital City of Ponyville wakes up one morning and discovers that one has appeared on her flank?
    The Parliament of Dreams

    Fanfiction: Amber Ashes (Update - Chapter 25)

    [Adventure][Drama][Alternate Universe]

    Author: GMBlackjack

    The world has been dying for as long as the Enchantress can remember, reduced to little more than a desolate expanse of sand. And yet, she keeps walking, for she knows she is the last hope of the world. 
    When mares from extremely different worlds arrive in her desert, the Enchantress is forced to reexamine everything she thought to be true. There will be stories of monsters, books, ghosts, gods, stars, machines, and ponies who have not lived most of their life in a world approaching the end. They must come to terms with their vastly different experiences in a tangle of alternate worlds no one is prepared for.The multiverse is a big place, and this small corner of existence has just received some unwanted attention.

    Amber Ashes (New Chapter 25)