With such thoughts explained in the description, you can just tell that Night Blaze is passionate on the topic of dragons! And the musician is paying tribute to the dragons of MLP with this beautiful Orchestral beauty that is both soft and epic at the same time, with wooden instruments complementing the intense percussions and horns, for a breathtaking result.
Saturday, August 31, 2019 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, OrchestralShare This!0 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1905
by CalpainRemember everyone: you're awesome in your own special way! So go out there and try your very best!Though maybe tomorrow, it's getting a little late, heh.Ready to chat, my friends?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Comic: Fwoof / Celestial Daycare / Guns of the Sun / Temple 26 / Lullaby 23 / TWD 2:31 / ANL 2:39
by Calpain
Well, as the artist says, all that air has to go somewhere, right?
Comics guys! Get them after the break!
Cake balancing edition. Cause giant bows add +10 to overall pony superiority points.
Art below!
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Bay Breeze by MagnaLuna
Yes, there's "Rarity" 3 times in the title, but 1) it can't be helped, 2) this song calls for it, and 3) you can never have enough RARITY!! Everypony, this is a momentous release. Having met Rarity Advocate at BronyCon and witnessing his love for Rarity in person, when I saw the upload notification for this I just knew that it was gonna be a heartfelt tribute to her, but the musician went even farther, and in addition to his musical composition matching Rarity's character, made a full-fledged PMV to accompany it, full of scenes of her fabulous self!! And that switch-up to a part focused on Rarity's creative process while making dresses, was such an amazing idea, orchestrated so brilliantly!! Watching this PMV while listening to the music is one of the best things ever. Appreciating Rarity Advocate's tribute as we can relate, feeling all that love, sharing emotion and pony feelings... This is just the best.
[Slice of Life]
Author: Pony with a Pen
Description: One thousand years is a long time to keep a memory alive, especially one so filled with pain and regret, but some things are worth remembering. After all, somepony has to tell her story.
An Oral History of the Two Sisters
Additional Tags: The true story of Equestriaop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Pony with a Pen, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Nightmare Moon, Normal, Story -
It seems Chinese streaming website Youku has pulled the planned early airings from their schedule. The site was already ahead of the USA by about 3 episodes and was scheduled to air the finale by September 26, but for now that has been delayed until further notice. We don't know if this is a permanent schedule change or just a temporary delay.
While it's too late for the Dutch leak at this point, with the Chinese and Australian early airings pulled there currently aren't any additional early releases scheduled (English or otherwise) until the airing of the last episodes on Discovery Family, which is currently expected around October 12 or 19.
We will keep you all updated should this situation change! -
It's episode day! We've got #18 for you all this morning. If you missed the announcement on this one, you can find it and all the others over in our upcoming episode section.
As with everything else this season, it already released early in China, so be wary of spoilers if this is your first venture into it. And be wary in general of season ending spoilers, as the entire thing leaked early in the Netherlands. They eventually pulled it, but the damage is done.
We don't have a followup for last week yet, but it's about halfway done. Blame a busy real life schedule for the writer.
Anyway, on with the show! Get your links below.
Morning Discussion #1678
by CalpainMorning everyone! Yes, this isn't an early MD, but I figured that since I get up around the same time the MD usually gets posted anyway I might as well get it posted around then instead of the evening before.Hope you all had a good rest! Ready to chat?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The opener of Never Say Neigh's Black Stable Vol 2, AJ Young's new heavy banger has a distinct charm and concept, that is sampling community classics! Let's see how many you can recognize while listening to this song! Quite a moving experience for the veteran brony, it sure was a fantastic idea and AJ Young nailed that concept just as much as the hard-hitting drops.
Nightly Discussion #1904
by CalpainAh, remember Sweetie Scoot? It seems like so so very long ago, doesn't it?Evening guys! Ready for the long weekend?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Straight from Black Stable Vol 2, Hoofy's contribution showcases the musician's Riddim game, in a track flavored with Nightmare Moon samples! That theme will never get old, and you can feel the wrath of the night mare once more through the hard-hitting-ness here! Definitely an awesome contribution to the compilation album, and so welcomed!
Teepublic is once again running a sale for the weekend covering everything. As usual, it's 35% off everything, or $13 for the shirts.
They've nabbed a bunch of new fandom artists since we posted them way back in July, so expect a ton of new designs. You can find them at the general sections:
All Shirts
Or have some random neat ones:
Brony Sanders 2020 / Kirin Princess Luna / Sweetie Belle in Sweater / Startrix / Stranger Ponies / Autumn Blaze / Yeehaw Unicorn Riding / NeoNirik
I neeed it. Or any kirin really. Maybe it's time to get me an Autumn Blaze lifesize one.
Get some pone plush below!
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Kirin Starlight Glimmer Plushie by DoctorKoda
Morning Discussion #1677
by CalpainI quite like this design for a royal Twilight, she looks really elegant and pretty in this style!Morning everyone, ready for some chatter?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
As I've been away for nearly 2 weeks and recently got back with a lot of pony music to catch up on, there's a bit more music in this post! It's worth checking it all out though, to see all that our dedicated and creative community has been up to in the music side! So many releases, including tracks from recent compilation albums! Your adventure starts below the break!
Track #39 on Pinkamena Party's latest compilation album PONYDOME VII: INJECTED WITH PONY, this catchy dark experiment has the theme of the album on point with such samples from a MLP G2 PC game, and with that gritty sound design that complements atmospheric moments so well, for a blissful and wacky experience.
Nightly Discussion #1903
by CalpainLooks like the CMC are getting a jump on Labor Day activities! Anyone going for a swim this weekend?Evening everyone! Ready to chat?Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Using vocals from Cadet's cover of the acclaimed show song I'll Fly, JoinedTheHerd is following up with a full-fledged remix that is so gorgeous and bright with vocal chops, as you could expect from the musician who has been honing his signature style for years! A much delightful surprise!
Anthros and humanized horses continue with another compilation of all of them! Have one from each category above, and get the rest below.
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50 favorite ponies flooded the inbox. Here are your results! Thanks to everyone that sent one in. It's always fun to see what all you guys come up with for these events.
Also Chrysalis.
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One More Soul by CocoaPossibility
Morning Discussion #1676
by CalpainSorry about missing the ND everyone, I haven't been feeling well lately and slept right through it, my sincerest apologies. Hopefully we can keep things on track for awhile, so let's have a nice morning discussion!Let's get to chatting!Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Ponycutz is on a roll! Following the recent All Night Long, the talented musician crafted a unique atmosphere and sound with I See Ponies In My Dreams, a dark yet somewhat uplifting track that seems to play with some pony samples! Definitely a work of art that is very enjoyable and sounding so clean, for a dreamy experience among the ponies!
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Breakbeat, Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental -
Another of my favorites from the recently released A State of Sugar Waffle, this surprise VIP of the Kirin-themed masterpice of sound and emotion is delighting with a brand new progression, and darker sound design to reflect the new Nirik concept. Yes, the original and the VIP are two sides of the same coin, just like the Kirin and the Nirik are! That was such so well thought from Cynifree and Zizkil, who even included emotional Autumn Blaze vocal chops again! Definitely a lot of emotion in this incredible work of art, as we reminisce about the episode and dive deep in the magic of these two musicians...
Also check out Zizkil's upload of the song!
The year is 2020, and Hasbro has finally announced it's plans for G5! It turns out this tech-loving generation of zoomers wants nothing more than to embrace the modern world, and My Little Pony will be following suit.
You still get your adorable equines with their crazy colors and slightly more innocent than normal personalities, but you also get the ponified internet, ponified modern brand names, vehicles, and everything else that modern earth has.
Is this acceptable to you? Would you embrace ponies in the real world?
Discuss below! -
Sometimes you just need a simple, cute Flutter header.
Get a bunch of art to go with her below.
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Fluttershy by SweetBrew
IDW My Little Pony Short Comic Box Available to Order Through Your Local Comic Shop!!
by The Illustrious Q
The Ultimate My Little Pony Comic Storage Box has finally been revealed!!!
This is something I have been looking forward to ever since IDW and BCW teamed up a few years ago to do a Transformers Comic Storage Box.
Anyways, there were a couple of My Little Pony Comic Offerings that were overlooked when IDWs solicits went up for November 2019 last Friday.* Most of them were the usual Trade Paperback collections and reprintings, a couple of comic variant covers for both the Holiday Special and MLP:FiM #84, and this beautiful piece of folded plastic and/or cardboard!
If you are a My Little Pony comic collector, you definitely need this box! You'll be able to find the full order information after the break!
*NOTE: Due to circumstances beyond my control, and which I will not go into, I was unable to post the solicits last week.
op 4:41 PM
Labels: BCW, Comic, IDW, IDW Comic Staff, News, November 2019 Solicitations, Official Comic
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