While artists all develop their own styles and their own identities over time, it's nice to try drawing in a way outside of what you're used to. You might just pick up on some techniques that you didn't know about before and get a better understanding for how other artists draw in their own style! I was impressed how many of you took to these new styles and I'm sure the artists you mimicked would be flattered to see you chose them.
For today's total we brought in 74 ponies which now brings us up to 2443 ponies altogether!
Today's prompt is another new one but for a very special reason. With the show ending this year I figured we could go down nostalgia lane a little bit with this one. Today I'd like you guys to
Draw a pony experiencing your favorite moment in the fandom / Draw a pony experiencing how you discovered FiM for the very first time (SFW).
As always our submitter is here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
1 Natg day 22 Kree-ate - Roderick JE
Super shout out to the past when that person made that Hope parody poster for Lauren
It makes more sense to have Spitfire as CM however the mighty pun shall rule my actions
Super shout out to the past when that person made that Hope parody poster for Lauren
It makes more sense to have Spitfire as CM however the mighty pun shall rule my actions
2 Who Wouldn't Fangirl?! - Pone-Dancer
Empathy Gemstone only has eyes for privileged, overly-handsome males. LennyStendhal13's character Jambalaya seemed to fit that perfectly. It's not every day a fellow like this walks into your town, so she's absorbing it while she can.
Empathy Gemstone only has eyes for privileged, overly-handsome males. LennyStendhal13's character Jambalaya seemed to fit that perfectly. It's not every day a fellow like this walks into your town, so she's absorbing it while she can.
6 Apologies to Lumineko - phallen1
An attempt to mimic lumineko/luminaura's pony painting style. Lumi is one of several artists whose streams I tend to watch frequently. I try to learn as much as I can from them.
An attempt to mimic lumineko/luminaura's pony painting style. Lumi is one of several artists whose streams I tend to watch frequently. I try to learn as much as I can from them.
8 ATG2019 22 - Trixie fangirling over herself - Wissle
Warning: Link leads to nude version! It's hidden behind another warning on Deviantart, proceed at your own peril in any case. You have been warned.
Warning: Link leads to nude version! It's hidden behind another warning on Deviantart, proceed at your own peril in any case. You have been warned.
13 Fan Art - Chopsticks
In order left-to-right: Round Trip, BobtheDalek, TJPones, Dilarus, Jay Fosgitt, Pony-Berserker, and a crazy, stupid pegasus on the end.
In order left-to-right: Round Trip, BobtheDalek, TJPones, Dilarus, Jay Fosgitt, Pony-Berserker, and a crazy, stupid pegasus on the end.
15 NATG 2019 Day 23 : An art style - Devinbay
You can guess if you want. But you know the answer already.
You can guess if you want. But you know the answer already.
20 OMG IT'S RAT - Ragmo
She usually is composed and keeps her cool. But today our heroine meets 'rat'; someone she looks up to and who's work she realy likes.
I didn't want to draw an AJ - so a simple rat has to do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
She usually is composed and keeps her cool. But today our heroine meets 'rat'; someone she looks up to and who's work she realy likes.
I didn't want to draw an AJ - so a simple rat has to do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
24 Different Style - Velvet
So one of the artists who inspired me a lot is Atryl.
And yeah... I know that was aiming a bit high...
So one of the artists who inspired me a lot is Atryl.
And yeah... I know that was aiming a bit high...
25 Drawing like an inspiring artist - Alexander Williams
My (really bad) attempt at drawing like adorkabletwilightandfriends. Traced on a separate sheet of paper, then freehanded from looking at the traced copy.
My (really bad) attempt at drawing like adorkabletwilightandfriends. Traced on a separate sheet of paper, then freehanded from looking at the traced copy.
26 NATG 2019 Day 22 Draw a Pony Fangirling - TallaFerroXIV
Scoots wants to be like the big blue scoots in the sky.
Scoots wants to be like the big blue scoots in the sky.
33 - AmarthGul
Welp my inspirational artisit is 3D concept artist Vitaly Bulgarov, how am I able to do his style... and there's no way I can finish something at his detail level within a day
Welp my inspirational artisit is 3D concept artist Vitaly Bulgarov, how am I able to do his style... and there's no way I can finish something at his detail level within a day
34 2019 ATG IX - Day 22 - Who dis?? - KirbyLiscious
Th3iPoDM0N inspires meeeee~ :0 Go check him out!! : https://www.deviantart.com/th3ipodm0n
<333 span="">
Th3iPoDM0N inspires meeeee~ :0 Go check him out!! : https://www.deviantart.com/th3ipodm0n
<333 span="">
36 Tea party - Abyssal Emissary
My tribute to the always participating and contributing bobthedalek. :) Find his drawings here: https://www.deviantart.com/bobthedalek/gallery/
My tribute to the always participating and contributing bobthedalek. :) Find his drawings here: https://www.deviantart.com/bobthedalek/gallery/
38 Sharing - Novaintellus
Eeeee! What are you doing, that's not how you eat! | What? I just wanna know what you think of mah pie.
Eeeee! What are you doing, that's not how you eat! | What? I just wanna know what you think of mah pie.
41 ATG IX Day XXII - RizDub
Drawn in the style of Heir-of-Rick / Finalskies. Alongside the giant fluffy ears, I feel like his drawings have just the right amount of chubbiness, and I've always loved that.
Drawn in the style of Heir-of-Rick / Finalskies. Alongside the giant fluffy ears, I feel like his drawings have just the right amount of chubbiness, and I've always loved that.
44 - IfFoundReturnToRarity
WhiteDiamonds is my favorite artist so I did my best to emulate her style and why I love it.
WhiteDiamonds is my favorite artist so I did my best to emulate her style and why I love it.
49 NATG IX: Day 22 (Apogee) - Squeaky_Belle - Squeaky_Belle
Entry for Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 22
Draw a pony in an artist’s style that inspires you / Draw a pony fanboying/fangirling.
Art style is similar to some of comickit's space pony art. Can check out a couple of examples by scrolling through here: https://winkout.tumblr.com/tagged/horse-music
Entry for Artist Training Grounds IX: Day 22
Draw a pony in an artist’s style that inspires you / Draw a pony fanboying/fangirling.
Art style is similar to some of comickit's space pony art. Can check out a couple of examples by scrolling through here: https://winkout.tumblr.com/tagged/horse-music
50 Biggest Fan - Allonsbro
My first thought for this prompt was an old headcanon I have about Pound Cake being a big fan of Scootaloo when they get older. I tried to mimic Ravenpuff's style and I leaned really heavily on some of her stuff for reference to get it to look right.
My first thought for this prompt was an old headcanon I have about Pound Cake being a big fan of Scootaloo when they get older. I tried to mimic Ravenpuff's style and I leaned really heavily on some of her stuff for reference to get it to look right.
52 Apologies to Kloudmutt - phallen1
An attempt to mimic some of Kloudmutt's drawing style. His is another stream I watch a lot. I've "borrowed" rather a lot from kloud since I started trying to draw. My go-to inking brush in SAI is still "Kloud's Inking Pen".
An attempt to mimic some of Kloudmutt's drawing style. His is another stream I watch a lot. I've "borrowed" rather a lot from kloud since I started trying to draw. My go-to inking brush in SAI is still "Kloud's Inking Pen".
55 With Apologies to Heir-of-Rick - SupermarineSpitfire
Currently there are four artists that I can say inspire me: VanillaGhosties, Bobdude0, Heir-of-Rick, and Baron Engel. Since my current artistic ability prevents me from giving Baron Engel and VanillaGhosties's art the respect they deserve, what with their mastery of depth, I had to choose between Bobdude0 and Heir-of-Rick. A flip of the coin made me choose Heir-of-Rick. There is a vibrant simplicity to his drawings that I really enjoy.
Currently there are four artists that I can say inspire me: VanillaGhosties, Bobdude0, Heir-of-Rick, and Baron Engel. Since my current artistic ability prevents me from giving Baron Engel and VanillaGhosties's art the respect they deserve, what with their mastery of depth, I had to choose between Bobdude0 and Heir-of-Rick. A flip of the coin made me choose Heir-of-Rick. There is a vibrant simplicity to his drawings that I really enjoy.
58 Scootaloo Fangirling (pixel art) - SuperHyperSonic2000
Here's a pixel art I recently did of Scootaloo fangirling for her favorite Rainbow Pegasus. I hope you guys like it.
Here's a pixel art I recently did of Scootaloo fangirling for her favorite Rainbow Pegasus. I hope you guys like it.
59 Fan Gasp - Frith
As much as I'd love to do a Monet of Rarity in a wide brimmed hat, I stumble and fall when just trying to sketch in show style, so trying to forge some master's art style at the drop of a hat is a really tall order. But that's just me. I expect there are some who are totally going to nail a My Little Monet, Picasso, Rembrandt, Chagall, Van Gogh, Davinci, or Michelangelo...
As much as I'd love to do a Monet of Rarity in a wide brimmed hat, I stumble and fall when just trying to sketch in show style, so trying to forge some master's art style at the drop of a hat is a really tall order. But that's just me. I expect there are some who are totally going to nail a My Little Monet, Picasso, Rembrandt, Chagall, Van Gogh, Davinci, or Michelangelo...
65 - ZetaMad
I was going to use a brony artist, but I decided to take inspiration from the artist who inspired me to draw first, zdzislaw beksinski
I was going to use a brony artist, but I decided to take inspiration from the artist who inspired me to draw first, zdzislaw beksinski
66 Happy Limestone - t72b
Didnt really do a specific artists style, but more theme. cute pony in cute clothes. but Im not good with fashion
Didnt really do a specific artists style, but more theme. cute pony in cute clothes. but Im not good with fashion
68 Belle Watches Her Favorite Musician Perform on Stage - TaichiKeaton
Belle swoons over her favorite stallion and companion, Iori, performing one of his musical numbers for Ponyville.
Belle swoons over her favorite stallion and companion, Iori, performing one of his musical numbers for Ponyville.
74 Glamourhorse - phallen1
One more artist's style emulation for the night. I spent a lot of time these last couple of days drawing while waiting for work stuff to happen.
One more artist's style emulation for the night. I spent a lot of time these last couple of days drawing while waiting for work stuff to happen.
Twitter: Calpain