More electronic pony music for your dazzled ears! MEQA's track from Ponies at Dawn Skyward is a massive banger actually inspired by the eponymous villain old hag witch from that old gen of MLP (look it up, it's fun), while Tw3Lv3's tasty Bass House track from Equinity 01: Stellar is inspired by King Sombra! Lastly, RedWire made a pretty awesome and stylish track! It feels so great to witness all that our dedicated community is making!
MEQA - Hydia
Tw3Lv3 - Long Live The King
RedWire - Split Ends
Electronic Pony Music: MEQA - Hydia [Rock/Dubstep] / Tw3Lv3 - Long Live The King [Bass House] / RedWire - Split Ends [Drumstep]