Ooo, I have had this happen to me sometimes in games. You're down to the very last and just when you think that you are about to lose you manage somehow to clinch it! A fantastic feeling I must say. And a feeling many of you put into your drawings tonight, whether it was for a win at the doors of defeat or the exhilaration of following your hopes and dreams, a stark contrast to our previous prompt!
While I admit this prompt was a little wordy and we did have a special going on today that drew people's attention, we still managed to pull in 115 ponies today, bringing us up to 734 ponies altogether! Very nice work everyone!
For today's prompt you could say it is a bit of a continuation of the previous prompt if you want to take it that way as for today I'd like you guys to Draw a boasting pony / Draw making a name for themselves.
As always, our submitter is here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
1 The Grand Opening - Arkadios
Nopony likes antiques more than Sunburst, so what better than an entire building full of them?
Nopony likes antiques more than Sunburst, so what better than an entire building full of them?
2 Pinkie Pie's Dreams - Alexander Williams
Pinkie Pie follows her hopes and dreams, however simple they may be.
Pinkie Pie follows her hopes and dreams, however simple they may be.
7 Photo Finish - BronyMedic
"And its Healing Heart in the lead but, wait, what's this?! Sunny Glow is catching up fast, half a length....quarter of a length.... they're neck and neck! The crowd are going wild! This is a nail biting finish, I don't know who won! It's a photo finish!
"And its Healing Heart in the lead but, wait, what's this?! Sunny Glow is catching up fast, half a length....quarter of a length.... they're neck and neck! The crowd are going wild! This is a nail biting finish, I don't know who won! It's a photo finish!
10 Living the Dream - Pixel Grip
Pretty self explanatory. Did an incredibly simple background here and some simple shading along with it. Hope you like.
Pretty self explanatory. Did an incredibly simple background here and some simple shading along with it. Hope you like.
12 Follow my idol's steps - MysteriousShine
She's proud that she saved Equestria just like Twilight did so many times.
She's proud that she saved Equestria just like Twilight did so many times.
13 The Winning Trophy - Danny
I went with "Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat" and drew Applajack taking her trophy back from rainbow dash because she won it (Rainbow dash has her trophy because she stole it)
I went with "Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat" and drew Applajack taking her trophy back from rainbow dash because she won it (Rainbow dash has her trophy because she stole it)
20 Victory from Defeat - Silverwind
Be Aware - my gallery may contain NSFW images
Not as pleased with my results today, I don't think it fit the prompt as well as it could have, and it feels a bit derivative. All the same, it's another piece of completed art under my belt, so I can be proud of that.
Be Aware - my gallery may contain NSFW images
Not as pleased with my results today, I don't think it fit the prompt as well as it could have, and it feels a bit derivative. All the same, it's another piece of completed art under my belt, so I can be proud of that.
21 Scootaloo's Idol dream comes alive - Mango Island
She may not fly (yet), but Scootaloo is an awesome scooter rider with big dreams, and that dream is to become a singer! Believe me, with everything that she's been through, it's no doubt that dream will come alive!
She may not fly (yet), but Scootaloo is an awesome scooter rider with big dreams, and that dream is to become a singer! Believe me, with everything that she's been through, it's no doubt that dream will come alive!
24 Twilight Snapple - Spellbound Canvas
This is my first entry into the artist training grounds ever. Since the prompt was to show a broken pony I wanted to do the classic Twilight Snapple. I wanted to do it completely in photoshop by hand and wanted to do a little play around a bit with light and shadow.
This piece took me around 2 hours to complete.
This is my first entry into the artist training grounds ever. Since the prompt was to show a broken pony I wanted to do the classic Twilight Snapple. I wanted to do it completely in photoshop by hand and wanted to do a little play around a bit with light and shadow.
This piece took me around 2 hours to complete.
29 Game colt - Starswept Dusk
Button Mash completing his latest game, in GB style. Not a great likeness due to the resolution of the sprite and palette. But its him nontheless. Used Spritepile and Blender for it.
Button Mash completing his latest game, in GB style. Not a great likeness due to the resolution of the sprite and palette. But its him nontheless. Used Spritepile and Blender for it.
30 I broke you without breaking a sweat! - Ragmo
Referencing 'Them's Fightin' Herds' in here.
Caveman-Pony and my other OC (... i need a name for here...) having a little brawl in the Prairie stage - was a close match.
Referencing 'Them's Fightin' Herds' in here.
Caveman-Pony and my other OC (... i need a name for here...) having a little brawl in the Prairie stage - was a close match.
38 The Results - phallen1
Diamond Tiara's first election victory, a very near thing. Her lingering reputation as a spoiled brat nearly sunk her, but the tireless efforts of her dearest friends won just enough voters to her side to pull out a win.
Diamond Tiara's first election victory, a very near thing. Her lingering reputation as a spoiled brat nearly sunk her, but the tireless efforts of her dearest friends won just enough voters to her side to pull out a win.
40 The Day Spitfire became a Wonderbolt - Daimando
For this entry, I decided to create the moment where Spitfire finally became an official Wonderbolt.
For this entry, I decided to create the moment where Spitfire finally became an official Wonderbolt.
43 Trixie win - Velvet
A little followup to yesterday's submission.
It seems Trixie finally managed to work something out with Mr. Rabbit that they both approve of.
A little followup to yesterday's submission.
It seems Trixie finally managed to work something out with Mr. Rabbit that they both approve of.
44 NATG 2019 Day 5 Following Their Hopes and Dreams - TallaFerroXIV
Look at that lil' Quick! Such a cutie!
Heatwave going on here not so nice tho.
Look at that lil' Quick! Such a cutie!
Heatwave going on here not so nice tho.
47 Rainbow Wing Book Horse (Pixel Art) - SuperHyperSonic2000
Here's a pixel art I recently did of Twilight Sparkle and her colorful wings bringing color back from Rainbow Roadtrip. I hope you guys like it.
Here's a pixel art I recently did of Twilight Sparkle and her colorful wings bringing color back from Rainbow Roadtrip. I hope you guys like it.
48 Passion - Novaintellus
What a wonderful audience we have this evening. Thank you, I hope you enjoy yourselves tonight.
What a wonderful audience we have this evening. Thank you, I hope you enjoy yourselves tonight.
52 Jaws of Defeat - Frown Factory
The Unicorn is named Victory, the thing (which is supposed to be a shark) is called Defeat.
The Unicorn is named Victory, the thing (which is supposed to be a shark) is called Defeat.
56 Scootafooled - Ikarooz
Dashie's point of view:
Dashie's point of view:
61 Barley and Pickle grew up to be Wonderbolts! - Vixenwolf123
Today we met Barley and Pickle, President and Assistant President (respectively) of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club in Hope Hollow! After seeing how excited they were when Dash called them Junior Wonderbolts, it was clear that they would follow their dreams, work hard, and become official full Wonderbolts. Dash is here congratulating them on making the squad!
Today we met Barley and Pickle, President and Assistant President (respectively) of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club in Hope Hollow! After seeing how excited they were when Dash called them Junior Wonderbolts, it was clear that they would follow their dreams, work hard, and become official full Wonderbolts. Dash is here congratulating them on making the squad!
65 Dream - KorenCZ11
For a free and just Equestria, I will take the name STAR, and create a world where we can live in peace and harmony!
For a free and just Equestria, I will take the name STAR, and create a world where we can live in peace and harmony!
68 Living The Dream - Pone-Dancer
Pearl Essence's dream is a simple one: design dresses for a living. Her designs, though not as popular as Rarity's, still are bought on a regular basis. As an added bonus, she gets to work with her fabulous best friend Empathy Gemstone. Empathy is a model and she often lets Pearl use her to show off her designs.
Pearl Essence's dream is a simple one: design dresses for a living. Her designs, though not as popular as Rarity's, still are bought on a regular basis. As an added bonus, she gets to work with her fabulous best friend Empathy Gemstone. Empathy is a model and she often lets Pearl use her to show off her designs.
75 NATG 2019 Day 05 - Addelum
Here's hoping Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have some sweet dreams after wishing everyone good night every week!
Here's hoping Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have some sweet dreams after wishing everyone good night every week!
78 Day 5: Following Hope and Dreams - Tun Rae
I've only realised now that I named yesterday's submission wrongly as Day 3 when it was definitely drawn as Day 4. Today is named correctly though :P
I've only realised now that I named yesterday's submission wrongly as Day 3 when it was definitely drawn as Day 4. Today is named correctly though :P
80 ATG IX Day V - RizDub
I was pondering what to do for this prompt, when this idea came to me. I'll be surprised if no one else does something like this.
(I couldn't think of a good idea for yesterday's prompt in time, so I'll do something for it on the makeup day.)
I was pondering what to do for this prompt, when this idea came to me. I'll be surprised if no one else does something like this.
(I couldn't think of a good idea for yesterday's prompt in time, so I'll do something for it on the makeup day.)
85 (Virtual) Reality - Amethyst Shade
Little Scootaloo getting a taste of 'real' flight with the help of Rainbow Dash and her VR headset! You go Scoot!
Little Scootaloo getting a taste of 'real' flight with the help of Rainbow Dash and her VR headset! You go Scoot!
88 The Canterlot Derby - EbonyCrystal1986
Inspired thanks to The Cart Before the Ponies mentioning that pretty much every city in Equestria had their own derby, and well the idea just couldn't leave my head after that. :3
There's a bit of a story to this one, but you have to follow the link to read it thanks to the character limit..and for only being the second vehicle I've ever drawn, I think I did MUCH better than my first attempt! :3
Inspired thanks to The Cart Before the Ponies mentioning that pretty much every city in Equestria had their own derby, and well the idea just couldn't leave my head after that. :3
There's a bit of a story to this one, but you have to follow the link to read it thanks to the character limit..and for only being the second vehicle I've ever drawn, I think I did MUCH better than my first attempt! :3
96 Flying in Microgravity - SupermarineSpitfire
Although Scootaloo's wings are unable to lift her body on the surface of Equestria's planet, being in orbit in a spacecraft is a different matter entirely. Freed from having to lift her body against the pull of gravity (due to her being in free fall), Scootaloo can "fly" around inside the spacecraft for the first time in her life.
Although Scootaloo's wings are unable to lift her body on the surface of Equestria's planet, being in orbit in a spacecraft is a different matter entirely. Freed from having to lift her body against the pull of gravity (due to her being in free fall), Scootaloo can "fly" around inside the spacecraft for the first time in her life.
97 Flying little pony vs. jaws of defeat - Mister Twister
Listened to this on repeat while drawing:
Listened to this on repeat while drawing:
101 Singershy - thevintagepone
Remember when she said she would take her time for singing back in Filli Vanilli? Well, it looks like she's ready to perform for a crowd! :D
Remember when she said she would take her time for singing back in Filli Vanilli? Well, it looks like she's ready to perform for a crowd! :D
108 She Said Yes! - [email protected]
I kind of let myself run out of time today... in wasn’t sure what to do until I saw the new feature today and drew the closing scene! I need to work on drawing speed.
I kind of let myself run out of time today... in wasn’t sure what to do until I saw the new feature today and drew the closing scene! I need to work on drawing speed.
109 Tai Gets His Cutie Mark - TaichiKeaton
Tai's hopes and dream is to become a storyteller and share his stories with ponies and all creatures near and far. One day while sharing a tale with Stardust, he earns his cutie mark as he discovers his talent.
Tai's hopes and dream is to become a storyteller and share his stories with ponies and all creatures near and far. One day while sharing a tale with Stardust, he earns his cutie mark as he discovers his talent.
111 Running Down a Dream - Frith
I have Little Nemo and Tom Petty's Running Down a Dream tap dancing on my brain. Not actually easy to draw these writing prompts, for a newbie artist type, don't you know. So I'm fudging it, in pencil, at the crossroads of Hopes and Dreams.
I have Little Nemo and Tom Petty's Running Down a Dream tap dancing on my brain. Not actually easy to draw these writing prompts, for a newbie artist type, don't you know. So I'm fudging it, in pencil, at the crossroads of Hopes and Dreams.
Twitter: Calpain