The Brony Thank You Fund has announced their year-end financials for 2018 to show you all how much has been contributed and where the money goes. Overall the total amount of donations hit $40,000, bringing the total donation amount to $270,000. Good stuff fandom!
Check out the presser below.
Press Release:
The Brony Thank You Fund has just closed the books on fiscal year 2018, and what a great year it was! Bronies donated over $41,000 to support our causes, and we in turn passed $40,000 on our partners ($32,500 to the Dana Farber Cancer Institude, and $7,500 to increase the Derpy Hooves Scholarship at CalArts.)
This was our second-best year ever, and brings the total amount raised since the fund's inception to over $270,000!For those interested, the Fund's Form 990 is available for your reading pleasure at, we still need at least one helper for Everfree Northwest. If you'd like to volunteer a few hours and get a free convention membership, write to