• TrotCon 2019: Guest Announcement - Bill Newton

    TrotCon has picked up Bill Newton for their upcoming event! He's the voice behind Bright Mac, Pharanyx, and Stygian.

    Head on down below for the details if you want to meet him!

    Today is an exciting day for us and that means we have exciting news for you! I know what you’re thinking, “Who is TrotCon?” Knock it off! We haven’t been gone THAT long, BUT we have been busy! The staffers at TrotCon work very diligently to bring you the finest most refined little horse content and that takes time to process that ponirific pastel. The newest product in the TrotCon line comes via zeppelin from a far off land. This particular individual will be “New” to TrotCon but will be the third person with “New” in their last name to attend TrotCon. He will also be a “ton” of fun. See what we’re doing? Can you guess it?

    It’s Bill Newton!

    This pastel warrior has voiced a few different ponies in his time. The ever beloved Apple Dad, Bright Mac, is his premiere role in the show but since, he has taken up the antagonist flag and voiced Stygian, who is the Pony of Shadows sometimes, and Pharanyx, Thorax’s brother stuck in the old ways.

    We are thrilled to have Mr. Newton join us for the convention, especially since Ms. Elley-Ray is a Pillar and Stygian is her friend. Or perhaps they will have an epic duel of Equestrian history in the middle of the mane stage, who knows? The only way you’ll find out is if you come to TrotCon and see!

    Registration - http://events.eventzilla.net/e/trotcon-2019-2138953671
    Twitter: @Trotcon