After we had a big soundtrack release for all the songs of the My Little Pony movie last year, it seems fans of the movie's musical score will be happy to find that it has been released in digital form on several platforms. The soundtrack also includes a bonus song called "Equestria", which was intended to be used as the intro song before it was replaced with "Ponies Got The Beat" in the final movie.
This seems to be the surprise Daniel Ingram was hinting at a few days ago.
Find all of the musical goodness at the following locations:
Google Play
YouTube (Hasbro Monetized)
Thanks to PaganMuffin for the heads up!Share This!125 Comments
It's November again! That means we get flooded by Black Friday madness. Thanksgiving you say? What's that?
Teepublic is running another sale with everything to start us off. Amazon hasn't really gotten going yet, but we will grab them when they do. For now, have some Teepublic sections for $14 shirts and the like:
Popular entire site
Autumn Blaze Hamilton T-Shirt
Taco Belle T-Shirt
Autumn Blaze T-Shirt
Yickslur Yona T-Shirt
Princess Luna: Magic Tricks! T-Shirt
Princess Luna T-Shirt
Round Trip was at a convention, and that apparently called for a live action edition of In a Nutshell.
The Smile Song is the target in this one. Head on down below to watch~
Sparkle is over here being all PERSONA and I'm just wanting to replay it cause I loved that game.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Twilight Sparkle - LOOKING GOOD! by FlairNightz
Way back during the production of the movie, Hasbro swapped the intro sequence track with a pop song around 4 weeks before release. Now that the movie score album has popped up, we finally have access to what the intro was supposed to sound like.
It has now been edited on to the actual movie footage, and it's awesome. A far superior, and much more fitting intro to the world of Equestria.
Head on down below the break for it!
Following a cue from Lego and Disney, Hasbro has announced that they are planning to build family entertainment centers for USA and Canadian fans of their games and brands. If you've seen LEGOLAND Discovery Centers pop up at nearby shopping centers and malls, it's a similar idea. Small indoor amusement areas for kids to play and purchase products.
Expect more information as they reveal it.
Thanks to Nathan for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #1395
by Calpain
Luna's mane looks pretty nice when it is done up in a pony tail like this! But considering it has that flowing nature like Celestia's does I wonder if it's a pain in the neck getting it that way?
Morning my friends! Sleep well?
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