Nightly Roundup #1476
by Calpain
Even when the going gets tough you just have to keep pressing on. Whoever said that the steps following the first would be easy, right?
News time guys! Get it all after the break.
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Strigidae has made some pretty cool stuff recently but this one is definitely my favourite. Written about Tempest's resistances to Twilight's attempts at reforming her, it's got some pretty awesome vibes through the track courtesy of the big brash instrumentation that meshes well with the house-y drums and lovely vocals. Check it out below!
The 72nd installment in the main comic Friendship is Magic series now has an iTunes preview. This one releases on the 30th of November according to their page, but apparently is actually releasing a lot sooner. We don't have a finalized date yet.
You can read up on all the release info over here, or go get the preview below.
Nightly Discussion #1602
by Calpain
Celestia seems to be questioning why parts of her mane seem to be trying to rebel and leaving the nest so to speak. That and it sure reminds me of cotton candy here due to the overall texture used.
Evening guys! Ready for a fun Saturday night?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Now that the Great and Powerful Trixie has earned all of your love and affection over this last year, I expect a big showing for her day! Don't disappoint Trixie! She's fragile...
As always, send your submissions to the Submit box with TRIXIE DAY as the subject followed by what it is. Example:
See you all on the 31st with best day!
Headmare Twilight has an assignment for all of you! This marks the first time the School of Friendship is participating in National Pony Writing Month (renamed National Creature Writing Month on school property).Everycreature is excited and ready to earn that sweet, sweet extra credit, so let's get write down to it (puns are a given). -
Trixie has brought her bag of humanized and pony art! Are you willing to check out what she's got?
Go get some of that stuff down below!
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October EqG Ver. by rvceric
More Halloween! I gotta have more Halloween!
Get the art below while we continue to brainstorm how to make this month even better.
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Trick or Treat by Leafywind
With an August 2017 release for the last one, the 7th installment in the "PONIES The Anthology" series looks to be on it's way after skipping a year. As for a date? No idea. Expect in in the future though. My guess is BronyCon, which is a pretty obvious guess considering it's last few runs.
You can find a teaser below.
Would Luna be the best gift ever?
It's time for a holiday special! Equestria Girls usually gets the long-form treatment, but pony has finally scooped up one of it's own. 44 Minutes of holiday horse goodness. Are you prepared?
Watch the trailer for it over here while you wait. Or go read some episode followups.
And head on down below for the stream parties! It airs at 10:00 AM PST.
Morning Discussion #1378
by Calpain
Nothing like a room with a view right? Dashie's place has to be one of the coolest out of all of our pony friends.
Morning all! Sleep well?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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