Nightly Discussion #1500
by Calpain
What a different show MLP would be if the main characters were the students at the Friendship School. I don't think I'd mind giving that a watch.
Evening everyone! Have a good Sunday?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Unfortunately due to all sorts of scheduling conflicts with other cons and trips next weekend, plus the crazy cost to attend, we won't have anyone on EQD to report at SDCC this year. We need your help if you are going!
Anyone with a phone/camera that can take pictures of pony stuff (Hasbro booth and whatever other crazy things you find out there) would help a ton. Just fire them off to [email protected] once you collect them.
And if anyone is hitting the pony panel, we could also use any newsy bits that come out of that one. We probably won't be able to live blog it this year, but hopefully we can get some info up for everyone to at least be informed!
Thanks again as always! Meta post over. Back to pone.
How do you think Luna's typical night goes? Just dreamwalking and owlbear hunting? Or does she have a fun side too? Maybe she secretly spies on her sisters dreams for future pranks? Someone fanfic this.
Art below!
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Untitled20180715 by Plainoasis
EnergyTone is working on a full Russian pony album, and this tune is a great teaser of what's to come. Sung entirely in Russian, it's all about our favourite Derpy pony. Even if you can't understand what's being said, the main chorus section is super catchy, and it's a fun track for sure with plenty of neat guitar stuff too. Check it out below!
Fan-made merchandise is somethign that this fandom has always had going for it. What Hasbro fails to deliver, we readily create ourselves with a host of amazing crafters. Want that lifesize plushie for maximum pony on earth immersion? Save up and commission it! Need a beach poster for your ocean themed bathroom? Grab an artist and slap a pony in there!
If you've bought fan-made merchandise, what is your favorite? How much did it cost? Slap it down below. Maybe we can influence the people over at Hasbro to get us some new high quality stuff now that 4DE seems dead.
The moon with a custom sweater is pretty A+ in my opinion. Laying down plushies are the best thing we've gotten in years.
Get a bunch of pones below~
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Princess Luna Plush by Burgunzik
A new bat pony costume option has been added for SFM pony models, this includes wings, fangs, and fluffy ears. All of which are entirely optional. If you want to batify your pones, head on over here to download it!
I have been thoroughly enjoying all the recent releases from these two siblings, and this one is another example of just how exceptionally they work together. Beautiful and powerful vocals from Velvet combine with equally strong ones from DreamExplorer over the top of some sweet metal riffs. The track explores the troubles of ensuring one's mind isn't ensnared by its darker regions, something Luna knows all about. Check it out below!
Comics: Fun Couples Game / Sweet Socks / AoS 2.24 / Off Field #23 / Bunny Pupper / Empty Halls #29
by Sethisto
I mean, she's the princess of love. He knew what he was getting into.
Comics! Get em below and click for full.
Morning Discussion #1274
by Calpain
With how hot it has been lately has anyone taken advantage of the beach or a pool this summer? Sure the heat can be miserable but enjoy the summer activities while you can my friends in the Northern Hemisphere! Winter will be rearing its ugly head soon enough.
Morning everyone! Ready to wake up and chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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