Final Schedule for Rollercoaster of Friendship - Saturday Airing, Forgotten Friendship on Friday
by Sethisto
Good news! I think we might possibly maybe have an official schedule for Rollercoaster of Friendship finally. Updates on the actual on-TV schedule are showing a much more realistic Saturday release for the movie at 11:30 AM EST instead of Friday. Apparently Forgotten Friendship will be the one airing at 2:00 PM.
Unfortunately, we still have conflicting schedules everywhere, so this still can't be 100% confirmed. We will have a post up tomorrow if something changes it looks like The Brony Network will be hosting stream parties for both. Stay tuned!
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Event Reminder - Lyra and Bonbon Day, Ponies Around the World, and Artist Training Ground!
by Sethisto
Since I haven't gotten a post up shouting at you all to get your submission in for a while on the Ponies Around the World event, here is your 1 week reminder! Ponies Around the World closes on July 13th at 11:59 PM. That is, assuming we don't get a bunch of people who happen to have vacations happening the following week to take pictures of pones on. It tends to happen with that event. If we get enough requests, it will be extended. Submit and info over here!
For a more urgent deadline, we have two and a half days remaining for Lyra and Bonbon Day happening on the 8th of July. Get your submissions in over here!
And finally, the Artist Training Ground is on July 23rd. You have all month to prep and psyche yourself up for drawing cartoon horses for a month. Many a big name fandom artist has been spawned from this event, so even if you are terrible, give it a shot! There is a ton of support available to LEARN! Who's going to draw your waifu when the fandom ends in 20 years? That's right, you are! Read about it here.
For all event related things, you can always follow our event tag.
Nightly Discussion #1491
by Calpain
While some people like to knock the earlier generations we wouldn't be where we are now without them, you know? It's awesome the show today incorporates some of the elements of earlier gens into the mix, an homage to the long history the current incarnation builds upon.
Evening guys! Time to chat.
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Humans and anthros time! We've got a bunch of art in this one. Four days will do that. It seems like this side of the fandom is picking up even more lately.
Get a bunch of it below!
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Do you think she ever gazes out past that gate thinking of a life without farmwork? Without cows, chickens, apples, and filled with adventure?
Do you think she wants to be a... pokemon master?
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Applejack by Jun1313
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by foresterrr
Yet another item from the My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria Table Top RPG has been solicited by Alliance Games/Diamond Distributors! Only this time it is a product which was announced way back in January of this year!
The latest Adventure Module for Tails of Equestria, "Judge Not by the Cover" will be coming to the United States on September 26th, 2018 (subject to change)..
Bring product order code MAY189418 to your local comic/game store to order the new adventure for either yourself or your local game group.
After the break you'll be able to find all the details you could ever need about the next expansion.
Special thanks to Seahawk720 for the heads up!
After much headache and back-and-forths with various people on Reddit, Twitter, and in emails, the official Equestria Daily Youtube channel has been re-instated! Apparently a group of internal bronies managed to get everything re-reviewed, and as of this morning I recieved this email from their account management team:
After a review of your account, we have confirmed that your YouTube account is not in violation of our Terms of Service. As such, we have unsuspended your account. This means your account is once again active and operational.
We are back! Thanks to everyone out there that helped spread the word. We really couldn't have done it without you. At the end of the day it really didn't seem like the channel would ever return with basic review tools, so we are very grateful.
I'm going to be over there for the next few hours making sure everything is perfect. We had a lot of people chime in, some from internal Youtube with various reasons why it was taken down. Though it has now all been reversed, I'm going to make sure we aren't violating anything just in case..
This also means we get some awesome fandom history back, with the old Equestria Girls Katy Perry promo, "There's a Pony for that", and the Italian opening of Friendship is Magic all getting their comments back! Ill slap em below if you want a blast to the past.
Will we ever see these used for an animation of some type? I'd be all for more Flutterbad/Flutterbitch/flutterwhatever we are calling her.
Get some models of the mean 6 over here to do it!
Morning Discussion #1264
by Calpain
Some cute, awesome Madacon to start off the day! Who can resist the cuteness of pony sisters?
Morning everyone! Time to chat.
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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