An older track from Silver Paradox and Intersekt, this piece is only now up on YouTube, and features some pretty neat vocals from Itchogotchi too. They help set the scene of the track as it builds up to some awesome drops full of oldschool electro and dubstep sounds. Check it out below!
teisipäev, 3. juuli 2018 op 21:00
Sildid: Complextro, Dubstep, Electro, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: VocalShare This!2 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1489
by Calpain
Seattle has been sort of rainy and cloudy so when I saw this picture it just seemed to fit! Sorry for the sporadic posting on my end everyone, been on a lot of day trips and coming back to the hotel exhausted. Thankfully we have Cobalt and the others to help fill in the gaps.
Now, let's get to chatting!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
This was one of the most spread around polls we've had in forever. I swear everywhere I went in pone, someone was talking about it. Throughout it's life, we saw a pretty much constant tug of war between Glimmy and Shimmy for the best, usually within a ~100 margin all the way from day one. I slapped an end time on it for the other day since I knew it would go on forever. Hell even the poll itself had 55 comments.
In the end, Glimmy barely pulled ahead, but I think we can safely assume that both of these characters are equally popular. You have people like me who sing the PRAISES OF THE GLAMMY while others think Shamwow up there is the greatest thing to ever be added to pony. That's what makes this fandom great. We have so much passion for colorful equines~
Anyway, new poll time:
Who Do You Consider to be the Mane Cast of Pony?
Go vote on the side bar, and get the Glimmy Vs. Sunset war below.
Keep the Spotlights coming! She appreciates it. Our little mascot has had a tough week.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Spotlight - EQD Mascot by Petrinox
Pony Community Soapbox #104 - Corrupted Tree, Forgtten Friendships, ALL the Alicorns, and More!
by Sethisto
The soapbox returns! Albiet a little later than it should be. I blame my phone alarm for not going off. Expect it back at it's normal time next week.
Community soapbox time, where opinions from around the fandom are dropped down below for you all to discuss and debate! Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM MST. To submit your own, see this post.
Headlines for the week:
- Elements of Harmony Final Form
- Amending Fences Forgotten Friendships
- Was the Tree of Harmony Corrupted?
- Chrysalis and Her Elaborate Plans
- The Wonderbolts are not the Team Everyone Hates Anymore
And get your soapboxes below!
Comics: Jar of Precious Butter / What Guys Do / Greater Flame #12 / Gemmed #18 / Heartbreaks #2 / Two Sisters Go Camping #9
by Sethisto
I... am not sure what to make of that one, but people seem to enjoy it so YOLO!
We've got comics, click for full and get them below.
We completely forgot to get a post up announcing Lyra and Bonbon Day! Because of this, we are shifting the date from July 6th to July 8th to give you all some extra time to create stuff for them!
As with all pony days, there will be an open art post, so feel free to submit a piece of NEW Lyra and(or) Bonbon art, regardless of skill level. Only new art though, please don't send stuff from 2016-2017. We've got Artist Training Grounds coming up on July 23, so consider it a warmup!
And along with open art, we will have the usual compilations. Whatever we get enough of for a specific category here on EQD, we will make a post for. Customs, plushies, wallpapers, music, etc.
Email with LYRA AND BONBON- followed by the category you are sending, one category per email. So a music submission should have LYRA AND BONBON - MUSIC, but if you want to send a pmv too, create a separate email and subject it LYRA AND BONBON - PMV.
Time to ship some pones~
You know the drill, the month of June is over, so you can now vote for your favourite videos produced by the fandom's talented video makers, and your favourite tunes from the fandom's awesome musicians! There were some real quality things released recently, so if anything tickled your fancy, make sure to vote for it - you can check out both voting videos below!
We haven't had any dragons up here in the header for these speedpaints. Lets change that!
Maybe you will draw some of her during the Artist Training Ground? This is a good place to learn. Go get that and more below!
Ponies in hoodies. What is it about ponies and hoodies that makes the combination so exceedingly adorable? I think science is still trying to figure that one out. In any case, they certainly are adorable. Especially these little shark hoodies, aww!
Good morning, folks! Time to wake up with some chatting down below!
EqD Commenting Rules
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