EXCLUSIVE: My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries #5 Revealed—Synopsis, Artists, and Writer!
by The Illustrious Q
You have no idea how freaking happy I am that Target's license deal with Hasbro for the exclusive use of Songbird Serenade has expired. She's finally appearing in the comics! Which means everyone now has a new collectible everyone can get signed by Sia!
Unfortunately, this is also the final issue of the Ponyville Mysteries mini-series. So what, if anything is going to replace this series in October?
I haven't the slightest idea. It's a… mystery.
Yes, I shall show myself out. But you can check out the full solicitation after the break!
UPDATE: There is one more piece of news which came out after the solicitation for this issue came out! It turns out the Retailer Incentive cover has been created by Brony fandom artist Pony-Berserker! Congrats man, you've more than earned it!
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 op 8:30 PM
Labels: Comic, Equestria Daily Exclusive, IDW, News, Official Comic, Ponyville Mysteries, September 2018 SolicitationsShare This!42 Comments
EXCLUSIVE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #70 Revealed—Synopsis, Artists, and Writer!
by The Illustrious Q
There is no way this could possibly go wrong. Absolutely no nothing terrible could happen from whatever it is Rainbow Dash is planning.
And Old McDonald doesn't have a dog named Bingo. Welcome back everyone! Another month has gone by and once again, thanks to our friends at IDW Publishing, Equestria Daily is proud to bring you the exclusive reveal of the new My Little Pony comic offerings!
Starting with this, which happens to be the second issue featuring Toni "Pencils" Kuusisto! As for what it is about? You can probably guess, but I suggest you check out the full solicitation after the break!
UPDATE: Apparently IDW Comic Editor Bobby Curnow is really starting to notice the artwork of Brony fandom artists! For we have a second fandom artist on this book! The retailer incentive cover was created by none other than the ever talented dSana!
I'm gong to have to put together a second comic sized sketch book for all the IDW MLP artists I meet.
op 8:01 PM
Labels: Comic, Equestria Daily Exclusive, IDW, News, Official Comic, September 2018 Solicitations -
Nightly Discussion #1475
by Calpain
Hmm! Is that a chocolate and blueberry muffin that Derpy is hanging out on? An interesting combination indeed.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Look at how happy she is. She has spent all year looking forward to her big day~
You don't want to disappoint Celestia do you? She spends so much time making sure her subjects are living the best lives they can.
Just fire off an email to submit@equestriadaily.com with CELESTIA DAY followed by what it is as the subject. So for open art, make it CELESTIA DAY - OPEN ART.
See you all tomorrow~
This show needs more LYYYRA.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Antropology Illustration 1 by lexx2dot0
Pony Community Soapbox #103 - Pegasus Backstabbing, Keeping the Fandom Fresh, Episodes Per Pony, and More!
by Sethisto
Community soapbox time, where opinions from around the fandom are dropped down below for you all to discuss and debate! Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM MST. To submit your own, see this post.
Headlines for the week:
- What happened to Mr. Cake and Owlowiscious?
- Marks for Effort: Saying "I'm Sorry" in Words or Actions?
- Pegasi: Nature’s Rogues
- Experimenting to Keep the Fandom Fresh
- Theory on how many episodes each character gets
And get your soapboxes below!
The last of the main releases from bank pain's new EP, this track is a lot more chilled out than the last two, and is heavy with plenty of compositional emotion and some really cool work on the percussion. From more chilled out piano-led sections to parts with pretty frantic percussion, the vibes through the track are lovely the whole way through. Check it out below!
Author: Novel Idea
Description: Skystar never got a chance to make friends. Pinkie’s determined to show her how.
Clearly, this will involve swing dancing.
My Kind of Crazy
Additional Tags: Pinkie teaches Skystar swing dancing!op 2:30 PM
Labels: comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Human, Pinkie Pie, Shipping, Skystar, Star-Needed, Story -
A company called Ravensburger has popped up a 1000 piece puzzle based on the season 3 poster from way back when. Typically when it comes to puzzle in ponyland, we don't see many exceed the smaller 50-100 piece marks. This would be the first that brings on the real challenge.
Right now it is available for $13.50€. Grab it over here if you want it and they ship to you!
Another exceptional orchestral track from Radiarc, and this one has influences from a whole bunch of places. Designed around Queen Chrysalis, it absolutely suits her character. With elements of rock and jazz, and some gorgeous vocal sounds too, the atmosphere on show is perfect. Check it out below for a dark and dazzling experience!
But no one ever thinks about how difficult it is for non-unicorns to put them on.
I hereby dedicate this post to all the earth ponies, pegasus, bats, and other non-telekenisis 4 legged races who are expected to shimmy their hooves into tiny tubes of fabric for the sake of appreciation. These are the true warriors of Equestria.
Thank you -
I bet you thought Seth posted this. Nope! Just
Chuck TestaCobalt Comet.Bats and socks though, what a painfully adorable combination. I'm getting cavities just thinking about it! However, I think Sweet Velvet is just getting a headache. It must be pretty tough to try and put socks on without hands or magic.Anyway, good morning folks of Discussion-land! Discuss bats, socks, bats in socks, or whatever down below!
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