Nightly Discussion #1462
by Calpain
Ah, Fraiser! Such a good show. I'd recommend any of you looking for a show to watch to check it out on Netflix, I know I really enjoyed it.
Anyhow, back to ponies! Let's get to chatting!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
These posts have become way too rare in my expert opinion. I suggest sending far more wallpapers in the future for the sake of giving us things to post!
Do it please.
Get some below.
[1] Source
I See.(Wallpaper) by filipino-dashie
Comics: Call of Morning / Detention / One Ponies Trash / Cutie Mark Crusade / Pizza / Gemmed Rarity #10
by Sethisto
I guess they are kinda obsolete when they have a solar empress lording over the land.
Comic time! Click for full and stuff.
The deadly Pegasus sniper. Terror of the skies. Unfortunately, she only looks scary, cause her hooves are too big to pull the trigger with any kind of accuracy.
Art below!
[1] Source
Sky sniper by JedaySkayVoker
Music: EM120X & SDreamExplorerS - Æthereality (feat. Daria Intoxicated) [House/Metal]
by ExplodingPonyToastEM120X and SDreamExplorerS teaming up for collaboration is always cool to see, as it tends to end up with a super cool combination of EM's house-y electronic style with DreamExplorer's wicked metal abilities. This is definitely true here, with a great hybrid piece that has some fun melodies, an awesome guitar breakdown, and vocals both male and female provided by DreamExplorer and Daria Intoxicated respectively. Check it out below!
No new comic this week but instead there's a topic that's been making its way around the net. There has been an assertion that non-comedy action is not successful in today's television market.
Is the era of action-based cartoons at an end? And how does this reflect upon the show we enjoy, even if it's not labeled as an action show?
Catch the full editorial after the break!
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Jay Bear
It’s hard to be a changeling spy trying to restore Queen Chrysalis to Her rightful place. As if living in deep cover wasn’t stressful enough, a secret agent never knows what assignment the Hive-in-Exile Command will issue next. Some days are spent on lowly errands like following ponies of interest. Some days call for quick thinking and risky gambits. Some days threaten to be an agent’s last day of freedom.And some days Agent Myrmarachne is just trying to get a job at the Las Pegasus Airfield.
Errand, Errant
Additional Tags: A changeling spy tries to infiltrate Equestria's bureaucracyop 11:00
Sildid: Author: Jay Bear, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
With Amazon stocking the Equestria Girls Mini beach set earlier this week along with a few odd stores around the USA, it looks like this flood is nearing its full release. We now have the Applejack and Rarity figures up above appearing on both Amazon and Entertainment Earth. Unfortunately only Amazon has them in stock right now with a scalper from Pigglytoyville doing the selling, but they are pre-orderable over on Entertainment Earth.
Have some links:
Entertainment Earth
Thanks to Magic for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #1235
by Calpain
Kind of looks like the feathers are spreading in this pic of Twi. I wonder if she's going to become a full bird next?
Morning my friends! Time to wake up and chat.
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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