Jyc Row's release of his Heroes EP continues, with this track themed around Flash Magnus. It's suitably intense, with some really nicely composed string components, as well as percussion and choirs that fit the epic vibe. Check it out below!
Sunday, February 18, 2018 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, OrchestralShare This!5 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1355
by Calpain
For a pony with a broken horn, Tempest does pretty well without it! I wonder what her true potential would be if she had a fully restored one though?
Evening guys, time to chat!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
If you have finished your viewing of the newest Equestria Girls movie, we have some good news and possible future release to look forward to! Forgotten Friendship's "Wall Flower" sang a song, and when asked on Twitter if there was an extended version, it was confirmed that there is.. The writing phase allows for cuts as needed to fit into the overall time structure of the script.
Hopefully some day we get to hear it. Maybe as one of Hasbro's regular Youtube exclusives? As always, we will slap it up if it happens.
With yesterdays gigantic Toy Fair flood, we had to delay this Drawfriend for a day. What do that mean for you?! Double the art!
Pirate Changeling is sailing in with a STORM of it behind her. Over 100 drawings for you all to browse through and enjoy. Lets crash some mobile browsers!
Head on down below the break for all of it.
[1] Source
Shape Shift by INowISeeI
Community Soapbox #75 - Filthy and Spoiled Divorce, Alien Alicorns, Discord is a Thief, and More!
by Sethisto
(Delayed to today due to the news flood yesterday)
Community soapbox time, where opinions from around the fandom are dropped down below for you all to discuss and debate! Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM MST And now Saturday at 2:00 PM MST. To submit your own, see this post. Note: These soapboxes do not at all reflect the ideas of EQD. They are an open forum for anyone to post whatever crazy theory they want.
Headlines for the week:
- Filthy and Spoiled Rich should get a divorce
- 7 years, and not a single Spikelestia episode in sight
- Alien Alicorns
- Discord May Be Reformed but He Is Still a Thief
- The Future of the Castle Map
And get your soapboxes below!
Story: Being Juniper Montage
by Calpain
[Drama][Slice of Life]
Author: Bookish Delight
Being Juniper Montage
Mere weeks ago, Juniper Montage was a spiteful girl, a thief, and even—for a short time—a magical menace. However, Starlight Glimmer and the Rainbooms managed to reach her, and extend the hands of forgiveness and friendship. Juniper has been grateful for the second chance ever since, and eager to show that she can be a good friend herself.
While touring Canterlot High School with Twilight Sparkle, she comes across two girls in dire cinematic straits. Juniper knows she can help, so she decides to step in. However, in the midst of her attempt, her past—all of her past—returns to haunt her, and her self-esteem pays the price.
Now Juniper must discover for herself what it truly means to be a friend, while also fighting an angry, fearful voice in the back of her mind that continues to insist that she's not worth anyone's friendship... and keeps getting louder.
Additional Tags: Ms. Montage's Second Wild Ride -
PonyClub has released another update, adding tons of new styles for your pony in tails, hairs, and bangs, along with extra animations in the eyes and expressions. This comes along with a few more general content updates including puzzles and general optimization.
Head on down below for the list and some screenshots!
Comics: Weekend Getaway / MILF Resort (Mature) / Blood is Thicker... #1 / Rye Dimar #28 / BeckoningShadow #14
by Sethisto
Adorkable Twilight starts us off today, followed by some saucy warning but hilarious if you follow the anon craze at all, and a bunch of updates after! Go get them below.
Massive maturity warning on the second comic! If you're at work viewing I would not recommend opening it! - Cal
Morning Discussion #1132
by Calpain
And so Trixie's teacup rampage continues! What further damage will she cause with her insatiable desire to turn everything into the same exact teacup?
Morning guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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