• Bat Tag! You've All Been Bitten, Draw Your OC Ponies as Bats!

    A new event is happening over in the glorious Bat Pony fanbase on deviant Art. The best community of all if I do say so myself. Bat Tag is an event all about corrupting your pure little OC with the gift of bat. The original rules state that you need to be chosen as a pony who has been bitten, but we've teamed up with Embers Lament bit everyone. My OC pony is a bat pony after all!

    Now that you are bitten, your OC is a bat! Draw them in all of their fuzzy eared, web winged, fanged, and slit-eyed glory. The EeeEeEe shall rock the fandom to it's core!

    From here, your goal is to bite others by tagging them in your art uploads. Full rules are below, and a $50 prize will be given out over here. We will compile all the bats here on EQD in the end, so be sure to send them to [email protected] with BAT TAG as a subject line.

    All skill levels welcome, so do it!

    Get the rules below.

    1. Please copy and paste these rules into the description of your drawing, so others know how the game works. 
    2. Your pony MUST be bitten by a bat in order to turn others, meaning that someone has to tag one of your characters before you're able to participate. (Note, I bit YOU ALL)
    3. Your pony can "bite" as many others as they'd like, but please don't overdo it! 
    4. You MUST post a picture of your batified pony before you're able to tag anyone else. 
    5. Your tagged character can "bite" both your own and others' ponies. Just remember to mention the username of the owner if you're going to tag someone else's pony! 
    6. OC's that are already bat ponies are not affected.
    7. Please be sure to specify which user(s) and character(s) you tag when posting your Bat Tag art! This is imperative to the game! (Example: EmbersLament's Bay Breeze)
    8. If you are tagged, you are not required to play! This is only for fun, please don't feel pressured into participating.