I feel this little comic sums up exactly how it feels to have either accidentally overslept or set your alarm for the wrong time on a given day. There is nothing quite like the utter panic that rushes through you when you're late for something super important and given how much of a rush there is to finish up pictures before the deadline I'm sure many of you have felt the same way.
Still, you guys have stuck to it after 20 days and I couldn't be more proud! We may have lost some along the way, but it's a hard 30 days and sometimes motivation and time just aren't in the cards.
For today we brought in a nice haul of 90 ponies which brings us up to 2981 ponies altogether! Nice work everyone! I'm sure after today we'll breach 3000!
Speaking of today, we have reached out second Makeup Day! Time to take a breather, catch up on old prompts, or maybe try your hand again at prompts you particularly liked.
You can find our Makeup Submitter here. The full list of prompts is on the submitter page!
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
9 ATG Day 20: Running Late - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version
John is a softie when it comes to his little girl, Alexa; his lads - Brendan and Maxwell - love to tease him about this ;)
Will be later replaced with the digital version
John is a softie when it comes to his little girl, Alexa; his lads - Brendan and Maxwell - love to tease him about this ;)
16 Times running out - Ragmo

It's my last day of vacation and your watch is losing its time... why are you happy about it? Well atleast you can't be late if there's no time
It's my last day of vacation and your watch is losing its time... why are you happy about it? Well atleast you can't be late if there's no time
19 Timed - Zypdv-HP

Convenient cubic clock.
This is, like, the third time I draw my ponysona doing paper at a desk for an entry. I have literally no idea.
Convenient cubic clock.
This is, like, the third time I draw my ponysona doing paper at a desk for an entry. I have literally no idea.
24 ATG 20 - Outta Time - PixelGrip94

So this is the sequel to my drawing from day 17. As opposed to Pixel (and by extension, me) succeeding in watching, playing, and reading all the media he's got backlogged, he instead attempts to cram it all in on one sitting...all in vain.
So this is the sequel to my drawing from day 17. As opposed to Pixel (and by extension, me) succeeding in watching, playing, and reading all the media he's got backlogged, he instead attempts to cram it all in on one sitting...all in vain.
26 Late For Work in Prato, Italy - OctaScratchRock

The city of Prato, Tuscany, Italy is gorgeous, but it's certainly a tight city to get through if you're in a rush.
The city of Prato, Tuscany, Italy is gorgeous, but it's certainly a tight city to get through if you're in a rush.
31 I'm Late!!! - The Vintage Pone

Better get going Lemon hearts, you don't want to be late for the movies!
Better get going Lemon hearts, you don't want to be late for the movies!
32 Out Of Time - Matthew

Travellers know well of how time can run at different speeds across the multiverse. Some have even travelled backwards in time.
There are limitations on the where and when that you can re-enter a universe.
After struggling to retrace his steps back to his home universe, one such traveller has a shock in store.
Travellers know well of how time can run at different speeds across the multiverse. Some have even travelled backwards in time.
There are limitations on the where and when that you can re-enter a universe.
After struggling to retrace his steps back to his home universe, one such traveller has a shock in store.
37 Day 20 - Trixie Arrived Late to the Commission Lot - SadTrooper

I started very late tonight and i feel like this
I started very late tonight and i feel like this
38 Rarity being Fashionably Late - Starlight Flux

By some coincidence I got home late and ran out of time to ink this sketch, which was quite fitting for today's prompt. I'll have to do the inking another day when I get the time.
By some coincidence I got home late and ran out of time to ink this sketch, which was quite fitting for today's prompt. I'll have to do the inking another day when I get the time.
39 Over slept (relateable) - PfH Mod

Simple comic for the Equestira Daily Artist Training ground Day 19: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time (relate-able)
Shiren Emerald Oc belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
Simple comic for the Equestira Daily Artist Training ground Day 19: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time (relate-able)
Shiren Emerald Oc belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
42 Fluttershy-I Mean Alice-Is Running Late - Pone-Dancer

A redo of Alice in Wonderland.
Fluttershy and Angel Bunny are running late! But for what?
A redo of Alice in Wonderland.
Fluttershy and Angel Bunny are running late! But for what?
45 I Don't Want to Go - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Dr Whooves fought bravely to defeat the Cyberponies. However he was badly injured and his current body is now out of time and has to regenerate much to Derpys dispair.
Dr Whooves fought bravely to defeat the Cyberponies. However he was badly injured and his current body is now out of time and has to regenerate much to Derpys dispair.
46 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 20 - meto30

Of course, Gustave could cut the pony cooks some slack as they have little to no experience cooking meat. As the guests of honour were both omnivores and one guest had a particular love for meat, the menu for this dinner includes a number of meat dishes. This was troublesome news for the pony staff in the royal kitchens... but that does not excuse them in the eyes of the chef. They are supposed to be the finest cooks in Canterlot - they should act like it.
Of course, Gustave could cut the pony cooks some slack as they have little to no experience cooking meat. As the guests of honour were both omnivores and one guest had a particular love for meat, the menu for this dinner includes a number of meat dishes. This was troublesome news for the pony staff in the royal kitchens... but that does not excuse them in the eyes of the chef. They are supposed to be the finest cooks in Canterlot - they should act like it.
47 Time to go - Allonsbro

I am really loving this method of drawing. It's especially fun with a single direct light source.
I am really loving this method of drawing. It's especially fun with a single direct light source.
54 Late - Vivian Iolani

Yet another piece with limited time - Hopefully I'll make it up on makeup day, but no promises.
Yet another piece with limited time - Hopefully I'll make it up on makeup day, but no promises.
55 ED: ATG-Day 20-Bottomless - Addelum

All cider in this picture is non-alcoholic. Like in the show. ;)
All cider in this picture is non-alcoholic. Like in the show. ;)
56 Overclocked - Stone39

It seems like every time I draw Nicole in the fall, she's really stressed out. This time, I think she might have actually cracked.
It seems like every time I draw Nicole in the fall, she's really stressed out. This time, I think she might have actually cracked.
58 The All Mare - Frith

The All Mare, Epona. This pony ran out of time, as all living things must do, eventually. You can find out what equinologist Dr. Clarity Quest has unearthed about this mysterious mare and a description of the remains in situ in Twilight's journal at twilightpony.dreamwidth.org in the February 17 2016 entry. Hint: she was really bloody old.
The All Mare, Epona. This pony ran out of time, as all living things must do, eventually. You can find out what equinologist Dr. Clarity Quest has unearthed about this mysterious mare and a description of the remains in situ in Twilight's journal at twilightpony.dreamwidth.org in the February 17 2016 entry. Hint: she was really bloody old.
59 ATG VIII Day XX - RizDub

Dr. Whooves is getting a little fed up with the fact that I still haven't drawn anything for day 16 of this year's ATG.
Dr. Whooves is getting a little fed up with the fact that I still haven't drawn anything for day 16 of this year's ATG.
62 Approaching Deadline - B.J. Dazzle

So Doctor is not the pony they are looking for, but seems to play a crucial role in... whatever this whole thing is supposed to be. Unfortunately, they're going to have to pick up the pace; according to Dr. TIME, they're starting to RUN LATE on the whole "deliver this today" thing...
So Doctor is not the pony they are looking for, but seems to play a crucial role in... whatever this whole thing is supposed to be. Unfortunately, they're going to have to pick up the pace; according to Dr. TIME, they're starting to RUN LATE on the whole "deliver this today" thing...
68 It's the perfect prompt - dafiltafish

Busy with IRL stuff as usual. lines on white is still a drawing.
Busy with IRL stuff as usual. lines on white is still a drawing.
69 You can't do anything about it - Minty Treble

When you are running sooo late, but you can't do anything about it anyway :(
When you are running sooo late, but you can't do anything about it anyway :(
72 Fluttershy in Wonderland - Benjamin Eric Berlin

Fluttershy after a very curious bunny who is running too fast and might hurt himself, also he should watch where he's going instead of looking at wait is that a pocket watch? I hope that this is not "too late". Also more wonderland ideas sure to follow depending on prompts or just for the heck of it whichever comes first.
Fluttershy after a very curious bunny who is running too fast and might hurt himself, also he should watch where he's going instead of looking at wait is that a pocket watch? I hope that this is not "too late". Also more wonderland ideas sure to follow depending on prompts or just for the heck of it whichever comes first.
74 The Law of Rarity and Demand - Huffy26

Can Rarity maintain a romantic relationship while still being a good big sister and avoid getting ruin by a rival? Find out in episode 1141 of Friendship is Magic! Coming soon to a parallel universe near you!
Can Rarity maintain a romantic relationship while still being a good big sister and avoid getting ruin by a rival? Find out in episode 1141 of Friendship is Magic! Coming soon to a parallel universe near you!
85 No Pressure - RhythmPixel

Over here 2AM is the cutoff time.
Despite the image, I'm pretty calm in terms of time.
Over here 2AM is the cutoff time.
Despite the image, I'm pretty calm in terms of time.
87 Maya's Running Late for St. Mena's! - phallen1

This isn't quite finished yet, but I wanted to try to beat the deadline. Irony!
This isn't quite finished yet, but I wanted to try to beat the deadline. Irony!
90 Buying Time - Binky T.

As he escaped the scene, he looked behind him to see that his heinous act had not gone unnoticed. He saw a group of nearby witnesses on his tail, and try as he might he began to go into a frantic gallop. Not that it would matter, all he was doing is buying himself time. Would he like it or not, he would get caught soon. Now or later, everypony knew of his crime and there was no escaping it. All that mattered now was when that time would come.
As he escaped the scene, he looked behind him to see that his heinous act had not gone unnoticed. He saw a group of nearby witnesses on his tail, and try as he might he began to go into a frantic gallop. Not that it would matter, all he was doing is buying himself time. Would he like it or not, he would get caught soon. Now or later, everypony knew of his crime and there was no escaping it. All that mattered now was when that time would come.
91 Maya's Running Late for St. Mena's! (finished) - phallen1

School uniform? Check! Toast in mouth? Check! School backpack? In a manner of speaking, check! Best friend waiting for you to catch up with her? Check! My little pony, you've got yourself an anime schoolgirl cliche! All you need is some lucky guy to crash into as you approach the school.
School uniform? Check! Toast in mouth? Check! School backpack? In a manner of speaking, check! Best friend waiting for you to catch up with her? Check! My little pony, you've got yourself an anime schoolgirl cliche! All you need is some lucky guy to crash into as you approach the school.