Despite how we may feel, how happy we may be, our darkest fears always lurk beneath the surface and when we have to face them it can turn our world upside down. It's how we handle our fears that can show great courage and growth lest we let our fears crush us completely. We had a lot of pony's facing their fears today with some very creative results once again, well done everyone!
For today we raked in 107 ponies which now brings us up to 2605 ponies in total!
For today's prompt I bet a number of you felt this way when starting the ATG and were your thoughts in general as the event approached. What do I mean? Well, today I would like you to Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them. I'm also going to be trying something interesting with this prompt by tying it directly into tomorrow's prompt (or at least trying to), so be sure to check in tomorrow to see how that works!
As usual our submitter is here.
We also have a new Makeup Day submitter!
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
3 Midnight - RD4590

Witching hour... what, that usually happens at night, doesn't it?
Alright I admit I'm deviant from topic.
Witching hour... what, that usually happens at night, doesn't it?
Alright I admit I'm deviant from topic.
5 Basement Lights - Ebby Sharp

The basement lights are shot. You're home alone and just got done playing Silent Hill. The light bulbs are kept downstairs...
The basement lights are shot. You're home alone and just got done playing Silent Hill. The light bulbs are kept downstairs...
8 Spirit Life fights against her past - Horceye

Sometimes Spirit Life is conflicted with herself and questioning herself if she deserves to live, after what she has done to her friend in the past
Sometimes Spirit Life is conflicted with herself and questioning herself if she deserves to live, after what she has done to her friend in the past
9 Witch of the Night - Xander

There's a witch haunting ponyville every full moon. Who could it be? Does Trixie have a dark secret? Is it the amulet again? Or is it all just a manifestation of Trixie's darkest nightmare?
There's a witch haunting ponyville every full moon. Who could it be? Does Trixie have a dark secret? Is it the amulet again? Or is it all just a manifestation of Trixie's darkest nightmare?
12 Come Back Guys! - Erika Williams

Prompto's Twilightesque moment in episode Prompto was what started this whole crossover mess in the first place, so today we pay homage to that DLC.
Prompto's Twilightesque moment in episode Prompto was what started this whole crossover mess in the first place, so today we pay homage to that DLC.
18 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 16a - meto30

This entry continues on from the story of my entries for prompts 14 and 15. This is a two-page entry.
This entry continues on from the story of my entries for prompts 14 and 15. This is a two-page entry.
19 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 16b - meto30

This entry continues on from the story of my entries for prompts 14 and 15. This is a two-page entry.
This entry continues on from the story of my entries for prompts 14 and 15. This is a two-page entry.
23 ATG Day 16: The Witching Hour - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version. Rivera during the witching hour - just before he receives the brandings on his tail and horn; Rivera is adopted from @DingoBreath
Will be later replaced with the digital version. Rivera during the witching hour - just before he receives the brandings on his tail and horn; Rivera is adopted from @DingoBreath
25 NATG2018 - DAY 16 - Eternal checklist - DarkDabula

"Don't cry Twili, Luna will snap you out of this nightmare !"
"Don't cry Twili, Luna will snap you out of this nightmare !"
27 Fear of the dark - ragmo

Best way to overcome your fears is to face them... WAIT you're running into the wrong direction!
Best way to overcome your fears is to face them... WAIT you're running into the wrong direction!
30 Trauma - Matthew

In the multiverse, a being who is powerful enough can directly re-write a character of their choice.
The normally cheerful universe-hopper, Lost Colt, is forced to recount the experience of losing his mind, a fear he did not know he possessed until his encounter.
Sorry for the even more over-dramatic Style here, I was basically experimenting with a more sequential approach.
The events described by the characters are actually from one of my old audio drama series.
In the multiverse, a being who is powerful enough can directly re-write a character of their choice.
The normally cheerful universe-hopper, Lost Colt, is forced to recount the experience of losing his mind, a fear he did not know he possessed until his encounter.
Sorry for the even more over-dramatic Style here, I was basically experimenting with a more sequential approach.
The events described by the characters are actually from one of my old audio drama series.
36 ATG 16 - Dragonshy 2 - Shy Harder - PixelGrip94

Pretty sure Fluttershy still hasn't gotten over her fear of dragons.
I've always loved these kinds of shots from movies, TV, and games and I'm very happy with how this turned out, especially the dragon's eye since I had to get creative with darkening the pupil while still keeping Fluttershy visible in the reflection.
Pretty sure Fluttershy still hasn't gotten over her fear of dragons.
I've always loved these kinds of shots from movies, TV, and games and I'm very happy with how this turned out, especially the dragon's eye since I had to get creative with darkening the pupil while still keeping Fluttershy visible in the reflection.
38 ATG 2018 Day 16 Thalassophobia - tallaferroxiv

It's fear of the unknown and vertigo combined? How cool is that!
It's fear of the unknown and vertigo combined? How cool is that!
39 Don't dish out what you can't take back - Nekotigerfire

Fluttercord picture ^^; sorry I'm not having enough time cause of stuff in real life, I didn't even get a chance to give them shadows or give a proper background ^^; oh well for now that is all :3
Fluttercord picture ^^; sorry I'm not having enough time cause of stuff in real life, I didn't even get a chance to give them shadows or give a proper background ^^; oh well for now that is all :3
42 Hauntology Time - AaronMk

A stretched take the prompt, draw a pony's darkest fear/during the witching hour. And well, since this a stretch I figure I should explain myself.
Hauntology, a term coined by French Philosopher Jacques Derrida. The essence of Hauntology is a present not fully realized except with the mixing up of past and future moments in the present. Or, while in the present it is compared with the past and anticipates the future. It - the present - may not be fully described as there as its own isolated moment but is controlled by its past selves. The sensation could be related to music, where at any moment in listening to a song you are presently over ever listening to a single note: but that note is not in itself isolated from the past notes, nor free of anticipation of the next. The melody of a song is itself never present but exists as an "interplay of the past, present, and future". The present is a ghost.
A stretched take the prompt, draw a pony's darkest fear/during the witching hour. And well, since this a stretch I figure I should explain myself.
Hauntology, a term coined by French Philosopher Jacques Derrida. The essence of Hauntology is a present not fully realized except with the mixing up of past and future moments in the present. Or, while in the present it is compared with the past and anticipates the future. It - the present - may not be fully described as there as its own isolated moment but is controlled by its past selves. The sensation could be related to music, where at any moment in listening to a song you are presently over ever listening to a single note: but that note is not in itself isolated from the past notes, nor free of anticipation of the next. The melody of a song is itself never present but exists as an "interplay of the past, present, and future". The present is a ghost.
44 Day 16 - NSFRD (Not Safe For Rainbow Dash) - SadTrooper

You still can't get over those cute sunflowers right Rainbow?
You still can't get over those cute sunflowers right Rainbow?
45 Multi Prompt Drifting II: Electric Boogaloo. - Moonatik

Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour.
Draw a fashionable pony / Draw a pony with good taste.
Draw a pony crossing over with your favourite game, book, ect / Draw a pony putting on a show.
Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour.
Draw a fashionable pony / Draw a pony with good taste.
Draw a pony crossing over with your favourite game, book, ect / Draw a pony putting on a show.
53 America's Plans For The World - OctaScratchRock

Vinyl's worst fear has come true. Nuclear disaster has finally arrived, and it's up to her and Octavia to stop this.
Vinyl's worst fear has come true. Nuclear disaster has finally arrived, and it's up to her and Octavia to stop this.
54 Fear - Lou

Maybe it doesn't work, but Max being found out as a Changeling. So kinda facing dark fear about being considered a monster.
Maybe it doesn't work, but Max being found out as a Changeling. So kinda facing dark fear about being considered a monster.
55 Witching Hour - Vivian Iolani

Tried the painting style again, this time I didn't stick to one layer - much easier, much faster, if less authentic. Anyway, here's Verda, my hippogriff OC's mother, and actually a witch.
Tried the painting style again, this time I didn't stick to one layer - much easier, much faster, if less authentic. Anyway, here's Verda, my hippogriff OC's mother, and actually a witch.
60 EXPLOSION! - Starlight Flux

For Day 16 of Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds I thought I'll do a crossover with Konosuba and draw Arch Wizard Megumin casting the sole spell in her arsenal "Explosion".
For Day 16 of Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds I thought I'll do a crossover with Konosuba and draw Arch Wizard Megumin casting the sole spell in her arsenal "Explosion".
65 Golem Moon - Frith

Moon-rise over the golem glen in the Evershade, from a screen-cap I'd made while farming lvl 50 creatures for armor 'n' stuff. Because drawing a maredrake root crawling out of Twilight's coffee mug while she read forgotten lore (volume 5) was way too hard.
Moon-rise over the golem glen in the Evershade, from a screen-cap I'd made while farming lvl 50 creatures for armor 'n' stuff. Because drawing a maredrake root crawling out of Twilight's coffee mug while she read forgotten lore (volume 5) was way too hard.
68 Great Fear of Door Knobs - ToisaNeMoif

It feels great to paint digitally again. I think going simple is the best way to go for these ATG prompts, well unless you're either efficient or passionate in drawing in detail every day for a long period of time
It feels great to paint digitally again. I think going simple is the best way to go for these ATG prompts, well unless you're either efficient or passionate in drawing in detail every day for a long period of time
69 The End of Pinchface - EbonyCrystal1986

Ebony has had a fear of ventriloquist dummies for YEARS ever since she was a filly, and one in particular has been invading her nightmares for the longest time and she had had quite enough of it, so she asked Princess Luna for a particular spell, one to end his time in her dreams for good. Looks like he won't be around anymore. >:3
*blushes deeply* Ookay, there's a BIT of history to this one. Back when I was a girl, Nickelodeon had these IDs that would play before, after, and between EVERY show during the day and there was ONE in particular that gave me the creeps: Pinchface...they played that one SO much that years later the guy still shows up in my nightmares sometimes-call me a baby if you want, but still. If you have a fear of ventriloquist dummies, then you know how I feel. If he scared you too as a kid and appreciate this, you're welcome. >:3 Also sorry if the pic is pushing any ratings, but I tried to keep it PG while having fun with it :3
Ebony has had a fear of ventriloquist dummies for YEARS ever since she was a filly, and one in particular has been invading her nightmares for the longest time and she had had quite enough of it, so she asked Princess Luna for a particular spell, one to end his time in her dreams for good. Looks like he won't be around anymore. >:3
*blushes deeply* Ookay, there's a BIT of history to this one. Back when I was a girl, Nickelodeon had these IDs that would play before, after, and between EVERY show during the day and there was ONE in particular that gave me the creeps: Pinchface...they played that one SO much that years later the guy still shows up in my nightmares sometimes-call me a baby if you want, but still. If you have a fear of ventriloquist dummies, then you know how I feel. If he scared you too as a kid and appreciate this, you're welcome. >:3 Also sorry if the pic is pushing any ratings, but I tried to keep it PG while having fun with it :3
71 Face the past - t72b

There is nothing more terrifying and painful than true self reflection. We rarely like or accept what we truly are
There is nothing more terrifying and painful than true self reflection. We rarely like or accept what we truly are
72 The Witching Hour - Bright Idea

This prompt doubles as a belated birthday gift for Aeon of Dreams, whose special day was yesterday!
This prompt doubles as a belated birthday gift for Aeon of Dreams, whose special day was yesterday!
73 Face Your Fear - Pone-Dancer

Witch Dr. here has Koutaliaphobia, or the irrational fear of spoons. He wants to overcome that fear. He's too terrified to hold the spoon himself. This won't end well.
Witch Dr. here has Koutaliaphobia, or the irrational fear of spoons. He wants to overcome that fear. He's too terrified to hold the spoon himself. This won't end well.
77 - sharpshadowxii

Wasn't really feelin' it, 'til I drew the ghost. It's not great, but I thought it was funny. Wouldn't be surprised if I subconsciously ripped the ghost off from somewhere.
Wasn't really feelin' it, 'til I drew the ghost. It's not great, but I thought it was funny. Wouldn't be surprised if I subconsciously ripped the ghost off from somewhere.
80 For the third time - Minty Treble

The greater fear of these two: for Discord, to be trapped in stone again... for Fluttershy, to be the one who turns him into it.
The greater fear of these two: for Discord, to be trapped in stone again... for Fluttershy, to be the one who turns him into it.
81 ATG 2018 [Day 16]| *Hisssss* - Bluestflames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equeastria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour.
So I drew Diamanda at the Witching hour and something is looking to get her!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equeastria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour.
So I drew Diamanda at the Witching hour and something is looking to get her!
83 ATG Day 16 Draw a pony facing their darkest fear - TechPony

LolliPony asked why more people don't write in this area. So just for him I'm writing in this area to explain that Starlight's worst fear is having a broken kite on a perfect kite flying day with no backup.
LolliPony asked why more people don't write in this area. So just for him I'm writing in this area to explain that Starlight's worst fear is having a broken kite on a perfect kite flying day with no backup.
85 Derpy's Nightmare - Stone39

"I had called dibs on that box of muffins and she ate them all! She doesn't even like muffins!"
The theft of one's muffins is a very serious matter and Derpy is facing the harsh reality of what an inconsiderate pony like Pinkie can do.
"I had called dibs on that box of muffins and she ate them all! She doesn't even like muffins!"
The theft of one's muffins is a very serious matter and Derpy is facing the harsh reality of what an inconsiderate pony like Pinkie can do.
86 Up to Eleven - B.J. Dazzle

Finally getting back on track, Octavia believes that the riddle on the shipping label sounds a bit too similar to something else she's been hearing about, and proposes the two might be connected. Only now does she truly realize what she's just gotten herself into. Her greatest FEAR is about to be realized as Vinyl is about to unleash a veritable WITCHING HOUR of cacophonous sonic blasts throughout a 3-mile radius of her current position.
Finally getting back on track, Octavia believes that the riddle on the shipping label sounds a bit too similar to something else she's been hearing about, and proposes the two might be connected. Only now does she truly realize what she's just gotten herself into. Her greatest FEAR is about to be realized as Vinyl is about to unleash a veritable WITCHING HOUR of cacophonous sonic blasts throughout a 3-mile radius of her current position.
93 It is 1 a.m. and I finished this - PfH Mod

Shiren Emerald Oc belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA here
Shiren Emerald Oc belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA here
96 Facing your Darkest Fear (pixel art) - SuperHyperSonic2000

Here's a pixel art of Twilight Sparkle facing her darkest fear. I hope you guys like it. Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour.
Here's a pixel art of Twilight Sparkle facing her darkest fear. I hope you guys like it. Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour.
100 Trixie the Witch(ie) - Sigmath Bits

Trixie's hour of witching.
Where's she puts on a magic show!
Trixie's hour of witching.
Where's she puts on a magic show!
101 Ding - RhythmPixel

Couldn't think of any conventional fears, but personally I do panic a bit when I see/hear a notification pop out of nowhere.
Couldn't think of any conventional fears, but personally I do panic a bit when I see/hear a notification pop out of nowhere.
105 Luna, Reaper of The Night - TheDarkSatanicorn

Luna is in search of lunar souls at 3 A.M.
I had this idea of doing a grim reaper Luna for a while and this prompt was just the cherry on top for me to finally make this whole thing happen.
Glad it made my style go forward once again.
Luna is in search of lunar souls at 3 A.M.
I had this idea of doing a grim reaper Luna for a while and this prompt was just the cherry on top for me to finally make this whole thing happen.
Glad it made my style go forward once again.
106 Mommy Dearest - Binky T.

(Just a small head's up, this might contain themes of abuse. If you are sensitive to this kind of topic, skip this paragraph.)
"Belladonna's parents are visiting. She can't wait for her father to get here but as for her mother on the other hand. She is an abusive, manipulative, and just a very egotistical mare. When Belladonna was younger, she used to treat her and her dad the worse. Always throwing harsh words, cruel insults, and horrible thoughts into their minds. And even at work she would treat her customers crudely. When Belladonna got older, she finally moved out of the house and movrd into the Everfree Forest to continue her studies in magic. She refused to let anypony use the nickname "Bella" for her since her mother always called her that when she was a silly, and even today. Ruling over much of her and her dad's life with an iron hoof, it isn't much if a surprise to see she still hasn't changed after all these years since moving."
(Just a small head's up, this might contain themes of abuse. If you are sensitive to this kind of topic, skip this paragraph.)
"Belladonna's parents are visiting. She can't wait for her father to get here but as for her mother on the other hand. She is an abusive, manipulative, and just a very egotistical mare. When Belladonna was younger, she used to treat her and her dad the worse. Always throwing harsh words, cruel insults, and horrible thoughts into their minds. And even at work she would treat her customers crudely. When Belladonna got older, she finally moved out of the house and movrd into the Everfree Forest to continue her studies in magic. She refused to let anypony use the nickname "Bella" for her since her mother always called her that when she was a silly, and even today. Ruling over much of her and her dad's life with an iron hoof, it isn't much if a surprise to see she still hasn't changed after all these years since moving."
107 Hi, I'm Fluttershy and you're watching Donkey! This is called: "Face Your Fear". (Day 16) - Jameson Ethan

WARNING: The stunts and pranks featured in this show are done under strict supervision, these ponies are trained professionals. Do not try this at home.
WARNING: The stunts and pranks featured in this show are done under strict supervision, these ponies are trained professionals. Do not try this at home.