Today is the day everyone! The final prompt: number 30! It has been a long ride since we first started, I can barely believe that a whole month has passed since I first had you all drawing standing ponies. Time really does fly, doesn't it?
No time for grand speeches and such tonight, that's what tomorrow is for when we post the final gallery. As for today you all blew the Makeup Day away by submitting 222 ponies to our final Makeup submitter, bringing us up to 4132 ponies in total. We made it past 4k everyone!
As many of you already know, today's prompt is a long standing tradition. Much like how a pony standing is the first prompt of every ATG, this prompt always comes at the end: Draw a pony graduating / Draw a pony starting a new chapter in their life.
As always guys our submitter is here.
Good luck on today's final prompt!
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
2 Flutterbat's Revenge - Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

All I wanted was an apple, and nopony would give it to me, so leave me alone! Reference from "Scare Master."
All I wanted was an apple, and nopony would give it to me, so leave me alone! Reference from "Scare Master."
6 Applehoof - Vivian Iolani

I didn't like this one so much. My proportions were a bit off, and the pose makes the mane look awkward, I think. And to top it off, I forgot to hit submit after filling everything out, so here's the makeup for that.
I didn't like this one so much. My proportions were a bit off, and the pose makes the mane look awkward, I think. And to top it off, I forgot to hit submit after filling everything out, so here's the makeup for that.
7 ATG Day 20: Future Twilight - Delphina34

Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time.
Finally done with this. I like how the background came out, but my faces still need work.
Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time.
Finally done with this. I like how the background came out, but my faces still need work.
8 ATG Day 19: Soarindash Sleeping (Again!) - Delphina34

Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas.
Seem to be drawing these two sleeping a lot lately. Maybe it's because i'm staying up half the night making these pictures.
Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas.
Seem to be drawing these two sleeping a lot lately. Maybe it's because i'm staying up half the night making these pictures.
9 ATG Day 18: Young Celestia Raising the Sun - Delphina34

Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
Celestia raising the sun for the first time.
Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
Celestia raising the sun for the first time.
10 ATG Day 17 - Delphina34

Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them.
They're playing poker, on a table made of clouds.
Ugh, why are sitting ponies so hard? Their proportions look really weird.
Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them.
They're playing poker, on a table made of clouds.
Ugh, why are sitting ponies so hard? Their proportions look really weird.
11 ATG Day 21: Twilight Studying Brain Surgery - Delphina34

Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind.
Book says "Brain Surgery 101."
The other thing she's levitating is one of those anatomical models with the plastic brain; where you can take it apart and learn the different sections of the brain. Even though it ended up looking more like a boot.
I still need to work on proportions; her legs are too long and somehow the back ones ended up shorter than the front ones. She's a unicorn because I forgot to add her wings until this was nearly finished. Besides, when Twilight lived in the Golden Oak Library she was a unicorn.
Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind.
Book says "Brain Surgery 101."
The other thing she's levitating is one of those anatomical models with the plastic brain; where you can take it apart and learn the different sections of the brain. Even though it ended up looking more like a boot.
I still need to work on proportions; her legs are too long and somehow the back ones ended up shorter than the front ones. She's a unicorn because I forgot to add her wings until this was nearly finished. Besides, when Twilight lived in the Golden Oak Library she was a unicorn.
12 Window To the Past - SazerLite

Somepony's fascinated with her ancestors. ;)
Somepony's fascinated with her ancestors. ;)
15 Sudden Snow Day - B.J. Dazzle

Intended for day 22: Draw a pony celebrating your favorite holiday / Draw a pony partying too hard
Something strange occurs deeper in the pyramid... the temperature starts dropping dramatically, at an unusual rate even for an underground enclosure, and snow and ice starts to form everywhere! Clearly, there is only one logical reaction... celebrate Winter Wrap-Up in the middle of August! ...Or maybe Derpy and Lyra should stop their partying and actually focus on the situation at hoof.
Intended for day 22: Draw a pony celebrating your favorite holiday / Draw a pony partying too hard
Something strange occurs deeper in the pyramid... the temperature starts dropping dramatically, at an unusual rate even for an underground enclosure, and snow and ice starts to form everywhere! Clearly, there is only one logical reaction... celebrate Winter Wrap-Up in the middle of August! ...Or maybe Derpy and Lyra should stop their partying and actually focus on the situation at hoof.
16 ATG Day 22: Soarindash Christmas Lights - Delphina34

Draw a pony celebrating your favorite holiday / Draw a pony partying too hard.
I've had the idea for this for a while, and was planning to do it as a Christmas special. Oh well, I'll think of something else when Christmas rolls around.
Draw a pony celebrating your favorite holiday / Draw a pony partying too hard.
I've had the idea for this for a while, and was planning to do it as a Christmas special. Oh well, I'll think of something else when Christmas rolls around.
19 Too Much Cryptic Information - B.J. Dazzle

Made for Day 23: Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge
Uh oh, looks like Lyra may have gotten in over her head here! After analyzing a wall written with the same language she translated earlier, she may have acquired some KNOWLEDGE she probably shouldn't have, and something seems determined to take her to SCHOOL for it...
Made for Day 23: Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge
Uh oh, looks like Lyra may have gotten in over her head here! After analyzing a wall written with the same language she translated earlier, she may have acquired some KNOWLEDGE she probably shouldn't have, and something seems determined to take her to SCHOOL for it...
20 ATG Day 24: Haiku Are You - Mopar96

Putting in makeup day submitter because the regular one won't let me submit
Putting in makeup day submitter because the regular one won't let me submit
21 Day 24: Flutter Road Rage - Kishkumen

Fluttershy drawn in Krita for the drawing stabilization. Background blurred in Pixelmator for the better zoom blur. Mustang created in Lightwave years ago.
Fluttershy drawn in Krita for the drawing stabilization. Background blurred in Pixelmator for the better zoom blur. Mustang created in Lightwave years ago.
22 Princess Luna with a Brilliant Idea (pixel art) - SuperHyperSonic2000

Here's a pixel art I recently did of Princess Luna with a brilliant idea. I hope you guys like it.
Here's a pixel art I recently did of Princess Luna with a brilliant idea. I hope you guys like it.
34 Day 25 - The Little Mermare - phallen1

The timeless tale of a sea-pony who dreamed of the world above the water, and the ponies who lived and played and loved there...
The timeless tale of a sea-pony who dreamed of the world above the water, and the ponies who lived and played and loved there...
35 21 - Mind Wide Open - banterlot

It so happens I have a character named Open Mind...I'm not sure even she knows her own opinions anymore.
If even her counterpart Free Speech is questioning something you said, you may want to rethink that statement.
It so happens I have a character named Open Mind...I'm not sure even she knows her own opinions anymore.
If even her counterpart Free Speech is questioning something you said, you may want to rethink that statement.
36 8, 24, 25 Just Draw Koishi Already - thattagen

I had been intending to draw Koishi since Day 8, but recently two more prompts in a row fit the character.
In Love - Doing whatever comes to mind - Fairy Tale
I had been intending to draw Koishi since Day 8, but recently two more prompts in a row fit the character.
In Love - Doing whatever comes to mind - Fairy Tale
37 Chilling Encounter - B.J. Dazzle

With Lyra having separated herself from the rest of the group, the others contemplate just what else could be down here that could allow them to complete their mission. The cold brings a particular holiday to Sparkler's MIND, which gives Doctor a BRILLIANT IDEA regarding what they may be up against...
With Lyra having separated herself from the rest of the group, the others contemplate just what else could be down here that could allow them to complete their mission. The cold brings a particular holiday to Sparkler's MIND, which gives Doctor a BRILLIANT IDEA regarding what they may be up against...
38 2018 ATG VIII - Day 25 - Gramma - KirbyLiscious

The scene is made 100% better if you imagine Celestia yelling for justice within NMM's bowels. And we all know how great of a yeller she is~
The scene is made 100% better if you imagine Celestia yelling for justice within NMM's bowels. And we all know how great of a yeller she is~
39 ATG Day 23: CMC Find Out How Foals Are Made - Delphina34

Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
I'm way behind on these now; but this was the funniest thing I could think of for "forbidden knowledge." I still need to work on faces at different angles.
Apple Bloom is like, "Wait, they don't come from apple trees?"
Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
I'm way behind on these now; but this was the funniest thing I could think of for "forbidden knowledge." I still need to work on faces at different angles.
Apple Bloom is like, "Wait, they don't come from apple trees?"
69 Cold Shoulder - B.J. Dazzle

Made for Day 25: Draw a ponified version of a fairy tale / Draw a legendary pony
The group has reunited with Lyra, but she's a bit of a Lyracicle at the moment. Derpy proposes a FAIRY TALE solution to her current predicament, but they've got bigger things to worry about as the LEGENDARY creature responsible approaches...
Made for Day 25: Draw a ponified version of a fairy tale / Draw a legendary pony
The group has reunited with Lyra, but she's a bit of a Lyracicle at the moment. Derpy proposes a FAIRY TALE solution to her current predicament, but they've got bigger things to worry about as the LEGENDARY creature responsible approaches...
72 Trixie Attempts a Forced Ship - dafiltafish

day 26- Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another.
Stealing is bad, Trixie.
day 26- Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another.
Stealing is bad, Trixie.
73 Starlight Flux Meeting a Changedling - Starlight Flux

My entry for day 21 of the ATG (Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind).
My entry for day 21 of the ATG (Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind).
75 Alternative Agenda - B.J. Dazzle

Made for Day 26: Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another
Things are looking dire as the numbers dwindle, but Doc's not worried; through his EYES, all he sees are two ponies so full of love that no mere windigo can stand up against them. Unless, of course, Derpy wants to DECEIVE him and push forward with a different plan to even the field...
Made for Day 26: Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another
Things are looking dire as the numbers dwindle, but Doc's not worried; through his EYES, all he sees are two ponies so full of love that no mere windigo can stand up against them. Unless, of course, Derpy wants to DECEIVE him and push forward with a different plan to even the field...
77 ATG Day 24: Inspiration Manifestation - Delphina34

Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea.
Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea.
78 ATG Day 23: CMC Find Out How Foals Are Made - Delphina34

Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
I'm way behind on these now; but this was the funniest thing I could think of for "forbidden knowledge." I still need to work on faces at different angles.
Apple Bloom is like, "Wait, they don't come from apple trees?"
Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
I'm way behind on these now; but this was the funniest thing I could think of for "forbidden knowledge." I still need to work on faces at different angles.
Apple Bloom is like, "Wait, they don't come from apple trees?"
79 ATG Day 21: Twilight Studying Brain Surgery - Delphina34

Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind.
Book says "Brain Surgery 101."
The other thing she's levitating is one of those anatomical models with the plastic brain; where you can take it apart and learn the different sections of the brain. Even though it ended up looking more like a boot.
I still need to work on proportions; her legs are too long and somehow the back ones ended up shorter than the front ones. She's a unicorn because I forgot to add her wings until this was nearly finished. Besides, when Twilight lived in the Golden Oak Library she was a unicorn.
Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind.
Book says "Brain Surgery 101."
The other thing she's levitating is one of those anatomical models with the plastic brain; where you can take it apart and learn the different sections of the brain. Even though it ended up looking more like a boot.
I still need to work on proportions; her legs are too long and somehow the back ones ended up shorter than the front ones. She's a unicorn because I forgot to add her wings until this was nearly finished. Besides, when Twilight lived in the Golden Oak Library she was a unicorn.
80 ATG Day 20: Future Twilight - Delphina34

Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time.
Finally done with this. I like how the background came out, but my faces still need work.
Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time.
Finally done with this. I like how the background came out, but my faces still need work.
81 ATG Day 19: Soarindash Sleeping (Again) - Delphina34

Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas.
Seem to be drawing these two sleeping a lot lately. Maybe it's because i'm staying up half the night making these pictures.
Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas.
Seem to be drawing these two sleeping a lot lately. Maybe it's because i'm staying up half the night making these pictures.
84 ATG 28 - The New Princess - PixelGrip94

I guess Twilight wasn't ready for Starlight to gain her wings. But Starlight was. She was always ready. Inspired by the hilarious videos by Forgalorga.
I guess Twilight wasn't ready for Starlight to gain her wings. But Starlight was. She was always ready. Inspired by the hilarious videos by Forgalorga.
86 22 - Great and Powerful Celebration - banterlot

Having no clear favorite holiday, I decided to have Starlight and Trixie celebrating Guy Fawkes Day with the traditional fireworks...and a hint of reenactment thrown in. This will certainly end well.
Having no clear favorite holiday, I decided to have Starlight and Trixie celebrating Guy Fawkes Day with the traditional fireworks...and a hint of reenactment thrown in. This will certainly end well.
87 Opposite Friendship - B.J. Dazzle

Made for Day 27: Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal
Derpy is a very caring and tolerant pony by nature. She loves being friendly and helping others, and tends not to discriminate against others, always trying to see things from other perspectives. To her, a lone windigo is not something to be feared, but just another creature, one she could possibly become friends with, but with the caveat that, biologically, it can't stand love and kindness and revels in spite and malice. Most would deem such circumstances as impossible for friendship to occur, but Derpy's not so quick to give up. STEELING HER NERVES, she is determined to complete her GOAL of MEETING this fascinating new individual on amicable terms... even if it means taking an approach that contradicts everything she knows.
Made for Day 27: Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal
Derpy is a very caring and tolerant pony by nature. She loves being friendly and helping others, and tends not to discriminate against others, always trying to see things from other perspectives. To her, a lone windigo is not something to be feared, but just another creature, one she could possibly become friends with, but with the caveat that, biologically, it can't stand love and kindness and revels in spite and malice. Most would deem such circumstances as impossible for friendship to occur, but Derpy's not so quick to give up. STEELING HER NERVES, she is determined to complete her GOAL of MEETING this fascinating new individual on amicable terms... even if it means taking an approach that contradicts everything she knows.
88 At School - Sleepy - Zypdv-HP

Colored. It's okay to submit these on makeup day... right? I just feel like I should finish them.
Colored. It's okay to submit these on makeup day... right? I just feel like I should finish them.
90 23 - The Fall of Sunset Shimmer - banterlot

The actual reason Sunset had to be banished. This is truly forbidden knowledge.
The actual reason Sunset had to be banished. This is truly forbidden knowledge.
91 Mission Accomplished! - B.J. Dazzle

Made for Day 28: Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end
It's been a long road, but at long last, Derpy's JOURNEY to deliver that stupid package is finally at its END...
Made for Day 28: Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end
It's been a long road, but at long last, Derpy's JOURNEY to deliver that stupid package is finally at its END...
92 (My Little) Pony celebrating International Sleep Day - Mister Twister

I wish such a day existed, for everyone.
I wish such a day existed, for everyone.
95 Rarity coming home from the sales - Starlight Flux

My entry for day 28 of the ATG (Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end).
My entry for day 28 of the ATG (Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end).
97 EqD ATG Day 30 Twilight Sparkle - Wissle

Won't have time to submit on "day 30", so in the makeup day it goes :D
Won't have time to submit on "day 30", so in the makeup day it goes :D
99 Last Holiday - EbonyCrystal1986

Even though Smooth Jazz had become diagnosed with dementia a few years prior, he and Ebony were closer than ever thanks to her stepping up and taking care of him. Sure he forgot certain things, but he didn't forget that the holidays were coming, so Ebony wanted to make this year his best one yet. The night before while he was asleep, she slipped his present under the tree and the next morning, they woke up like they did every year to open their gifts together. Ebony wanted her dad to open his present first before she opened any of hers, so he did. Inside the large gift was a brand new robe that was black to match his mane, tail and cutie mark along with several other items he loved or always used. Smooth couldn't believe his eyes as he tried on the robe seeing it was a perfect fit. He smiled giving his daughter a loving hug, which she happily returned. Ebony knew this was the best holiday she ever had, too. Knowing her dad was happy was the best gift she could receive.
Even though Smooth Jazz had become diagnosed with dementia a few years prior, he and Ebony were closer than ever thanks to her stepping up and taking care of him. Sure he forgot certain things, but he didn't forget that the holidays were coming, so Ebony wanted to make this year his best one yet. The night before while he was asleep, she slipped his present under the tree and the next morning, they woke up like they did every year to open their gifts together. Ebony wanted her dad to open his present first before she opened any of hers, so he did. Inside the large gift was a brand new robe that was black to match his mane, tail and cutie mark along with several other items he loved or always used. Smooth couldn't believe his eyes as he tried on the robe seeing it was a perfect fit. He smiled giving his daughter a loving hug, which she happily returned. Ebony knew this was the best holiday she ever had, too. Knowing her dad was happy was the best gift she could receive.
100 First Day of School - EbonyCrystal1986

The day had finally come for little Ebony to go to school and like most unicorns, she would be going to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, or more specifically, magic kindergarten. She was still a blank flank filly, but she knew that somehow she would get her cutie mark for something she loved doing there. As all little ones are on their first day, she was both nervous and excited, especially once she saw the large building in the distance. After giving her parents one last hug and kiss goodbye, she headed inside, eager to get things started. Cedar Rose and Smooth Jazz both watched as she went inside the school, tears of joy falling from their eyes as they made their way back home together, so very proud of their little girl.
And yeah, Ebony's mom is now named Cedar Rose! Big shoutout to Equestrian Exploration here on Equestria Daily for the inspiration! :3
The day had finally come for little Ebony to go to school and like most unicorns, she would be going to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, or more specifically, magic kindergarten. She was still a blank flank filly, but she knew that somehow she would get her cutie mark for something she loved doing there. As all little ones are on their first day, she was both nervous and excited, especially once she saw the large building in the distance. After giving her parents one last hug and kiss goodbye, she headed inside, eager to get things started. Cedar Rose and Smooth Jazz both watched as she went inside the school, tears of joy falling from their eyes as they made their way back home together, so very proud of their little girl.
And yeah, Ebony's mom is now named Cedar Rose! Big shoutout to Equestrian Exploration here on Equestria Daily for the inspiration! :3
103 Shattered - Zypdv-HP

An actual make up. (For Day 26.)
I think this is the first time I do dialogues. Also shards are hard to draw. :U
An actual make up. (For Day 26.)
I think this is the first time I do dialogues. Also shards are hard to draw. :U
104 The deck stacked against her - PerpelexedPegasus

Make-up for day 17 - Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them
Make-up for day 17 - Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them
105 The Ultimate Miracle - PerpelexedPegasus

Make-up for day 18 - Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat
Make-up for day 18 - Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat
106 Derpy's brilliant idea - PerpelexedPegasus

Make-up for day 24 - Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea
Make-up for day 24 - Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea
107 The Pony Out of Time - PerpelexedPegasus

Make-up for day 20 - Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time
Make-up for day 20 - Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time
108 Starswirl the Legend - PerpelexedPegasus

Make-up for day 25 - Draw a ponified version of a fairy tale / Draw a legendary pony
Make-up for day 25 - Draw a ponified version of a fairy tale / Draw a legendary pony
109 The Last Day - EbonyCrystal1986

Ookay there's a story to this one, too, but again thanks to the character limit, you'll have to go to the link to read it. Seriously, next year guys, try to extend the maximum characters to at least 2 or 3k. That gets annoying after a while. ^ ^;;;
Ookay there's a story to this one, too, but again thanks to the character limit, you'll have to go to the link to read it. Seriously, next year guys, try to extend the maximum characters to at least 2 or 3k. That gets annoying after a while. ^ ^;;;
110 Button Stash - PerpelexedPegasus

Make-up for day 26 - Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another
Make-up for day 26 - Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another
111 Octavello - bobthedalek

Since I made a massive error with Yesterday's prompt, it was only right I went back and did it properly for today's makeup day. Surprising just how far I've come in six years! (Click link for standalone image!)
Since I made a massive error with Yesterday's prompt, it was only right I went back and did it properly for today's makeup day. Surprising just how far I've come in six years! (Click link for standalone image!)
114 - Summer Gem

For today I decided to draw the pony reaching their goal prompt. Winter Wind's goal has always been to finish a race. He may have finished last, but at least he made it.
For today I decided to draw the pony reaching their goal prompt. Winter Wind's goal has always been to finish a race. He may have finished last, but at least he made it.
115 Well, I would walk 500 miles! - LennyStendhal13

...and I would walk 500 more, just be the pony who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door...
My super-late submission for Day 2, "Draw a pony in action - Draw a pony on the run", featuring my OC Illiterate Supremacy (Illy) :D
Where is he running? Nopony knows! But he sure looks determined to get there! ;P
...and I would walk 500 more, just be the pony who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door...
My super-late submission for Day 2, "Draw a pony in action - Draw a pony on the run", featuring my OC Illiterate Supremacy (Illy) :D
Where is he running? Nopony knows! But he sure looks determined to get there! ;P
116 Stendhal didn't listen... - LennyStendhal13

Oookay, Stendhal...I think I'll get a doctor's appointment for you real soon ^^;
My super-late submission for Day 3, "Draw a pony going nuts - Draw a pony going batty" :D
Obviously referenced from Party Favor's awesome face from Season 5 XD
Hope you like it ^-^
Oookay, Stendhal...I think I'll get a doctor's appointment for you real soon ^^;
My super-late submission for Day 3, "Draw a pony going nuts - Draw a pony going batty" :D
Obviously referenced from Party Favor's awesome face from Season 5 XD
Hope you like it ^-^
117 Fresca beating the summer heat - LennyStendhal13

Super-late submission for Day 5, "Draw a pony enjoying a summer treat / Draw a pony beating the summer heat", featuring my OC Fresca Lemonade taking a fresh bath in a river :D
This was supposed to look much better ^^; But considering it's my first attempt at drawing water, I think it's alright. Hope you like it ^-^
Also, I don't know if I'll be able to submit anything for tomorrow's prompt, so I'll say it now just in case: thank you so much to the organizers of this years NATG! Like last year, you did a fantastic job to make this event unforgettable, and I can surely say that I had a lot of fun and it has taught me a lot: well done! :3
And congratulations to all artists that participated, as well! You also did a fantastic job! <3 i="">
Super-late submission for Day 5, "Draw a pony enjoying a summer treat / Draw a pony beating the summer heat", featuring my OC Fresca Lemonade taking a fresh bath in a river :D
This was supposed to look much better ^^; But considering it's my first attempt at drawing water, I think it's alright. Hope you like it ^-^
Also, I don't know if I'll be able to submit anything for tomorrow's prompt, so I'll say it now just in case: thank you so much to the organizers of this years NATG! Like last year, you did a fantastic job to make this event unforgettable, and I can surely say that I had a lot of fun and it has taught me a lot: well done! :3
And congratulations to all artists that participated, as well! You also did a fantastic job! <3 i="">
119 Pony, meet Sheep. - PerplexedPegasus

Make-up - Day 21 - Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind
Make-up - Day 21 - Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind
121 Unimpressive Secrets - PerplexedPegasus

Make-up Day 23 - Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge
Make-up Day 23 - Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge
124 About to be out of gas - PerplexedPegasus

Make-up Day 19 - Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas
Make-up Day 19 - Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas
125 ATG - 25 - Legendary Figure - Crimson Winds

Flash Magnus is my favorite of the pillars... right next to somnambula of course
didn't really get a comment saying this was placed in the ATG 25 post so im reposting just in case.
Flash Magnus is my favorite of the pillars... right next to somnambula of course
didn't really get a comment saying this was placed in the ATG 25 post so im reposting just in case.
126 ATG - 27 - Nerves of Steel - Crimson Winds

Entering the Everfree forest takes nerves of steel...
didn't really get a comment saying this was placed in the ATG 27 post so im reposting just in case.
Entering the Everfree forest takes nerves of steel...
didn't really get a comment saying this was placed in the ATG 27 post so im reposting just in case.
127 24 - Brain Storming - banterlot

Brain Storm: taking his name seriously and literally since (insert year here).
And doing it at the drop of the hat, even in the middle of serving an order.
Brain Storm: taking his name seriously and literally since (insert year here).
And doing it at the drop of the hat, even in the middle of serving an order.
129 Warning from the Stars - Matthew

Really wanted to do more for this one. Unfortunately, I was away from the computer almost the entire day
Really wanted to do more for this one. Unfortunately, I was away from the computer almost the entire day
131 Rarity's Darkest Hour - PerplexedPegasus

Make-up Day 16 - Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour
Make-up Day 16 - Draw a pony facing their darkest fear / Draw a pony during the witching hour
132 Rainbow Dash Flies The Nest - Starlight Flux

My entry for day 12 of the ATG (Draw a pony family unit / Draw a pony leaving the nest).
My entry for day 12 of the ATG (Draw a pony family unit / Draw a pony leaving the nest).
133 Warning from the Stars [Re-submission] - Matthew

Remake of an earlier artwork.
Sorry for re-submitting this one. I submitted a basic version earlier as I wasn't sure whether I had enough time to add to it. Now, I'm wondering just what the cut-off time is.
I was thinking of the name 'Queen Polaris' of the Stellar Empire. What do you think?
Remake of an earlier artwork.
Sorry for re-submitting this one. I submitted a basic version earlier as I wasn't sure whether I had enough time to add to it. Now, I'm wondering just what the cut-off time is.
I was thinking of the name 'Queen Polaris' of the Stellar Empire. What do you think?
134 Sweetie Belle in the dark 2.0 - PerplexedPegasus

Make-up Day 29 - Redraw an earlier piece from the ATG or if you're a veteran artist redraw one of your early pieces / Draw as many of our prompts as possible in one drawing.
This is a redraw of a picture I drew for the first ATG I took part in, the 2016 ATG.
Make-up Day 29 - Redraw an earlier piece from the ATG or if you're a veteran artist redraw one of your early pieces / Draw as many of our prompts as possible in one drawing.
This is a redraw of a picture I drew for the first ATG I took part in, the 2016 ATG.
135 Tip Top Passes his Collage Course Redrawn - Starlight Flux

My entry for Day 29 of the ATG (Redraw an earlier piece from the ATG or if you're a veteran artist redraw one of your early pieces / Draw as many of our prompts as possible in one drawing).
I choose to redraw day 4 of the ATG for this prompt (draw a pony attaining a goal / draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor). This is just a redraw of a little something for my mate who passed his collage course earlier this month.
My entry for Day 29 of the ATG (Redraw an earlier piece from the ATG or if you're a veteran artist redraw one of your early pieces / Draw as many of our prompts as possible in one drawing).
I choose to redraw day 4 of the ATG for this prompt (draw a pony attaining a goal / draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor). This is just a redraw of a little something for my mate who passed his collage course earlier this month.
136 Frozen Turner - DeluxeFlame

It was nice just focusing on basics. But still ended up doing a bit more with a curved hoof and turned head.
Shutout to Coldtrail and Toxicbox for critiquing during the process.
It was nice just focusing on basics. But still ended up doing a bit more with a curved hoof and turned head.
Shutout to Coldtrail and Toxicbox for critiquing during the process.
137 Cornered - Allonsbro

28) Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end
28) Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end
142 3 in 1 Pony Medley - bluecrow

Medley composed by the topics of "legendary pony" + "crossover" + "leaving the nest"
Medley composed by the topics of "legendary pony" + "crossover" + "leaving the nest"
143 Discovery - Allonsbro

23) Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge
23) Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge
144 Princesses ready for battle - Erik Butterworth

With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one.
With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one.
145 Stupid Heartless... - Erik Butterworth

With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with.
With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with.
146 Heartless Ambush!! - Erik Butterworth

With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with for the last day of the Training Grounds.
With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with for the last day of the Training Grounds.
147 That was too close... - Erik Butterworth

With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with for the last day of the Training Grounds to close things out.
With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with for the last day of the Training Grounds to close things out.
148 Let's get outta here! - Erik Butterworth

With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with for the last day of the Training Grounds to close things out, especially with the Princesses.
With the last Makeup Day today, might as well upload some pieces that I had done in my early days on Garry's Mod, but never had a chance to upload because I never had a topic in the Training Grounds that fit them.
With the one mentioning my favorite game, I figured Kingdom Hearts would be a good one to go with for the last day of the Training Grounds to close things out, especially with the Princesses.
150 Final Make Up Day 1 NATG VII - HorizonsBound

Pony standing, enjoying a summer treat, going batty, in action
Pony standing, enjoying a summer treat, going batty, in action
152 Prompt #29: Berry Punch Blending In - Bright Idea

A redo of prompt #8 from last year's ATG: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony blending in
A redo of prompt #8 from last year's ATG: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony blending in
154 No Tailgating!! - MorphiusX

Acharky seemed to be having a fun time saving our Earth from Oxide. So much so that I had to draw him his duel since 'Charky could complete the Adventure Campaign sometime this year... Bring the popcorn & pass the salt!
Acharky seemed to be having a fun time saving our Earth from Oxide. So much so that I had to draw him his duel since 'Charky could complete the Adventure Campaign sometime this year... Bring the popcorn & pass the salt!
155 Shipping With Toys - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping)
Aren't they just adorable? :3
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping)
Aren't they just adorable? :3
156 Blight Vandalizes My Signature - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a villainous pony
Thunder Blight is Lightning Bliss' Nega Brony who claims she's better than Blissy Wissy in every way. Ever since the Revenge of the Blight has been recently spurring about, she's on the loose & she even vandalized my signature by sapping nearly half of it with her magic, & or her tail.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a villainous pony
Thunder Blight is Lightning Bliss' Nega Brony who claims she's better than Blissy Wissy in every way. Ever since the Revenge of the Blight has been recently spurring about, she's on the loose & she even vandalized my signature by sapping nearly half of it with her magic, & or her tail.
157 Twilight's Ascension - PsychicKid

For Prompt 1)
First time drawing in 6 months, prior to that it was about 4-5 years. Used references shot from Twilight first unfolding her wings in MMC, one of my favorite moments of the series, and I wanted to show my love for that and Twilight's growth as a character.
Also still getting used to using things such as circles for body/head shape placement
For Prompt 1)
First time drawing in 6 months, prior to that it was about 4-5 years. Used references shot from Twilight first unfolding her wings in MMC, one of my favorite moments of the series, and I wanted to show my love for that and Twilight's growth as a character.
Also still getting used to using things such as circles for body/head shape placement
158 Need Some Glue? - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony doing something you like to do in real life / Draw a pony doing something they wouldn’t normally do*
Specifically Alex is too empathetic to know what I'm feeling, since I like building model ships like what you see in Star Trek, unless anyone would want to clarify on a horse pun on such a franchise.
*Alex Voicer is a unique earth pony who can read anyone's imaginations with her own Imaginary Magic unlike the typical earth pony.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony doing something you like to do in real life / Draw a pony doing something they wouldn’t normally do*
Specifically Alex is too empathetic to know what I'm feeling, since I like building model ships like what you see in Star Trek, unless anyone would want to clarify on a horse pun on such a franchise.
*Alex Voicer is a unique earth pony who can read anyone's imaginations with her own Imaginary Magic unlike the typical earth pony.
159 Gather Around, Gang! - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony mingling
If you've ever followed Mystery Brony Theater 4000 all the way through Season 4, you'd see that Whirl was the original "test subject" for Hasbro's executives who test on their subjects for feedback from My Little Pony episodes spanning from Generations 1 - 2.5 (Generation 3 is really Generation 2, contrary to popular belief) but the theater's internal mishaps caused Whirl psychological disorder, forcing her to escape into hiding.
Whenever Season 5 arrives, pass the salt & butter the popcorn, gather around and watch a movie or episode that may risk your very life.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony mingling
If you've ever followed Mystery Brony Theater 4000 all the way through Season 4, you'd see that Whirl was the original "test subject" for Hasbro's executives who test on their subjects for feedback from My Little Pony episodes spanning from Generations 1 - 2.5 (Generation 3 is really Generation 2, contrary to popular belief) but the theater's internal mishaps caused Whirl psychological disorder, forcing her to escape into hiding.
Whenever Season 5 arrives, pass the salt & butter the popcorn, gather around and watch a movie or episode that may risk your very life.
160 My Forefathers of Harmony - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony family unit
Featuring Heilos' OC, Harmony.
If only The Tree of Harmony did have a personality & met her own precursors of harmony.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony family unit
Featuring Heilos' OC, Harmony.
If only The Tree of Harmony did have a personality & met her own precursors of harmony.
161 Star-Crossed Lovers - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony exploring the final frontier
Based on Lightning Bliss' anniversary origin story.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony exploring the final frontier
Based on Lightning Bliss' anniversary origin story.
162 Take the Gem, MAP! - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect.
Take the gem, MAP. You know you want to.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect.
Take the gem, MAP. You know you want to.
163 Extreme Pepper Breath - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony with good taste
MOI BUENO! Got any more Windigo Ghost Peppers? ~ Pinkie Pie
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony with good taste
MOI BUENO! Got any more Windigo Ghost Peppers? ~ Pinkie Pie
164 Ebony's Big Surprise - EbonyCrystal1986

Again there's a story to this, but to read it, you'll have to click the link... ^ ^;;;
Wow, it's hard to believe that on September 10th, 2016, it'll be almost 2 years since I created Ebony Crystal, and all thanks to Equestria Daily's ATGs. She's become a part of me now and I have no regrets whatsoever. I've even met some great friends since I've been improving my art and I hope I can improve even further for many more years to come! :3
Again there's a story to this, but to read it, you'll have to click the link... ^ ^;;;
Wow, it's hard to believe that on September 10th, 2016, it'll be almost 2 years since I created Ebony Crystal, and all thanks to Equestria Daily's ATGs. She's become a part of me now and I have no regrets whatsoever. I've even met some great friends since I've been improving my art and I hope I can improve even further for many more years to come! :3
165 Cheesy Lyrics - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony facing their darkest fear
Eat the quesadillas, Twilight!
Face the Music, Blissy Wissy! >:3
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony facing their darkest fear
Eat the quesadillas, Twilight!
Face the Music, Blissy Wissy! >:3
166 Mission Pinkpossible - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony on an impossible mission
What, were you expecting, Sly Cooper?
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony on an impossible mission
What, were you expecting, Sly Cooper?
168 AJ Balling/Bailing out. - DeluxeFlame

Was Afraid to ink but went ahead and did. Messed up a bit on the bridge of the nose.
Struggled a lot with relative size and limbs on this one.
Was Afraid to ink but went ahead and did. Messed up a bit on the bridge of the nose.
Struggled a lot with relative size and limbs on this one.
169 ATG Day 8 Alternate Version 2 - Delphina34

170 ATG Day 12: Pregnant Soarindash - Delphina34

Draw a pony family / Draw a pony leaving the nest.
IDK, does this count as "family?" This is in the very early stages of starting a family. It's probably hard to tell with Soarin's wing in the way, but Dash is pregnant.
Draw a pony family / Draw a pony leaving the nest.
IDK, does this count as "family?" This is in the very early stages of starting a family. It's probably hard to tell with Soarin's wing in the way, but Dash is pregnant.
174 ATG Day 14: The Great And Powerful Trixie - Delphina34

Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect / Draw a pony putting on a show.
Who better to put on a show than the Great and Powerful Trixie?
Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect / Draw a pony putting on a show.
Who better to put on a show than the Great and Powerful Trixie?
176 ATG Day 14 No Sparkles - Delphina34

Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect / Draw a pony putting on a show.
Who better to put on a show than the Great and Powerful Trixie?
Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect / Draw a pony putting on a show.
Who better to put on a show than the Great and Powerful Trixie?
179 Delivery Aftermath - B.J. Dazzle

Made for Day 29, the redraw prompt.
The delivery now completed, Derpy wraps things up so she can get back home as soon AS POSSIBLE. The original trio now back on the road they ran down EARLIER, Derpy fills Lyra and Bon Bon in on what they missed while they busy being ice.
I had a tough time figuring out how to integrate this one into the story. This isn't so much a "redraw" as it is a "throwback" to my second submission for the ATG this year. It's the same idea, just in the opposite direction, slowed down, with a more detailed background, and at night. And hopefully better-drawn ponies.
Made for Day 29, the redraw prompt.
The delivery now completed, Derpy wraps things up so she can get back home as soon AS POSSIBLE. The original trio now back on the road they ran down EARLIER, Derpy fills Lyra and Bon Bon in on what they missed while they busy being ice.
I had a tough time figuring out how to integrate this one into the story. This isn't so much a "redraw" as it is a "throwback" to my second submission for the ATG this year. It's the same idea, just in the opposite direction, slowed down, with a more detailed background, and at night. And hopefully better-drawn ponies.
185 Her First and Greatest Fans - Bombom13

I feel like Rainbow's parents would take her birthday party waaaaaaaaaaaay too far.
I feel like Rainbow's parents would take her birthday party waaaaaaaaaaaay too far.
186 Necromancy & You - Bombom13

Twilight has found the part of the library she DEFINITELY shouldn't be messing with. That book was her plan to meet Starswirl before that sort of worked itself out.
Twilight has found the part of the library she DEFINITELY shouldn't be messing with. That book was her plan to meet Starswirl before that sort of worked itself out.
187 Hanging Around With Some New Friends - Bombom13

I feel like if there's anything that can be relied upon, it's that these ponies want to make more friends. Also, Despite Sylveon & Espeon's colors matching Rarity & Pinkie, I feel like personality wise, Espeon is the Rarity of the Eeveelutions.
I feel like if there's anything that can be relied upon, it's that these ponies want to make more friends. Also, Despite Sylveon & Espeon's colors matching Rarity & Pinkie, I feel like personality wise, Espeon is the Rarity of the Eeveelutions.
188 Pone d'Arc - Bombom13

I feel like Joan of Arc qualifies as a legendary heroin!
Based on Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres' painting of Charles VII's coronation, I believe. It was a fun chance to have a go at armor.
I feel like Joan of Arc qualifies as a legendary heroin!
Based on Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres' painting of Charles VII's coronation, I believe. It was a fun chance to have a go at armor.
189 The Last Bonfire - Bombom13

I feel like finishing a Dark Souls game counts as achieving a goal. Admittedly haven't finished 3 yet, but working on it!
If nothing else, it was a good chance to mess with lighting.
I feel like finishing a Dark Souls game counts as achieving a goal. Admittedly haven't finished 3 yet, but working on it!
If nothing else, it was a good chance to mess with lighting.
190 A Pony Going to Face the End - Bombom13

Unfortunately, thanks to school starting back up, I ran out of time to do 26 or 29. I did these 6 submissions in the last 3 days. It was an interestingly different approach doing all the sketches, then the inking, then the colors. I have plans for 26 - Something something avengers reality stone fun. Until then, It's been great run y'all!
Unfortunately, thanks to school starting back up, I ran out of time to do 26 or 29. I did these 6 submissions in the last 3 days. It was an interestingly different approach doing all the sketches, then the inking, then the colors. I have plans for 26 - Something something avengers reality stone fun. Until then, It's been great run y'all!
197 ATG Day 29 - Yakoshi

Redraw of this from 2015:
Redraw of this from 2015:
198 Drama in Equus - Minty Treble

Teresa Cereza: “Lima Cereza!! You slept with my husband!! what will people say!!�
Lima Cereza: “Well, they can say whatever garbage they want!! you never did anything with him, anyway�
For promp 26 I decided to draw a reference from Al Sur de Equus, an audio drama about an alternative world similar to Equestria, where some people go when they die.
Teresa Cereza: “Lima Cereza!! You slept with my husband!! what will people say!!�
Lima Cereza: “Well, they can say whatever garbage they want!! you never did anything with him, anyway�
For promp 26 I decided to draw a reference from Al Sur de Equus, an audio drama about an alternative world similar to Equestria, where some people go when they die.
201 ATG 2018 [Day 26]|This isn't Peanut Brittle... - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another.
So I drew Golden tricking Stella!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony pulling the wool over someone's eyes / Draw a pony deceiving another.
So I drew Golden tricking Stella!
202 Pearl Shine - 30 Days of Artist Training - bakumaru

My entry for this year's Newbie Artist Training Grounds
... actually, it felt more like 30. My hand is all cramped up. :P
I chose Pearl Shine as my model (she's the mascot for the Philippine Bronies) :)
My entry for this year's Newbie Artist Training Grounds
... actually, it felt more like 30. My hand is all cramped up. :P
I chose Pearl Shine as my model (she's the mascot for the Philippine Bronies) :)
207 - ZetaMad

Draw a pony from or in the future, i can remember that prompt, but it is in the list and I just needed applebloom to complete the crusaders :D
Draw a pony from or in the future, i can remember that prompt, but it is in the list and I just needed applebloom to complete the crusaders :D
208 Redraw of Prompt #11 - TaichiKeaton

Wanted to have another try at redrawing one of these, it's been fun.
Wanted to have another try at redrawing one of these, it's been fun.
209 ATG 2018 [Day 27]|I got this! - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal.
So I drew Diamanda getting over the falling bridge!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal.
So I drew Diamanda getting over the falling bridge!
210 ATG 2018 [Day 11]|Mingling! - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony being a social butterfly.
So I drew Stacy dancing at a party with other ponies!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony being a social butterfly.
So I drew Stacy dancing at a party with other ponies!
211 ATG 2018 [Day 20]|Out of time! - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time.
So I drew a pony coming out of Time!
Thought it was about time I made a joke drawing. ^^
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time.
So I drew a pony coming out of Time!
Thought it was about time I made a joke drawing. ^^
213 ATG 2018 [Day 13]|Future Augment - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony from or in the future / Draw a pony exploring the final frontier.
So I drew a pony with future augments!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony from or in the future / Draw a pony exploring the final frontier.
So I drew a pony with future augments!
214 ATG 2018 [Day 12]|Leaving home - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony family / Draw a pony leaving the nest.
So I drew a young Jessica leaving her home for the first time.
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony family / Draw a pony leaving the nest.
So I drew a young Jessica leaving her home for the first time.
215 ATG 2018 [Day 29]|Better than before! - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Redraw an earlier piece from the ATG or if you're a veteran artist redraw one of your early pieces / Draw as many of our prompts as possible in one drawing.
So I drew a very early piece from when I first did ATG!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Redraw an earlier piece from the ATG or if you're a veteran artist redraw one of your early pieces / Draw as many of our prompts as possible in one drawing.
So I drew a very early piece from when I first did ATG!
217 Devious Duo - Binky T.

Day 9-Draw a villainous pony
I love to draw these two together. I can't help but to feel like Nogan serves as a right hand man to Doctor Caballeron. But yeah, due to issues I couldn't get the entire group together for Ahuizotl. Let alone about 17 more. But yeah, awesome pones here
Day 9-Draw a villainous pony
I love to draw these two together. I can't help but to feel like Nogan serves as a right hand man to Doctor Caballeron. But yeah, due to issues I couldn't get the entire group together for Ahuizotl. Let alone about 17 more. But yeah, awesome pones here
218 ATG 2018 [Day 18]|Whew I made it... - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
So I drew Jade successfully making the big jump!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
So I drew Jade successfully making the big jump!
219 ATG 2018 [Day 19] So tired... - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas.
So I drew Yumi very tired.
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony out of gas.
So I drew Yumi very tired.
222 Day 28: Daring Do and the Temple of the Alicorns - phallen1

Daring Do and Precious Jade have succeeded in their quest to find and open up the legendary lost Temple of the Alicorns. But the temple guards are looking to bring their journey to a permanent end...
Daring Do and Precious Jade have succeeded in their quest to find and open up the legendary lost Temple of the Alicorns. But the temple guards are looking to bring their journey to a permanent end...