Unfortunately I have to make this post a little sooner than I would like. I have to get up early in the morning in order to go to a meeting so I have to post what I have. Hopefully there is time in the morning to post what I've missed!
Today we managed to bring in 74 ponies bringing us up to 3750 ponies! Nice work everyone!
We are now entering our final days of the ATG so I think this particular prompt is fitting for how far all of you have come over these almost 30 days. Today I'd like you Draw a pony reaching the end of their journey / Draw a pony meeting their end.
You can find our submitter here.
New Makeup Day submitter is here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
2 A horse with nerves of steel - RainbowDash1804

I have no idea what is that Herma Mora lookin' thing.
I have no idea what is that Herma Mora lookin' thing.
6 Spirit Life tries to resist the urge - Horceye

Apparently, Spirit Life has a soft spot for sweet food, but she must resist, she really wants to lose some weight. It really takes some nerves to resist your favourite food when you are on a diet.
Apparently, Spirit Life has a soft spot for sweet food, but she must resist, she really wants to lose some weight. It really takes some nerves to resist your favourite food when you are on a diet.
10 ATG Day 27: Swept off her hooves - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version. Dick certainly gained his goal of sweeping Harmony off her hooves ;P Dick's pony design based on the Batman Forever Robin (Chris O'Donnell)
Will be later replaced with the digital version. Dick certainly gained his goal of sweeping Harmony off her hooves ;P Dick's pony design based on the Batman Forever Robin (Chris O'Donnell)
14 Twi - Zypdv-HP

I misunderstood the prompt and had to start over.
BTW, I couldn't think up anything for yesterday. Hope I can makeup.
I misunderstood the prompt and had to start over.
BTW, I couldn't think up anything for yesterday. Hope I can makeup.
16 Do you come here often? - Ragmo

Don't worry - this goal isn't her type; way to stiff and silent. Cavemanpony can ake a deep breath.
Don't worry - this goal isn't her type; way to stiff and silent. Cavemanpony can ake a deep breath.
22 Slave Revolt - AaronMk

>When I insist on continuing what was a joke to myself
>When I insist on continuing what was a joke to myself
23 Day 27 - Delivering Calpain All The Prompts - SadTrooper

Getting 27 days of art done is a goal for me
Getting 27 days of art done is a goal for me
24 ATG 2018 Day 27 Nerves of Silent Steel - tallaferroxiv

She can do this for hours!
Also best horse.
She can do this for hours!
Also best horse.
29 ATG - Dragonshy 3: Shy Hard With A Vengence - PixelGrip94

Dragons should've learned by now not to buck with Fluttershy or her friends.
Thought it'd be a fun idea to do the opposite of my Day 16 prompt (seen here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DkGx8zyVAAA6gIo?format=jpg). Also decided to make another pun title based on the action film franchise that I have yet to see any of the sequels of. Go me.
Dragons should've learned by now not to buck with Fluttershy or her friends.
Thought it'd be a fun idea to do the opposite of my Day 16 prompt (seen here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DkGx8zyVAAA6gIo?format=jpg). Also decided to make another pun title based on the action film franchise that I have yet to see any of the sequels of. Go me.
30 2018 ATG VIII - Day 27 - Nerves - KirbyLiscious

"Discord, he's finally doing it! And he looks so calm, too! He... actually, he looks kinda stiff from here. Almost like.... you turned his nerves into real steel, didn't you."
"Whaaaaaat, why would I do a thing like thaaaaat~"
"Discord, he's finally doing it! And he looks so calm, too! He... actually, he looks kinda stiff from here. Almost like.... you turned his nerves into real steel, didn't you."
"Whaaaaaat, why would I do a thing like thaaaaat~"
31 Ocellus Graduating From Friendship School - Starlight Flux

As it's been a while since I did a full colour drawing in the ATG, I thought I'll do a simpler sketch of Ocellus graduating from Friendship School so I could colour and ink it.
As it's been a while since I did a full colour drawing in the ATG, I thought I'll do a simpler sketch of Ocellus graduating from Friendship School so I could colour and ink it.

I tried to tie both prompts on one image. Did it work? Probably not. ANYWAY here is my submission for the day.
Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal
@friendlypsycho and @zeevmoonart​ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
I tried to tie both prompts on one image. Did it work? Probably not. ANYWAY here is my submission for the day.
Draw a pony with nerves of steel / Draw a pony meeting a goal
@friendlypsycho and @zeevmoonart​ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
33 Enough! - Erika Williams

Cadance has had enough of these villains trying to overtake Equestria. She's got a toddler at home, she doesn't have time for this nonsense!
Cadance has had enough of these villains trying to overtake Equestria. She's got a toddler at home, she doesn't have time for this nonsense!
35 Dissection - Frith

Does this pony have nerves of steel? Place your bets! Let's dissect and find out!
Does this pony have nerves of steel? Place your bets! Let's dissect and find out!
37 ED:ATG-Day 27-Barnraiser - Addelum

Remember when Applejack's barn used to be destroyed at least once every season?
Remember when Applejack's barn used to be destroyed at least once every season?
38 Nerves of Steel, or Just Dead Inside? - Pone-Dancer

Nails on chalkboard? Not really a bad sound.
Yes, I'm that dead inside.
Nails on chalkboard? Not really a bad sound.
Yes, I'm that dead inside.
40 Patch, the clown - Minty Treble

Patch, from MLP Tales!!! She wanted to be a clown, and was simply the bravest, so adventurous...!! a bit irresponsible, but a good example nevertheless, being able to laugh at yourself, to stay true to your dreams despite criticism... that requires big, heavy steel ovaries.
Patch, from MLP Tales!!! She wanted to be a clown, and was simply the bravest, so adventurous...!! a bit irresponsible, but a good example nevertheless, being able to laugh at yourself, to stay true to your dreams despite criticism... that requires big, heavy steel ovaries.
45 ATG VIII Day XXVII - RizDub

Twilight would certainly need nerves of steel to stand up to Celestia.
So why is Twilight so upset? Who knows. Maybe she's starting to wonder if Celestia has been playing Twilight like a chess piece. Maybe she's worried about mental trauma from the massive amount of troubling experiences she's had (Discord, Chrysalis, Starlight Glimmer...). Maybe she realized Celestia was the one who always ate the last cookie to prevent Twilight from sneaking snacks during school hours. Your guess is as good as mine.
Twilight would certainly need nerves of steel to stand up to Celestia.
So why is Twilight so upset? Who knows. Maybe she's starting to wonder if Celestia has been playing Twilight like a chess piece. Maybe she's worried about mental trauma from the massive amount of troubling experiences she's had (Discord, Chrysalis, Starlight Glimmer...). Maybe she realized Celestia was the one who always ate the last cookie to prevent Twilight from sneaking snacks during school hours. Your guess is as good as mine.
51 Rainbow Dash: Explorer - Benjamin Eric Berlin

I started this using my favored medium of pencil and colored pencil, but after coloring, I just felt it didn't quite have the effect I was looking for, so I turned once again to Paint 3-D on our home computer, based upon several chapters in the epic saga Austraeoh by Imploding Colon, Rainbow Dash is flying towards some mountains that are many hundreds of miles (guesstimate) outside of Equestria and all but dwarf the Canterlothian mountains. These chapters were not so much told as shown using incredibly detailed imagery, and I hope that I was able to capture even the smallest fraction of that in my second attempt at a digital painting.
I started this using my favored medium of pencil and colored pencil, but after coloring, I just felt it didn't quite have the effect I was looking for, so I turned once again to Paint 3-D on our home computer, based upon several chapters in the epic saga Austraeoh by Imploding Colon, Rainbow Dash is flying towards some mountains that are many hundreds of miles (guesstimate) outside of Equestria and all but dwarf the Canterlothian mountains. These chapters were not so much told as shown using incredibly detailed imagery, and I hope that I was able to capture even the smallest fraction of that in my second attempt at a digital painting.
55 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 27 Meeting a Goal - meto30

I'm supposed to change the title to "Meeting a Goal" but I'm out of time!
I'm supposed to change the title to "Meeting a Goal" but I'm out of time!
61 Learning Some Hard Lessons - phallen1

Maya was trying to open her parachute with her brand-new unicorn magic. Her A.A.D. opening her reserve parachute for her was a signal that she'd run out of time. But landing safely is always the first goal, and you have to admire her not having a breakdown here...
Maya was trying to open her parachute with her brand-new unicorn magic. Her A.A.D. opening her reserve parachute for her was a signal that she'd run out of time. But landing safely is always the first goal, and you have to admire her not having a breakdown here...
63 Don't Lose Your Cool - RedQuoz

Looks like Button Mash is about to win at the claw machine, or is he?
Looks like Button Mash is about to win at the claw machine, or is he?
67 Learning Magic on the Ground - phallen1

Following up on the previous submission. "Well, next jump I'm definitely doing it right!" "Maybe when we find someone who can repack your reserve, we'll also find a unicorn coach who can teach you *properly*."
Following up on the previous submission. "Well, next jump I'm definitely doing it right!" "Maybe when we find someone who can repack your reserve, we'll also find a unicorn coach who can teach you *properly*."
69 NATG D27 - Krash42

Me trying to see Teen Titans Go with Moviepass last week
I give it an 85% out of The Horse Movie.
Me trying to see Teen Titans Go with Moviepass last week
I give it an 85% out of The Horse Movie.
72 Confidence - Binky T.

Hickory has been pressuring the poor mare for almost a month now, but at this point Binky just doesn't worry anymore.
Hickory has been pressuring the poor mare for almost a month now, but at this point Binky just doesn't worry anymore.