A lot of ponies with light bulbs above their heads but only one where the pony was inside the light bulb itself! I could tell that this prompt was relatively hard for a lot of you considering many chose the same thoughts for this prompt, focusing on the Idea portion of the prompt. That's ok though, it takes practice to come up with ideas you want to draw and sometimes when you force it nothing really works out in the end.
All the same I hope it was a good exercise for you all and that you guys learned something from it.
Speaking of today's prompt, we brought in a lovely 79 ponies today which brings us up to 3516 ponies in total! Keep up the pace guys!
Now for today's prompt I wanted to take something from a special group that has been around since the ATG's early days. Called The Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group, they have posted prompts week after week for artists to continue practicing. While it isn't as fast paced as the EqD ATG where we have a prompt daily, they still offer plenty of prompts in their archive you can use for inspiration!
That brings me to the prompt we'll be using today: Draw a ponified version of a fairy tale / Draw a legendary pony. Slightly modified from the source material, but I thought it would be a fun prompt to try out.
As usual our submitter is here.
New Makeup Day submitter is here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
7 ATG Day 24: Plot of Betrayal - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version; Gabriel putting his plan into action and betrays Zarina and her crew
Will be later replaced with the digital version; Gabriel putting his plan into action and betrays Zarina and her crew
9 Drifting on a thought - Nekotigerfire

I really wanted to do rainbow or Fluttershy for the next prompt and being that Rainbow usually does what her brain tells her it just went that way. I think it looks good, but ya no real background this time ^^;
I really wanted to do rainbow or Fluttershy for the next prompt and being that Rainbow usually does what her brain tells her it just went that way. I think it looks good, but ya no real background this time ^^;
10 Nose Boop! - Erika Williams

I took away Prompto's impulse control and he wanted to boop noses with Gladio. Gladio was not expecting that.
I took away Prompto's impulse control and he wanted to boop noses with Gladio. Gladio was not expecting that.
11 ATG comes to mind - Quint-t-W

Is it a brilliant idea to draw something for the prompt?
It is unlikely I'll be able to put something for any other prompts, so here is atleast one picture I've done for the ATG this year.
Is it a brilliant idea to draw something for the prompt?
It is unlikely I'll be able to put something for any other prompts, so here is atleast one picture I've done for the ATG this year.
16 For a moment - Minty Treble

This promp is so perfect!! since I saw "Surf and/or Turf", I can't stop thinking about Scoots singing "For a Moment", from The Little Mermaid 2~
This promp is so perfect!! since I saw "Surf and/or Turf", I can't stop thinking about Scoots singing "For a Moment", from The Little Mermaid 2~
18 Bright idea - Ragmo

When you're in the dark, a good idea can just brighten up your day.
I draw with my regular room light on and put a smaller lamp to my side as spotlight. Took it again with my phone because i gave up on my scanner for grayscale. Had to turn flash on so my own shadow is present... and it made this nice effect fitting for the picture \o/
When you're in the dark, a good idea can just brighten up your day.
I draw with my regular room light on and put a smaller lamp to my side as spotlight. Took it again with my phone because i gave up on my scanner for grayscale. Had to turn flash on so my own shadow is present... and it made this nice effect fitting for the picture \o/
20 Surf at Sunset - dafiltafish

Whatever comes to mind huh? Well, I've been missing the pacific coast, so let's go with that.
(It isn't very good, is it? Airbrushing is hard.)
Whatever comes to mind huh? Well, I've been missing the pacific coast, so let's go with that.
(It isn't very good, is it? Airbrushing is hard.)
22 ATG 24 - Brilliance - PixelGrip94

This is what immediately came to my mind with today's prompt. Hope it doesn't seem too lazy.
This is what immediately came to my mind with today's prompt. Hope it doesn't seem too lazy.
27 Cloak - Matthew

Its is a known rule in the multiverse that everything that happens within it is a story being told. In theory, a fictional character can temporarily cloak their story, essentially hiding themselves from the multiverse itself.
But can theory be put into practise?
Its is a known rule in the multiverse that everything that happens within it is a story being told. In theory, a fictional character can temporarily cloak their story, essentially hiding themselves from the multiverse itself.
But can theory be put into practise?
28 The Bet - PfH Mod

Come on! Wings are wings =D
LazY drawing because I am perpetually out of time.
@friendlypsycho รข€‹ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
Come on! Wings are wings =D
LazY drawing because I am perpetually out of time.
@friendlypsycho รข€‹ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
32 Twenty Yards of Nucc - AaronMk

Twenty yards of linen equals one lab coat, which equals one clothes lab pony, which I suppose factoring in labor value on top of use value equals 14 pounds of enriched weapons-grade plutonium which translates to one bomb.
So yes Posada, thank you for your thoughts.
Twenty yards of linen equals one lab coat, which equals one clothes lab pony, which I suppose factoring in labor value on top of use value equals 14 pounds of enriched weapons-grade plutonium which translates to one bomb.
So yes Posada, thank you for your thoughts.
37 'Brilliant' Idea - Pone-Dancer

Pinkie Pie thinks that giving her hyper son a cup of coffee is a wonderful idea.
He gets crazy before even taking a sip.
Pinkie Pie thinks that giving her hyper son a cup of coffee is a wonderful idea.
He gets crazy before even taking a sip.
38 Birb Pones - Pone-Dancer

Here we have Soarin' the birb pony giving Rainbow Dash a heckin big chest puff. Rainbow Dash does a heckin big ignore and grazes nearby.
Here we have Soarin' the birb pony giving Rainbow Dash a heckin big chest puff. Rainbow Dash does a heckin big ignore and grazes nearby.
40 Doodling Session - Pink-Pone

Prompt said to draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind, so I drew ponies drawing the first thing that came to their mind: a pony!
Poni-ception! :D
Prompt said to draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind, so I drew ponies drawing the first thing that came to their mind: a pony!
Poni-ception! :D
41 Starlight Flux VS Creative Blocks - Starlight Flux

Well the main thing that came to mind was artist block, so I thought about drawing my OC destroying an art block. I also added some other creative blocks being smashed for good measure.
Well the main thing that came to mind was artist block, so I thought about drawing my OC destroying an art block. I also added some other creative blocks being smashed for good measure.
42 Button Mash learns about Gaming PCs - The Vintage Pone

Button Mash used to play on his console, but soon discovers the power of Gaming PC's
Button Mash used to play on his console, but soon discovers the power of Gaming PC's
48 A Wonderful Awful Idea - Frith

"Then he got an idea! An awful idea!
The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea!"
And so did I.
"Then he got an idea! An awful idea!
The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea!"
And so did I.
49 ATG VIII Day XXIV - RizDub

Sort of a followup to a similar prompt from last year:
Sort of a followup to a similar prompt from last year:
50 2018 ATG VIII - Day 24 - Bright Idea - KirbyLiscious

"I've just had the BEST. IDEA. EVERRRRR!!! LET'S DO IT!!"
"I've just had the BEST. IDEA. EVERRRRR!!! LET'S DO IT!!"
53 NATG VIII Day 24 - Brilliant Idea - Cheesy Puffs

"The perfect synthesis of stealth and attack power!"
"The perfect synthesis of stealth and attack power!"
54 A Clever Disguise - Stone39

Is "Plainity" one of the most brilliant disguises in the show to date? Hard to say, but I wanted an excuse to draw Rarity. :D
Is "Plainity" one of the most brilliant disguises in the show to date? Hard to say, but I wanted an excuse to draw Rarity. :D
55 ED: ATG-Day 24-Dance Like Nobody's Watching - Addelum

...even if they are.
This was a difficult prompt. I ran through the entire day thinking of this one and the best I could come up with was this.
...even if they are.
This was a difficult prompt. I ran through the entire day thinking of this one and the best I could come up with was this.
56 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 24 - meto30

I admit, this page is a mess. I was running out of time trying to redo all the mistake-filled panels, so here's the upload.
I admit, this page is a mess. I was running out of time trying to redo all the mistake-filled panels, so here's the upload.
63 Context in the Description - Binky T.

For context, I've been feeling like hell today and had no clue as to what to draw for today's prompt. The one time I do get an idea is fucking this. My nose burns, my throat is dry, and I'm not even sick. And it doesn't help this is the lamest entry of the entire event.
For context, I've been feeling like hell today and had no clue as to what to draw for today's prompt. The one time I do get an idea is fucking this. My nose burns, my throat is dry, and I'm not even sick. And it doesn't help this is the lamest entry of the entire event.
66 ATG 2018 [Day 24]|Your Queen is here - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea.
So I drew how Diamanda would be like if she ever got a throne!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea.
So I drew how Diamanda would be like if she ever got a throne!
69 Pizza - RhythmPixel

Apparently whatever comes to mind, pizza.
Something quick and simple, busy day.
Apparently whatever comes to mind, pizza.
Something quick and simple, busy day.
74 Water + Color - Photon Grapher

Technicolor pony decided to swim and flip her hair back and forth. Pink pony noticed technicolor pony's hair flipping back and forth in the water. Pink pony decided it was time to make wet paint wet. (This work-in-progress was made possible by the inventors of watercolor.)
Technicolor pony decided to swim and flip her hair back and forth. Pink pony noticed technicolor pony's hair flipping back and forth in the water. Pink pony decided it was time to make wet paint wet. (This work-in-progress was made possible by the inventors of watercolor.)
77 Skydiving Together, Always A Good Idea - phallen1

I am a one-idea pony, but I do what I can to share my love for that idea.
I am a one-idea pony, but I do what I can to share my love for that idea.
78 Indonisty has an idea (NATG VIII: Day 24) - Squeaky_Belle

Heyo so...this ATG is definitely going super well for me so far haha yes c':
Been busy with uni stuff so I've been putting off the ATG. :< Drew Indonisty this time because Indonesia's Independence Day was yesterday, so I guess this is a little tribute to our Indonesian fans. :>
Cheated and added an exclamation mark just to make it an "idea". Oof indeed
Heyo so...this ATG is definitely going super well for me so far haha yes c':
Been busy with uni stuff so I've been putting off the ATG. :< Drew Indonisty this time because Indonesia's Independence Day was yesterday, so I guess this is a little tribute to our Indonesian fans. :>
Cheated and added an exclamation mark just to make it an "idea". Oof indeed