While today's prompt was about heading back to school and learning new knowledge it just reminds me how little time we have left now for this year's ATG. You all have done so well and have exceeded my expectations once again as we enter the final week or so of the event and I hope you all have had fun and learned some very valuable lessons along the way.
For our prompt we netted another 88 ponies which brings us up to 3437 ponies in total. Keep up the good work everyone!
Now, today's prompt may be one of the hardest you all will tackle so far. As the ATG wraps up and comes to an end there won't be prompts for you to work with each day, giving you direction and motivation to create something new. I know last year this wasn't one of our favorite prompts but I do believe it teaches a valuable lesson that I hope you all will at least attempt. I have tweaked the prompt a little bit so it isn't as harsh if you don't come up with any ideas though, so feel free to focus on the secondary prompt if that's the case.
For today's prompt I simply want you to Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony with a brilliant idea.
As usual our submitter is here.
New Makeup Day submitter is here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
1 ATG Day 23: School - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version. John running late for class - to quite the annoyance of Count Nightcoil; Count Nightcoil, Loopy and Hope are adopted from @WickedHex, and this is part of the Perculiar AU :3
Will be later replaced with the digital version. John running late for class - to quite the annoyance of Count Nightcoil; Count Nightcoil, Loopy and Hope are adopted from @WickedHex, and this is part of the Perculiar AU :3
4 OH NO- - Binky T.

I don't know about y'all, but I can see Rainbow Dash being the one in the Mane 6 most reactive to NSFW stuff. _And not in a good way..._ Wish her luck y'all.
I don't know about y'all, but I can see Rainbow Dash being the one in the Mane 6 most reactive to NSFW stuff. _And not in a good way..._ Wish her luck y'all.

There was a reason Twilight told them not to snoop in her library books without her permission.
Realized that I had yet to draw any of the CMC this time around. Decided to remedy that with some nice mental scarring for the little fillies. Also made it a point to draw this really early so work didn't get in the way like it has the last couple of days.
There was a reason Twilight told them not to snoop in her library books without her permission.
Realized that I had yet to draw any of the CMC this time around. Decided to remedy that with some nice mental scarring for the little fillies. Also made it a point to draw this really early so work didn't get in the way like it has the last couple of days.
9 Spirit Life searches for new spells - Horceye

Spirit Life has difficulties to find Volume 21 in the secret Libary section “Forbidden Knowledge and Spells�
Spirit Life has difficulties to find Volume 21 in the secret Libary section “Forbidden Knowledge and Spells�
10 Sandbar - Minty Treble

something simple, because I don't have much time today... I really like Sandbar, he's really cute <3 i="">
something simple, because I don't have much time today... I really like Sandbar, he's really cute <3 i="">
12 23-2018 - alloco

Since i've already drawn a pony in school (kinda) decided to drawn the morning before.
Since i've already drawn a pony in school (kinda) decided to drawn the morning before.
14 Back to school - Nekotigerfire

I took a bit more time into this one with the desks and some background stuff, but ya. It could have been better and I feel bad for the teachers ^^;
I took a bit more time into this one with the desks and some background stuff, but ya. It could have been better and I feel bad for the teachers ^^;
15 Ditzy Doo Headin' To School - Pone-Dancer

Derpy has her toast and bag. She's ready for education!
Derpy has her toast and bag. She's ready for education!

I like learning, but I have terrible time management, therefore often tired.
I like learning, but I have terrible time management, therefore often tired.
18 NATG2018 - DAY 23 - The Forbidden Pear - DarkDabula

"Maybe you should switch to audio books, Applebloom !"
"Maybe you should switch to audio books, Applebloom !"
29 Back To School - OctaScratchRock

Octavia and Vinyl have been best friends since they were little children. Here's them when they were young!
Octavia and Vinyl have been best friends since they were little children. Here's them when they were young!
30 Discoveries - Matthew

With his obsession, Driftwould would always be one of the first to realise there was something deathly wrong in the multiverse.
I had two separate ideas for this one, so I went with both. Gave me the opportunity to use one of my own fictional universes. Also, yes, that is a lion floating in the night sky.
With his obsession, Driftwould would always be one of the first to realise there was something deathly wrong in the multiverse.
I had two separate ideas for this one, so I went with both. Gave me the opportunity to use one of my own fictional universes. Also, yes, that is a lion floating in the night sky.
35 Awaken, my masters! - meto30

Just imagine those three immortals taking absolute control over Crystal Prep, unleashing their store of forbidden knowledge upon the ultra-competitive but still young and naive minds that inhabit the school... Bonus points if Crystal Prep is a boarding school.
Just imagine those three immortals taking absolute control over Crystal Prep, unleashing their store of forbidden knowledge upon the ultra-competitive but still young and naive minds that inhabit the school... Bonus points if Crystal Prep is a boarding school.
37 ATG 2018 Day 23 Going to School - tallaferroxiv

First time putting an anthro through here...
have a random Ruby!
First time putting an anthro through here...
have a random Ruby!
39 ATG VIII 23 - Tun Rae

Never look yourself up on the internet. You don't want to know that information
Never look yourself up on the internet. You don't want to know that information
42 A book better left untouched - Ragmo

KOROR! ALL NATURAL! - MC Thulu (Chaos on Deponia)
I took this one again with my phone... dont know why, but my scanner seems to have big problems with grayscale and messes it up (only observed in pencil sketches; anything with colors, the scanning result is as it should be)
KOROR! ALL NATURAL! - MC Thulu (Chaos on Deponia)
I took this one again with my phone... dont know why, but my scanner seems to have big problems with grayscale and messes it up (only observed in pencil sketches; anything with colors, the scanning result is as it should be)
43 Release of the Strike Kitten - AaronMk

They say if you let her out, she will teach you the forbidden art of messing things up.
They say if you let her out, she will teach you the forbidden art of messing things up.
44 School Mischief - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Rapidsnap loves Amethyst Shade really, well loves to wind her up.
Rapidsnap loves Amethyst Shade really, well loves to wind her up.
46 Time Travel Magic (keep out!) - Starlight Flux

For today's prompt I decided to draw Starlight Glimmer pre-season 5 finale, stealing time travel magic, as that probably counts as forbidden knowledge.
For today's prompt I decided to draw Starlight Glimmer pre-season 5 finale, stealing time travel magic, as that probably counts as forbidden knowledge.
47 Twilight's forbidden book - The Vintage Pone

Tried a simpler style (the MLP FiM style) because of School, and a side project I'm working on.
Tried a simpler style (the MLP FiM style) because of School, and a side project I'm working on.
48 ATG VIII Day XXIII - RizDub

Who would be one of the LEAST likely unicorns to study forbidden evil magics...?
Who would be one of the LEAST likely unicorns to study forbidden evil magics...?
49 First Steps to Hiring an Assistant - Binky T.

"Alright, alright then loo -*yawns* ovey. Just a few more pages and off to…" *THWUMP*
After a long night of studies and searching, Ms. Poxy’s journey to creating the perfect assistant had began. She very well knew that this would come with consequences, but it would be worth it in the end.. hopefully.
"Alright, alright then loo -*yawns* ovey. Just a few more pages and off to…" *THWUMP*
After a long night of studies and searching, Ms. Poxy’s journey to creating the perfect assistant had began. She very well knew that this would come with consequences, but it would be worth it in the end.. hopefully.
54 Curiosity - Ebby Sharp

Had to borrow space pony from a previous prompt. He's getting knowledge alright, forbidden more so by distance and physics than by laws or ethics. What fun!
Had to borrow space pony from a previous prompt. He's getting knowledge alright, forbidden more so by distance and physics than by laws or ethics. What fun!
56 2018 ATG VIII - Day 23 - Knowledge - KirbyLiscious

"I have had many students over the years... some have reached great and wonderful heights, while others have fallen far... yet, as they grow, so have I. Teaching my students has always borne such surprising results - we all have much to learn...."
"I have had many students over the years... some have reached great and wonderful heights, while others have fallen far... yet, as they grow, so have I. Teaching my students has always borne such surprising results - we all have much to learn...."
57 ED: ATG-Day 23-Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder - Addelum

I think this is a first in that the drawing nails both prompts for once! Starswirl, you naughty stallion!
I think this is a first in that the drawing nails both prompts for once! Starswirl, you naughty stallion!
60 ATG Day 23 A pony obtaining forbidden knowledge - TechPony

Will we ever learn how Celestia came to have that egg in her possession?
Will we ever learn how Celestia came to have that egg in her possession?
63 Forbidden Fruit - Benjamin Eric Berlin

My attempt at an illuminated manuscript in about 3 hours. Showing a version of the story of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace. Normally I'm not huge into religion, but this rather fit the prompt I was given which was show a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge. Drawn using a combination of colored pencil, mechanical pencil, drawing ink, and tea which I applied to the paper to give it an aged appearance, also causing the pencils to act more like paint. After doing this I get the feeling that this could be so much better so I think I'll redo this at some point in the near future.
My attempt at an illuminated manuscript in about 3 hours. Showing a version of the story of Adam and Eve and the fall from grace. Normally I'm not huge into religion, but this rather fit the prompt I was given which was show a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge. Drawn using a combination of colored pencil, mechanical pencil, drawing ink, and tea which I applied to the paper to give it an aged appearance, also causing the pencils to act more like paint. After doing this I get the feeling that this could be so much better so I think I'll redo this at some point in the near future.
67 ATG 2018 [Day 23]|''Finally found it'' - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
So I drew Diamanda finding something long lost!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
So I drew Diamanda finding something long lost!
69 Meat - ZecoraTheZebra

"Food is good, but this is just wrong. Why do pinkie have this by her cook-books anyway?"
"Food is good, but this is just wrong. Why do pinkie have this by her cook-books anyway?"
71 Forbidden Lore - Frith

Rock, paper, scissors... Rock book wins! Sketch took longer than expected, even though it's just a bust and a hint of a stone book.
Rock, paper, scissors... Rock book wins! Sketch took longer than expected, even though it's just a bust and a hint of a stone book.
74 Professor Do's Classroom - phallen1

Well, Daring Do is learning more about her students than she *wants* to know...
Well, Daring Do is learning more about her students than she *wants* to know...
76 Off to School! - Stone39

Just a quick sketch of young Ruby Rose going off to school with a piece of toast in her mouth. :)
Just a quick sketch of young Ruby Rose going off to school with a piece of toast in her mouth. :)
77 Minecraft / Discord think emoji / Ponies - PfH Mod

Minecraft / Discord think emoji / Ponies
Dont ask me what is going on
Minecraft / Discord think emoji / Ponies
Dont ask me what is going on
83 Ultimate Eye - Vivian Iolani

Wooo, very late entry, was busy earlier celebrating my 10th anniversary.
Wooo, very late entry, was busy earlier celebrating my 10th anniversary.