Nothing quite like the holidays, right? Whether it is Halloween, Easter, Christmas or what have you, holidays are important, just as they are to our little equine friends. Some of you may never have drawn a holiday piece before or a party for that matter so I'm very proud to see you all step up to bat and knock this one out of the park!
Today we brought in 85 ponies which brings us up to 3349 ponies in total! Nice work everyone!
Now, for today's prompt I figured we'd stick with something topical as the prompts near the end of the ATG will be a bit harder as I mentioned before. For many of us summer holiday is quickly drawing to a close and thus we must return to another year of school. With Twilight opening her own school this year I figured we couldn't pass up on this prompt so for today I'd like you all to Draw a pony going to school / Draw a pony obtaining forbidden knowledge.
As usual our submitter is here.
New Makeup Day submitter is here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
4 Mid-Autumn Festival on a Cloud - RD4590

Damn, another drawing that is drawn early.
Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese traditional festival, FYI.
Damn, another drawing that is drawn early.
Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese traditional festival, FYI.
5 ATG Day 22: Partying Hard - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version. Luca and Eris partying hard :D Not used Eris in agggggesss X3
Will be later replaced with the digital version. Luca and Eris partying hard :D Not used Eris in agggggesss X3
7 Party HARD!!! - OctaScratchRock

Vinyl's making her latest album! Here's a link to the song she's playing here:
Vinyl's making her latest album! Here's a link to the song she's playing here:
8 Trick or Treat - Erika Williams

Gladio and Prompto are supposed to be taking Iris Trick or Treating, but they're just a tad bit distracted...
Gladio and Prompto are supposed to be taking Iris Trick or Treating, but they're just a tad bit distracted...
9 ATG - 22 - Hearthswarming Eve - Crimson Winds

A Simple Hearthswarming Celebration between Flutters and Ponk Horse!
A Simple Hearthswarming Celebration between Flutters and Ponk Horse!
17 Best Holiday - Ragmo

New Year definitely is the best holyday out there :P You're together with your family or friends and even if you don't use fireworks yourself, you can enjoy the lights outside. The fun part might only last some hours; but i'm looking forword to these hours every year
New Year definitely is the best holyday out there :P You're together with your family or friends and even if you don't use fireworks yourself, you can enjoy the lights outside. The fun part might only last some hours; but i'm looking forword to these hours every year
24 Octavia the party pony - Settop

Vinyl isn't worried that Octavia is drunk, that was the point of the evening after all, she's worried that Octavia is drunk before she even finished her first cider.
Vinyl isn't worried that Octavia is drunk, that was the point of the evening after all, she's worried that Octavia is drunk before she even finished her first cider.
25 Trick of Character - Nekotigerfire

Wanted to do something quick... but my pens are dying!!! noooooo
Wanted to do something quick... but my pens are dying!!! noooooo
29 After the party - Starlight Flux

My submission for day 22 of the ATG, is Vectored Thrust after a late night partying too hard. Vectored Thrust is my mate's (zedef on Deviantart) OC.
My submission for day 22 of the ATG, is Vectored Thrust after a late night partying too hard. Vectored Thrust is my mate's (zedef on Deviantart) OC.
30 Party Hard! - Pone-Dancer

Krush has crashed a social party and is attempting to turn it into a mosh pit/rave party. The other ponies look on in disgust and shock.
The grey pony with blue suitcoat is Tee N Tee
The red pegasus is Nuke
Krush has crashed a social party and is attempting to turn it into a mosh pit/rave party. The other ponies look on in disgust and shock.
The grey pony with blue suitcoat is Tee N Tee
The red pegasus is Nuke
39 Lat Minute Wrapping - Ebby Sharp

One of these days, lighting will make sense. Merry Christmas, way too early!
One of these days, lighting will make sense. Merry Christmas, way too early!
40 ED: ATG-Day 22-Black Friday - Addelum

Black Friday is a day with as little holiday pretense as possible. Anyone who sells knows that any and all holidays are ripe to make a quick buck or two, but to do it well they have to wrap their message in saccharine or pun-filled ads. With Black Friday, it's just you against the "deals." It's up to you to figure out which are truly bargains from the disguised duds.
Black Friday is a day with as little holiday pretense as possible. Anyone who sells knows that any and all holidays are ripe to make a quick buck or two, but to do it well they have to wrap their message in saccharine or pun-filled ads. With Black Friday, it's just you against the "deals." It's up to you to figure out which are truly bargains from the disguised duds.
44 long-term relationship with Punch - Minty Treble

Berry Punch is in a very serious relationship with fruit punch~ so she probably loves st valentines day as much as I love it myself :D
Berry Punch is in a very serious relationship with fruit punch~ so she probably loves st valentines day as much as I love it myself :D
46 Billy Pones - Benjamin Eric Berlin

A ponified version of the crusty old salt from Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel "Treasure Island" enjoying (perhaps a bit too heartily) a flagon of Rum.
A ponified version of the crusty old salt from Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novel "Treasure Island" enjoying (perhaps a bit too heartily) a flagon of Rum.
47 Punchy Princess - Benjamin Eric Berlin

Looks like Twilight has had a bit too much to drink and is now having trouble staying on all fours. Drew this today whilst sitting in for our cashier at work while she was on a break on a small slip of paper I found (probably no more than 2" x 1" ).
Looks like Twilight has had a bit too much to drink and is now having trouble staying on all fours. Drew this today whilst sitting in for our cashier at work while she was on a break on a small slip of paper I found (probably no more than 2" x 1" ).
50 Sloshed Swashbucklers - Benjamin Eric Berlin

I know that for artist training grounds it was recommended not to submit old artwork, but this one which I drew just a few months ago, was too perfect for the prompt and I wanted to share it with everyone. Inspired by the fan fiction Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons we have the main character Blackjack (or Go Fish if you want to know her real name) and her new drinking buddy Captain Thrush from the good riverboat the SeaHorse a fine-enough craft that has seen the oft-inebriated captain and her loyal crew through more trouble and hijinks than they can count on their collective hooves. as you can see they are having a bit too much fun after a growler full of Wild Pegasus malt-whiskey. (credit for the characters goes to the author of Project Horizons.)
I know that for artist training grounds it was recommended not to submit old artwork, but this one which I drew just a few months ago, was too perfect for the prompt and I wanted to share it with everyone. Inspired by the fan fiction Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons we have the main character Blackjack (or Go Fish if you want to know her real name) and her new drinking buddy Captain Thrush from the good riverboat the SeaHorse a fine-enough craft that has seen the oft-inebriated captain and her loyal crew through more trouble and hijinks than they can count on their collective hooves. as you can see they are having a bit too much fun after a growler full of Wild Pegasus malt-whiskey. (credit for the characters goes to the author of Project Horizons.)
55 Slam Dance - Frith

It's all fun and games until Pinkie slam-dances you into a wall. Twilight got hunched over a bit and as a result she's getting butt-checked in the teeth, but if she straightened up, the top of her head would be off the page. Smelly. Did I mention that there's an alligator lounging in the punch?
It's all fun and games until Pinkie slam-dances you into a wall. Twilight got hunched over a bit and as a result she's getting butt-checked in the teeth, but if she straightened up, the top of her head would be off the page. Smelly. Did I mention that there's an alligator lounging in the punch?
56 ATG VIII Day XXII - RizDub

I don't really have a favorite holiday, so I just picked one that's coming up soon.
I was stuck on this one for a bit. Then I connected "partying too hard" and "getting drunk" and everything fell into place.
I don't really have a favorite holiday, so I just picked one that's coming up soon.
I was stuck on this one for a bit. Then I connected "partying too hard" and "getting drunk" and everything fell into place.
58 ATG Day 22 Draw a pony partying too hard - TechPony

Octavia is lucky to have such a good roommate to carry her home.
Octavia is lucky to have such a good roommate to carry her home.
63 Belle and Stardust Celebrating Nightmare Night - TaichiKeaton

Stardust got to dress up as Nightmare Moon for the festival and got lots of candy with Belle's help.
Stardust got to dress up as Nightmare Moon for the festival and got lots of candy with Belle's help.
64 Christmas Village - Kishkumen

The best part of Christmas is when monsters invade the Victorian village display.
The best part of Christmas is when monsters invade the Victorian village display.
65 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 22 - meto30

Like all my previous entries, my submission for prompt 22 carries on from the previous prompt.
Like all my previous entries, my submission for prompt 22 carries on from the previous prompt.
67 Sate being a weirdo on nightmare night - Mike/Wizrob

Being a weirdo is pretty much why I like Halloween
Being a weirdo is pretty much why I like Halloween
74 ATG 2018 [Day 22]|Partied too hard - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony celebrating your favorite holiday / Draw a pony partying too hard.
So I drew Stella passed out from way too much partying...
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony celebrating your favorite holiday / Draw a pony partying too hard.
So I drew Stella passed out from way too much partying...
75 Party Hard - PfH Mod

YES I did this because I am bad with time management and I typically submit 10 minutes before midnight.
OC belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA
YES I did this because I am bad with time management and I typically submit 10 minutes before midnight.
OC belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA
76 Dia de los Muertos - RhythmPixel

Favorite holiday? Nah, but it is something cultural around here that's fun.
Favorite holiday? Nah, but it is something cultural around here that's fun.
77 Sigta Claus Sing Carols - Sigmath Bits

I sing Christmas songs almost all year round, to the detriment of the friends that know me.
I sing Christmas songs almost all year round, to the detriment of the friends that know me.
81 Lovesick Lovebirds - Binky T.

These two will try their damnest to celebrate Heart's and Hooves Day together. Not even the bitter winter of February or a bad case of the flu can stop their love on this day.
These two will try their damnest to celebrate Heart's and Hooves Day together. Not even the bitter winter of February or a bad case of the flu can stop their love on this day.
83 Pie-and-Beer Day - phallen1

Pie-and-Beer Day is a holiday in Patch's hometown. Here he is sharing the better parts of it with Windy. She's a bit of a lightweight.
Pie-and-Beer Day is a holiday in Patch's hometown. Here he is sharing the better parts of it with Windy. She's a bit of a lightweight.
84 ATG 22 - Live Free or Party Hard - PixelGrip94

Tartarus knows what was in that solo cup to make her like this, but I'm sure Applejack had nothing to do with it.
Yeah, Pinkie was a given with this prompt. And for some reason, I decided to do another Die Hard title pun despite me having seen only the original and none of the sequels. I should get on that.
Tartarus knows what was in that solo cup to make her like this, but I'm sure Applejack had nothing to do with it.
Yeah, Pinkie was a given with this prompt. And for some reason, I decided to do another Die Hard title pun despite me having seen only the original and none of the sequels. I should get on that.