Holy cow everyone...Most years it feels like the Makeup Days aren't all that impressive but you lot this year are dedicated to making up all the prompts you've missed! I saw several of you submitting missed prompt after missed prompt and I couldn't be prouder of you all for catching up with everything you missed. You all never cease to amaze me even if you might feel like Rainbow Dash here trying so hard to catch up.
For this round of the Makeup Day we pulled in 189 ponies which blew us right past the 3000 mark and landing us at 3170 ponies in total and I know more keep pouring in! I think we really have a decent shot at 4000 if we keep this up.
Now, down to business everyone! We are down to the last third of the ATG surprisingly enough and there are not that many days till graduation. So for our remaining prompts I'm going to try and make them a little bit tougher since you've come so far already.
In the show, especially this season, we have seen stories of different cultures from around Equestria and as you all have had a chance at drawing something other than ponies in our transformation prompt I thought this would be a natural extension of it. What am I talking about you may ask? Well, today I'd like you to Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind. After all, they seem to be themes this season.
You can find our submitter here!
A new Makeup submitter will be created tomorrow! But our current Makeup Day submitter is open for another 3 hours!
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
1 Fresca, you're not a pointer dog, silly - LennyStendhal13

Make-up submission for Day 1, whose prompt was to "Draw a pony frozen in place" :3
I think she may have sensed a pheasant hiding in that bush over there xD
Make-up submission for Day 1, whose prompt was to "Draw a pony frozen in place" :3
I think she may have sensed a pheasant hiding in that bush over there xD
2 Fly and Go Bell Tag - DeluxeFlame

Like Marco Polo but with bell collars.
The prompt was: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony being a social butterfly.
With the underlining goal of multiponies in the drawing.
Made a few mistakes on the inking and some of the under sketching was too heavy to fully erase.
Like Marco Polo but with bell collars.
The prompt was: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony being a social butterfly.
With the underlining goal of multiponies in the drawing.
Made a few mistakes on the inking and some of the under sketching was too heavy to fully erase.
3 NATG 18-11: Social Awkwardness - phallen1

What luck that two pairs of gravity-obsessed weirdo ponies would fall in together? They're taking the chance to get to know each other, or at least as much as "North Wind" and "Arc Angel" are willing to share with the locals about themselves. Patch is feeling supremely out of his depth. Left to his own devices he'd retreat to a corner and follow the conversation as best he could, but Windy has pulled him front and center and is regaling the two new mares with tales of his misadventures with his patched-up canopy. Sadie sympathizes with Patch having someone who brags in his stead. She can tell just how much he and Windy love each other. Maya just thinks this is hilarious.
What luck that two pairs of gravity-obsessed weirdo ponies would fall in together? They're taking the chance to get to know each other, or at least as much as "North Wind" and "Arc Angel" are willing to share with the locals about themselves. Patch is feeling supremely out of his depth. Left to his own devices he'd retreat to a corner and follow the conversation as best he could, but Windy has pulled him front and center and is regaling the two new mares with tales of his misadventures with his patched-up canopy. Sadie sympathizes with Patch having someone who brags in his stead. She can tell just how much he and Windy love each other. Maya just thinks this is hilarious.
4 Fleeing With Unease - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run
If you had read either Stormy Road to Canterlot chapter book or IDW comic MLP FIM Moviee Prequel: Tempest of Equestria, there was a chase scene where Fizzlepop Berrytwist was on the run from the Storm King's Storm Creatures & Grubber, as she's carrying the Misfortune Malachite that they're pursuing.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run
If you had read either Stormy Road to Canterlot chapter book or IDW comic MLP FIM Moviee Prequel: Tempest of Equestria, there was a chase scene where Fizzlepop Berrytwist was on the run from the Storm King's Storm Creatures & Grubber, as she's carrying the Misfortune Malachite that they're pursuing.
6 ATG Day 7... Fluttershy living on the edge... - Juliana Mcmullin

Fluttershy is having to overcome her fear of heights (did you know that she's afraid of heights??) to save Angel, who somehow, in his shenanigans, ended up on a branch over a deep ravine... Angel is wondering what's taking her so long...
Fluttershy is having to overcome her fear of heights (did you know that she's afraid of heights??) to save Angel, who somehow, in his shenanigans, ended up on a branch over a deep ravine... Angel is wondering what's taking her so long...
9 ATG - 11 - Horse Gossip - Crimson Winds

I wonder what they're talking about...
rip schedule. So many exams coupled with college entrance tests make for a surprisingly deadly combo.
I wonder what they're talking about...
rip schedule. So many exams coupled with college entrance tests make for a surprisingly deadly combo.
10 Sparkle Family Photo Album (Twilight's Early years) - Benjamin Eric Berlin

A look into the Photo Album of the Sparkle Family showing Twilight during her formative years. To err on the side of caution I'm going to give a brief description of what each of the Solar-roids is of (if you can make out all of the details more power to you). #1 2-yr old Twilight unhappy about bathtime ending, #2 1-yr old Twilight and Smarty Pants at naptime, #3 Dinnertime was always an interesting affair early on, #4 Twilight's First Hearth's Warming Eve and she's having a hard time staying awake for the family photo, #5 Twilight and her BBBFF having some bonding time together whilst reading books, and #6 3-yr old Twilight having a Proper Princess tea party with her new friend Moondancer (they went to the same preschool/daycare). Also shown are Twilight's first shoes (seemed to be the safest bet for the "first article of clothing to be in the family memoirs"), A lock of mane from her first trip to the barber/stylists shop, and hoof-drawn family portrait from magic Kindergarten.
A look into the Photo Album of the Sparkle Family showing Twilight during her formative years. To err on the side of caution I'm going to give a brief description of what each of the Solar-roids is of (if you can make out all of the details more power to you). #1 2-yr old Twilight unhappy about bathtime ending, #2 1-yr old Twilight and Smarty Pants at naptime, #3 Dinnertime was always an interesting affair early on, #4 Twilight's First Hearth's Warming Eve and she's having a hard time staying awake for the family photo, #5 Twilight and her BBBFF having some bonding time together whilst reading books, and #6 3-yr old Twilight having a Proper Princess tea party with her new friend Moondancer (they went to the same preschool/daycare). Also shown are Twilight's first shoes (seemed to be the safest bet for the "first article of clothing to be in the family memoirs"), A lock of mane from her first trip to the barber/stylists shop, and hoof-drawn family portrait from magic Kindergarten.
11 Holy New-Bat-Form, Morphius! - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony going batty
So you know about Fluttershy (Bats!) & the Mane 5 (The Night of the Living Apple) became Vampire Fruit Bats? This would be my Vampire Fruit Bat form. Introducing "BatMorph", sapping fruity juice by night.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony going batty
So you know about Fluttershy (Bats!) & the Mane 5 (The Night of the Living Apple) became Vampire Fruit Bats? This would be my Vampire Fruit Bat form. Introducing "BatMorph", sapping fruity juice by night.
14 High Hopes - Binky T.

(ATG DAY 12)
Sooo, for this day's prompt it's an odd one. A very odd one — BUT ALAS, I HAVE CONTEXT. Sometime around the prompt was announced, I was watching some commercials for Rayman Origins. One that stuck out to me that would inspire me to do this was the one that they show Betilla creating him. It's a short scene, but I always loved seeimg her depicted as a mother figure to him. I used their 1995 designs as they were easier to do, plus the first Rayman's design is adorable as hell. <3 7="" am="" and="" around="" both="" deadlines.="" ended="" fin8shed="" i="" missing="" this="" up="">3>
(ATG DAY 12)
Sooo, for this day's prompt it's an odd one. A very odd one — BUT ALAS, I HAVE CONTEXT. Sometime around the prompt was announced, I was watching some commercials for Rayman Origins. One that stuck out to me that would inspire me to do this was the one that they show Betilla creating him. It's a short scene, but I always loved seeimg her depicted as a mother figure to him. I used their 1995 designs as they were easier to do, plus the first Rayman's design is adorable as hell. <3 7="" am="" and="" around="" both="" deadlines.="" ended="" fin8shed="" i="" missing="" this="" up="">3>
16 Floating Like A Little Cloud - phallen1

A follow-up to my day 12 submission, but it also works for day 7. Auntie Windy, Uncle Patch, and baby Nimbus, following a near-disaster.
A follow-up to my day 12 submission, but it also works for day 7. Auntie Windy, Uncle Patch, and baby Nimbus, following a near-disaster.
17 Time to mingle - FizzPuff

I am trying to catch up on the ones i missed that's gonna take forerver D:
I am trying to catch up on the ones i missed that's gonna take forerver D:
19 Astro Feather - DinkyUniverse

Astro Feather Alula, here to save the space from space pirates and asteroids and stuff!
Astro Feather Alula, here to save the space from space pirates and asteroids and stuff!
20 In Jammed Space - bluecrow

I actually made this picture in time for today's ATG, but it's quite a grim picture and i don't really go for grim. Especially when it comes to ponies (i believe this is the first pony thing i do with such a dark atmosphere). So i wasn't sure i would actually post it. But, thing is, i have so much ground to recover that i don't think i'll have occasion to do anything better....
I actually made this picture in time for today's ATG, but it's quite a grim picture and i don't really go for grim. Especially when it comes to ponies (i believe this is the first pony thing i do with such a dark atmosphere). So i wasn't sure i would actually post it. But, thing is, i have so much ground to recover that i don't think i'll have occasion to do anything better....
21 Our Fruits of Preference - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor
I like bananas, what can I say except that I'M NOT A FEMALE DOG.
Zap Apple Haywood, partaking in a sample of the titular magical apple.
Pink LemonStar casually drinks on her Pink Lemonade.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor
I like bananas, what can I say except that I'M NOT A FEMALE DOG.
Zap Apple Haywood, partaking in a sample of the titular magical apple.
Pink LemonStar casually drinks on her Pink Lemonade.
22 Hellish Kind of Love - InanimateLotus

Herbal Remedy is dating a demon. It's okay though, It's completely consensual. Thank you to Melancholy Bones for letting me butcher his OC and for being there for me, hopefully for many more moons.
Herbal Remedy is dating a demon. It's okay though, It's completely consensual. Thank you to Melancholy Bones for letting me butcher his OC and for being there for me, hopefully for many more moons.
23 2018 ATG VIII - Day 11 - Tea Time - KirbyLiscious

Tea time is a highly delicate affair, and should be done with the utmost grace and magnificence~
Tea time is a highly delicate affair, and should be done with the utmost grace and magnificence~
24 2018 ATG VIII - Day 12 - Leaving Family - KirbyLiscious

Leaving on a long journey, that will end unexpectedly quickly.
Leaving on a long journey, that will end unexpectedly quickly.
26 ATG 13 - Space Apogee - PixelGrip94

Stuff happened that prevented me from doing this prompt, and I decided to do it after today's prompt since I started so late. Decided to draw ShinodaGE's OC, Apogee because she is fucking adorable and I've always wanted an excuse to draw her.
Also made it a point to slightly color in her mane and tail so it made it easier to tell it was her. Luckily I was able to just use light and dark shades of my pencil and sharpie to distinguish her colors unlike Rainbow Dash whom I had to actually use colored pencils to do. Yay for excuses not to actually color.
Stuff happened that prevented me from doing this prompt, and I decided to do it after today's prompt since I started so late. Decided to draw ShinodaGE's OC, Apogee because she is fucking adorable and I've always wanted an excuse to draw her.
Also made it a point to slightly color in her mane and tail so it made it easier to tell it was her. Luckily I was able to just use light and dark shades of my pencil and sharpie to distinguish her colors unlike Rainbow Dash whom I had to actually use colored pencils to do. Yay for excuses not to actually color.
28 The Great Grey Pony - ZecoraTheZebra

I loved the first soul game, and this boss was the saddest by far!
I loved the first soul game, and this boss was the saddest by far!
29 Harvest Day's Work & Rewards - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony enjoying a summer treat / Draw a pony beating the summer heat
After hauling a bunch of Zap Apples, I think Zap Apple Haywood would appreciate a sample of their Zap Apple cutlery.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony enjoying a summer treat / Draw a pony beating the summer heat
After hauling a bunch of Zap Apples, I think Zap Apple Haywood would appreciate a sample of their Zap Apple cutlery.
31 5th Element: Breaking the 4th wall - Xander

Day 14 makeup. Pinkie Pie, master of the 5th element, breaks into Avatar the Last Airbender.
Day 14 makeup. Pinkie Pie, master of the 5th element, breaks into Avatar the Last Airbender.
34 ATG Day 15: Rainbow in Pretty Dress - Delphina34

Draw a fashionable pony / Draw a pony with good taste.
I'm probably one of the only ones to do Rainbow dash for this prompt. I was looking through the submissions and there's lots of Rarity.
Sort of a redraw of https://www.deviantart.com/delphina34/art/Dash-In-Wedding-Dress-708215193. Ugh, those thick black outlines. I'm glad I switched to colored ones; they look so much better. Looking back on that old drawing after almost a year really shows how much my style has changed. Hopefully my skills have improved too.
Draw a fashionable pony / Draw a pony with good taste.
I'm probably one of the only ones to do Rainbow dash for this prompt. I was looking through the submissions and there's lots of Rarity.
Sort of a redraw of https://www.deviantart.com/delphina34/art/Dash-In-Wedding-Dress-708215193. Ugh, those thick black outlines. I'm glad I switched to colored ones; they look so much better. Looking back on that old drawing after almost a year really shows how much my style has changed. Hopefully my skills have improved too.
37 The Darkest Hour - bluecrow

I'd like to make a few notes about this one:
1- I don't like to explore the dark side of ponies, though i aknowledge its existence. I much prefer to have it as the moment of the obstacle that has to be overcome in order to get back to the bright side of life/story/whatevs. Which is much more in the spirit of the show. Which is also one of the reasons you might like the show itself. But the assignment was about facing the darkest fear and i decided to go for a serious tone and the exact moment in which you actually see the darkness.
2-For me the most important part here was to have all of the mane6. Because that's how even such a dark moment can still relate to the core of the show.
3- Why Dash's wing and, therefore, her ability to fly? I believe that the appeal for this tragic event over others is that Dash is feels actually quite a fragile character. Her most distinctive trait is self-centered so once her boldness is suddenly stripped away, what remains of her?
I'd like to make a few notes about this one:
1- I don't like to explore the dark side of ponies, though i aknowledge its existence. I much prefer to have it as the moment of the obstacle that has to be overcome in order to get back to the bright side of life/story/whatevs. Which is much more in the spirit of the show. Which is also one of the reasons you might like the show itself. But the assignment was about facing the darkest fear and i decided to go for a serious tone and the exact moment in which you actually see the darkness.
2-For me the most important part here was to have all of the mane6. Because that's how even such a dark moment can still relate to the core of the show.
3- Why Dash's wing and, therefore, her ability to fly? I believe that the appeal for this tragic event over others is that Dash is feels actually quite a fragile character. Her most distinctive trait is self-centered so once her boldness is suddenly stripped away, what remains of her?
39 D-Pad Crew Caught a Fire Snailcorn - MorphiusX

Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony as another species
Little did DB realize that that "Shiny Macargo" is Josh Scorcher turned into a fire snail, & if you've read the Friends Forever #15 comic, you'd see there'd be a purple fire snail, a species fit for Josh.
Artist Training Grounds Prompt:
Draw a pony as another species
Little did DB realize that that "Shiny Macargo" is Josh Scorcher turned into a fire snail, & if you've read the Friends Forever #15 comic, you'd see there'd be a purple fire snail, a species fit for Josh.
40 Hermaeus Mare - daExile

Quite far from original Herma Mora looks in any apperances, but pfff. I like this one better.
Quite far from original Herma Mora looks in any apperances, but pfff. I like this one better.
42 come on out(of your depression) - FizzPuff

Depression is something that seems pinkie pie is constantly fighting, and the other pinky and her happy self is trying to get herself out of it. I dunno, didn't mean for this picture to get existential.
Depression is something that seems pinkie pie is constantly fighting, and the other pinky and her happy self is trying to get herself out of it. I dunno, didn't mean for this picture to get existential.
44 RWBY-TWOBY - Bombom13

I'm counting this towards Days 14 & 15, as it's a crossover with RWBY, and the clothes are far more fashionable than anything I've come up with.
I'm counting this towards Days 14 & 15, as it's a crossover with RWBY, and the clothes are far more fashionable than anything I've come up with.
45 Twilight vs. Quesadillas - ZecoraTheZebra

Fear is something to overcome. Even though they seems IMPOSSIBLE ;P
Fear is something to overcome. Even though they seems IMPOSSIBLE ;P
46 A pony family - LennyStendhal13

Just my OCs' family :3 If you are interested in finding out their network of relations, check the description on my DA! :D
This is my late submission for Day 12, "Draw a pony family unit"!
Hope you like it ^^
Just my OCs' family :3 If you are interested in finding out their network of relations, check the description on my DA! :D
This is my late submission for Day 12, "Draw a pony family unit"!
Hope you like it ^^
50 Spoiled Milk Open Up Your Eyes! - Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

Drawn for Prompt 1: A pony standing, this pony only ever stands on her standing. Reference from "Where the Apple Lies." No use crying over Spoiled Milk.
Drawn for Prompt 1: A pony standing, this pony only ever stands on her standing. Reference from "Where the Apple Lies." No use crying over Spoiled Milk.
68 Mission Impossible - Erika Wiliams

No matter how hard Ignis tries, I don't think Noct is going to be eating that salad.
No matter how hard Ignis tries, I don't think Noct is going to be eating that salad.
69 It's a Miracle - Erika Wiliams

That daisy sandwich has greens on it, so Ignis considers it a victory.
That daisy sandwich has greens on it, so Ignis considers it a victory.
70 for someone who isn't here. - Minty Treble

Button Mash and his mom took a family portrait for someone far away.
For day 12, a pony family.
Button Mash and his mom took a family portrait for someone far away.
For day 12, a pony family.
71 motion sickness - Dino_Horse

legit missed the day 19 prompt because i had a bad case of motion sickness and i couldn't function.
i'm still messed up
at least the picture matches my feelings tbh
legit missed the day 19 prompt because i had a bad case of motion sickness and i couldn't function.
i'm still messed up
at least the picture matches my feelings tbh
73 Fashionable - Zypdv-HP

Again, colored. Don't know if going with reddish color instead of blueish would be better. I don't think it's that bad anyway.
Again, colored. Don't know if going with reddish color instead of blueish would be better. I don't think it's that bad anyway.
78 Running to Do Evil - Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

Diamond Tiara racing to undermine President Pipsqueak over a single weakness in his platform, all to placate her mother. Oh, the awful things we do simply to fulfill others' expectations of us. Referenced from "Crusaders of the Lost Mark".
Diamond Tiara racing to undermine President Pipsqueak over a single weakness in his platform, all to placate her mother. Oh, the awful things we do simply to fulfill others' expectations of us. Referenced from "Crusaders of the Lost Mark".
89 #estin83 - Stone39

In honor of the retro style/fad that's going on, here's the SunDance family if they were a family in '83! Ruby looks especially striking with the punk look, while Feather's more of a rock and grunge type.
In honor of the retro style/fad that's going on, here's the SunDance family if they were a family in '83! Ruby looks especially striking with the punk look, while Feather's more of a rock and grunge type.
91 Favourite Photo - bobthedalek

I was planning to redraw 'Draw a pony family', seems I need up with 'Draw a pony mingling' instead. I suppose at a push it could also class as 'Draw a pony facing their darkest fear'!
I was planning to redraw 'Draw a pony family', seems I need up with 'Draw a pony mingling' instead. I suppose at a push it could also class as 'Draw a pony facing their darkest fear'!
101 Hatred - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Catch Up for Day 16 - draw a pony facing their darkest fear / a pony during the witching hour
Basically this is my own darkest fear.
Catch Up for Day 16 - draw a pony facing their darkest fear / a pony during the witching hour
Basically this is my own darkest fear.
102 Being Fashionably Late (Inked) ATG Days 1, 2 and 20 - Starlight Flux

For Artist Training Groundssecond Makeup Day I thought I'll ink yesterday's prompt Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time, as it would also cover Draw a pony standing (Day 1) and Draw a pony in action (Day 2).
For Artist Training Groundssecond Makeup Day I thought I'll ink yesterday's prompt Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony out of time, as it would also cover Draw a pony standing (Day 1) and Draw a pony in action (Day 2).
106 Mango Menaces (ATG Day 4) - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Using the prompt for day 4 - draw a pony attaining a goal / draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor
Using the prompt for day 4 - draw a pony attaining a goal / draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor
113 ATG 2018 Day 2 - Applejack - DJZ

Did you know her name is now officially Apple Jack? I prefer Applejack.
Did you know her name is now officially Apple Jack? I prefer Applejack.
117 Twilight Sparkle Studies v2 01 - meto30

This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
118 Twilight Sparkle Studies v2 02 - meto30

This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
119 Twilight Sparkle Studies v2 03 - meto30

This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
120 Twilight Sparkle Studies v2 04 - meto30

This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
121 Twilight Sparkle Studies v2 05 - meto30

This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
This is the second "Twilight Sparkle Studies" series I'm doing; the first one was way back when I first began drawing ponies. Story-wise, it covers the period between prompts 13 and 14 of the ATG 2018 series, where Twilight Sparkle goes to her study to retrieve Meto (my self-character), who was told to wait for Twilight at the end of the Sunset Shimmer studies.
122 Running Late for Milkshake Academy! - phallen1

A layer edit of my Day 20 submission featuring the uniform of Milkshake Academy.
A layer edit of my Day 20 submission featuring the uniform of Milkshake Academy.
123 ATG VIII Day XVI - RizDub

Fluttershy's friends have discovered her innermost secret: she is a witch!
Don't worry, she's a good witch.
This was literally the only thing I could think of for this prompt.
Fluttershy's friends have discovered her innermost secret: she is a witch!
Don't worry, she's a good witch.
This was literally the only thing I could think of for this prompt.
145 Robo-Error - Xander

Robo-Pinkie seems to have encountered multiple errors today. No gas...stuck in the sky...Robo-party life is Robo-rough.
Robo-Pinkie seems to have encountered multiple errors today. No gas...stuck in the sky...Robo-party life is Robo-rough.
150 Scootaloo Taking Off - Bombom13

Was out of town for a bit, so I have a few make-ups. Honestly, I was hitting an idea burn-out, so this helped. Not that this Scoots turned out great, but it was better!
Was out of town for a bit, so I have a few make-ups. Honestly, I was hitting an idea burn-out, so this helped. Not that this Scoots turned out great, but it was better!
152 Outside of Time and Relative Dimension in Space - Bombom13

Day 20: Draw a Pony Out of Time.
You can't get farther outside of time than this, I'd say.
Day 20: Draw a Pony Out of Time.
You can't get farther outside of time than this, I'd say.
157 Running Late for Crystal Prep! - phallen1

Another layer edit of my Day 20 pic with the Crystal Prep uniform, why not?
Another layer edit of my Day 20 pic with the Crystal Prep uniform, why not?
161 Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up! - Lollipony

Twilight! Maybe if you stopped singing and actually, ohh I don't know... HELPED?
Twilight! Maybe if you stopped singing and actually, ohh I don't know... HELPED?
163 The Cookie Caper(part 1) - EbonyCrystal1986

Like all babies, Ebony had a playful and curious side, but also had a hunger for treats, especially after she got old enough to eat solid foods. She was crawling around the house one day when she smelled a very familiar one: her mommy's super special applesauce chocolate chip cookies. Her absolute favorite! Her tummy growled at the thought of having one of them, but there was just one problem...her mommy had put the cookie jar on the highest counter in the kitchen, one where she couldn't reach! Just how was she going to get one of those cookies now?
So yeah, couldn't resist doing something cute for this prompt, and don't worry, there's a second part to this story and it has a happy ending. I was partially inspired by the Rugrats for this since I've been binge watching that show and it still holds up today. :3
Like all babies, Ebony had a playful and curious side, but also had a hunger for treats, especially after she got old enough to eat solid foods. She was crawling around the house one day when she smelled a very familiar one: her mommy's super special applesauce chocolate chip cookies. Her absolute favorite! Her tummy growled at the thought of having one of them, but there was just one problem...her mommy had put the cookie jar on the highest counter in the kitchen, one where she couldn't reach! Just how was she going to get one of those cookies now?
So yeah, couldn't resist doing something cute for this prompt, and don't worry, there's a second part to this story and it has a happy ending. I was partially inspired by the Rugrats for this since I've been binge watching that show and it still holds up today. :3
164 The Cookie Caper(part 2) - EbonyCrystal1986

(Okay there IS a story to this one, too but thanks to the character limit[which I personally don't know why there IS one..]you'll have to click on the link either that or check out the comments section later when the prompts are posted ^ ^;;)
(Okay there IS a story to this one, too but thanks to the character limit[which I personally don't know why there IS one..]you'll have to click on the link either that or check out the comments section later when the prompts are posted ^ ^;;)
172 Facade of Amity - thattagen

The Castle Map calls Twilight to a sealed land far to the East, where the trigger-happy denizens are in severe need of a friendship lesson.
(Theme: Crossover)
The Castle Map calls Twilight to a sealed land far to the East, where the trigger-happy denizens are in severe need of a friendship lesson.
(Theme: Crossover)
173 Running Late - Bright Idea

Pretty fitting to draw for the second Makeup Day, given how I've been slacking off on these prompts for a few days! ^^;
Pretty fitting to draw for the second Makeup Day, given how I've been slacking off on these prompts for a few days! ^^;
174 (My Little) Pony Lost in Space - Mister Twister

Theme song:
Theme song:
181 - ZetaMad

it's not that it was incomplete before, but I wanted to add the HUD
I do not know if it counts, luckily I made another drawing before :v
it's not that it was incomplete before, but I wanted to add the HUD
I do not know if it counts, luckily I made another drawing before :v
188 Make-up day 2: (Day 19 prompt) Kindergarten Flop! - Jameson Ethan

Cheerilee: How did it go?
Twilight Kimble: Go. Away.
Cheerilee: How did it go?
Twilight Kimble: Go. Away.
189 1-Minute Tri-Lap Flight - SazerLite

Fluttershy has finally improved enough to fly around the room in sixty seconds.
Fluttershy has finally improved enough to fly around the room in sixty seconds.