When all seems hopeless we have to try and find whatever silver-lining we can. After all, what is a world without hope, right? Tonight's we've put the odds against our ponies, will they be able to pull through in the end?
For today we managed to bring in 101 ponies which brings us up to 2706 ponies in total! We're slowly creeping up on that 3k mark guys!
So, remember yesterday I was going to have a prompt that could tie into this one? Well, now that our ponies have been placed into their impossible situations, where it seems like there is no way out, just like our ponies on the show they manage to come out on top in the end! So for tonight's prompt I'd like you all to Draw a pony experiencing a miracle / Draw a pony snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
Our ponies aren't going down without a fight!
As usual, our submitter can be found here.
We also have a new Makeup Day submitter!
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
1 ATG Day 17: Outnumbered - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

Will be later replaced with the digital version. Dakota facing against some of Balthazar's family and it looks like she might be outnumbered
Will be later replaced with the digital version. Dakota facing against some of Balthazar's family and it looks like she might be outnumbered
7 Spirit Life gets her first mission - Horceye

Her mission: Infiltrate the enemy base and secure item X
Her mission: Infiltrate the enemy base and secure item X
15 Uphill Battle - Ebby Sharp

And so, Ebby challenged his sister to a high-stakes' duel of. However, as she finished her first turn whilst expending no effort whatsoever, it dawned on him...
And so, Ebby challenged his sister to a high-stakes' duel of
16 ithinktherefore - Matthew

In the multivertkzjchfxdxhncgcfnIAMWATCHINGYOUALL
_ …. . . …_ . _. _ _._ ___ __ . …
In the multivertkzjchfxdxhncgcfnIAMWATCHINGYOUALL
_ …. . . …_ . _. _ _._ ___ __ . …
19 Against all odds - Mellow Evening

Sorry for missing last week's prompt. Sadly I will be unable to do digital art from here on out.
Sorry for missing last week's prompt. Sadly I will be unable to do digital art from here on out.
24 Muffin impossible - ragmo

Where Derpy and her friends in a previous event wheren't succesfull we shall succeed.
Stealing THAT muffin from Princess Celestias private vault. I'm sure a certain pony will pay quite a lot of bits the get this one
Where Derpy and her friends in a previous event wheren't succesfull we shall succeed.
Stealing THAT muffin from Princess Celestias private vault. I'm sure a certain pony will pay quite a lot of bits the get this one
27 NATG2018 - DAY 17 - Fumble the Great - DarkDabula

"Starlight, I hope you have a high base value on Charm !"
"Starlight, I hope you have a high base value on Charm !"
28 Mission spotted - nekotigerfire

Bonbon and Lyra are best friend/couple.... lol XD oooohhh background!!!
Bonbon and Lyra are best friend/couple.... lol XD oooohhh background!!!
29 Mission Proposal - nekotigerfire

Because I was drawing for the ATG for this year i was also purposefully adding pictures in the background of my characters doing a secret mission of their own, where my pegasus boyfriend took me out for dinner a walk and popped the question. it took a while for a good prompt to get this last scenario but I thought you guys would like to see them all together :3
Because I was drawing for the ATG for this year i was also purposefully adding pictures in the background of my characters doing a secret mission of their own, where my pegasus boyfriend took me out for dinner a walk and popped the question. it took a while for a good prompt to get this last scenario but I thought you guys would like to see them all together :3
30 NATG 2018 Day 17 Pony with the deck stacked - tallaferroxiv

More backstory for Quick Star the very successful astropony.
More backstory for Quick Star the very successful astropony.
31 ATG 17 - Mediageddon - PixelGrip94

This mirrors how overwhelmed I feel over the amount of movies, TV shows, games, and books I own but haven't watched, played, or read yet. I've done this drawing in the past, but I separated Pixel and the wave of media since it was when I first got back into drawing after several years. I kind of wish I moved the wave a bit closer to Pixel, but what's done is done.
This mirrors how overwhelmed I feel over the amount of movies, TV shows, games, and books I own but haven't watched, played, or read yet. I've done this drawing in the past, but I separated Pixel and the wave of media since it was when I first got back into drawing after several years. I kind of wish I moved the wave a bit closer to Pixel, but what's done is done.
36 Colgate Divides by Zero - The Vintage Pone

Young Colgate goes on a misadventure to find the answer for the age-old question: What is 1 divided by 0?
She will find out that it is undefined.
Young Colgate goes on a misadventure to find the answer for the age-old question: What is 1 divided by 0?
She will find out that it is undefined.
37 Day 17 - Getting Tempest a new dress - SadTrooper

Removing Tempest armor sure is an impossible mission, and if that means dresses, i really doubt that Rarity will have success on this
Removing Tempest armor sure is an impossible mission, and if that means dresses, i really doubt that Rarity will have success on this
40 Operation Crystal Heart - banterlot

It is 15 years since Twilight Sparkle's coronation. When a griffon who was pulled over for air traffic violations in Canterlot accidentally handed over correspondence mentioning an "Operation Crystal Heart" instead of his ID, Equestrian anti-terror officials got serious real quick. Intel revealed that the organization was based in an old Manehattan high-rise, and indicated that to get any more detail about this operation, someone would have to get into that building.
This was a stealth job, and unfortunately the fame amassed by the country's main lines of defense did not allow for much stealthing. This called for a pony who could single-handedly infiltrate a place and wasn't afraid of any dangers that might arise in the event of detection. Somepony who could make a daring escape against all odds if need be. Enter Agent Scootaloo.
It is 15 years since Twilight Sparkle's coronation. When a griffon who was pulled over for air traffic violations in Canterlot accidentally handed over correspondence mentioning an "Operation Crystal Heart" instead of his ID, Equestrian anti-terror officials got serious real quick. Intel revealed that the organization was based in an old Manehattan high-rise, and indicated that to get any more detail about this operation, someone would have to get into that building.
This was a stealth job, and unfortunately the fame amassed by the country's main lines of defense did not allow for much stealthing. This called for a pony who could single-handedly infiltrate a place and wasn't afraid of any dangers that might arise in the event of detection. Somepony who could make a daring escape against all odds if need be. Enter Agent Scootaloo.
41 She'll find a way... - Digit

Be honest... critique is healthy.
No one can hold Daring Do no matter what.
Be honest... critique is healthy.
No one can hold Daring Do no matter what.
46 ATG VIII Day XVII - RizDub

I couldn't think of anything else, and I didn't really feel like drawing much.
I couldn't think of anything else, and I didn't really feel like drawing much.
51 Dangerous! - Lou

Another simple drawing. Sneaking from the jar is a dangerous task in any household.
Another simple drawing. Sneaking from the jar is a dangerous task in any household.
53 Starlight Flux Vs Sleeping Bag - Starlight Flux

Putting away my sleeping bag is my least favorite part of camping, so I decided to draw my OC struggling with a sleeping bag. The deck is very much stacked against him.
Putting away my sleeping bag is my least favorite part of camping, so I decided to draw my OC struggling with a sleeping bag. The deck is very much stacked against him.
56 Card Stacking Challenge - Xander

Dashie meets her match-with all the cards stacked against her by a master.
Dashie meets her match-with all the cards stacked against her by a master.
58 The Stacked Deck - Korencz11

[](/twiyugi)"Wha- Celestia!? It's not possible! Nopony's ever been able to call her!"
[](/angryaj) "Celestia, Obliterate!"
[](/twiyugi)"Wha- Celestia!? It's not possible! Nopony's ever been able to call her!"
[](/angryaj) "Celestia, Obliterate!"
59 ED: ATG-Day 17-One Day - Addelum

Inspired by "One Day", a piece from DA artist TravisLadouceur. I had wanted to do a tribute to this piece for the longest time.
Inspired by "One Day", a piece from DA artist TravisLadouceur. I had wanted to do a tribute to this piece for the longest time.
60 The Fallout of All Your Seasons - Stone39

"Who knew that an early morning start to cider season could lead to a sprained wing and dangling on the side of a helicopter with the fate of Equestria in her hooves?"
Well, with a prompt like that, how could I not tie in this summer's action blockbuster? I wonder if Dash ends up getting that cider in the end?
"Who knew that an early morning start to cider season could lead to a sprained wing and dangling on the side of a helicopter with the fate of Equestria in her hooves?"
Well, with a prompt like that, how could I not tie in this summer's action blockbuster? I wonder if Dash ends up getting that cider in the end?
61 INFILTRATION... - OctaScratchRock

Octavia has discovered that the U.S. Government is hatching a plan to destroy Europe, and she has little time left to bust in and stop the invasion from happening!
Octavia has discovered that the U.S. Government is hatching a plan to destroy Europe, and she has little time left to bust in and stop the invasion from happening!
62 Ridiculous Recap - B.J. Dazzle

Really, this whole adventure so far has seemed like an IMPOSSIBLE MISSION, so Bon Bon takes time to reflect on everything that's happened so far while waiting out Vinyl's rock-splitting rock performance. She has some good respect for Derpy too; even with all of this STACKED AGAINST HER, she still pushes forward and refuses to accept failure as an option. Of course, the same could be said for Bon Bon and Lyra as well, for tagging along with Derpy this whole time.
Really, this whole adventure so far has seemed like an IMPOSSIBLE MISSION, so Bon Bon takes time to reflect on everything that's happened so far while waiting out Vinyl's rock-splitting rock performance. She has some good respect for Derpy too; even with all of this STACKED AGAINST HER, she still pushes forward and refuses to accept failure as an option. Of course, the same could be said for Bon Bon and Lyra as well, for tagging along with Derpy this whole time.
63 Impossible Notes - Pone-Dancer

Octavia went into the tryouts expecting a spot. What she got instead were an impossible set of alto notes for a bass instrument. RIP Solo.
Cheese and Pinkie are equally confused.
Octavia went into the tryouts expecting a spot. What she got instead were an impossible set of alto notes for a bass instrument. RIP Solo.
Cheese and Pinkie are equally confused.
67 When the cards are against you - Mister Twister

At least slightly inspired by American McGee's Alice.
At least slightly inspired by American McGee's Alice.
69 All out war. - FreshlyPositive

War cannot be fixed with friendship.....
those who were friends are now foes.
War cannot be fixed with friendship.....
those who were friends are now foes.
73 2018 ATG VIII - Day 17 - Impossible Adventure - KirbyLiscious

Twilight: "Okay - we've got to get the Elements of Harmony back from those thieves! Princess Celestia sent us a letter with all the details we need to know..."
Rainbow: "WHAT!? There were SIX DIFFERENT THIEVES!? And - UGH - they're all scattered across Equestria AND the Badlands!? It's going to be IMPOSSIBLE to get them all back!"
Applejack: "I admit, these odds sure don't look good...."
Twilight: "We have to try, for Equestria's sake...."
Twilight: "Okay - we've got to get the Elements of Harmony back from those thieves! Princess Celestia sent us a letter with all the details we need to know..."
Rainbow: "WHAT!? There were SIX DIFFERENT THIEVES!? And - UGH - they're all scattered across Equestria AND the Badlands!? It's going to be IMPOSSIBLE to get them all back!"
Applejack: "I admit, these odds sure don't look good...."
Twilight: "We have to try, for Equestria's sake...."
74 Mission Impossible Scoots - DavinciWolf

I guarantee that I'm not the only one with this Idea...
Had a major scare as I was finishing up, when Photoshop decided to crash. Thank Celestia I was able to recover it, but let that be a lesson to always save frequently.
I guarantee that I'm not the only one with this Idea...
Had a major scare as I was finishing up, when Photoshop decided to crash. Thank Celestia I was able to recover it, but let that be a lesson to always save frequently.
76 Mission Pinkpossible - Vivian Iolani

Woo! I was very pressed for time, made this in about an hour during work.
Woo! I was very pressed for time, made this in about an hour during work.
78 ATG 2018 [Day 17]| ''Make it!'' - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them.
So I drew Jade doing a pretty big jump from one building to another! Hopefully she makes it!
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony on an impossible mission / Draw a pony with the deck stacked against them.
So I drew Jade doing a pretty big jump from one building to another! Hopefully she makes it!
83 wibbly wobbly, timey wimey machine - Minty Treble

Time Turner and Derpy Hooves trying to use their time machine for the first time... it seems things aren't going so well D:
Time Turner and Derpy Hooves trying to use their time machine for the first time... it seems things aren't going so well D:
84 ATG 17: An impossible request - Benjamin Eric Berlin

Hoping this is still accepted, my take on the prompt of an impossible mission went through several ideas, but I figured they were all too "ordinary" so I went with an idea based upon an earlier drawing of mine from day 6 (life change) and a fan-fiction I read some time ago where Prince Blueblood of all ponies gets a change of heart after suffering an endless cycle of repeating Grand Galloping Galas in the style of the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day. In this comic that I drew, Rarity receives a letter from Prince Blueblood asking for forgiveness, the problem is the letter is about 5 years after the GGG that they met under less than ideal circumstances. Needless to say, Rarity is terribly upset, and after an hour-long rant and burning the letter with her magic (not something she is normally capable of) she seeks the advice of her friends and a much-needed venting session at the spa, they, in short, tell her that only she can make that decision, but not to rush it nor put it off too long
Hoping this is still accepted, my take on the prompt of an impossible mission went through several ideas, but I figured they were all too "ordinary" so I went with an idea based upon an earlier drawing of mine from day 6 (life change) and a fan-fiction I read some time ago where Prince Blueblood of all ponies gets a change of heart after suffering an endless cycle of repeating Grand Galloping Galas in the style of the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day. In this comic that I drew, Rarity receives a letter from Prince Blueblood asking for forgiveness, the problem is the letter is about 5 years after the GGG that they met under less than ideal circumstances. Needless to say, Rarity is terribly upset, and after an hour-long rant and burning the letter with her magic (not something she is normally capable of) she seeks the advice of her friends and a much-needed venting session at the spa, they, in short, tell her that only she can make that decision, but not to rush it nor put it off too long
85 Without your wings, You can't save them both!! - PfH Mod

First time I make a full comic page I actually like, Thanks to @picking-locks on tumblr for the random inspiration.
Trying my best to think outside of the box- did it work?
Shiren Emerald Oc belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
First time I make a full comic page I actually like, Thanks to @picking-locks on tumblr for the random inspiration.
Trying my best to think outside of the box- did it work?
Shiren Emerald Oc belongs to @friendlypsycho ​ on tumblr - or on DA https://www.deviantart.com/thatfriendlysomeone
86 What Do We Have Here? - Novaintellus

Shining, you know you're not supposed to have a cookie before you finish homework.
Shining, you know you're not supposed to have a cookie before you finish homework.
87 High-Stakes Games in Maneaco - phallen1

Daring Do would much rather be risking her life in a dangerous tomb, rather than a poker game. Midnight Oil would rather be finding thrills within the cool casinos of Maneaco, and not on the rooftops where it's blistering hot even at night. Each wonders how this trip went so horribly wrong so horribly fast. Each is grimly aware how high the stakes are, and is glad the other is oblivious. Each hopes the other is having fun, wherever they wound up...
Daring Do would much rather be risking her life in a dangerous tomb, rather than a poker game. Midnight Oil would rather be finding thrills within the cool casinos of Maneaco, and not on the rooftops where it's blistering hot even at night. Each wonders how this trip went so horribly wrong so horribly fast. Each is grimly aware how high the stakes are, and is glad the other is oblivious. Each hopes the other is having fun, wherever they wound up...
90 Jar - RhythmPixel

Hmph, I dunno what to do with this prompt, just ain't feeling it.
Although opening a jar is impossible.
Hmph, I dunno what to do with this prompt, just ain't feeling it.
Although opening a jar is impossible.
93 BATG D17 - Krash42

(I have no idea what I drew today...)
Welp I missed yesterday's prompt
Doing every NATG has now become the impossible task
(I have no idea what I drew today...)
Welp I missed yesterday's prompt
Doing every NATG has now become the impossible task
97 Impossible - Frith

Nudging over the (I presume) 3 AM EDT deadline. Had to take a serious nap after work. So, situation made impossible by a super-excited past-Twilight that won't let future Twilight get more than a word in edgewise. Exercise: proportions and getting two ponies to be the same size and hooves on the same level.
Nudging over the (I presume) 3 AM EDT deadline. Had to take a serious nap after work. So, situation made impossible by a super-excited past-Twilight that won't let future Twilight get more than a word in edgewise. Exercise: proportions and getting two ponies to be the same size and hooves on the same level.
98 Off to the Uno Realm - Binky T.

"Your turn Sunburst! Better make it count."
Do you wanna know how you get supervillains? This is how you get supervillains. Don't be a Sunburst.
"Your turn Sunburst! Better make it count."
Do you wanna know how you get supervillains? This is how you get supervillains. Don't be a Sunburst.