While it's always nice to explore the lives of our colorful little horses it can be quite interesting to look at things from the perspective of the villains of the pony world or explore the issues our ponies might have from time to time. It allows us to explore darker concepts and emotions that we might not normally see in the day to day lives of our ponies in Equestria.
That's why today you all came up with 169 ponies which brings us up to 1572 ponies in total. Well done everyone!
Today's prompt is one exploring another side of what it's like being an artist. In the pony fandom many of our artists of course share their artwork and in turn make friends with fans and other artists, sharing a bit about themselves as well. That's why, in order to get to know our artists participating in the ATG this year a little better, I thought for today we could Draw a pony doing something you like to do in real life / Draw a pony doing something they wouldn’t normally do.
As usual, our submitter can be found here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Our Makeup Day submitter is currently online too, you can find it here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
2 {~Surrender To my will~} - Sharkle

Decided sense none of my character's were completely evil I'd draw my ponysona in a cosplay of one of the most evil characters I know,Moira!
Decided sense none of my character's were completely evil I'd draw my ponysona in a cosplay of one of the most evil characters I know,Moira!
8 The Assassin for Spirit Life - Horceye

A young, knife loving Mare. As a young filly, an assassin killed both of her parents. But instead of crying about the loss she was fascinated by the beautiful knife-wielding skills of the assassin. In an instant, she remembered and copied everything she saw of the assassin and tried to use it against him. She almost had him, because the assassin wasn’t expecting a young filly is able to do this, but unfortunately for the filly, she was no match against the pro. The assassin saw potential in her and decided to take her as an apprentice. Since then she was training under his eyes. Today she got her first contract: “Eliminate Spirit Life�
A young, knife loving Mare. As a young filly, an assassin killed both of her parents. But instead of crying about the loss she was fascinated by the beautiful knife-wielding skills of the assassin. In an instant, she remembered and copied everything she saw of the assassin and tried to use it against him. She almost had him, because the assassin wasn’t expecting a young filly is able to do this, but unfortunately for the filly, she was no match against the pro. The assassin saw potential in her and decided to take her as an apprentice. Since then she was training under his eyes. Today she got her first contract: “Eliminate Spirit Life�
10 NATG VII Day 9 - Silver Shill is best villain/pony - Fizzban/BronyFizzban

Watch the Galacon 2018 VA panel on YouTube, you'll know why XD
Watch the Galacon 2018 VA panel on YouTube, you'll know why XD
13 ATG - 9 - Angry Horse - Crimson Winds

Queen Chrysalis seeks revenge for those who have done her wrong. Lets just hope she doesn't take it too far.
First attempt with a changeling, more so a changeling queen.
Queen Chrysalis seeks revenge for those who have done her wrong. Lets just hope she doesn't take it too far.
First attempt with a changeling, more so a changeling queen.
17 The Most Evil Pony In Existence - OctaScratchRock

This is the most evil pony you will ever find. Why? Because he knows that if you want to do evil, then first you have to get rid of the happiest and most loving place in the world. Without the Netherlands, peace and love will almost completely vanish from our world! WE NEED TO SAVE THEM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
This is the most evil pony you will ever find. Why? Because he knows that if you want to do evil, then first you have to get rid of the happiest and most loving place in the world. Without the Netherlands, peace and love will almost completely vanish from our world! WE NEED TO SAVE THEM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
21 Tainted Love - banterlot

Her parents thought her cutie mark signified a future in pharmacy. Her interests leaned more towards a different kind of "medicine"...
This is why she can't get a job anywhere else.
Her parents thought her cutie mark signified a future in pharmacy. Her interests leaned more towards a different kind of "medicine"...
This is why she can't get a job anywhere else.
23 NATG2018 - DAY 9 - Talking about issues - DarkDabula

"This is only the first step in your cure !"
"This is only the first step in your cure !"
24 Pony of Shadow - nekotigerfire

Cause he needs some love?... and I know I said I avoid colour but he needed something to pop :( and I didn't have green.
Cause he needs some love?... and I know I said I avoid colour but he needed something to pop :( and I didn't have green.
31 Incursion - Matthew

The Order of the Equestrian Crown is a high-profile gathering of Celestias from across the multiverse, in which the rulers discuss and plan ahead in regards to recent threats.
If you wanted to take control of the multiverse in one foul swoop, this would not be a bad place to start.
Our first and only successful contender is a mysterious metafictional entity known only as the Author. Skilled beyond reason, his modus operandi is the manipulation of the multiverse and its inhabitants to his will. And now, there’s nothing standing in his way…
The Order of the Equestrian Crown is a high-profile gathering of Celestias from across the multiverse, in which the rulers discuss and plan ahead in regards to recent threats.
If you wanted to take control of the multiverse in one foul swoop, this would not be a bad place to start.
Our first and only successful contender is a mysterious metafictional entity known only as the Author. Skilled beyond reason, his modus operandi is the manipulation of the multiverse and its inhabitants to his will. And now, there’s nothing standing in his way…
44 i AM evil - Ragmo

Stop calling me cute. I have a monocle, moustache and a cape - I AM EVIL.Now i only need a cat and some train rails.
Stop calling me cute. I have a monocle, moustache and a cape - I AM EVIL.Now i only need a cat and some train rails.
46 Tempest Shadow: Made in the Shade (Sketch) - StudioNightly

I forgot about ATG /)~(\ Here is a quick an dirty sketch while I figure out if i'm going to make up 9 days of topics... heck.
I forgot about ATG /)~(\ Here is a quick an dirty sketch while I figure out if i'm going to make up 9 days of topics... heck.
51 Da Queen *click**click**click* - dafiltafish

Would you believe I've never drawn top-bug-horse before?
Would you believe I've never drawn top-bug-horse before?
58 Daybreaker with lit brows - Spring Shrub

With all the errors and things I'd have done differently if I had the time, I submit the best I could do, faults and all.
With all the errors and things I'd have done differently if I had the time, I submit the best I could do, faults and all.
59 ED: ATG-Day 9: Back At The Lair - Addelum

I opted for detail over colour. I might come back to color this...
I opted for detail over colour. I might come back to color this...
60 ATG 2019 Day 9 Mimophobia - tallaferroxiv

Another year, another ATG! Hope to get through this one!!
Another year, another ATG! Hope to get through this one!!
63 Tsar Тень - AaronMk

I can't wait for the end of Season 9 where we're revealed how Sombra has a nice bike ride and kills two crows as he's on the cusp of being annihilated. Again.
I can't wait for the end of Season 9 where we're revealed how Sombra has a nice bike ride and kills two crows as he's on the cusp of being annihilated. Again.
71 Chrysalis - Shaliwolf

Didn't really get any ideas from this prompt, so I just drew a heavily referenced chrysalis. I haven't drawn her before and I didn't really dare attempt to change stuff.
Didn't really get any ideas from this prompt, so I just drew a heavily referenced chrysalis. I haven't drawn her before and I didn't really dare attempt to change stuff.
74 Nightmare Moon - ThatFriendlySomeone

I wonder if anyone in this gallery drew nightmare Rarity from the comics ºuº
I wonder if anyone in this gallery drew nightmare Rarity from the comics ºuº
75 Shadowbolts are Coming - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Captain Nightshade orders Rapidsnap to prepare to attack.
Captain Nightshade orders Rapidsnap to prepare to attack.
76 Shining armor got confused... Again - Mike/Wizrob

I kinda messed up on shining's hair. This is why we try the colors out beforehand...
I kinda messed up on shining's hair. This is why we try the colors out beforehand...
77 NATG VIII - Day 9: She stole my hive! - CMC_Scootaloo

Did I say that it's getting dark under my picture for Day 7? Have more of this, because today, it's VILLAIN DAY! The prompt for Day 9 is "Draw a villainous pony/Draw a pony with issues".
And for this prompt, I decided to unleash Chrysalis. It was originally going to be a bigger, full-body drawing of her, but then I came upon this expression of her on a screenshot of "The Mean 6" when I searched through Derpibooru and I just couldn't pass up on it. She might have lost her hive and a lot of her power, but Chrysalis still has it in her to intimidate and scare you.
And how casually she could use a spell to create evil clones of Twilight and her friends, and that just with a few hairs from them and a bunch of photos, it makes you wonder what else she is able to do..... She is still a very dangerous enemy of Equestria.
Did I say that it's getting dark under my picture for Day 7? Have more of this, because today, it's VILLAIN DAY! The prompt for Day 9 is "Draw a villainous pony/Draw a pony with issues".
And for this prompt, I decided to unleash Chrysalis. It was originally going to be a bigger, full-body drawing of her, but then I came upon this expression of her on a screenshot of "The Mean 6" when I searched through Derpibooru and I just couldn't pass up on it. She might have lost her hive and a lot of her power, but Chrysalis still has it in her to intimidate and scare you.
And how casually she could use a spell to create evil clones of Twilight and her friends, and that just with a few hairs from them and a bunch of photos, it makes you wonder what else she is able to do..... She is still a very dangerous enemy of Equestria.
78 Sombra - Redenaz

He's not a very popular character, but I still enjoy drawing Sombra a lot. We don't get a lot of important stallions, and there are a lot of unique elements to him, for better or worse, that make him a memorable, if slightly overloaded-and-underdeveloped character.
I'm not so fond of his crown, neck armor, and robe/cape, however. There's just so much that it's hard not to make him look clunky by the time you're finished.
He's not a very popular character, but I still enjoy drawing Sombra a lot. We don't get a lot of important stallions, and there are a lot of unique elements to him, for better or worse, that make him a memorable, if slightly overloaded-and-underdeveloped character.
I'm not so fond of his crown, neck armor, and robe/cape, however. There's just so much that it's hard not to make him look clunky by the time you're finished.
81 Discord, the Lord of Chaos - Minty Treble

I love him so much… I couldn't leave him with just plain colors, I had to give him some shadows <3 i="">
I love him so much… I couldn't leave him with just plain colors, I had to give him some shadows <3 i="">
83 Face of No Mercy - Pone-Dancer

So villainous! Fluffle Puff has stolen Queen Chrysalis' crown and now rules Equestria.
Queen Chrysalis isn't amused.
Fluffle Puff thinks everypony should have a taco.
So villainous! Fluffle Puff has stolen Queen Chrysalis' crown and now rules Equestria.
Queen Chrysalis isn't amused.
Fluffle Puff thinks everypony should have a taco.
84 A Friend for Newborn Stars - DinkyUniverse

Sun Glimmer stumbled upon a pony who tells her he will make all her dreams come true, just by starting with this contract ready to sign here. Will she take it and become the next Equestrian star? Will she be the star that she wants to be or what he wants her to be?
Sun Glimmer stumbled upon a pony who tells her he will make all her dreams come true, just by starting with this contract ready to sign here. Will she take it and become the next Equestrian star? Will she be the star that she wants to be or what he wants her to be?
86 Kill Contract for Chrysalis - Erik Butterworth

When it comes to villainous ponies, I settle on Queen Chrysalis as she is, in my eyes, the worst of the villains in the series so far.
When it comes to villainous ponies, I settle on Queen Chrysalis as she is, in my eyes, the worst of the villains in the series so far.
87 No Mercy for Former Queen Chrysalis - Erik Butterworth

In my eyes, Chrysalis is the worst villain in the series so far.
In my eyes, Chrysalis is the worst villain in the series so far.
88 That's right, run for your lives, Dazzlings! - Erik Butterworth

I gotta admit, I think the Dazzlings were pretty good villains in Rainbow Rocks. Too bad we haven't seen them since then.
I gotta admit, I think the Dazzlings were pretty good villains in Rainbow Rocks. Too bad we haven't seen them since then.
89 Tempest Apologizes to the Princesses - Erik Butterworth

Tempest made a good villain due to how quickly she took down the Princesses and punished anyone who crossed her path while hunting down Twilight.
Tempest made a good villain due to how quickly she took down the Princesses and punished anyone who crossed her path while hunting down Twilight.
90 An Apologetic Tempest - Erik Butterworth

Tempest was a good villain, and I was glad to have a chance to work with a model of her as soon as possible on Garry's Mod.
Tempest was a good villain, and I was glad to have a chance to work with a model of her as soon as possible on Garry's Mod.
91 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 9: FIENDship - Ben V.

My Little NATG Diary, Day 9:
Anatomy, Pose, Sketch, Line, Color, Shading, Lighting...
Anatomy. Pose. Sketch. Line. Color. Shading. Lighting.
As if I'm trying to achieve Heaven here.
Some are still missing, but I'll get them soon.
My Little NATG Diary, Day 9:
Anatomy, Pose, Sketch, Line, Color, Shading, Lighting...
Anatomy. Pose. Sketch. Line. Color. Shading. Lighting.
As if I'm trying to achieve Heaven here.
Some are still missing, but I'll get them soon.
92 ATG 9 - Nightmare Rarity - PixelGrip94

Decided to draw a villain I've never drawn before, Nightmare Rarity. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of that comic arc, I've always loved the idea of heroes being turned into villains. Plus, her design was awesome.
Decided to draw a villain I've never drawn before, Nightmare Rarity. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of that comic arc, I've always loved the idea of heroes being turned into villains. Plus, her design was awesome.
93 2018 ATG VIII - Day 9 - Vengeful - KirbyLiscious

She's got issues. Specifically, seven of them, one of which she'd either like to ignore entirely, or crush into tiny pieces with her hoof.
She's got issues. Specifically, seven of them, one of which she'd either like to ignore entirely, or crush into tiny pieces with her hoof.
97 Trixie's Issues - Frith

So I chose to sketch a somewhat villainous pony with issues (requiring tissues). I think I'm trying to draw Trixie but I'm getting Cadence instead. I can't see it yet, but I think I have the usual squashed iris problem. Gotta stop here, tomorrow brings another exercise.
So I chose to sketch a somewhat villainous pony with issues (requiring tissues). I think I'm trying to draw Trixie but I'm getting Cadence instead. I can't see it yet, but I think I have the usual squashed iris problem. Gotta stop here, tomorrow brings another exercise.
99 ATG 2018 [Day 9] | Captured - BluestFlames

This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equeastria Daily!
Today's prompt was to Draw a villainous pony / Draw a pony with issues.
So I drew Diamanda and some other pony she has captured, probably because he has some information. : P
This is my drawing for the Artist Training Grounds on Equeastria Daily!
Today's prompt was to Draw a villainous pony / Draw a pony with issues.
So I drew Diamanda and some other pony she has captured, probably because he has some information. : P
100 EQD ATG8 Day 9: Villain Issues - ArrJaySketch

Drawn for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 9: "Draw a villainous pony / Draw a pony with issues"!
King Sombra is a little miffed that Evil Bug Horse has stolen the cover of Villains Weekly. AGAIN.
(I'd love to actually spend more time on these sketches and clean them up; I haven't had the time lately!)
Drawn for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 9: "Draw a villainous pony / Draw a pony with issues"!
King Sombra is a little miffed that Evil Bug Horse has stolen the cover of Villains Weekly. AGAIN.
(I'd love to actually spend more time on these sketches and clean them up; I haven't had the time lately!)
104 The Shutter Joke - Stone39

I absolutely love Chrysalis and her Shutter Bug persona is great so I decided to ponify this iconic cover with the most villainous camera pony! This will probably be colored for the next make-up, not tomorrow though. >:D
I absolutely love Chrysalis and her Shutter Bug persona is great so I decided to ponify this iconic cover with the most villainous camera pony! This will probably be colored for the next make-up, not tomorrow though. >:D
105 Green Flame - Vivian Iolani

I was going to make a cute cartoon about a changeling bringing Chryssi a wheel of swiss and her getting pissed off and setting him on fire. Then I really liked a brush I tried in Medibang and I did this instead.
I like how it came out, but I know the lighting/shading is off. My first attempt at it, hopefully I'll improve.
I was going to make a cute cartoon about a changeling bringing Chryssi a wheel of swiss and her getting pissed off and setting him on fire. Then I really liked a brush I tried in Medibang and I did this instead.
I like how it came out, but I know the lighting/shading is off. My first attempt at it, hopefully I'll improve.
106 The Rival Appears - B.J. Dazzle

As the trio regains their bearings, they are approached by a mysterious newcomer. Lyra recognizes her as Octavia Melody, a truly VILLAINOUS scoundrel from her past that she has more than a few ISSUES with! ...But really, though, she's a great mare.
As the trio regains their bearings, they are approached by a mysterious newcomer. Lyra recognizes her as Octavia Melody, a truly VILLAINOUS scoundrel from her past that she has more than a few ISSUES with! ...But really, though, she's a great mare.
107 NATG #9: ISSUES - Huxley

I missed the posts for the last couple of days...oops. At least that give me an opportunity to make use of the make-up day submitter.
I missed the posts for the last couple of days...oops. At least that give me an opportunity to make use of the make-up day submitter.
111 EqD ATG 2018 Day 9 - Pepperbrony

King Sombra has some issues... of Crystal, the best magazine for keeping up to date with the latest mineral news and developments.
King Sombra has some issues... of Crystal, the best magazine for keeping up to date with the latest mineral news and developments.
116 Chrysalis KeyChain - DeluxeFlame

Always wanted to put Chrysalis on a keychain, decided to poke fun at Twilight failing to reform The Queen Bug.
So I threw the two together in this piece as Twilight looks closely as she just can't win this arcade game of Stacker.
Always wanted to put Chrysalis on a keychain, decided to poke fun at Twilight failing to reform The Queen Bug.
So I threw the two together in this piece as Twilight looks closely as she just can't win this arcade game of Stacker.
118 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 09 page1 - meto30

My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
119 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 09 page2 - meto30

My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
120 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 09 page3 - meto30

My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
121 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 09 page4 - meto30

My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
122 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 09 page5 - meto30

My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
My entries for ATG 2018 are all in the format of a long series of storyboards. My entry for prompt 9 consists of five consecutive pages.
124 Of Two Minds - phallen1

I think Patch makes a lot more sense when you know he's the bad guy in the story.
I think Patch makes a lot more sense when you know he's the bad guy in the story.
128 Great And Powerful - Silver Dash

I tried something different. I dont think it came out the way I want it.
I tried something different. I dont think it came out the way I want it.
130 Villain-in-training - Photon Grapher

Quickie sketch to be developed later. Enjoy Lyra's poorly-conjured evil hands (and issues of Evil Villain's Monthly).
Quickie sketch to be developed later. Enjoy Lyra's poorly-conjured evil hands (and issues of Evil Villain's Monthly).
140 Misunderstood, Therefore Villainous - Pone-Dancer

Ponies (and people) often fear what they don't understand. Spider ponies are just ponies too under all of that fuzz and legs!
Ponies (and people) often fear what they don't understand. Spider ponies are just ponies too under all of that fuzz and legs!
141 EQD NATG 2018 Day 9 - Villainous War - Stormy

Wee bit murderous, there... Rather ambitious too..
Wee bit murderous, there... Rather ambitious too..
143 Vatha the Traitor in Exile - TaichiKeaton

Vatha was exiled from House Nightwhisper by Belle and her father once the grand inquisitor's plans to cause the downfall of her family's line and the other demon lords was revealed. Now Vatha plots her revenge among the ruins where she was exiled.
Vatha was exiled from House Nightwhisper by Belle and her father once the grand inquisitor's plans to cause the downfall of her family's line and the other demon lords was revealed. Now Vatha plots her revenge among the ruins where she was exiled.
144 A New Plan - ZoneSystem

Doctor Caballeron just hatched an evil plan. Daring Do better be on the lookout.
Doctor Caballeron just hatched an evil plan. Daring Do better be on the lookout.
146 Alicorn Power 2x - FreshlyPositive

What happens when she tries using the alicorn amulet with her current powers??
What happens when she tries using the alicorn amulet with her current powers??
151 Precious jams - FizzPuff

Not sure i made the time for the prompt submitter but I tried, I spent longer on this than I should have.
Not sure i made the time for the prompt submitter but I tried, I spent longer on this than I should have.
153 The Jungle Raiders - Binky T.

Alright y'all, this one very small part in a grander idea I had for today's prompt. Still, it's pretty good. Also, this is my first time drawing them all together and in a serious matter.
Alright y'all, this one very small part in a grander idea I had for today's prompt. Still, it's pretty good. Also, this is my first time drawing them all together and in a serious matter.
155 Chrysalis - DavinciWolf

Ohh boy.. I missed a few days, but at last managed to finish one. Yay! And Almost missed the deadline too... So tired.. gonna sleep now.. Night y'all.
Ohh boy.. I missed a few days, but at last managed to finish one. Yay! And Almost missed the deadline too... So tired.. gonna sleep now.. Night y'all.
156 Strange Antics - Lollipony

Twilight... We've talked about this. You're a princess now! When eyes are looking, you can't just flip head over heels whenever you see a new book!
Twilight... We've talked about this. You're a princess now! When eyes are looking, you can't just flip head over heels whenever you see a new book!
158 Queen Chrysalis with moth-like wings - csdev04 - Sonata_Did_It

First attempt at drawing in years, decided drawing my favorite character would be a good idea. Had more planned for the image but decided to not to overextend the little skill I had.
First attempt at drawing in years, decided drawing my favorite character would be a good idea. Had more planned for the image but decided to not to overextend the little skill I had.
163 Rainbow's curious lack of shoes - Mister Twister

Idea comes from a YTP, use submission link to watch it.
Idea comes from a YTP, use submission link to watch it.