How about an urban header this time? I tend to like green a lot, so the top photos are always forests. Blame living in a desert my whole life.
We've got your final 83 for the Ponies Around the World 2018 event here! Head on down below, and thanks again to everyone that entered! Feel free to collect pictures throughout the year for next year, there are no requirements that you take pictures only during the submission period.
For previous parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Anyway, go get em!
201 Rainbow Dash at Willis (Sears) Tower - Leinad

Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
202 Rainbow Dash at the Cavern Club - Leinad

Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
204 Rarity at the City Hall of Lyon - Leinad

Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
205 Rainbow Dash at the Torre de Belém, Lisbon - Leinad

Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
206 Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Indianapolis - Leinad

Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
Hello! I'm Leinad, a world traveller who also brings the Mane 6 to his journeys. You can find more pictures on my Facebook site!
207 Moon Drive and Zabivaka - Slaaneshi

This picture is taken as part of my trip to Moscow. RuBronyCon Chairman has graciously lent me the convention mascot Moon Drive for a small photo shoot. Pic taken near Moscow Zoo.
This picture is taken as part of my trip to Moscow. RuBronyCon Chairman has graciously lent me the convention mascot Moon Drive for a small photo shoot. Pic taken near Moscow Zoo.
208 Moon Drive in Moscow Zoo - Slaaneshi

The huge building in the background in one of the Seven Sisters.
The huge building in the background in one of the Seven Sisters.
210 Starlight Glimmer near the statue of V. I. Lenin in Hanoi, Vietnam - Ben V.

I intended to take the picture closer to his statue, but there was so many people over there. And I don't have such courage. Maybe next year, I will try again.
I intended to take the picture closer to his statue, but there was so many people over there. And I don't have such courage. Maybe next year, I will try again.
212 Starlight Glimmer at Fort Sumter - GlimGlamShimSham

This is a picture I took while at Fort Sumter. Might be a tad blurry because I had to rush to take it before people saw that I was doing a darn pony photoshoot, but I really like the angle and look of it of it.
This is a picture I took while at Fort Sumter. Might be a tad blurry because I had to rush to take it before people saw that I was doing a darn pony photoshoot, but I really like the angle and look of it of it.
213 Hoà n Kiếm Lake, Hanoi, Vietnam - Ben V.

"Good morning from Vietnam! Smile for camera, Glimmer!"
"Good morning from Vietnam! Smile for camera, Glimmer!"
214 Kumquats All Day - Grand Moff Pony

Pinkie: "Kumquat Kumquat Kumquat!"
Pinkie checking out a display of some liqueur infused with one of her favorite fruits, on the Greek island of Corfu.
Pinkie: "Kumquat Kumquat Kumquat!"
Pinkie checking out a display of some liqueur infused with one of her favorite fruits, on the Greek island of Corfu.
215 Scenic Touring through the Calanques - Grand Moff Pony

Sunset: "Alright, girls, the timer's set! Everypony smile!"
Sunset, Starlight, Roseluck, Pinkie, and Twilight take in the beautiful views from the Calanques de Piana, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site located on the island of Corsica, France.
Sunset: "Alright, girls, the timer's set! Everypony smile!"
Sunset, Starlight, Roseluck, Pinkie, and Twilight take in the beautiful views from the Calanques de Piana, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site located on the island of Corsica, France.
216 Marvelous Montserrat - Grand Moff Pony

Pinkie: "And I thought the views from Canterlot Castle were good! This is amazing! Who knew monks lived in such glamorous settings?"
Pinkie soaking in the gorgeous views overlooking the Montserrat Monastery, which is located about an hour outside of Barcelona, Spain.
Pinkie: "And I thought the views from Canterlot Castle were good! This is amazing! Who knew monks lived in such glamorous settings?"
Pinkie soaking in the gorgeous views overlooking the Montserrat Monastery, which is located about an hour outside of Barcelona, Spain.
217 Theatre with a View - Grand Moff Pony

Twilight: "Next time the girls and I want to put on a stage play, we're coming out here!"
Princess Twilight's scoping out the ancient Greek theatre located at the very top of the small town of Taormina, which itself is located on the island of Sicily. The theatre was originally constructed in the Third Century BC, and was designed purposefully to have an outward view towards Mt. Etna, which can be seen far in the background.
Twilight: "Next time the girls and I want to put on a stage play, we're coming out here!"
Princess Twilight's scoping out the ancient Greek theatre located at the very top of the small town of Taormina, which itself is located on the island of Sicily. The theatre was originally constructed in the Third Century BC, and was designed purposefully to have an outward view towards Mt. Etna, which can be seen far in the background.
218 Picturesque in Perast - Grand Moff Pony

Sunset: "Little towns built up into the cliffs, great food, great people, beautiful bay views... what's not to love?"
Sunset Shimmer basking in the gorgeous views around the bays that surround the small town of Perast, Montenegro.
Sunset: "Little towns built up into the cliffs, great food, great people, beautiful bay views... what's not to love?"
Sunset Shimmer basking in the gorgeous views around the bays that surround the small town of Perast, Montenegro.
219 Sunset at Sunset - Princess Midnight

Photo taken at Victoria Harbor, Docklands Melbourne Australia- aimed at the West Gate bridge.
Photo taken at Victoria Harbor, Docklands Melbourne Australia- aimed at the West Gate bridge.
221 Twilight and Rainbow enjoy the 11th eruption of Giant Geyser since 2010 - Emily Wein

Giant Geyser erupts for the 11th time since 2010. We were all super excited to see it erupt.
Giant Geyser erupts for the 11th time since 2010. We were all super excited to see it erupt.
222 Spitfire with a Supermarine spitfire - Stephen Boyle

At the RAF100 festival London Guards house st James park.
At the RAF100 festival London Guards house st James park.
228 Pinkie Pie Spies the London Eye with her eyes - Rickard Edlund

A nice guy let me borrow the roof of his car so I could take this picture of the London Eye
A nice guy let me borrow the roof of his car so I could take this picture of the London Eye
229 Pinkie Pie meets that famous Pissing Boy of Bryssel - Rickard Edlund

The boy are wearing Bryssels Team Colors
The boy are wearing Bryssels Team Colors
231 Pinkie Pie meets that famous Pissing Boy of Bryssel - Rickard Edlund

The boy are wearing Bryssels Team Colors
The boy are wearing Bryssels Team Colors
236 Gallop Crush (My OC) with Apple Bloom - Mark Hyder

Gallop Crush (My OC) with Apple Bloom day after Griffish Isles con
Gallop Crush (My OC) with Apple Bloom day after Griffish Isles con
237 Applejack Gazing on Devil's Lake in Wisconsin - Pegapnea

My favorite pic from my time at Devil's Lake State Park this year. When I brought an Applejack plush to get a picture for Ponies Around the World, I never expected to get a shot like this! I wish I had gotten some shots with Applejack closer to the camera, but that's what I get for trying to do these without my family seeing. XD Regardless, this would probably have stayed my favorite.
My favorite pic from my time at Devil's Lake State Park this year. When I brought an Applejack plush to get a picture for Ponies Around the World, I never expected to get a shot like this! I wish I had gotten some shots with Applejack closer to the camera, but that's what I get for trying to do these without my family seeing. XD Regardless, this would probably have stayed my favorite.
241 Tempest Shadow visits Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout at Disney's California Adventure - hsyndulla

243 Teacup, teacup, teacup! Trixie at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, Disneyland, California - hsyndulla

244 Soarin on Amtrak - dragontelex

Soarin relaxing, riding the rails on Amtrak's Silver Star, just outside of Washington, DC
Soarin relaxing, riding the rails on Amtrak's Silver Star, just outside of Washington, DC
245 Scootaloo at Ignite - dragontelex

Spotted in the wild, Scootaloo is tagging along with a friend at Ignite in Orlando.
Spotted in the wild, Scootaloo is tagging along with a friend at Ignite in Orlando.
246 Pinkie and Applejack at the Insight Meditation Society - dragontelex

Though the silence was a struggle for Pinkie at first, she and Applejack joined me for a week-long meditation retreat in complete silence -- at Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.
Though the silence was a struggle for Pinkie at first, she and Applejack joined me for a week-long meditation retreat in complete silence -- at Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.
249 Flutterbat and the Liver Bird - George & Ruby

Flutterbat pays a visit to Liverpool UK to take a look at the world famous Liver Birds
Flutterbat pays a visit to Liverpool UK to take a look at the world famous Liver Birds
250 Leapin' Lizards! Lookit the size of those egg shells! - Frith

Visiting Grainbee (or "Granby, Quebec") with Fluttershy, investigating the exotic critters. Flutter found these giant egg shells. It's safe, right? Whatever laid these must be long gone.
Visiting Grainbee (or "Granby, Quebec") with Fluttershy, investigating the exotic critters. Flutter found these giant egg shells. It's safe, right? Whatever laid these must be long gone.
251 You're too kind, liz. No, really. - Frith

Flutter getting a little motherly help. Moutherly help. Help with hatching. Some reptiles do it. Fluttershy managed to scurry away before the giant lizard could puke breakfast on her. It was a bit more kindness and generosity than one pony could stomach.
Flutter getting a little motherly help. Moutherly help. Help with hatching. Some reptiles do it. Fluttershy managed to scurry away before the giant lizard could puke breakfast on her. It was a bit more kindness and generosity than one pony could stomach.
252 Friendship Is Magic at Mérida, Yucatán - Drensoul

This year I'm glad to participate with the help of three of my friends. Since the main theme of the show is friendship I thought it would be nice to submit some pictures featuring our ponies.
This year I'm glad to participate with the help of three of my friends. Since the main theme of the show is friendship I thought it would be nice to submit some pictures featuring our ponies.
254 "You were messing with the TARDIS's Control Console again didn't you?" - Drensoul

Since Doctor Who is going to return later this year, I thought of making this little homenage.
Since Doctor Who is going to return later this year, I thought of making this little homenage.
255 Shopping Break on the Isle of Capri - Jet Setter

Sunset checking out the many cafes and boutiques in the town of Anacapri, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
Sunset checking out the many cafes and boutiques in the town of Anacapri, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
256 The View From the Top - Jet Setter

Starlight soaking in the beautiful views from one of the many beautiful garden estates in the town of Anacapri, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
Starlight soaking in the beautiful views from one of the many beautiful garden estates in the town of Anacapri, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
257 In Her Element - Jet Setter

Roseluck couldn't help but stop to admire the beautiful gardens that can be found throughout the town of Anacapri, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
Roseluck couldn't help but stop to admire the beautiful gardens that can be found throughout the town of Anacapri, located on the island of Capri, Italy.
258 A Shimmering Sunset - Jet Setter

A truly shimmering sunset from the deck of the Crown Princess, while docked in the city of Dubrovnik, Croatia
A truly shimmering sunset from the deck of the Crown Princess, while docked in the city of Dubrovnik, Croatia
259 Trotting Along the Walls - Jet Setter

Twilight admiring the great views of the old town sector of Dubrovnik, Croatia, while walking the ancient city walls.
Twilight admiring the great views of the old town sector of Dubrovnik, Croatia, while walking the ancient city walls.
260 Derpy and Lyra visit the 'Center of the World' - Jeffrey Garlock

'Center of the World' is a place in northeast Ohio with an interesting name that relates far more to its past and promise as a hub of commerce than its present state of affairs; still it has a sense of uniqueness that might make it suitable for submitting for this event. Enough perhaps to make folks smile that I took a purposeful road trip simply to snap a photograph of Derpy and Lyra perched atop a probe I planted in the ground beneath a sign that bears a name belonging to another time.
'Center of the World' is a place in northeast Ohio with an interesting name that relates far more to its past and promise as a hub of commerce than its present state of affairs; still it has a sense of uniqueness that might make it suitable for submitting for this event. Enough perhaps to make folks smile that I took a purposeful road trip simply to snap a photograph of Derpy and Lyra perched atop a probe I planted in the ground beneath a sign that bears a name belonging to another time.
261 Lyra Heartstrings on Halim Perdanakusuma Airport - Efriansyah Casiophia

Lyra taken at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Indonesia at night scenery.
Lyra taken at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Indonesia at night scenery.
262 Twilight vs Changeling at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery - Efriansyah Casiophia

Twilight vs Changeling taken at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Twilight vs Changeling taken at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, Jakarta, Indonesia.
263 Princess at the Castle - Sparkle

Princess Twilight Sparkle reigning over the magnificent Castle of Rhodes.
Princess Twilight Sparkle reigning over the magnificent Castle of Rhodes.
265 DJ pon-3 visiting Garden Tomb of Heroes Kalibata - Vernando Karamoy

This place is called Taman Makam Pahlawan or Garden Tomb of Heroes in English, this is the final resting place of the heros of Indonesia
This place is called Taman Makam Pahlawan or Garden Tomb of Heroes in English, this is the final resting place of the heros of Indonesia
267 Derpy in The fountain of West Java Pavilion Taman Mini Indonesia Indah - Vernando Karamoy

This in in one of many Pavilion in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah The West Java Pavilion to be exact
This in in one of many Pavilion in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah The West Java Pavilion to be exact
268 Derpy visiting the National Monument of Indonesia - Vernando Karamoy

This is the National Monument Of Indonesia, it's symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate the struggle for Indonesian independence.
This is the National Monument Of Indonesia, it's symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate the struggle for Indonesian independence.
272 Krka Waterfall - skarkris

A view of (a part of) the Krka Waterfall in the Krka National Park in Croatia.
We had a lot of pictures of this waterfall, but we tried to pick the best one.
A view of (a part of) the Krka Waterfall in the Krka National Park in Croatia.
We had a lot of pictures of this waterfall, but we tried to pick the best one.
273 Applejack - Red Lotus Floating Market - SpiderBraids

Floating market offering boat rides on a pond filled with lotus flowers and plants. Taken during a day trip in November 2017
Floating market offering boat rides on a pond filled with lotus flowers and plants. Taken during a day trip in November 2017
274 Twilight at Giovanni's LGBTQ Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA - Boardgamebrony

Twilight Sparkle at Giovanni's Bookstore in downtown Philadelphia, PA. The bookstore was a key location for the meetup of LGBTQ folk over the course of several decades. Out of all the stores I've seen, only Powell's City of Books in Portland, Oregon, rivals the selection of LGBTQ books in one bookstore. I was thrilled to see such a well-stocked transgender section as well. A very comforting place indeed.
Twilight Sparkle at Giovanni's Bookstore in downtown Philadelphia, PA. The bookstore was a key location for the meetup of LGBTQ folk over the course of several decades. Out of all the stores I've seen, only Powell's City of Books in Portland, Oregon, rivals the selection of LGBTQ books in one bookstore. I was thrilled to see such a well-stocked transgender section as well. A very comforting place indeed.
275 Sunny, Vinyl and Pinkie at Niagra Falls, NY - Boardgamebrony

I took my pony figures to Niagra Falls, NY, so Sunny, Vinyl and Pinkie could take part in a beautiful shot across the water to Niagra Falls, Ontario. I did get a shot of the falls themselves, but the shining city rising up across the Canadian border was far more inspiring to me. I've always loved far off places which seem unreachable, but that gorgeous city was one trip away across a (literally called) Rainbow Bridge. I'd never been to Niagra Falls before and don't know if I ever will again, but I made sure to share that moment with all of you by immortalizing it with these three characters.
I took my pony figures to Niagra Falls, NY, so Sunny, Vinyl and Pinkie could take part in a beautiful shot across the water to Niagra Falls, Ontario. I did get a shot of the falls themselves, but the shining city rising up across the Canadian border was far more inspiring to me. I've always loved far off places which seem unreachable, but that gorgeous city was one trip away across a (literally called) Rainbow Bridge. I'd never been to Niagra Falls before and don't know if I ever will again, but I made sure to share that moment with all of you by immortalizing it with these three characters.
276 Pinkie viewing Pittsburgh Skyline, Pittsburgh, PA - Boardgamebrony

While at Anthrocon 2018, I got to visit the top of the Westin Convention Center with Pinkie Pie staring at the Pittsburgh skyline. I have never seen such a perfect photographic point in a city and the setup of these buildings was such a natural composition in itself that it felt like I had stepped into a comic book. If it weren't for the Ponies Around the World event, I don't think I would have had the forethought to look for beautiful moments like this. I'm really thankful for that.
While at Anthrocon 2018, I got to visit the top of the Westin Convention Center with Pinkie Pie staring at the Pittsburgh skyline. I have never seen such a perfect photographic point in a city and the setup of these buildings was such a natural composition in itself that it felt like I had stepped into a comic book. If it weren't for the Ponies Around the World event, I don't think I would have had the forethought to look for beautiful moments like this. I'm really thankful for that.
277 Pinkie at Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, TX - Boardgamebrony

The first location I visited for the Ponies Around the World event this year was Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX. Located outside the isolated Texas city, Cadillac Ranch was created by an artist who half-buried about 10 Cadillacs in the desert outside of town. Visitors are allowed to spraypaint signs and messages over each Cadillac, creating a thick layer of spraypaint over a long period of time. I felt so calm visiting this place at sunset, seeing this expression of self dotting the desert landscape in a moment of peace I had been looking for for a long time. Pinkie's presence in the pic made it all the more meaningful to me as I saw the melding of my love for pony and my desire for exploration all in one image.
The first location I visited for the Ponies Around the World event this year was Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX. Located outside the isolated Texas city, Cadillac Ranch was created by an artist who half-buried about 10 Cadillacs in the desert outside of town. Visitors are allowed to spraypaint signs and messages over each Cadillac, creating a thick layer of spraypaint over a long period of time. I felt so calm visiting this place at sunset, seeing this expression of self dotting the desert landscape in a moment of peace I had been looking for for a long time. Pinkie's presence in the pic made it all the more meaningful to me as I saw the melding of my love for pony and my desire for exploration all in one image.
279 Concert in Centralia, PA. Rt 61 - HorizonsBound

There is a coal fire burning under ground that forced the residence to evacuate over the years. The was a time you could see the road smoke. Rare to catch now.
There is a coal fire burning under ground that forced the residence to evacuate over the years. The was a time you could see the road smoke. Rare to catch now.
282 Fountain of Wealth, Singapore - Squeaky_Belle

Taken yesterday while on a meetup with some Singaporean horse fans! It was the world's largest fountain way back in 1998! I used to see it a lot when I was still living in Singapore.
Pictured here is the nation pony Temmy! You can search her up here: She's MeloDenesa's OC:
Taken yesterday while on a meetup with some Singaporean horse fans! It was the world's largest fountain way back in 1998! I used to see it a lot when I was still living in Singapore.
Pictured here is the nation pony Temmy! You can search her up here: She's MeloDenesa's OC:
283 Rarity Takes In the Fabulous Lake Oswego Skyline - âš¡Bolt the Super-Ponyâš¡

"Why, this view is simply devine!" Photo was taken from the summit of Mt. Sylvania aka Nansen Summit, at Nansen Summit Park. Fun fact: Lake Oswego is the fourth richest city in the state of Oregon, located just south of Portland (where I live), and this is the best view that I could find there. More fun facts: many locals refer to the city simply as "L.O.", and Oswego Lake is very heavily contested as those living around the lake claim that it's private while many others think it should be public. The debate is so heated it's now made its way to the Oregon Supreme Court!
P.S.: Since it's linked I want to mention that while I do occasionally upload photos to my DeviantArt page, I update my Twitter feed a lot more often. You can find me at @SuperPonyBolt.
"Why, this view is simply devine!" Photo was taken from the summit of Mt. Sylvania aka Nansen Summit, at Nansen Summit Park. Fun fact: Lake Oswego is the fourth richest city in the state of Oregon, located just south of Portland (where I live), and this is the best view that I could find there. More fun facts: many locals refer to the city simply as "L.O.", and Oswego Lake is very heavily contested as those living around the lake claim that it's private while many others think it should be public. The debate is so heated it's now made its way to the Oregon Supreme Court!
P.S.: Since it's linked I want to mention that while I do occasionally upload photos to my DeviantArt page, I update my Twitter feed a lot more often. You can find me at @SuperPonyBolt.