Love is a powerful emotion which can be amazing, cute, funny and humorous at the same time. Seeing so many of you practicing your skills with emotions as well as drawing multiple ponies at once was a joy and I'm glad so many of you participated! Well done!
For our love struck prompt we managed to pull in 153 ponies bringing us to 1403 ponies in total! We're slowly rising towards that 2000 mark gang.
As with most things in life there is a flip side, where there is love there is also hate and villainy. As FiM has portrayed a wide variety of antagonists over the years I think it's a good idea to give them a time to shine, letting you not only try another emotional state but to possibly draw one of our many villains interesting body designs. That's why for today's prompt I'd like you to Draw a villainous pony / Draw a pony with issues.
As always our submitter can be found here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Our Makeup Day submitter is currently online too, you can find it here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
13 Captain Jack in Love & going down with his Ship - Xander

Captain Jack Sparrow-the epitome of shipping memes: my contribution.
Captain Jack Sparrow-the epitome of shipping memes: my contribution.
14 Ear Nibbles - Erika Williams

Since we're supposed to be pushing ourselves, I decided to try my hand at the classic ear nibble. It didn't turn out quite like I had hoped, but I don't think it's bad for a first attempt at that pose.
Since we're supposed to be pushing ourselves, I decided to try my hand at the classic ear nibble. It didn't turn out quite like I had hoped, but I don't think it's bad for a first attempt at that pose.
15 Summer afternoon - ThatFriendlySomeone

Didn't had much time to do this day's drawing XS
Have fun seing this romantic gallery ( ~uo)
Didn't had much time to do this day's drawing XS
Have fun seing this romantic gallery ( ~uo)
18 MY DREAM... - OctaScratchRock

This is my life's dream. Sadly, it will never come true. If anybody else wants Octavia's love, TOO BAD! SHE'S MINE! ALL MINE!!!!!
This is my life's dream. Sadly, it will never come true. If anybody else wants Octavia's love, TOO BAD! SHE'S MINE! ALL MINE!!!!!
19 ATG - 8 - Horse in Love - Crimson Winds

Rainbow Dash gazes upon her (would definitely be) Marefriend.
Rainbow Dash gazes upon her (would definitely be) Marefriend.
21 Spirit Life discovers her love for magic - Horceye

At a very young age, Spirit Life could already use the telekinesis spell on objects. She was really fascinated in magic, you could say she was in love with magic. Since then Spirit Life dedicated her life to the realm of magic.
At a very young age, Spirit Life could already use the telekinesis spell on objects. She was really fascinated in magic, you could say she was in love with magic. Since then Spirit Life dedicated her life to the realm of magic.
22 Sticks and Stones - banterlot

Going for something simpler today, so have the one true nerd couple.
Going for something simpler today, so have the one true nerd couple.
26 Cari-Lu and Lightning Dusk (ship) - Superstar-Starly

what a surprise that i was planning on doing this drawing for my gf, and ATG says Day 8 is just that. XD
i hope you guys love it
what a surprise that i was planning on doing this drawing for my gf, and ATG says Day 8 is just that. XD
i hope you guys love it
28 Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 08 - meto30

My entries for ATG 2018 are arranged in a single continuous storyboard. Check the earlier ones if you want to find out how they're connected!
My entries for ATG 2018 are arranged in a single continuous storyboard. Check the earlier ones if you want to find out how they're connected!
30 The plank of late-ness - Slizergiy

Ok, so it looks like I'm late to the party (by a week) for this years Artists Traning Grounds. Oh well. At least I can still get my art on. This thing allways gives me a nice view boost.
Ok, so it looks like I'm late to the party (by a week) for this years Artists Traning Grounds. Oh well. At least I can still get my art on. This thing allways gives me a nice view boost.
33 Dark Souled Pony Loves Light Pony - Pone-Dancer

Puppet Master is the king of twisting others' minds. He's done so to everyone except....Joyful Noise. She met him one day and hasn't left him alone since. And well, he kind of likes that.
He likes that a lot.
Puppet Master is the king of twisting others' minds. He's done so to everyone except....Joyful Noise. She met him one day and hasn't left him alone since. And well, he kind of likes that.
He likes that a lot.
35 Smol Dragon in Love - Pone-Dancer

Teensie Meenie, a very short dragon, has fallen head-over-tail for a super tall mule. Tommy Mula to be exact.
Tommy has no idea that her advances mean anything more than friendship.
Teensie Meenie, a very short dragon, has fallen head-over-tail for a super tall mule. Tommy Mula to be exact.
Tommy has no idea that her advances mean anything more than friendship.
37 Do You Think She Learned It From...? - Stone39

Like filly, like foalsitter. Cadance knows what she has to do to get her Prince. Here's hoping it doesn't take Shining Armor away from his comics too much.
Like filly, like foalsitter. Cadance knows what she has to do to get her Prince. Here's hoping it doesn't take Shining Armor away from his comics too much.
42 How to maximise time as an artist ! - LAuthheure

I am not a shipper, but I have received a request about this shipping.
Why would I bother to draw two different pictures ?
I am not a shipper, but I have received a request about this shipping.
Why would I bother to draw two different pictures ?
45 Shipping and Love affairs - Nekotigerfire

couples night and Chrysalis is not happy with the outcomes.
couples night and Chrysalis is not happy with the outcomes.
54 JUST KISS ALREADY - Minty Treble

Ponies in love!!! These are Teddy and Sweetheart, from MLP Tales... they had this weird thing going on, where he considered her his girlfriend, but it wasn't official because either of them was brave enough to confess their feelings... it was actually pretty cute <3 i="">3>
Ponies in love!!! These are Teddy and Sweetheart, from MLP Tales... they had this weird thing going on, where he considered her his girlfriend, but it wasn't official because either of them was brave enough to confess their feelings... it was actually pretty cute <3 i="">3>
55 OctaScratch - Lou

I get the feeling there's gonna be a lot of this kind of image. Not super creative, but I'm suuuuper happy with this. Though Octavia's nose could probably use work..
I get the feeling there's gonna be a lot of this kind of image. Not super creative, but I'm suuuuper happy with this. Though Octavia's nose could probably use work..
60 Comfort - Matthew

Life will throw it̢۪s worst your way.
When it does, it helps to have people who can listen and remind you how much you matter.
Sorry for the sombre mood but I thought it would be best to have some form of continuity after the last image.
Life will throw it̢۪s worst your way.
When it does, it helps to have people who can listen and remind you how much you matter.
Sorry for the sombre mood but I thought it would be best to have some form of continuity after the last image.
61 I'm flying - Ragmo

For Artist Training Ground VIII: Day8: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping).
More or less a Sequel to ATG VII: Day 9: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony crushing on somepony (
But will this ship sail or sink?
For Artist Training Ground VIII: Day8: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping).
More or less a Sequel to ATG VII: Day 9: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony crushing on somepony (
But will this ship sail or sink?
62 Day 8 Love - FoxOfWar

Princess Celestia in love. WIth... well, whatever it is, better not get in the way of her interest.
Princess Celestia in love. WIth... well, whatever it is, better not get in the way of her interest.
66 Trixie falls in love! - Fizzban/BronyFizzban

Who else would Trixie fall in love with? Be honest now.
Who else would Trixie fall in love with? Be honest now.
71 Warning! Contains Shiping! - Starlight Flux

For today's Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds I thought I'll draw pinkie pie on a ship, delivering cargo that needs shipping.
For today's Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds I thought I'll draw pinkie pie on a ship, delivering cargo that needs shipping.
73 Amethyst Shade x Caffine Kick - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

A couple whom I'm close friends with in real life and also Rapidsnap's Wingmates
A couple whom I'm close friends with in real life and also Rapidsnap's Wingmates
76 Beware - Abyssal Emissary

... beware, the daughter of the sea, Jaina Proudmoore, on her "new" ship.
... beware, the daughter of the sea, Jaina Proudmoore, on her "new" ship.
78 Sweet Smells - DinkyUniverse

Liza Doolots, or also known as Tootsie Flute, asked her little boyfriend to smell his hair. I do wonder if she smells anything sweet?
Liza Doolots, or also known as Tootsie Flute, asked her little boyfriend to smell his hair. I do wonder if she smells anything sweet?
83 EQD ATG8 Day 8: Shipping - ArrJaySketch

Drawn for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 8: "Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping)".
Derpy has a shipment for the Princess of Shipping!
Drawn for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 8: "Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping)".
Derpy has a shipment for the Princess of Shipping!
86 Post Traumatic Starlight Disorder - Darelith

I loved the idea for this art, and the shipfic card it goes with. They have to have some kind of relapse from time to time when they remember what they went through at the old village while Starlight was still in charge.
I loved the idea for this art, and the shipfic card it goes with. They have to have some kind of relapse from time to time when they remember what they went through at the old village while Starlight was still in charge.
87 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 8: All Hands on Deck! - Ben V.

It's all pink in love and (friend)shipping.
Or should I say... Ship-pink.
It's all pink in love and (friend)shipping.
Or should I say... Ship-pink.
88 Cuddles - Allonsbro

Guys! Go watch this video!
Holy Buckets of Sweet Sassy Molassy guys this video pointed out so much of the noob art stuff I do and I followed its advice just a little and woooooooooowwwwww I am super excited about this thing I did.
Guys! Go watch this video!
Holy Buckets of Sweet Sassy Molassy guys this video pointed out so much of the noob art stuff I do and I followed its advice just a little and woooooooooowwwwww I am super excited about this thing I did.
90 ATG VIII Day VIII - RizDub

How fortunate was it that EqD was in the middle of a poll about pony pairing right now?
How fortunate was it that EqD was in the middle of a poll about pony pairing right now?
96 ATG 8 - Canon Couple - PixelGrip94

Cutest canon couple. Fight me.
Was originally gonna do Derpy and the Doctor, but I've done that ship many times already so I decided to draw a couple I hadn't drawn since their episode aired.
Cutest canon couple. Fight me.
Was originally gonna do Derpy and the Doctor, but I've done that ship many times already so I decided to draw a couple I hadn't drawn since their episode aired.
97 A gift for Ink Rose and Commander Firebrand - Erik Butterworth

I know that this ship has already been sunk, but it doesn't hurt to at least still use the idea for the topic, right?
I know that this ship has already been sunk, but it doesn't hurt to at least still use the idea for the topic, right?
98 ShinxX in loooove - Ryan Korn

As I am currently unshipped but crushing, this is the best I could do.
As I am currently unshipped but crushing, this is the best I could do.
99 Secret Doodles - Vivian Iolani

Just Twilight getting distracted from the order form as she's reminded of a certain somepony.
Trying a new way, no colored outlines today. Far faster to finish. Unfortunately highlights my lack of linework skills, and I don't think I have this angle quite right.
Just Twilight getting distracted from the order form as she's reminded of a certain somepony.
Trying a new way, no colored outlines today. Far faster to finish. Unfortunately highlights my lack of linework skills, and I don't think I have this angle quite right.
100 The Princess of Love and Her Husband - Erik Butterworth

When it comes to love, nothing is more on topic than that of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, right?
When it comes to love, nothing is more on topic than that of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, right?
101 Hoofbump - Frith

Another exercise where I'm favoring accuracy over originality. Legs are still giving me problems (Applejack's hoof is too long) and Applejack's face is smushed even though I spent two thirds of the time fiddling with it. I've also rediscovered the joys of finger-smudged pencil lead that won't erase. The prompt called for love/ shipping. Friendship is also a ship, ergo my choice here.
Another exercise where I'm favoring accuracy over originality. Legs are still giving me problems (Applejack's hoof is too long) and Applejack's face is smushed even though I spent two thirds of the time fiddling with it. I've also rediscovered the joys of finger-smudged pencil lead that won't erase. The prompt called for love/ shipping. Friendship is also a ship, ergo my choice here.
102 They Truly Love Each Other - Erik Butterworth

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. The honest and pure proof of true love in the land of Equestria.
Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. The honest and pure proof of true love in the land of Equestria.
103 Twily the Movie: Twily Sparkle in Love! - ABronyAccount

I reached too far! My ambitions exceeded my grasp! What a foal I was, A FOAL I SAY! Now all you have is this Work In Progress. Oh wailing! Oh gnashing of teeth! I tear at my mane in lamentation!
I reached too far! My ambitions exceeded my grasp! What a foal I was, A FOAL I SAY! Now all you have is this Work In Progress. Oh wailing! Oh gnashing of teeth! I tear at my mane in lamentation!
112 Paper boats - PfH Mod

So I am breaking my typical subject for a cute oc shipping. I only Ship them once a year anyway-
PfH (Leonnos) and K Pony (Kylee pony) are my under-drawn ocs :)
So I am breaking my typical subject for a cute oc shipping. I only Ship them once a year anyway-
PfH (Leonnos) and K Pony (Kylee pony) are my under-drawn ocs :)
113 Dangerous Attraction - B.J. Dazzle

After a close call with a tall cliff during their package SHIPPING misadventure, Lyra and Bon Bon take some time to recover together and remember how much they LOVE and appreciate each other. Good thing Derpy's there to bring their attention back to the task at hoof afterwards.
After a close call with a tall cliff during their package SHIPPING misadventure, Lyra and Bon Bon take some time to recover together and remember how much they LOVE and appreciate each other. Good thing Derpy's there to bring their attention back to the task at hoof afterwards.
121 RariJack Nuzzle - DeluxeFlame

Wanted to draw Rarity nuzzling into AppleJack̢۪s Chest Fluff.
Also wanted to color the background so that Purple from Rarity and Orange from AppleJack blends toward each other into a red heart.
Felt like the chest fluff is too far back.
Submitting with minimal color to make the deadline.
Wanted to draw Rarity nuzzling into AppleJack̢۪s Chest Fluff.
Also wanted to color the background so that Purple from Rarity and Orange from AppleJack blends toward each other into a red heart.
Felt like the chest fluff is too far back.
Submitting with minimal color to make the deadline.
123 Mingle and ready to Single: 1-Year Later - Binky T.

Soo, for context, this is a very loose follow-up to my entry for Day 8's Prompt of last year. The party has ended, and despite her rowdy and clingy behavior- Quibble Pants helps Twilight home. After that night, they keep in touch when Twilight gives him her number. Small hats become long talks, they start to know each other better, and before any of them knew it- DareCon was on the horizon! There they finally formally meet again and have some fun! Before they part ways, Twilight bestows upon him the gift of a smooch. It's safe to say now that they feelings that she had for him a year ago wasn't a spawn of the moment thing, and that now the feeling was finally mutual.
The Prequel image to this:
Soo, for context, this is a very loose follow-up to my entry for Day 8's Prompt of last year. The party has ended, and despite her rowdy and clingy behavior- Quibble Pants helps Twilight home. After that night, they keep in touch when Twilight gives him her number. Small hats become long talks, they start to know each other better, and before any of them knew it- DareCon was on the horizon! There they finally formally meet again and have some fun! Before they part ways, Twilight bestows upon him the gift of a smooch. It's safe to say now that they feelings that she had for him a year ago wasn't a spawn of the moment thing, and that now the feeling was finally mutual.
The Prequel image to this:
124 Titanic Movie Poster with ponies - Benjamin Eric Berlin

I hope this is still accepted, I know I am submitting it rather late (12:19 am 7/31/18) but I worked really hard on this drawing.
I hope this is still accepted, I know I am submitting it rather late (12:19 am 7/31/18) but I worked really hard on this drawing.
125 Fluttershy and Filly - Benjamin Eric Berlin

I hope this is still accepted even though I know I am submitting it a bit late.
I hope this is still accepted even though I know I am submitting it a bit late.
126 Staying warm with love - Katherine

The OC's names are Steam Bolt and Vanilla Swirl.
This image wasn't drawn by me. It was drawn by my girlfriend, but I did give her name instead of mine. She wanted it submitted but was confused on how to submit it. I offered to host it on my DA, so that it could be submitted in time.
The OC's names are Steam Bolt and Vanilla Swirl.
This image wasn't drawn by me. It was drawn by my girlfriend, but I did give her name instead of mine. She wanted it submitted but was confused on how to submit it. I offered to host it on my DA, so that it could be submitted in time.
128 Pillow - T72b

*horse purring noises
I had a rotten day, so drawing this helped me end the day on a positive note
*horse purring noises
I had a rotten day, so drawing this helped me end the day on a positive note
129 Natural Love - Photon Grapher

Have some Luna and King Aspen from the comics. Let the shipfics begin! (...if they haven't already).
Have some Luna and King Aspen from the comics. Let the shipfics begin! (...if they haven't already).
131 EmberSpike - Neonhuo

I ran out of time today so have this terrible 15 minute sketch.
At least I did something, right?
I ran out of time today so have this terrible 15 minute sketch.
At least I did something, right?
132 For the Love of a Good Book - RedQuoz

I meant to spend more time on this but I derped and didn't save it properly.
I meant to spend more time on this but I derped and didn't save it properly.
141 Admiration - RhythmPixel

Aghh I feel sick, so no color. At least these ponies are feeling great. Satisfied with the drawing.
Aghh I feel sick, so no color. At least these ponies are feeling great. Satisfied with the drawing.
142 Pony Lalli on a lake with a boat - Mister Twister

If you are not reading Stand Still Stay Silent, you are a bad person.
If you are not reading Stand Still Stay Silent, you are a bad person.
145 Derpy's Love Letter - Binky T.

I thought this was corrupted, turns out I just misplaced it. Rushed Entry.
I thought this was corrupted, turns out I just misplaced it. Rushed Entry.
151 "Love, Galaxy" - Galaxyscreamer

''Aragon was finally home, from the wars he fought. Home with his love, home with his family and friends.
They'd been separated for so long, that looking at the night sky was the only thing that reminded them of each other.
For he had a sky-blue mane, and she had the stars twinkling in her eyes. for the first time ever,
they could look at the night sky together."
''Aragon was finally home, from the wars he fought. Home with his love, home with his family and friends.
They'd been separated for so long, that looking at the night sky was the only thing that reminded them of each other.
For he had a sky-blue mane, and she had the stars twinkling in her eyes. for the first time ever,
they could look at the night sky together."