With how hot it has been this summer I think we all needed to have a chance to cool off, even if it is through proxy with adorable pastel ponies. We got a lot of creative and lovely drawings as our ponies were dealing with summer gang and I hope you had some fun with a more lighthearted prompt.
Looking at the numbers, today we received a total of 162 ponies bringing us up to 976 ponies in total! Excellent job everyone, keep up the good work!
For the past five days now we've been primarily drawing our favorite equines but since the beginning of the ATG and the show for that matter, we have come to know so many different species in Equestria. As an artist being versatile is always a plus, especially as we branch out not only in the pony universe but to other subject matter outside our favorite equines.
That's why for today's prompt I'd like you all to Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony transforming their life.
As always you can find our submitter here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Our Makeup Day submitter is currently online too, you can find it here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
2 A horse enjoying a summer treat - RainbowDash1804

Let me share with you the terrible wonders I have come to know as "pony art".
Let me share with you the terrible wonders I have come to know as "pony art".
5 Octavia's Treat - OctaScratchRock

Here we see Octavia Melody about to take a bite of the most delicious treat in the universe. Her taste buds are about to be smeared with joy, love and happiness.
Here we see Octavia Melody about to take a bite of the most delicious treat in the universe. Her taste buds are about to be smeared with joy, love and happiness.
7 EqD NATG 2018 Day 5 - Irony - Terton

"Despite being named after the season itself, Summer Twister does not do well in summer. What cruel irony fate has bestowed upon her."
"Despite being named after the season itself, Summer Twister does not do well in summer. What cruel irony fate has bestowed upon her."
10 Kites are cool - Star Shine

We all know Starlight loves kites. It's a great way to spend a lovely summer day with a friend.
We all know Starlight loves kites. It's a great way to spend a lovely summer day with a friend.
12 Rose Harmony beating the heat - Superstar-Starly

First attempt at doing a pony drawing without linework. i genuinely enjoyed drawing this for Day 5
First attempt at doing a pony drawing without linework. i genuinely enjoyed drawing this for Day 5
16 Sunset Summer time. - FreshlyPositive

Hope you guys had a great summer or well having a great summer till now.
Hope you guys had a great summer or well having a great summer till now.
17 Spirit Life eats some self-made Ice Cream - Horceye

How to use your enormous knowledge of magic:
Make some delicious Ice Cream on hot summer days^^
How to use your enormous knowledge of magic:
Make some delicious Ice Cream on hot summer days^^
18 Coffeeshop After Hours - banterlot

When you close down the coffee shop on a hot summer day, how do you cool off? More coffee.
Certain ponies handle the heat better than others, though.
When you close down the coffee shop on a hot summer day, how do you cool off? More coffee.
Certain ponies handle the heat better than others, though.
20 You can't beat the heat! - The Vintage Pone

So, while ponies would do summer vacations, why not include the Sun Horse trying to make it harder to do so?
(LOL, will this even count?)
So, while ponies would do summer vacations, why not include the Sun Horse trying to make it harder to do so?
(LOL, will this even count?)
21 Rainbow Dash in her cloud - Alquimis

Just a quick sketch of Rainbow Dash enjoying some sunlight while resting on her cloud.
Just a quick sketch of Rainbow Dash enjoying some sunlight while resting on her cloud.
25 Sunbathing with a treat - Nekotigerfire

This is my last picture with colour guys :( my copics are dying and I can't have that when I haven't got paid yet. so I'm going to withhold colouring but WILL keep outlining(cheaper solution)
This is my last picture with colour guys :( my copics are dying and I can't have that when I haven't got paid yet. so I'm going to withhold colouring but WILL keep outlining(cheaper solution)
28 Pool Sharing - Lou

Starlight and Trixie (Impatiently) taking turns in a pool. A very poorly drawn pool.
Starlight and Trixie (Impatiently) taking turns in a pool. A very poorly drawn pool.
31 Heat miser and snow miser. - Madisynne

He's beating the summer heat while enjoying a sweet treat.
He's beating the summer heat while enjoying a sweet treat.
35 Freezer - Shaliwolf

Don't leave a pony near a fridge in summer, they eat all the ice cream and then proceed to occupy the neat pony-sized freezer.
Don't leave a pony near a fridge in summer, they eat all the ice cream and then proceed to occupy the neat pony-sized freezer.
37 Day 5 - Zypdv-HP

my other hors
Went with the easy idea. I thought I was screwing up colors again but maybe not so bad.
my other hors
Went with the easy idea. I thought I was screwing up colors again but maybe not so bad.
38 Total[ly Rad] Eclipse - Neonhuo

Luna has a special way of beating the summer heat. However, Celestia doesn't sound too happy with her solution.
Luna has a special way of beating the summer heat. However, Celestia doesn't sound too happy with her solution.
41 Flitter - Darelith

Today I drew Flitter relaxing up on a cloud trying to keep cool, it's gotta be cool on a surface literally made of water :D As always check out my gallery for the TSSSF (Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder) versions of each art :D
Today I drew Flitter relaxing up on a cloud trying to keep cool, it's gotta be cool on a surface literally made of water :D As always check out my gallery for the TSSSF (Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder) versions of each art :D
46 One of your best friends during hot days - Ragmo

Sorry for the lack of lightning in the picture; had to take it with my Phone as i'm currently in a hotel, waiting for Galacon - wish i had one of those fans over here :(
Also: Sitting creatures in general are quite hard to draw for me (legs seem to small)
Sorry for the lack of lightning in the picture; had to take it with my Phone as i'm currently in a hotel, waiting for Galacon - wish i had one of those fans over here :(
Also: Sitting creatures in general are quite hard to draw for me (legs seem to small)
52 Cooling Off - Starswept Dusk

So yeah i was gonna animate a few of these days if i can. Always wanted to animate a huge industrial fan. So, here we are.
So yeah i was gonna animate a few of these days if i can. Always wanted to animate a huge industrial fan. So, here we are.
57 Refreshing swim - ThatFriendlySomeone

Not really happy with the result but that is part of training to improve ^w^
Have fun viewing the remaining drawing ºw~
Not really happy with the result but that is part of training to improve ^w^
Have fun viewing the remaining drawing ºw~
62 Summer Holiday - Matthew

We all need one.
(Mine is currently being spent reaching out to fellow bronies in the hopes of improving my social skills and self-confidence - It's a slow process)
We all need one.
(Mine is currently being spent reaching out to fellow bronies in the hopes of improving my social skills and self-confidence - It's a slow process)
63 Rarity in Summer - Aku Neko

This did not turned out like I imaginated it would but here is Rarity beating the summer heat.
This did not turned out like I imaginated it would but here is Rarity beating the summer heat.
67 It's cider, I swear! - Clear Skies

Doodley doodle of my first OC, Clear Skies.
He does have RDs mane and tail but that comes with the territory of being my first!
Doodley doodle of my first OC, Clear Skies.
He does have RDs mane and tail but that comes with the territory of being my first!
78 Not Loss - Quit looking - Vivian Iolani

I actually liked this one. No work, so I wasn't rushed. Drew the sun and background on my phone, Derpy on my computer, both in Medibang.
There's more than one way to beat the heat.
I actually liked this one. No work, so I wasn't rushed. Drew the sun and background on my phone, Derpy on my computer, both in Medibang.
There's more than one way to beat the heat.
79 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 5: Summer - Ben V.

Summer rain, don't go away.
Stay here for another day...
Summer rain, don't go away.
Stay here for another day...
80 too cool - Minty Treble

Teddy, from MLP Tales.
I'm really happy with this one :D it's probably the coolest pose I have ever made!!
Teddy, from MLP Tales.
I'm really happy with this one :D it's probably the coolest pose I have ever made!!
81 Sunny Day - Pink-Pone

I'm so happy with how this turned out!! This ATG has really helped me push myself to try new things and just overall improve and I couldn't be happier to be apart of it. Thanks for hosting it Calpain!!
I'm so happy with how this turned out!! This ATG has really helped me push myself to try new things and just overall improve and I couldn't be happier to be apart of it. Thanks for hosting it Calpain!!
82 Living in the Freezer - Diamond06mlp

Don't judge her for trying to survive through the summer heat.
Don't judge her for trying to survive through the summer heat.
83 That's One Way to Beat the Heat - Bombom13

I'd do fun summer stuff, but it's over triple digits F (35-40C) here right now, so all the fun is just indoors stuff.
I'd do fun summer stuff, but it's over triple digits F (35-40C) here right now, so all the fun is just indoors stuff.
84 Paddling Pegasus - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Rapidsnap loves to spend the sunny afternoons lying down in his paddling pool whilst enjoying a delicious cool strawberry ice cream and some cold drinks.
Rapidsnap loves to spend the sunny afternoons lying down in his paddling pool whilst enjoying a delicious cool strawberry ice cream and some cold drinks.
87 Shower - Frith

Well, a bust of a pony up to her nostrils in water would be pretty, but a pegasus shower has more story. I just had to work out retrofitting Spotlight Splash with a wet mane and tail and putting bounce in young Rocket Tier's bangs. Since they're both pegasussesses, sy, they can take turns drenching each other.
Well, a bust of a pony up to her nostrils in water would be pretty, but a pegasus shower has more story. I just had to work out retrofitting Spotlight Splash with a wet mane and tail and putting bounce in young Rocket Tier's bangs. Since they're both pegasussesses, sy, they can take turns drenching each other.
90 AppleJack eating Rainbow Dash Pop - DeluxeFlame

day #5 of artist training ground: https://www.equestriadaily.com/search/label/Artist%20Training%20Ground
AppleJack Enjoying a Rainbow Dash Ice Cream Pop
Hat Size is too small.
Got Too lazy with the coloring
Tried to shade the forehead as the hair is supposed to be elevated.
Tried out some chest fluff and metal hoovings?
day #5 of artist training ground: https://www.equestriadaily.com/search/label/Artist%20Training%20Ground
AppleJack Enjoying a Rainbow Dash Ice Cream Pop
Hat Size is too small.
Got Too lazy with the coloring
Tried to shade the forehead as the hair is supposed to be elevated.
Tried out some chest fluff and metal hoovings?
91 Jump In - Novaintellus

Come on, Rarity, it's too hot out here.
I'm not sure about--no, w-wait!...
Come on, Rarity, it's too hot out here.
I'm not sure about--no, w-wait!...
94 ATG Day 5: Hearthswarming in July - Mopar96

It was an almost unbearably hot summer day in Ponyville until Rainbow Dash showed up with a snow cloud that had mysteriously fallen off a truck en route to Cloudsdale…
It was an almost unbearably hot summer day in Ponyville until Rainbow Dash showed up with a snow cloud that had mysteriously fallen off a truck en route to Cloudsdale…
95 The Tastiest Way To Cool Down - Starlight Flux

I could go for a ice cream right now, but as it is currently nighttime where I am, so I can't. However that will not my OC from getting one.
I could go for a ice cream right now, but as it is currently nighttime where I am, so I can't. However that will not my OC from getting one.
98 NATG VIII - Day 5: A Cold Treat against the Summer Heat - CMC_Scootaloo

It's more than 30°C outside, but luckily, Liza Doolots has her cone with pistachio ice cream to keep herself cool. She likes it, because it's the same color as her coat.^^
It's more than 30°C outside, but luckily, Liza Doolots has her cone with pistachio ice cream to keep herself cool. She likes it, because it's the same color as her coat.^^
99 EQG ATG8 Day 5: Beating from the Heat - ArrJaySketch

Drawn for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 5: "Drawing a pony enjoying a summer treat / Drawing a pony beating the summer heat".
Graphite Doodles didn't listen to instructions too well, and instead is being beaten by the heat.
Poor guy.
Drawn for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 5: "Drawing a pony enjoying a summer treat / Drawing a pony beating the summer heat".
Graphite Doodles didn't listen to instructions too well, and instead is being beaten by the heat.
Poor guy.
100 ATG VIII Day V - RizDub

I almost drew a picture of Rarity doing something similar, but then I remembered the scene in Too Many Pinkie Pies where Rainbow Dash does this.
I almost drew a picture of Rarity doing something similar, but then I remembered the scene in Too Many Pinkie Pies where Rainbow Dash does this.
101 Lantern Light on a cloud - Lantern Light

I wish I could’ve made more detail but whatever. DAY FIVE!! WOOOO
I wish I could’ve made more detail but whatever. DAY FIVE!! WOOOO
102 Cool Customer - Wordplay

Octavia: "How did you even get in there?"
Vinyl: "Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. And don't talk so loud. The ice cubs are getting nervous."
Octavia: "How did you even get in there?"
Vinyl: "Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. And don't talk so loud. The ice cubs are getting nervous."
105 Uncouth Mudhoers - T72b

Rarity loves her friends, thats why she trys to help them as much as she does. No matter how stubborn they may be.
Rarity loves her friends, thats why she trys to help them as much as she does. No matter how stubborn they may be.
106 Delivery Down South - B.J. Dazzle

Looks like the trio still have some work to do to get this weird parcel to its destination. Their delivery takes them into the heart of Southern Equestria in hopes of clearer direction, but the SUMMER HEAT is coming down hard in this desert landscape, and Lyra's attempt to stave it off with frozen TREATS isn't looking particularly solid right now.
Looks like the trio still have some work to do to get this weird parcel to its destination. Their delivery takes them into the heart of Southern Equestria in hopes of clearer direction, but the SUMMER HEAT is coming down hard in this desert landscape, and Lyra's attempt to stave it off with frozen TREATS isn't looking particularly solid right now.
108 ED: ATG-Day 5: Ice Cream - Addelum

You may be a dragon/horse hybrid, but you're not cool enough to enjoy ice cream!
You may be a dragon/horse hybrid, but you're not cool enough to enjoy ice cream!
111 EqD ATG 2018 Day 5 - Pepperbrony

Escaping the heat by chilling with Olaf.
Just don't ask where they got the bananas from.
Escaping the heat by chilling with Olaf.
Just don't ask where they got the bananas from.
114 Beat the Heat...Pony Style! - Benjamin Eric Berlin

Three smaller drawings of ponies keeping cool. The first panel shows Twilight Sparkle and the OC Nyx (from the fan-fiction Past Sins) enjoying a great big bowl of Icecream at SugarCube Corner. The Second panel shows the CMC and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon at the swimming pool under the watchful eye of AppleJack as Lifeguard. Final Panel was a shameless use of a popular brony meme (tried a new technique where I gradually press harder with my colored pencils to get a richer color). Please don't hesitate to leave comments and/or critiques on the drawing page.
Three smaller drawings of ponies keeping cool. The first panel shows Twilight Sparkle and the OC Nyx (from the fan-fiction Past Sins) enjoying a great big bowl of Icecream at SugarCube Corner. The Second panel shows the CMC and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon at the swimming pool under the watchful eye of AppleJack as Lifeguard. Final Panel was a shameless use of a popular brony meme (tried a new technique where I gradually press harder with my colored pencils to get a richer color). Please don't hesitate to leave comments and/or critiques on the drawing page.
115 Beat the Heat - Amber

I’ve decided to keep drawing Bones whenever possible for the rest of the challenge.
Also since today was about beating the summer heat I drew my ice cream pony Neighpoltain aka Polly.
I’ve decided to keep drawing Bones whenever possible for the rest of the challenge.
Also since today was about beating the summer heat I drew my ice cream pony Neighpoltain aka Polly.
116 Sunny Side Up - Silver Dash

I've been working on this all day, and when the clock struck midnight, I felt pressured to rush the background >~< . I might do a non-rushed version in the future...
I've been working on this all day, and when the clock struck midnight, I felt pressured to rush the background >~< . I might do a non-rushed version in the future...
117 Summertime Treat - Stone39

Just a quick drawing of Nicole and Feather enjoying an ice cream sundae on a hot day. :)
Just a quick drawing of Nicole and Feather enjoying an ice cream sundae on a hot day. :)
126 Self shade - PfH Mod

Wing need solar charging and double for shade
So I know the wings are a mess but there was no other way to cast shade and not cover everything else...
Mech wing pony belonging to @friendlypsycho on tumblr. Done them every day... if you can’t tell.
Wing need solar charging and double for shade
So I know the wings are a mess but there was no other way to cast shade and not cover everything else...
Mech wing pony belonging to @friendlypsycho on tumblr. Done them every day... if you can’t tell.
130 Beat The Heat, Literally! - Pone-Dancer

Pinkie Pie takes out the heat. From the source. All hail Pinkie, savior of Equestria!
Pinkie Pie takes out the heat. From the source. All hail Pinkie, savior of Equestria!
131 Lazy Biteacuda River - Harwick

She really should have paid more attention to the river guides in the brochure...
She really should have paid more attention to the river guides in the brochure...
133 Summer 4th July Fireworks - MintyLollie

In Summer on the 4th July, Fluorescent Flare enjoys the Fireworks.
In Summer on the 4th July, Fluorescent Flare enjoys the Fireworks.
134 Summer Pops - ToisaNeMoif

I've been waiting a year for this, and I'm finally ready for some training (despite being a few days late, lol).
Popsicles are a great way to cool down. Too bad the store isn't open today
I've been waiting a year for this, and I'm finally ready for some training (despite being a few days late, lol).
Popsicles are a great way to cool down. Too bad the store isn't open today
136 Beach Book - Lollipony

Here, we can observe the wild bookhoers in her natural habitat. What is that she's reading, you say? Tune into your imagination to find out...
(Though in all likelyhood, it's probably a book on how to enjoy lemonade on the beach.)
Here, we can observe the wild bookhoers in her natural habitat. What is that she's reading, you say? Tune into your imagination to find out...
(Though in all likelyhood, it's probably a book on how to enjoy lemonade on the beach.)
139 Bon Bon at the Beach - dafiltafish

I ended up liking this picture the further I went with it, the proportions of Bon Bon are some of the best I've ever done. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
I ended up liking this picture the further I went with it, the proportions of Bon Bon are some of the best I've ever done. I hope you guys like it as much as I do.
140 NATG D5 - Krash42

Hope you all are having a great summer! Especially those are at BronyCon!
(I can't go this year so please record ALL the panels!)
I tried to do a more challenging angle but ended up with a somewhat fisheye feel, well, there's always next time (year). I like how the Hair turned out though.
Hope you all are having a great summer! Especially those are at BronyCon!
(I can't go this year so please record ALL the panels!)
I tried to do a more challenging angle but ended up with a somewhat fisheye feel, well, there's always next time (year). I like how the Hair turned out though.
142 What? - JDragen

Got carried away with the pony walking. Not enough time now to finish properly :(
I might finish the blue pone in it's own drawing.
Got carried away with the pony walking. Not enough time now to finish properly :(
I might finish the blue pone in it's own drawing.
151 - Darkest_Hour

Nightmare Moon was only trying to escape the sun's scorching heat.
The tsunamis are just a bonus.
Nightmare Moon was only trying to escape the sun's scorching heat.
The tsunamis are just a bonus.
153 Siesta - phallen1

Patch and Windy have made a bit of shade and found themselves some cold drinks to while away the afternoon heat.
Patch and Windy have made a bit of shade and found themselves some cold drinks to while away the afternoon heat.
159 Put to Good Use - Photon Grapher

Spike checked out "99 Things to Do with Your Ice-Based Superhero Friends" and a magic comic book.
Spike checked out "99 Things to Do with Your Ice-Based Superhero Friends" and a magic comic book.
160 Summer Memories - Binky T.

So for context, when I was younger my grandmother during the summer always made homemade icies. Not like frozen lemonade or Kool Aide. Coconut icies. They were so creamy and amazing and were my favorite childhood treat. Made the hellish heatwaves here worth it. She's been doing it again a year or two ago. She's even shown me how to make them! Anyway, I wanted to do this because it made summer's here amazing. And grandma, if you're seeing this- Thank you so much for everything!
PS. Hopefully by the time you see this, I washed all the dishes for you so you wouldn't have to worry about it okay? <3 i="">
So for context, when I was younger my grandmother during the summer always made homemade icies. Not like frozen lemonade or Kool Aide. Coconut icies. They were so creamy and amazing and were my favorite childhood treat. Made the hellish heatwaves here worth it. She's been doing it again a year or two ago. She's even shown me how to make them! Anyway, I wanted to do this because it made summer's here amazing. And grandma, if you're seeing this- Thank you so much for everything!
PS. Hopefully by the time you see this, I washed all the dishes for you so you wouldn't have to worry about it okay? <3 i="">
161 Neapolitan Binge - SazerLite

Just try not to think about all the hair that is now in the ice cream.
Just try not to think about all the hair that is now in the ice cream.
162 Beating the Summer Heat - Krafty