Attaining a goal can be a hard endeavor, whether it is a school paper or a life long dream we set goals for ourselves everyday and try our best to complete them. By working on the ATG you've set yourselves goals and each day I see you guys attain them: whether it's just to complete some of the prompts offered or if you're aiming for all 30, either way I'm proud of you all!
Breaking down the numbers today we added 167 ponies to the world, bringing our pony total up to a nice 814 ponies. Excellent work everyone! Hang in there!
For today's prompt let's give our ponies a treat and hopefully something fun to do! For today I'd like you all to try a hand at Drawing a pony enjoying a summer treat / Drawing a pony beating the summer heat.
As usual, our submitter can be found here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Our Makeup Day submitter is currently online too, you can find it here.
Good luck everyone!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter where I occasionally post pics from the ATG as well as general pony art, you can find me @CalpainEqD
1 ATG Day 4: Becoming An Animator - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

My ponysona achieving her goal of becoming an animator :3
Will eventually be replaced by a digital version on DeviantArt
My ponysona achieving her goal of becoming an animator :3
Will eventually be replaced by a digital version on DeviantArt
4 Enjoying the fruits of his labor. - RainbowDash1804

Slowly, gently, this is how a life of an apple is taken...
Slowly, gently, this is how a life of an apple is taken...
10 Butterfly Shy on War (The Fallout of Equestria Entry) - Butterfly1624

A little practice of Background and Lineless art Im still not good on drawing backgrounds and Lineless arts
A little practice of Background and Lineless art Im still not good on drawing backgrounds and Lineless arts
11 FlutterShy Yay (Print) - Butterfly1624

A little practice on making some MLP:FIM Canons for a Art that is good for T-shirt Printing
(Um its not free to download umm okay...)
A little practice on making some MLP:FIM Canons for a Art that is good for T-shirt Printing
(Um its not free to download umm okay...)
12 The Mommy Ghost Revenge (Fan Made Comic) - Butterfly1624

Im doing a project a MLP Comic Im practicing how to do one
But I wish after I finnished this Comic it will be printed and be on sale
Im doing a project a MLP Comic Im practicing how to do one
But I wish after I finnished this Comic it will be printed and be on sale
13 Victory - 32232232

Click link for the animated version
Click link for the animated version
14 ATG 4 - Horse Enjoying a hard days work - Crimson Winds

After months of cultivating her trees at the orchard, Applejack finally gets a taste of the fruits of her labor.
After months of cultivating her trees at the orchard, Applejack finally gets a taste of the fruits of her labor.
15 Ruined Castle - Drakin Kami

"There it is, right in the middle of the room on a pedestal -- my grand prize."
"There it is, right in the middle of the room on a pedestal -- my grand prize."
16 Spirit Life wins Advanced Magic Competition in Combat Magic - Horceye

I think Adcanced Magic Competition would be like the Olympics, and in Combat Magic I think it would be a 1 on 1 tournement, too bad that Spirit Life rekt the whole tournement, but what is the dark secret behind her power?
Drawed with a mouse
I think Adcanced Magic Competition would be like the Olympics, and in Combat Magic I think it would be a 1 on 1 tournement, too bad that Spirit Life rekt the whole tournement, but what is the dark secret behind her power?
Drawed with a mouse
18 Tidmouth in goal - Jon Ball (Tidmouth)

Twisted the prompt a little, but it was never said the pony attaining the goal had to be on screen! :P
Twisted the prompt a little, but it was never said the pony attaining the goal had to be on screen! :P
22 Nerd Goals - banterlot

The problem with collecting dusty old books is that that dust may or may not trigger the allergies of a nearby dragon.
The problem with collecting dusty old books is that that dust may or may not trigger the allergies of a nearby dragon.
26 We All Love You, Octavia! - OctaScratchRock

Here we see the most beautiful pony in the universe being given an award that will make her happier than anything in the universe. She is now officially Britain's greatest musician. And we love her.
Here we see the most beautiful pony in the universe being given an award that will make her happier than anything in the universe. She is now officially Britain's greatest musician. And we love her.
29 Finishing a good book... - LennyStendhal13

Stendhal Syndrome, being a book-lover, thinks that one of the sweetest goals you can attain in your life is finishing a book you really enjoyed. He believes that the strong, bittersweet and also a little melancholic feeling you get when you turn over the last page is incomparable. :)
Stendhal Syndrome, being a book-lover, thinks that one of the sweetest goals you can attain in your life is finishing a book you really enjoyed. He believes that the strong, bittersweet and also a little melancholic feeling you get when you turn over the last page is incomparable. :)
34 Another Day, another goal reached - Nekotigerfire

I went all out of the background (cause I need to practice those most of all) but I might be switching to just penning the works cause I'm going to use up all my copics before this things ends sorry everyone ^^; but I hope you like it!
I went all out of the background (cause I need to practice those most of all) but I might be switching to just penning the works cause I'm going to use up all my copics before this things ends sorry everyone ^^; but I hope you like it!
37 Passion Project - Matthew

Driftwould̢۪s passion for inter-universal cartography encouraged him to take on a nearly impossible task: Creating a full 3-dimensional map of the entire Equestria Multiverse, structured by each universe̢۪s size, number and location.
Driftwould̢۪s passion for inter-universal cartography encouraged him to take on a nearly impossible task: Creating a full 3-dimensional map of the entire Equestria Multiverse, structured by each universe̢۪s size, number and location.
42 Vive La France! - Stone39

I didn't really draw too much Pony this time around with the World Cup, so here's Rainbow Dash sporting #20 on the France team for the final goal!
I didn't really draw too much Pony this time around with the World Cup, so here's Rainbow Dash sporting #20 on the France team for the final goal!
43 Retro Rave - Dakota Krausman

This was an Art Attack on ArtFight!
pose was inspired by assassin-or-shadow which they allowed!
Character belongs to Silvylocks on ArtFight.
Retro Raver is a very "retro" pony- hence the name.
nothing is more retro than a popular old time arcade game!
This was an Art Attack on ArtFight!
pose was inspired by assassin-or-shadow which they allowed!
Character belongs to Silvylocks on ArtFight.
Retro Raver is a very "retro" pony- hence the name.
nothing is more retro than a popular old time arcade game!
48 Derpi's proud first delivery - ThatFriendlySomeon

Haven't had this much fun drawing in months ^w^
To the people reading this,have fun seeing everyone's art (^_~*)
(I hope this is the right submitter...don't want to make the same mistake twice T-T )
Haven't had this much fun drawing in months ^w^
To the people reading this,have fun seeing everyone's art (^_~*)
(I hope this is the right submitter...don't want to make the same mistake twice T-T )
49 How'd ya like dem apples? - Alquimis

The point was to draw a pony fufilling its dreams/enjoing the fruits of their labor...well here ya go Applejack, it has fruits and a pony's dreams...
The point was to draw a pony fufilling its dreams/enjoing the fruits of their labor...well here ya go Applejack, it has fruits and a pony's dreams...
51 Sweet Reward For Both - Pone-Dancer

Half dragon noodle, half pony bakes his love interest a cake with the intent of smushing it in her face as a prank. But her reaction is a much better reward and it stops him cold.
Half dragon noodle, half pony bakes his love interest a cake with the intent of smushing it in her face as a prank. But her reaction is a much better reward and it stops him cold.
52 Growing Mango tree - Ragmo

My parents planted a mango tree some weeks ago (currently its in a pot) and its already growing - lets watch it grow more :3
This is literally just a quick doodle, as i dont have much time Today. I have to pack for Galacon and get up early in the morning to get my train
My parents planted a mango tree some weeks ago (currently its in a pot) and its already growing - lets watch it grow more :3
This is literally just a quick doodle, as i dont have much time Today. I have to pack for Galacon and get up early in the morning to get my train
53 Applejack - Summer Gem

I decided to add some shading to this. It didn't come out as well as I wanted, but that's to be expected for a first time.
I decided to add some shading to this. It didn't come out as well as I wanted, but that's to be expected for a first time.
56 Prince(ss) of Apples - Benjamin Eric Berlin

Big Macintosh achieves his life-long goal/dream of becoming royalty, much to the dissatisfaction of Prince Blueblood.
Big Macintosh achieves his life-long goal/dream of becoming royalty, much to the dissatisfaction of Prince Blueblood.
59 In the spotlight - Dennis Brentjes

Maybe I should give some context to my entries, I don't draw much, and don't have much time each day. However, I am interested and that's why I started with this. That being said I can only spend from 30 minutes to 1 hour each day and try to make the most of it.
As for the entry, I'm a hobbyist musician with too many instruments and not that much skill. So getting on a stage at some point would be great.
Maybe I should give some context to my entries, I don't draw much, and don't have much time each day. However, I am interested and that's why I started with this. That being said I can only spend from 30 minutes to 1 hour each day and try to make the most of it.
As for the entry, I'm a hobbyist musician with too many instruments and not that much skill. So getting on a stage at some point would be great.
67 Appul - Clear Skies

Tried drawing quickly instead of spending way too much time on each line.
Somehow, no clue how, the proportions and all ended up better than I've done before.
Very happy with the result.
Draw on!
Tried drawing quickly instead of spending way too much time on each line.
Somehow, no clue how, the proportions and all ended up better than I've done before.
Very happy with the result.
Draw on!
73 You got a Triforce! - linkman15

I figured I would do something slightly different and draw pony Epona attaining the Triforce.
I figured I would do something slightly different and draw pony Epona attaining the Triforce.
75 Noct is Catching the Giant Fish This Time! - Erika Williams

This is the first one I've finished for the competition where I didn't say "ah, crap," as soon as I was done because I spotted some glaring mistake, or something I neglected to do. I'm actually quite proud of this one.
This is the first one I've finished for the competition where I didn't say "ah, crap," as soon as I was done because I spotted some glaring mistake, or something I neglected to do. I'm actually quite proud of this one.
77 Pizza Goals - Lou

Bleh... Had a lot of trouble. This came out.... real bad, compared to the other days.... Oh well. Pizza goals!
Bleh... Had a lot of trouble. This came out.... real bad, compared to the other days.... Oh well. Pizza goals!
78 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 4: Achievement - Ben V.

With practice, shall comes progress.
I'm not even anywhere good, so I really need more practice.
With practice, shall comes progress.
I'm not even anywhere good, so I really need more practice.
79 Fruits of her Labour - Darelith

As soon as I saw the prompt I knew what I had to do, I had to pay homage to an awesome song from the earlier fandom days by Wooden Toaster called Fruits of her Labour which is a really fun song about Cherry Jubilee.
As soon as I saw the prompt I knew what I had to do, I had to pay homage to an awesome song from the earlier fandom days by Wooden Toaster called Fruits of her Labour which is a really fun song about Cherry Jubilee.
81 Day 4 - Trixie Magic Show - SadTrooper

Trixie finally gets to do a magic show with her great and powerful assistant (and best friend) Starlight Glimmer, after showing the mane 6 that she is a btter pony now.
Trixie finally gets to do a magic show with her great and powerful assistant (and best friend) Starlight Glimmer, after showing the mane 6 that she is a btter pony now.
84 Tip Top Passes his Collage Course - Starlight Flux

Just a little something for my mate who passed his collage course yesterday.
Just a little something for my mate who passed his collage course yesterday.
85 Scootaloo flying - Shaliwolf

A pegasus can dream. The only possible choice I could have done for today, because I kind of want Scootaloo to be able to fly. I'm pretty sure that's one of her goals.
Took about 1-2 hours.
A pegasus can dream. The only possible choice I could have done for today, because I kind of want Scootaloo to be able to fly. I'm pretty sure that's one of her goals.
Took about 1-2 hours.
87 ATG VIII Day IV - RizDub

Applejack eating an apple was way too easy of an option for me. So I decided to give her the goal of reuniting with her mother's side of her family by eating a pear.
I prefer pears over apples, by the way.
Applejack eating an apple was way too easy of an option for me. So I decided to give her the goal of reuniting with her mother's side of her family by eating a pear.
I prefer pears over apples, by the way.
89 Enjoying Fruit - SJG454

I'm not sure this is fitting for today's prompt but I couldn't think of anything else.
I'm not sure this is fitting for today's prompt but I couldn't think of anything else.
92 Fruits of her labour - Bronymedic

45 minute job on this one. I'm going to try and keep each entry less than an hour to practice my drawing at speed and still have the day to do adult stuff!!
45 minute job on this one. I'm going to try and keep each entry less than an hour to practice my drawing at speed and still have the day to do adult stuff!!
93 NATG Day 4: Matchmaker Cadance - twigsandashes

Cadance delights in her matchmaking efforts coming to fruition.
Cadance delights in her matchmaking efforts coming to fruition.
95 Caught in the Act - Redenaz

Trixie knows that all ponies succumb to her Great and Powerful Fashion Sense in the end.
Trixie knows that all ponies succumb to her Great and Powerful Fashion Sense in the end.
97 Applejack Enjoying Her Cider - dafiltafish

There is a lot to work on.
Might be getting better at anatomy... maybe? I don't know.
There is a lot to work on.
Might be getting better at anatomy... maybe? I don't know.
98 Winter's Harvest - Frith

After mulling over various possible harvest I hit on this idea -- Winter (the windigo) enjoying his frozen harvest of pony explorers. See Twilight's journal at , click on the Moondancer expedition tag and go back a page to get to the beginning (July 20th).
After mulling over various possible harvest I hit on this idea -- Winter (the windigo) enjoying his frozen harvest of pony explorers. See Twilight's journal at , click on the Moondancer expedition tag and go back a page to get to the beginning (July 20th).
99 Smile, Crusaders! This is a great moment for you! - Erik Butterworth

Not sure if this will count, but it is the best I could think of at the moment with what I have in my DA Gallery right now.
Not sure if this will count, but it is the best I could think of at the moment with what I have in my DA Gallery right now.
100 The Mercenaries Are Proud Of The Crusaders - Erik Butterworth

Not sure if this will count or not towards the topic, but it is the best I could think of at the moment with what I have in my DA Gallery right now.
Not sure if this will count or not towards the topic, but it is the best I could think of at the moment with what I have in my DA Gallery right now.
101 Done! - Zypdv-HP

I was having troubles with a math problem the other day (my entry for last prompt), and I solved it today! :D
I was having troubles with a math problem the other day (my entry for last prompt), and I solved it today! :D
103 The Brony Show Congratulates The Crusaders - Erik Butterworth

I don't know if this will be accepted because of what happened to Toon Kritic some time ago, but it is the best I can think of from my DA Gallery at the moment.
I don't know if this will be accepted because of what happened to Toon Kritic some time ago, but it is the best I can think of from my DA Gallery at the moment.
108 ShinxX Achievment unlocked: Got out of bed - ShinxX

This is actually a huge achievement for me for I am not a morning person.
This is actually a huge achievement for me for I am not a morning person.
110 Fruit Punch - Wordplay

So maybe "enjoyment" isn't exactly the feeling Rainbow Dash is experiencing here, but there is fruit, so I'd say I really captured the essence of this prompt.
So maybe "enjoyment" isn't exactly the feeling Rainbow Dash is experiencing here, but there is fruit, so I'd say I really captured the essence of this prompt.
112 ED: ATG-Day 4: Submission - Addelum

Oh, how meta.
This is a tribute to all the new artists who decided to join this year. Hopefully, they'll continue to amaze us with their creativity for the next couple of weeks!
Oh, how meta.
This is a tribute to all the new artists who decided to join this year. Hopefully, they'll continue to amaze us with their creativity for the next couple of weeks!
113 EQG ATG8 Day 4: Graphite Doodles's Goal! - ArrJaySketch

Drawn for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Goals, Day 4: "Draw a pony attaining a goal / Draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor"! I drew Graphite Doodles happy about drawing again!
This made me so ridiculously happy! It's so cute!
You know, drawing all these doodles on this and my ArrJayAfterDork account has made me happy. These may be rough sketches, and some days are rougher than others, but even the worst days leave me feeling happy and satisfied, far more than the many, many days I didn't draw at all over the past decade.
So really, Graphite really is me right now! I'm SO HAPPY I'm drawing again!
Drawn for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Goals, Day 4: "Draw a pony attaining a goal / Draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor"! I drew Graphite Doodles happy about drawing again!
This made me so ridiculously happy! It's so cute!
You know, drawing all these doodles on this and my ArrJayAfterDork account has made me happy. These may be rough sketches, and some days are rougher than others, but even the worst days leave me feeling happy and satisfied, far more than the many, many days I didn't draw at all over the past decade.
So really, Graphite really is me right now! I'm SO HAPPY I'm drawing again!
115 ATG VIII - Day 4: Happy Pegasi - LightDragon1988

First watercolour in that ATG) My favor pony in the sky! I hope sometime she is gonna fly.
First watercolour in that ATG) My favor pony in the sky! I hope sometime she is gonna fly.
121 Translation Request - B.J. Dazzle

The thing about Lyra is that she has a very specific set of skills. They are very niche skills that are almost never useful in any practical application, causing many ponies (Bon Bon included) to think she's just goofing off or wasting her time on pointless pursuits. But every once in a while, an unusual situation arises that ONLY Lyra can solve because of her pursuits, and that is when she truly gets to revel in THE FRUITS OF HER LABOR and help bring her friends one step closer to their ultimate GOAL.
The thing about Lyra is that she has a very specific set of skills. They are very niche skills that are almost never useful in any practical application, causing many ponies (Bon Bon included) to think she's just goofing off or wasting her time on pointless pursuits. But every once in a while, an unusual situation arises that ONLY Lyra can solve because of her pursuits, and that is when she truly gets to revel in THE FRUITS OF HER LABOR and help bring her friends one step closer to their ultimate GOAL.
123 Top of the List - Novaintellus

I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep.
And find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap.
I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep.
And find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap.
124 2018 ATG VIII - Day 4 - Accomplishments - KirbyLiscious

After a long day of friendship-applebucking, the Mane Six (and Spike) relax and enjoy their apples. Unbeknownst to them, Scootaloo has finally achieved flight, and Starlight Glimmer is on the verge of becoming the Supreme Overlord of Kite Mastery. So in short, everypony (+ dragon) is having a really good day.
This took such a long time to do, but it was totally worth it. I hope everyone enjoys looking at it as much as I enjoyed making it!
After a long day of friendship-applebucking, the Mane Six (and Spike) relax and enjoy their apples. Unbeknownst to them, Scootaloo has finally achieved flight, and Starlight Glimmer is on the verge of becoming the Supreme Overlord of Kite Mastery. So in short, everypony (+ dragon) is having a really good day.
This took such a long time to do, but it was totally worth it. I hope everyone enjoys looking at it as much as I enjoyed making it!
127 A Farmers Toil Never Ends - NinjaChristian

Apple Jack gets to enjoy the fruit, but the labor part has left her a bit weary
I know this is a very obvious idea, having Apple Jack eat on apple, but all the other ideas I could think of involved poses and props that I just don't feel I am ready to do. So, for now, I am focusing on pony anatomy and drawing them at different angles.
Apple Jack gets to enjoy the fruit, but the labor part has left her a bit weary
I know this is a very obvious idea, having Apple Jack eat on apple, but all the other ideas I could think of involved poses and props that I just don't feel I am ready to do. So, for now, I am focusing on pony anatomy and drawing them at different angles.
131 AGT Day two (Butterfly Wishes gets her CM) - Lantern Light

This was a bit rushed!
This was a bit rushed!
134 Fruits of Their Labor - EbonyCrystal1986

After Applejack had heard about how stressed out Ebony was, she invited her to Sweet Apple Acres to show her just how SHE relieves stress. After bucking a few buckets full of apples, she and Ebony relaxed together, enjoying the fruits of their labor under the shade of one of the biggest trees on the farm. "I could get used to this..." Ebony thought as she ate one of the juiciest apples she ever tasted.
Guess you can say this pic is a continuation of from yesterday's prompt. I DO feel better after doing these two pics, so hopefully I won't have TOO many stressful days this week... ^ ^;;
After Applejack had heard about how stressed out Ebony was, she invited her to Sweet Apple Acres to show her just how SHE relieves stress. After bucking a few buckets full of apples, she and Ebony relaxed together, enjoying the fruits of their labor under the shade of one of the biggest trees on the farm. "I could get used to this..." Ebony thought as she ate one of the juiciest apples she ever tasted.
Guess you can say this pic is a continuation of from yesterday's prompt. I DO feel better after doing these two pics, so hopefully I won't have TOO many stressful days this week... ^ ^;;
136 proud of yourself? - jayruki

Karen: "hehe I've always wanted to test out a spell to pacify and baby another pony and now I succeeded~"
Falyf: "...seriously?"
Karen: "hehe I've always wanted to test out a spell to pacify and baby another pony and now I succeeded~"
Falyf: "...seriously?"
139 Teacher and Student - Darkest_Hour

A bit of a stretch, maybe, but Celly is most definitely more than proud of Twilight for befriending and mentoring Starlight, teaching her what Celestia taught her by sending her to Ponyville. Oh, and saving Equestria a dozen times over. Gotta enjoy not being imprisoned and/or dead!
Plus it was a good excuse to draw Celestia :D
A bit of a stretch, maybe, but Celly is most definitely more than proud of Twilight for befriending and mentoring Starlight, teaching her what Celestia taught her by sending her to Ponyville. Oh, and saving Equestria a dozen times over. Gotta enjoy not being imprisoned and/or dead!
Plus it was a good excuse to draw Celestia :D
145 Derpy back from the Dragon Lands - DeluxeFlame

For Draw a pony attaining a goal.
I messed up on the portrait's eyes. But that̢۪s why I̢۪m here.
For Draw a pony attaining a goal.
I messed up on the portrait's eyes. But that̢۪s why I̢۪m here.
147 NATG #4: Fruits of Their Achievement - Huxley

I messed up the faces but that's what practice is for I guess. :p
I messed up the faces but that's what practice is for I guess. :p
149 Daring Do and This Other Idol - JDragen

I hope I'm not too late for my first submission to this NATG.
I hope I'm not too late for my first submission to this NATG.
150 Proud to be here - Minty Treble

I just wanted to share my experience to this day... it's been dificult. I haven't draw in practically years, and I feel the rust leaving my hands with every line... and it's pretty hard to find the time to draw, specially if you are a slow drawer like myself.
But when you read a nice little comment, or when someone actually recognizes the G2 ponies you thought only you remembered... it's worth all the effort. I'm in a cheesy mood today, but what a beautiful activity is this ATG indeed!!
I just wanted to share my experience to this day... it's been dificult. I haven't draw in practically years, and I feel the rust leaving my hands with every line... and it's pretty hard to find the time to draw, specially if you are a slow drawer like myself.
But when you read a nice little comment, or when someone actually recognizes the G2 ponies you thought only you remembered... it's worth all the effort. I'm in a cheesy mood today, but what a beautiful activity is this ATG indeed!!
151 Stardust Attains Her Goal - TaichiKeaton

Stardust learns how to use her magic for the first time.
Stardust learns how to use her magic for the first time.
154 Hatching - Vivian Iolani

Had to resubmit this, the GIF file was inexplicably corrupted after uploading.
The hatching of Vivian! That's attaining a goal, for him. It's his little filly, after all.
Discreet isn't as careful with his mane after frantically worrying about becoming a father.
And there's Verda, Vivian's mother, only a sketch, and probably going to change wildly, on the right.
I'm not super happy but I was in a rush. I had to do a little of this during work.
Had to resubmit this, the GIF file was inexplicably corrupted after uploading.
The hatching of Vivian! That's attaining a goal, for him. It's his little filly, after all.
Discreet isn't as careful with his mane after frantically worrying about becoming a father.
And there's Verda, Vivian's mother, only a sketch, and probably going to change wildly, on the right.
I'm not super happy but I was in a rush. I had to do a little of this during work.
157 Day 4 - RhythmPixel

Personally my own goal was to learn how to draw these ponies a while back, and I think I'm at a good point. Can only get better from here on now
Personally my own goal was to learn how to draw these ponies a while back, and I think I'm at a good point. Can only get better from here on now
158 Mission Accomplished - Photon Grapher

"Maybe Rainbow Dash will take me under her wing and teach me everything she knows and be like my big sister!" Been a long day, so have a placeholder sketch! Maybe I'll have it more developed by makeup day.
"Maybe Rainbow Dash will take me under her wing and teach me everything she knows and be like my big sister!" Been a long day, so have a placeholder sketch! Maybe I'll have it more developed by makeup day.
161 Sadie's Sweet Accomplishment - phallen1

Starting with a bundle of orange fabric and a plan, Sadie sees her idea for a gift bear fruit. Just gotta make sure it works!
Starting with a bundle of orange fabric and a plan, Sadie sees her idea for a gift bear fruit. Just gotta make sure it works!
162 Fastest in the class - PfH Mod

She earned it! give her a congrats-
Mech wing pony belonging to @friendlypsycho
ALSO I spent much more time to do this, If I am gunna get better I have to show SOME improvement
She earned it! give her a congrats-
Mech wing pony belonging to @friendlypsycho
ALSO I spent much more time to do this, If I am gunna get better I have to show SOME improvement
165 Sweetie Belle's Magic Bring's a Great Big Smile. - Binky T.

Sweetie finally getting good at magic. Keep it up lovely.
Sweetie finally getting good at magic. Keep it up lovely.
170 Gewels pony's labor was painting a bowl of fruit! - Juliana McMullin

This is my "me" pony, Gewels, who has a paintbrush and a rainbow of paint cutie mark!
Seriously not happy I couldn't find my fine-tipped sharpie, I had to use the mouse on the computer to outline... :(
This is my "me" pony, Gewels, who has a paintbrush and a rainbow of paint cutie mark!
Seriously not happy I couldn't find my fine-tipped sharpie, I had to use the mouse on the computer to outline... :(