A Note: Some people have been mixing up the Makeup Day submitter for the actual submitter. As I can't move what you submit there for the current day make sure you have the right submitter open before you submit.
I'm a sucker for these old fashioned anatomical drawings and the joke made me chuckle. I was expecting you guys to be pretty creative with this one and we received everything from the downright crazy, to the emotional, silly, and very batty. Well done once again everyone!
While sorting these pictures for posting each day I love to read the descriptions you guys leave with them and it brings joy to my heart when I read comments regarding how they plan to fix this and that next time around or mention how happy they are to be drawing. They really exemplify the spirit of the ATG and every year I see that spirit live on. Keep it up everyone!
Now, onto business! For today we ended up with a pleasing 195 ponies bringing our total up to 647 ponies so far!
So, we've had our ponies brought into being, given them some time to move around, and exposed them to some emotion and silliness. For today we're going to be working on a prompt with a bit of a lighter tone. Now that the show has been on for close to eight years, many ponies in the show have started to achieve their dreams and reach their goals. This idea leads me to today's prompt: Draw a pony attaining a goal / Draw a pony enjoying the fruits of its labor.
As usual you can find our submitter for the day here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
2 ATG Day 3: Going Nuts - Linzi Howard/ Creative Blossom

My oc, Jezebel's darker demon side: Jez
Will eventually be replaced on DeviantArt with a digital version :3
My oc, Jezebel's darker demon side: Jez
Will eventually be replaced on DeviantArt with a digital version :3
5 EqD NATG 2018 Day 3 - Feelin' Batty - Terton

"It's too early for Bedlam... take the bat horse and call back later."
"It's too early for Bedlam... take the bat horse and call back later."
7 I'm a Princess! Are you a Princess too? - Kettles333

Nothing to see here, just Big Mac taking inspiration from Flutterbat and bringing himself one step closer to alicornhood...
Nothing to see here, just Big Mac taking inspiration from Flutterbat and bringing himself one step closer to alicornhood...
11 Spirit Life gets her Cutie Mark, but for what price? - Horceye

I'm really bad at drawing, especially when its facial expression. So I tried something very simple I hope its still enough for the theme for this entry.
Still drawing with a mouse.
I'm really bad at drawing, especially when its facial expression. So I tried something very simple I hope its still enough for the theme for this entry.
Still drawing with a mouse.
13 ATG Day 3 - PeriodicBrony

Hahaha I had to switch back to digital on this one. I really want to draw a horse Lyra for a while now.
We'll go back to traditional after this one. I promise.
Again, this was drawn in 30 mins, (well with the finishing touch it goes over just a teensy bit over 40 mins.)
Alright! See you next piece.
Hahaha I had to switch back to digital on this one. I really want to draw a horse Lyra for a while now.
We'll go back to traditional after this one. I promise.
Again, this was drawn in 30 mins, (well with the finishing touch it goes over just a teensy bit over 40 mins.)
Alright! See you next piece.
17 NATG2018 - DAY 3 - Princess of nuttiness - DarkDabula

"I don't think that is the solution, Pinkie !"
"I don't think that is the solution, Pinkie !"
18 Misty Moonlight gone Batty - Superstar-Starly

Misty as a bat pony. idk if i needed to add wings but i made her as batty as possible x3
Misty as a bat pony. idk if i needed to add wings but i made her as batty as possible x3
19 ATG 3 - A Horse Panicking - Crimson Winds

It seems Twilight is having a bad dream... let's just hope she wakes up...
It seems Twilight is having a bad dream... let's just hope she wakes up...
20 Pacing Twi - Flynt

I hope it's not too late to join in! I've always wanted to join the NATG! Have a pacing stressed out Twi Poner.
I hope it's not too late to join in! I've always wanted to join the NATG! Have a pacing stressed out Twi Poner.
21 Bad Pun Batpone - The Cricket Bat - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Amethyst Shade is known for coming up with bad puns and just as guilty for laughing at bad puns. She often knocks her puns out for six.
Amethyst Shade is known for coming up with bad puns and just as guilty for laughing at bad puns. She often knocks her puns out for six.
23 Batty for Apples - Nekotigerfire

Thought it be good to do a mid transformation on this one, cause I can see ALOT of people going to draw flutters in a batty situation. it would have been great to have used the last one from yesterday, but this still fits the bill! hope you all like!
Thought it be good to do a mid transformation on this one, cause I can see ALOT of people going to draw flutters in a batty situation. it would have been great to have used the last one from yesterday, but this still fits the bill! hope you all like!
35 Nothing is Real - Matthew

How would you react if you found out you were nothing more than a fictional character in a vast multiverse of fictional universes?
Decided to get rid of the strip of fur on top of Commander Wordsmith's helmet as it really didn't fit with what I was going for.
How would you react if you found out you were nothing more than a fictional character in a vast multiverse of fictional universes?
Decided to get rid of the strip of fur on top of Commander Wordsmith's helmet as it really didn't fit with what I was going for.
37 Aww NUTS! - Bright Idea

GET IT? Because she's saying "nuts"? Going....nuts? ^^;
Apologies if bad puns aren't your thing.
Personally, it made me crack up just thinking about it. :P
GET IT? Because she's saying "nuts"? Going....nuts? ^^;
Apologies if bad puns aren't your thing.
Personally, it made me crack up just thinking about it. :P
38 "Sombra's Curse" - Galaxyscreamer

"Shining Armor felt like his world had fallen apart.
What would become of a unicorn with a malfunctioning horn?
It didn't matter. it shouldn't matter. He needed to protect his family."
"Shining Armor felt like his world had fallen apart.
What would become of a unicorn with a malfunctioning horn?
It didn't matter. it shouldn't matter. He needed to protect his family."
39 Quick Sketch - iLickSunshine

Done in about 20 minutes, sorry about the yellow on white background.
Done in about 20 minutes, sorry about the yellow on white background.
50 Passing a Wall-Nut - Ragmo

Cavemanpony might not be the brightest one, but he's still a nice guy from the past - Starlight brought him with her, when she messed with timetravel (Day22 of NATG VI in 2016).
He's the first of my 2 OCs i've drawn; back on NATG2016.
So he can't miss out in this years NATG and must join in aswell - but a Wall-Nut is blocking his way :< I'm wondering if this nut will let him pass, or if he has to nomnom his way though.
Cavemanpony might not be the brightest one, but he's still a nice guy from the past - Starlight brought him with her, when she messed with timetravel (Day22 of NATG VI in 2016).
He's the first of my 2 OCs i've drawn; back on NATG2016.
So he can't miss out in this years NATG and must join in aswell - but a Wall-Nut is blocking his way :< I'm wondering if this nut will let him pass, or if he has to nomnom his way though.
54 Flutterbat's Feast - Friendship Is Horses

Downgrading to rushed pencil drawings for the work week. Life's full of compromises, ain't it?
Downgrading to rushed pencil drawings for the work week. Life's full of compromises, ain't it?
55 Glitterdust, The crazed blind Pegasus - GoggleSparks

A flying ace who went blind after flying toward the sun. He was betrayed by his friends which led to his admission to an insane asylum.
Glitterdust has a sister named Glitterdrop.
A flying ace who went blind after flying toward the sun. He was betrayed by his friends which led to his admission to an insane asylum.
Glitterdust has a sister named Glitterdrop.
58 ATG 3 - Derp Bat - PixelGrip94

A Derp Bat who loves muffins because Derpy will always love muffins regardless of what form she takes.
A Derp Bat who loves muffins because Derpy will always love muffins regardless of what form she takes.
62 Spotlight Splash Goes Batty - Pone-Dancer

Spotlight Splash meets Sweet Velvet and goes absolutely batty. They both fangirl over each other immediately.
Batponies: EEeeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEeeeeeee!
Spotlight Splash meets Sweet Velvet and goes absolutely batty. They both fangirl over each other immediately.
Batponies: EEeeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEeeeeeee!
63 "Batty", you say? - Moonatik

Golly gee, I wonder how many people have done the exact same joke I have here. I'm sure Seth will be happy nonetheless.
Golly gee, I wonder how many people have done the exact same joke I have here. I'm sure Seth will be happy nonetheless.
64 EQD ATG day 03 - Juglans Regia - Wolfie Drawie

Maybe I took it way too literally, but I just love nuts, ok?
Maybe I took it way too literally, but I just love nuts, ok?
65 Varying Degrees of Bat - Kinrah

An alternate version with text can be found at https://www.deviantart.com/kinrah/art/Varying-Degrees-of-Bat-756267825.
An alternate version with text can be found at https://www.deviantart.com/kinrah/art/Varying-Degrees-of-Bat-756267825.
66 Squirrel Feather - Stone39

Feather's gotten into the squirrely transformation spells. She enjoys the bag of acorns though!
Feather's gotten into the squirrely transformation spells. She enjoys the bag of acorns though!
72 Let's have some fun - Selin Nur

My OC: Cosmic Glitter
Info about cutie mark: She painted on her cutie marks with black paint, those are not her cutie marks.
My OC: Cosmic Glitter
Info about cutie mark: She painted on her cutie marks with black paint, those are not her cutie marks.
75 When you find a new kind of rock - Moonatik

"Maud? Yo, sis, you okay?... STARLIGHT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAUD!"
"Maud? Yo, sis, you okay?... STARLIGHT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAUD!"
78 2018 ATG VIII - Day 3 - KirbyLiscious

Nightmare Moon: WHy iS thERe SO MucH PaPERworK??
Guard:*sweats profusely*
Nightmare Moon: WHy iS thERe SO MucH PaPERworK??
Guard:*sweats profusely*
79 Chat With Me? - Silver Dash

When you think crazy ponies, you think Pinkamena or Twilight in Lesson Zero, right? I mixed in a little urban legend that has been on my mind for a while. What do you guys think?
When you think crazy ponies, you think Pinkamena or Twilight in Lesson Zero, right? I mixed in a little urban legend that has been on my mind for a while. What do you guys think?
83 Going Nuts! - Fizzban/BronyFizzban

Bit minimalistic this time around, but couldn't find the time to apply shading today!
Bit minimalistic this time around, but couldn't find the time to apply shading today!
84 Twilight Sparkle in: The Last Curious Unicorn - Benjamin Eric Berlin

This piece was inspired by the Looney Tunes short "The Last Hungry Cat" which is a parody of several Alfred Hitchcock films, in this short, Sylvester goes through a mental breakdown as he believes he actually ate tweety, therefore committing murder, not helped by a bear-shaped announcer who is a parody of Mr. Hitchcock himself. My drawing shows Twilight going through a similar breakdown although hers is of a more academic nature.
This piece was inspired by the Looney Tunes short "The Last Hungry Cat" which is a parody of several Alfred Hitchcock films, in this short, Sylvester goes through a mental breakdown as he believes he actually ate tweety, therefore committing murder, not helped by a bear-shaped announcer who is a parody of Mr. Hitchcock himself. My drawing shows Twilight going through a similar breakdown although hers is of a more academic nature.
87 Sunnybat - Bronymedic

Missed the first couple of days but I'll try and keep up this year. I have a feeling Seth is going have batpony pictures to last him the year with this prompt!
Missed the first couple of days but I'll try and keep up this year. I have a feeling Seth is going have batpony pictures to last him the year with this prompt!
89 The Meme Guard is always watching - Mateusz

A girlfriend of a friend of mine has a birthday today. Every time my friend sends me one of her artworks, I turn it into a meme-like thing.
A girlfriend of a friend of mine has a birthday today. Every time my friend sends me one of her artworks, I turn it into a meme-like thing.
91 On Pinkie's Cupcakes - Selin Nur

Rainbow Dash and Maud Die have eaten cupcakes with the New secret ingredient made by Pinkie Pie.
Rainbow Dash and Maud Die have eaten cupcakes with the New secret ingredient made by Pinkie Pie.
92 Magic!! - Alquimis

I was going to put some more detail onto this, but I ended up simplifying it to just the pony.
I am getting more confortable with drawing digitally and drawing ponies, and I can definetly see a bit of improvement when I sketch and do lineart, I tried using a softer shade of black for the lineart but it didn't come out too well, I think it was too soft of a shade, but these are tiny experiments and they are bound to fail, more so than to succeed. XP
I was going to put some more detail onto this, but I ended up simplifying it to just the pony.
I am getting more confortable with drawing digitally and drawing ponies, and I can definetly see a bit of improvement when I sketch and do lineart, I tried using a softer shade of black for the lineart but it didn't come out too well, I think it was too soft of a shade, but these are tiny experiments and they are bound to fail, more so than to succeed. XP
96 - Minty_magic

Fluttershy's bat symptoms starting showing up again, much to Applejack's dismay. Twilight frantically tries to find a book with some sort of cure
Fluttershy's bat symptoms starting showing up again, much to Applejack's dismay. Twilight frantically tries to find a book with some sort of cure
97 Squirrely Girly - TheArticPegasus

Decided to do another Art Training Ground thing! Since today was a pony gone nutty, the idea of a squirrel pony popped into my head. ^^
(My goodness I love drawing paws :'3)
Decided to do another Art Training Ground thing! Since today was a pony gone nutty, the idea of a squirrel pony popped into my head. ^^
(My goodness I love drawing paws :'3)
98 Attempted Breakout - Matthew

2nd submission...
This one was a little rushed - It basically takes place in the Crossover sanitorium were especially dangerous fictional characters are held.
2nd submission...
This one was a little rushed - It basically takes place in the Crossover sanitorium were especially dangerous fictional characters are held.
101 "Baby's In Black" (Part 5) Comic - Jacob

This is the fifth part to a comic I wrote based on the famous song "Baby's In Black" by The Beatles. When I saw the requirements for today's picture, I knew right away this comic piece had the proper material. It features a pony going batty AND a pony going nuts!
This is the fifth part to a comic I wrote based on the famous song "Baby's In Black" by The Beatles. When I saw the requirements for today's picture, I knew right away this comic piece had the proper material. It features a pony going batty AND a pony going nuts!
102 ATG VIII Day III - RizDub

Sorry Sethisto, I tried.
I wanted to subvert the obvious idea, and for some reason the only pony I could think of to do this for was Trixie.
Also the OC is me.
Sorry Sethisto, I tried.
I wanted to subvert the obvious idea, and for some reason the only pony I could think of to do this for was Trixie.
Also the OC is me.
105 The Colt And The Bat - Lou

A Rando Colt wanders the streets of Batsylvania, feeling just a bit batty.
A Rando Colt wanders the streets of Batsylvania, feeling just a bit batty.
107 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 3: Nutty Bat. - Ben V.

My Little NATG Diary, Day 3:
"Despite having a busy life, I still managed to spare some time to do my entry.
But I really need even more time to practice. There's a lot of things to work on: anatomy, coloring, background...
Some of my friends are here too, I could ask them for some tips and tricks."
My Little NATG Diary, Day 3:
"Despite having a busy life, I still managed to spare some time to do my entry.
But I really need even more time to practice. There's a lot of things to work on: anatomy, coloring, background...
Some of my friends are here too, I could ask them for some tips and tricks."
110 Day 3 Batty - FoxOfWar

Sketchy sketch 'cause time did not work here good-like. Sleep > NATG deadline.
Sketchy sketch 'cause time did not work here good-like. Sleep > NATG deadline.
113 ED-ATG Day 3: Nice Job Breaking It, Kid - Addelum

Things don't stay nice with kids, especially the priceless Idol of Boreas under young Gallus' claws.
(Note: I submitted this to the makeup gallery by mistake. Please remove other submission with same title!)
Things don't stay nice with kids, especially the priceless Idol of Boreas under young Gallus' claws.
(Note: I submitted this to the makeup gallery by mistake. Please remove other submission with same title!)
116 Bon Bon and Bright Eyes - Minty Treble

Bon Bon going nuts over nuts ;D and Bright Eyes just being... rightfully concerned.
Bon Bon going nuts over nuts ;D and Bright Eyes just being... rightfully concerned.
118 Package Panic - B.J. Dazzle

We discover the source of Derpy's trouble: a package to be delivered immediately to somewhere Derpy doesn't know. Seems she's starting to GO NUTS as the weight of the situation begins to sink in. She'll need to calm down before we can proceed. ...And Lyra's pretty BATTY as well, but that's nothing unexpected.
We discover the source of Derpy's trouble: a package to be delivered immediately to somewhere Derpy doesn't know. Seems she's starting to GO NUTS as the weight of the situation begins to sink in. She'll need to calm down before we can proceed. ...And Lyra's pretty BATTY as well, but that's nothing unexpected.
125 Breezie Bat - Frith

I figured early on that I'd do a breezie bat. The idea was that the catalyst would be jokecherries, off a poison joke plant. One breezie would have already be battified, a couple of others would be looking at it and at their jokecherries with growing alarm. Then I pared it down to two breezies.
I figured early on that I'd do a breezie bat. The idea was that the catalyst would be jokecherries, off a poison joke plant. One breezie would have already be battified, a couple of others would be looking at it and at their jokecherries with growing alarm. Then I pared it down to two breezies.
126 Straitjacket - alviniscute

My pony, Eden Shallowleaf, all cozy locked up in a straitjacket. She's nuts... wings are bound behind her back.
My pony, Eden Shallowleaf, all cozy locked up in a straitjacket. She's nuts... wings are bound behind her back.
128 EQG ATG8 Day 3: Graphite Doodles Batpone! - ArrJaySketch

Drawn for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 3: "Draw a pony going nuts / Draw a pony going batty."
Graphite Doodles as a loopy batpone!
Drawn for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 3: "Draw a pony going nuts / Draw a pony going batty."
Graphite Doodles as a loopy batpone!
134 The Silly Screwball - Binky T.

If you're looking for a nutty horse, look no further than the original!
Seriously though, she barely gets any fanart these days.
If you're looking for a nutty horse, look no further than the original!
Seriously though, she barely gets any fanart these days.
136 Bat Cloak - Vivian Iolani

I wasn't having the greatest time coming up with anything I wanted to draw for this, so I used it as an excuse to draw the same pony again - Discreet looking over some nifty new gear for his mission, a winged cloak. For underwater infiltration, he'll probably take the Bat Shark Repellent.
I wasn't having the greatest time coming up with anything I wanted to draw for this, so I used it as an excuse to draw the same pony again - Discreet looking over some nifty new gear for his mission, a winged cloak. For underwater infiltration, he'll probably take the Bat Shark Repellent.
141 At Wit's End - EbonyCrystal1986

Ebony doesn't usually get mad or crazy, but if she's had a REALLY, REALLY bad day, she can get like this, and the only way for her to calm down is to pace around her room until she's feeling better, but from the looks of things, she had a feeling this time it would take a while. Especially since by now, she had already made a groove in the floor...
(This was also some vent art for me in a way, too so whoever thought of this, thanks for the idea :3)
Ebony doesn't usually get mad or crazy, but if she's had a REALLY, REALLY bad day, she can get like this, and the only way for her to calm down is to pace around her room until she's feeling better, but from the looks of things, she had a feeling this time it would take a while. Especially since by now, she had already made a groove in the floor...
(This was also some vent art for me in a way, too so whoever thought of this, thanks for the idea :3)
145 Consarn it! - Harwick

Another day where I went the obvious route with more limited time. Still, it was fun to do.
Another day where I went the obvious route with more limited time. Still, it was fun to do.
148 NATG #3: Going Batty - Huxley

I say the prompt and sort of zeroed in on 'extreme emotion'. I used it to push myself to do something more challenging, so I went for an extreme pose as well.
It's a little close cropped because I started too close to another drawing and I can already see the forehead line is a bit off...but it's by acknowledging these mistakes that I'll do better tomorrow. I think that's what the Training Grounds is about. I'm new and that's okay, because with each drawing I get better.
I say the prompt and sort of zeroed in on 'extreme emotion'. I used it to push myself to do something more challenging, so I went for an extreme pose as well.
It's a little close cropped because I started too close to another drawing and I can already see the forehead line is a bit off...but it's by acknowledging these mistakes that I'll do better tomorrow. I think that's what the Training Grounds is about. I'm new and that's okay, because with each drawing I get better.
150 Becoming Flutterbat - NinjaChristian

I know a lot of people are doing this, but... I really wanted to draw Flutterbat XD
I know a lot of people are doing this, but... I really wanted to draw Flutterbat XD
151 A Dark and Windy Night - phallen1

Either Windy has turned into a bat pony (with a bat-wing elliptical parachute to match) or Patch has finally lost his mind.
Either Windy has turned into a bat pony (with a bat-wing elliptical parachute to match) or Patch has finally lost his mind.
152 Assaulted by a librarian - Obsidian

You are approached by a frenezied librarian/princess who yells "I´m going to put my mana harmonizer in your friendship resonation chamber" Whats your response?
You are approached by a frenezied librarian/princess who yells "I´m going to put my mana harmonizer in your friendship resonation chamber" Whats your response?
155 Mad Hatter Pinkie - DavinciWolf

I'm not sure if this properly depicts a pony going nuts (then again, what does count as nuts for Pinkie Pie), but It's all I could think of.
I wasn't even planning to enter today till like a couple hours ago, so really had to rush this. Guess It turned out alright, despite that fact.
I'm not sure if this properly depicts a pony going nuts (then again, what does count as nuts for Pinkie Pie), but It's all I could think of.
I wasn't even planning to enter today till like a couple hours ago, so really had to rush this. Guess It turned out alright, despite that fact.
163 A Standard Day in Equestria - Darkest_Hour

I think I got about just everyone/everypun. Albeit a bit late.
I think I got about just everyone/everypun. Albeit a bit late.
164 03 Please! Make it stop! - Kishkumen

I had trouble making things work until I saw the first 27 seconds of this speedpaint video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gODoQzmkyRo&t=152s
I had trouble making things work until I saw the first 27 seconds of this speedpaint video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gODoQzmkyRo&t=152s
166 The Lunatic Fanatic - Binky T.

Loosely based on idea that spawned a few weeks after Stranger Than Fan Fiction aired. Quibble tries to convince ponies of Ms. Yearlings true identity. While it was very subtle at first, it became more and more obvious of his intentions to prove himself correct. He eventually got aggressive at times with heated arguments, dropped contact with RD, and come the next DareCon... it peaked when he referred to her as Daring Do in a Q&A... Let's just say that tensions risen, they had to call security, and today he;s being held in an insane asylum with that sting belief that Ms. Yearling and Daring Do are indeed one in the same, and that the books were so much more than fiction. _They all were real and he knew it._ It wasn't easy for Daring either, she was in a lose/lose situation. Out her identity and placing herself and those close to her in danger, or denying all of her former fan and friend's claims...
Loosely based on idea that spawned a few weeks after Stranger Than Fan Fiction aired. Quibble tries to convince ponies of Ms. Yearlings true identity. While it was very subtle at first, it became more and more obvious of his intentions to prove himself correct. He eventually got aggressive at times with heated arguments, dropped contact with RD, and come the next DareCon... it peaked when he referred to her as Daring Do in a Q&A... Let's just say that tensions risen, they had to call security, and today he;s being held in an insane asylum with that sting belief that Ms. Yearling and Daring Do are indeed one in the same, and that the books were so much more than fiction. _They all were real and he knew it._ It wasn't easy for Daring either, she was in a lose/lose situation. Out her identity and placing herself and those close to her in danger, or denying all of her former fan and friend's claims...
168 Origin Of Nightmare Moon - Neonhuo

Luna, this is your last chance. I am going to count to 3, and if you're not down here, I swear I'm going to- To send you to the moon!
Luna, this is your last chance. I am going to count to 3, and if you're not down here, I swear I'm going to- To send you to the moon!
169 EqD ATG 2018 Day 3 - Pepperbrony

Am I getting better at this? I feel like I'm getting better, at least this pony doesn't look like she's pregnant like my day 1, or suffering hyperencephalacy like my day 2.
Am I getting better at this? I feel like I'm getting better, at least this pony doesn't look like she's pregnant like my day 1, or suffering hyperencephalacy like my day 2.
175 Horse goes nuts - Mister Twister

Sometimes when you waited too long, a simple thing can STILL not suck.
Sometimes when you waited too long, a simple thing can STILL not suck.
178 Day 3 - RhythmPixel

When you put batty in the theme, bats were bound to appear.
This is a batbox. I like how the gray pony's body came out.
When you put batty in the theme, bats were bound to appear.
This is a batbox. I like how the gray pony's body came out.
182 Tardy - axxuy

When you remember at the last minute that you haven't done your ATG piece for the day.
When you remember at the last minute that you haven't done your ATG piece for the day.
185 Take it easy! - thattagen

Today's subject is the charismatic vampire, Remilia Scarlet!
Wait, is that even tea in the cup?
Today's subject is the charismatic vampire, Remilia Scarlet!
Wait, is that even tea in the cup?
188 Pinkie Has Gone Nuts - Juliana McMullin

Well... you can't blame her, she *is* wearing a squirrel costume, after all.... lol
Well... you can't blame her, she *is* wearing a squirrel costume, after all.... lol
190 A big project - ThatFriendlySomeone

Apparently i submitted in the wrong place...
Welp, lets try this again ^u^
Apparently i submitted in the wrong place...
Welp, lets try this again ^u^
Twitter: Calpain