When I said I wanted to get our ponies moving you guys went all out with epic chases, daring fights, and crazy adventures! Well done everyone! If you all manage to keep up the creativity and the enthusiasm you've shown me for these first two days we're going to have an amazing portfolio of pony goodness by the end of this event.
Speaking of enthusiasm, we managed to score an impressive 223 ponies for today's gallery which brings our total for the event so far to 452 ponies altogether! Keep up the great work everyone, let's keep the pony flowing.
Now that we have our ponies moving a bit let's try our hands at a bit of emotion and in this case an extreme emotion with a prompt I hope will give you a lot of chances to be creative with. For today I would like you all to Draw a pony going nuts / Draw a pony going batty.
As usual you can find our submitter here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Attention: As various artists have pointed out it might be beneficial to open the makeup day submitter early in case artists find a day other than makeup day to work on prompts they may have missed. I agree, so I will be opening the first makeup gallery today and run it up to day 11. There will still be a dedicated makeup day after day 10, but now if you have time on any of the other days you can submit your work any time before that deadline.
You can find the makeup submitter here.
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
9 A horse "running" - RainbowDash1804

You only see how much of a failure you are when you fail at the only thing you like.
You only see how much of a failure you are when you fail at the only thing you like.
13 ATG Day Two - Lantern Light

I'm really not happy with this pic... Lantern doesn't seem to be moving...
Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Day two! Whoop Whoop!
I'm really not happy with this pic... Lantern doesn't seem to be moving...
Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Day two! Whoop Whoop!
15 Daring Do's latest catch - Xander

Haven't done this in years, but everyone else inspired me. This was the first thing that came to my head. Excuse the napkin, I did it before work. Newbie Artist Training Grounds VIII, let's do this! /)
Haven't done this in years, but everyone else inspired me. This was the first thing that came to my head. Excuse the napkin, I did it before work. Newbie Artist Training Grounds VIII, let's do this! /)
19 Mermaid Pony - Calena

I did the mermaid pony from Ponyvania: Order of Equestria attacking with its aqua jet.
I did the mermaid pony from Ponyvania: Order of Equestria attacking with its aqua jet.
25 Pull over, dunghead! This is the guards! - Moonatik

What're all those other ponies running from, exactly? Hopefully, this answers that question...
What're all those other ponies running from, exactly? Hopefully, this answers that question...
26 Welcome to Crossover [Edited Re-Upload] - Matthew

Sorry for the re-upload - I realised too late that there were some edits to be made.
'Managed to refine the technique a bit more for this one. Also, I thought I'd give a bit of a glimpse of how I imagine the City of Crossover (At least from the inside).
Outfit was mostly inspired by the old UK police uniform.'
Sorry for the re-upload - I realised too late that there were some edits to be made.
'Managed to refine the technique a bit more for this one. Also, I thought I'd give a bit of a glimpse of how I imagine the City of Crossover (At least from the inside).
Outfit was mostly inspired by the old UK police uniform.'
27 Spirit Life doing some target practicing - Horceye

You know ''in action'' could mean anything. So I decided that Spirit Life should do some target practicing, in case there will be some ''action''
drawed with mouse in Painttool SAI
You know ''in action'' could mean anything. So I decided that Spirit Life should do some target practicing, in case there will be some ''action''
drawed with mouse in Painttool SAI
29 Day 2 - GTG Fast - Ben Edwards (Pigeon2Qwerty4U)

Guess who didn't want to draw an actual running pose? *pointing at self emoji*
Also yes I am using both my real name and an internet username (the one I use for Twitter and Tumblr) for this. Why? I'm not really sure, but I'll continue to do it.
Guess who didn't want to draw an actual running pose? *pointing at self emoji*
Also yes I am using both my real name and an internet username (the one I use for Twitter and Tumblr) for this. Why? I'm not really sure, but I'll continue to do it.
30 Get Moving - banterlot

"Now that our ponies have popped into existence either standing still or frozen in place, it's time to get those ponies moving!"
Well, I did.
The first question here is "why do ponies have tanks". The second question is "why not?"
"Now that our ponies have popped into existence either standing still or frozen in place, it's time to get those ponies moving!"
Well, I did.
The first question here is "why do ponies have tanks". The second question is "why not?"
34 "No Place like Home" - Galaxyscreamer

"A brave Soldier; known to be fearless, wasn't as cold-hearted as everyone thought.
When the Great War ended, all he wanted was to go home. Once landed in Canterlot,
The soldier ran, with the last ounces of strength he possessed. He wanted to see his lovely wife.
he knocked at her door; as a peace offering, he had brought her a rare flower from his far away Travels."
"A brave Soldier; known to be fearless, wasn't as cold-hearted as everyone thought.
When the Great War ended, all he wanted was to go home. Once landed in Canterlot,
The soldier ran, with the last ounces of strength he possessed. He wanted to see his lovely wife.
he knocked at her door; as a peace offering, he had brought her a rare flower from his far away Travels."
36 Beware of Slendercolt - Selin Nur

This is my unicorn OC Cosmic Glitter, trying to hide From the feared Slendercolt. Well, there is no background :3 I think, I kinda screwed up with the linings and with Slendercolt too. I better should have drawn him without trousers. Well, next time less fine lining :') .
This is my unicorn OC Cosmic Glitter, trying to hide From the feared Slendercolt. Well, there is no background :3 I think, I kinda screwed up with the linings and with Slendercolt too. I better should have drawn him without trousers. Well, next time less fine lining :') .
41 ATG Day 2 - PeriodicBrony

Back at it again with another traditional piece. However, this time I overestimated my scanner again. I drew too big and yet my scanner can only fit an a4 paper size drawing.
Still, I got the most of it in one piece. 30 minutes drawing bby! At least I'm faster than yesterday, and I hope I can keep this level of quickness on my work days.
Again, thanks for dropping by and see you next piece.
Back at it again with another traditional piece. However, this time I overestimated my scanner again. I drew too big and yet my scanner can only fit an a4 paper size drawing.
Still, I got the most of it in one piece. 30 minutes drawing bby! At least I'm faster than yesterday, and I hope I can keep this level of quickness on my work days.
Again, thanks for dropping by and see you next piece.
44 Bad end with a good end. - Moonatik

So imagine a bad end to the MLP Movie where they all get captured, but then it has a good end where RD or one (or more) of the others manages to escape and get help.
Someone has to make a fanfic about this.
So imagine a bad end to the MLP Movie where they all get captured, but then it has a good end where RD or one (or more) of the others manages to escape and get help.
Someone has to make a fanfic about this.
47 Cloudchaser - Darelith

Day 2 will bring a new pony into the Shipfic game, If you wanna see the full card check out my Deviant Art Gallery!
Day 2 will bring a new pony into the Shipfic game, If you wanna see the full card check out my Deviant Art Gallery!
48 Lizard Pony (Ponyvania) - Calena

It's the lizard pony creature from Ponyvania: Order of Equestria.
It's the lizard pony creature from Ponyvania: Order of Equestria.
51 Nicole in VR - Stone39

While not moving very much, Nicole's experience in VR is very much action-oriented!
While not moving very much, Nicole's experience in VR is very much action-oriented!
61 Run faster! - Ragmo

Whomever she's racing, she seems to perform very good.
If she runs any faster, she's going to takeoff :O
I wanted to do some studies on the "My Little Pony The Art Of Equestria" book anyways - so i used a pose from there as ref... even though the angle of her body seems off... she looks like she's about to go airborn and keep flying
Whomever she's racing, she seems to perform very good.
If she runs any faster, she's going to takeoff :O
I wanted to do some studies on the "My Little Pony The Art Of Equestria" book anyways - so i used a pose from there as ref... even though the angle of her body seems off... she looks like she's about to go airborn and keep flying
65 Day 2 - Flying Pones! - SadTrooper

First time doing ponies in motion, i tried jumping and running but flying got the best result.
First time doing ponies in motion, i tried jumping and running but flying got the best result.
70 Eqd natg day 2 - Back To The Centre - GrassyPond

Dashing back to town to heal this fragile little guy!
Dashing back to town to heal this fragile little guy!
73 Out of Character - Friendship Is Horses

So much better than I used to be, and so much worse than I know I could be. FLUTTERPUNCH!
So much better than I used to be, and so much worse than I know I could be. FLUTTERPUNCH!
74 Trias in flight (NATG: VIII Day 2) - Squeaky_Belle

Already missed the first day because of busy travels for GalaCon this year! Will try to keep up while I'm away in Germany.
Prompt for today is "Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run". Decided to draw Trias (Tridashie's OC) flying, which is "in action" I guess.
Already missed the first day because of busy travels for GalaCon this year! Will try to keep up while I'm away in Germany.
Prompt for today is "Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run". Decided to draw Trias (Tridashie's OC) flying, which is "in action" I guess.
78 ATG 2 - Rainbow's Run - PixelGrip94

Looks like Rainbow didn't feel like waiting her turn in line for AJ's cider.
Looks like Rainbow didn't feel like waiting her turn in line for AJ's cider.
80 Falsetto in action - Cocoa Possibility

That's why you use references, so that your eyes don't look so weird. Just a very quick drawing for this prompt.
That's why you use references, so that your eyes don't look so weird. Just a very quick drawing for this prompt.
85 Chaaarge!! - Froodiz

I kind of got distracted and I didn't enter the first one. But hopefully I'll enter the rest. I apologise for the quality aswell.
I kind of got distracted and I didn't enter the first one. But hopefully I'll enter the rest. I apologise for the quality aswell.
86 ATG VIII - Day 2: Night, road, pony - LightDragon1988

So, second day and new experience. Plot - pony move on the road of the night. Where he`s go - unknown. One thing is sure - always needed march ahead.
So, second day and new experience. Plot - pony move on the road of the night. Where he`s go - unknown. One thing is sure - always needed march ahead.
87 Newbie Artist Training Grounds VIII: Day 2 - ThatFriendlySomeone

made a new deviant art for pony stuff(here is my usual DA to show i draw and not jsut stole some art from somewhere(https://www.deviantart.com/friendlypsycho-2/gallery/)) so taht is why its so empy(also missed day 1)
made a new deviant art for pony stuff(here is my usual DA to show i draw and not jsut stole some art from somewhere(https://www.deviantart.com/friendlypsycho-2/gallery/)) so taht is why its so empy(also missed day 1)
93 Lucilinny On The Run! - Myu Mochii

Fun facts about Lucilinny: I thought of her design while I was on vacation at a beach, She was my first pony OC, and although she has had minor changes to her appearance, her personality has gone from cutesy to sarcastic, ambitious and a little bit crazy.
Fun facts about Lucilinny: I thought of her design while I was on vacation at a beach, She was my first pony OC, and although she has had minor changes to her appearance, her personality has gone from cutesy to sarcastic, ambitious and a little bit crazy.
94 No Going Back - Minty_magic

Baby Tempest running from the Ursa Major (or was it a minor??) that changed her life forever. Lazy background because I had to go to work!
Baby Tempest running from the Ursa Major (or was it a minor??) that changed her life forever. Lazy background because I had to go to work!
97 Aqua's Failed Experiment - Alquimis

I tried doing something different for this one, welp I guess the title suits it not only for what happens on the picture but also for what this is XDD
Well this was an attempt to do something more dynamic, maybe by the end of this I'll have improved some more.
I tried doing something different for this one, welp I guess the title suits it not only for what happens on the picture but also for what this is XDD
Well this was an attempt to do something more dynamic, maybe by the end of this I'll have improved some more.
98 I knew right then just who I was supposed to be - Harwick

Didn't have a pun in mind, so I went with filly Applejack from the Cutie Mark Chronicles
Didn't have a pun in mind, so I went with filly Applejack from the Cutie Mark Chronicles
99 Day 2 - Flying Pones! (Painted) - SadTrooper

Found a free spot before i had to go to paint the original submission in a super fast mode
Found a free spot before i had to go to paint the original submission in a super fast mode
103 ATG Day 2: Swinging into Action - Linzi Howard/ CreativeBlossom

Character is an Assassins' Creed OC of mine, in her pony form - her name is Zarina
This piece will eventually be replaced on DeviantArt by a digital version
Character is an Assassins' Creed OC of mine, in her pony form - her name is Zarina
This piece will eventually be replaced on DeviantArt by a digital version
104 Most Wanted - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Although not the most dangerous of criminals, three of these ponies are wanted for being too annoying.
Although not the most dangerous of criminals, three of these ponies are wanted for being too annoying.
113 Hunting Down The Former Changeling Queen - Erik Butterworth

A pony on the run? I wonder if a former Changeling Queen qualifies for that with being on the run after losing everything but her life...
A pony on the run? I wonder if a former Changeling Queen qualifies for that with being on the run after losing everything but her life...
114 You Can't Hide Forever, Chrysalis - Erik Butterworth

Brains doesn't help not having the brawn to back it up when you're one of the Most Wanted bad guys in Equestria.
Brains doesn't help not having the brawn to back it up when you're one of the Most Wanted bad guys in Equestria.
116 Even God Wants You Dead, Chrysalis - Erik Butterworth

Not even Chrysalis can try to outrun the Finger of God when he is enraged by something as heartless as what she tried to pull against Equestria with kidnapping the Royal Family and Mane Six for her own selfish interests.
Not even Chrysalis can try to outrun the Finger of God when he is enraged by something as heartless as what she tried to pull against Equestria with kidnapping the Royal Family and Mane Six for her own selfish interests.
118 Rose in Action - Bombom13

I'm sure the pun's been made, but eh, it's still fun! Does anyone have advice on why Rose ended up looking like a filly? Did I make her body too short? Thanks!
I'm sure the pun's been made, but eh, it's still fun! Does anyone have advice on why Rose ended up looking like a filly? Did I make her body too short? Thanks!
119 Cole And Max - Lou

Max in Action! Not much to be said I guess. I'm enjoying trying to mix Pones and Humes, but trying to keep the goal in mind of the Pony being the focus.
Max in Action! Not much to be said I guess. I'm enjoying trying to mix Pones and Humes, but trying to keep the goal in mind of the Pony being the focus.
123 flutters butterfly - nick howell

THANKS FOR ALL THE POSITIVE FEEDBACK!!it had been awhile since i had drawn ponys so i wasnt sure it i was still gunna be good......also the butterfly counts as movement right????
THANKS FOR ALL THE POSITIVE FEEDBACK!!it had been awhile since i had drawn ponys so i wasnt sure it i was still gunna be good......also the butterfly counts as movement right????
127 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 2: Pony in action. - Ben V.

A simple running Twilight
Wish I had more time to work with this piece. But my schedule today is quite cramped.
No time for diary too...
A simple running Twilight
Wish I had more time to work with this piece. But my schedule today is quite cramped.
No time for diary too...
128 Big Bang Theory - Wordplay

Forgive my handwriting. I have the script of a moderately intelligent chicken.
Forgive my handwriting. I have the script of a moderately intelligent chicken.
129 Five Nights at Pinkie’s- Should Have Been Watching - ExplosionMare

Rainbow (Foxy) Dash is running down the hall since the night guard failed to watch her.
Rainbow (Foxy) Dash is running down the hall since the night guard failed to watch her.
132 EQD ATG8: Day 2: Graphite Running (Sketch) - ArrJaySketch

Done for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 2: "Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run". I drew my ponysona, Graphite Doodles, running!
I was going to do a "Running Man" joke but couldn't get the pony to look like Arnold enough. Oh well!
Honestly, I'm happy to drawing anything these days! You all have no idea how happy this makes me!
Done for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 8, Day 2: "Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run". I drew my ponysona, Graphite Doodles, running!
I was going to do a "Running Man" joke but couldn't get the pony to look like Arnold enough. Oh well!
Honestly, I'm happy to drawing anything these days! You all have no idea how happy this makes me!
134 Ebony's Workout - Ebony Crystal

Ebony had decided she needed to be a BIT more fit(not that she needed to lose weight or anything), so she decided to ask Pinkie Pie for some extra help, considering how flexible she is. Little did she know how serious Pinkie takes her workouts, but she was determined to do her best no matter what it took.
Ebony had decided she needed to be a BIT more fit(not that she needed to lose weight or anything), so she decided to ask Pinkie Pie for some extra help, considering how flexible she is. Little did she know how serious Pinkie takes her workouts, but she was determined to do her best no matter what it took.
140 Last Call - Addelum

I realized I could sketch during lunchtime at work, email to my computer and then outline and color at home! That buys a little more time to do this; right now I'm aiming for an hour to do these.
I realized I could sketch during lunchtime at work, email to my computer and then outline and color at home! That buys a little more time to do this; right now I'm aiming for an hour to do these.
143 Faster, filly Fluttershy! - Frith

Yesterday I was re-watching The Cutie Remark from Season 5 and I was struck by how tall and leggy filly Fluttershy was. Then today the prompt called for a gallop so I figured I'd take Fluttershy for a run, or at least a prance. Those wobbly legs just went every which way. A few more steps and she's going to fall flat on her muzzle. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.
Yesterday I was re-watching The Cutie Remark from Season 5 and I was struck by how tall and leggy filly Fluttershy was. Then today the prompt called for a gallop so I figured I'd take Fluttershy for a run, or at least a prance. Those wobbly legs just went every which way. A few more steps and she's going to fall flat on her muzzle. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.
150 Midnight fight - Volchiy poni

Sorry if this one comes up multiple times, i keep messing up the upload :/
Sorry if this one comes up multiple times, i keep messing up the upload :/
151 Startrix's Last Stand - AG-Poni

Here we go. My submission for ATG #2. I spent over 9 hours on this piece in a single day... I think it definitely paid off. It was lots of fun to draw ^^
Here we go. My submission for ATG #2. I spent over 9 hours on this piece in a single day... I think it definitely paid off. It was lots of fun to draw ^^
152 The trixie show ads - maudyoulook

I decided to draw trixie doing a show prop. well something as a prop to get people to come to her show other than lying about how great she is.
I decided to draw trixie doing a show prop. well something as a prop to get people to come to her show other than lying about how great she is.
153 ATG Day2 - Crowd Control - King-Koder

Littlepip trying to evade a mob of her "fan" ponies trailing closely behind.
Littlepip trying to evade a mob of her "fan" ponies trailing closely behind.
155 Newbie Artist Training Grounds VIII - Day 2: Circlejumping is better than Circlepainting! - CMC_Scootaloo

Jumping through circles
The fantasy turning real
Beats circlepainting!
Day 2 of the Newbie Artist Training Grounds has arrived, with the prompt "Draw a pony in action/Draw a pony on the run". Today, I drew Kettle Corn, who loves jumping through circles even more than painting circles!
Reference screenshot is here: i.imgur.com/zHoMAeF.jpg
Jumping through circles
The fantasy turning real
Beats circlepainting!
Day 2 of the Newbie Artist Training Grounds has arrived, with the prompt "Draw a pony in action/Draw a pony on the run". Today, I drew Kettle Corn, who loves jumping through circles even more than painting circles!
Reference screenshot is here: i.imgur.com/zHoMAeF.jpg
157 The Exciting New Installment - Silver Dash

Although I went with a much simpler background to save time, I ended up taking the same amount of time, haha.
Although I went with a much simpler background to save time, I ended up taking the same amount of time, haha.
160 Save My Ice Cream (Day 2) - Pone-Dancer

Danny Dab attempts to rescue his frozen treat. Can he dive fast enough?
His cutie mark is indeed a Nike swish, and yes he can hit the dab. He's single ladies! XD
Danny Dab attempts to rescue his frozen treat. Can he dive fast enough?
His cutie mark is indeed a Nike swish, and yes he can hit the dab. He's single ladies! XD
165 Spitfire - Redenaz

I've drawn Spitfire plenty of times before, but this might actually be the first time I've drawn her with the hood and googles. I think they tend to make the Wonderbolts look very alien and distant, which helps the crisis vibe I was going for with this one.
I've drawn Spitfire plenty of times before, but this might actually be the first time I've drawn her with the hood and googles. I think they tend to make the Wonderbolts look very alien and distant, which helps the crisis vibe I was going for with this one.
166 Thisle Whistle whistling - Minty Treble

I’m a sucker for nostalgia ponies, so I plan to draw a lot of gen 1, 2 and 3 ~ so let’s start with this pure ray of sunshine <3 doing="" dynamic="" i="" thisle="" whistle="" whistling="">3>
I’m a sucker for nostalgia ponies, so I plan to draw a lot of gen 1, 2 and 3 ~ so let’s start with this pure ray of sunshine <3 doing="" dynamic="" i="" thisle="" whistle="" whistling="">3>
167 The Hunter - Darkest_Hour

Whoops, missed day one! Oh well, that's why we have make up days, right?
Anyways, here's the Hunter from Enter the Gungeon running from and shooting at... something. In my experience, it's probably either a deadly wall made of guns, or a cute little living bullet.
Whoops, missed day one! Oh well, that's why we have make up days, right?
Anyways, here's the Hunter from Enter the Gungeon running from and shooting at... something. In my experience, it's probably either a deadly wall made of guns, or a cute little living bullet.
168 Don't forget your helmet - DavinciWolf

Remember when practicing extreme sports to wear head protection. Unfortunately for Scoots here, the artist was having trouble drawing her helmet.. Really that's no excuse though.
Remember when practicing extreme sports to wear head protection. Unfortunately for Scoots here, the artist was having trouble drawing her helmet.. Really that's no excuse though.
169 Rush Delivery - B.J. Dazzle

Having rescued Derpy from a disaster of her own creation (again), Lyra and Bon Bon inquire as to the true purpose of their current meeting... only for Derpy to suddenly spring INTO ACTION and take off down the streets of Ponyville, requiring the other two to RUN after her. Hopefully they'll get some answers soon enough.
Having rescued Derpy from a disaster of her own creation (again), Lyra and Bon Bon inquire as to the true purpose of their current meeting... only for Derpy to suddenly spring INTO ACTION and take off down the streets of Ponyville, requiring the other two to RUN after her. Hopefully they'll get some answers soon enough.
170 Boop button - PfH Mod

Get ready for some power boops by mech wing pony belonging to @friendlypsycho on tumblr
I will be drawing the same mech wing horse every day on this challenge
Get ready for some power boops by mech wing pony belonging to @friendlypsycho on tumblr
I will be drawing the same mech wing horse every day on this challenge
171 Ridge Sniper - Vivian Iolan

If he's sniping, is a pony in action, or pony inaction? Same pony as yesterday, working out the design as I've meant to for a while. And a splash of color this time. It's still pretty bad, the head is off, but I only had so much time before work to get this done.
If he's sniping, is a pony in action, or pony inaction? Same pony as yesterday, working out the design as I've meant to for a while. And a splash of color this time. It's still pretty bad, the head is off, but I only had so much time before work to get this done.
173 Cheese Sandwich, Running with Scissors (Weird Al album) - Pone-Dancer

So Weird Al has an album called "Running With Scissors" so I decided it'd be perfect. And of course Cheese Sandwich had to take his place on the album picture!
So Weird Al has an album called "Running With Scissors" so I decided it'd be perfect. And of course Cheese Sandwich had to take his place on the album picture!
182 EQD NATG 2018 Day 2 - Thief - Stormy

It's hard to steal stuff in broad daylight without the guard at least catching sight of you.
It's hard to steal stuff in broad daylight without the guard at least catching sight of you.
184 OK Spike! - Neonhuo

I really love OK KO, and I really love dragons. Somehow this happened. I regret nothing.
I really love OK KO, and I really love dragons. Somehow this happened. I regret nothing.
187 - Zeal Crown

Last minute art, because I forgot Artist Training Grounds started and I was about to head to bed. Apologies <3 i="">3>
Last minute art, because I forgot Artist Training Grounds started and I was about to head to bed. Apologies <3 i="">3>
191 Borrowing Indefinitely - thattagen

Zoom zoom, away on a broom.
Fly fly, you’ll get it back when I die.
Pew pew, a parting gift for you.
Pich~uun! Let’s try that again…
Zoom zoom, away on a broom.
Fly fly, you’ll get it back when I die.
Pew pew, a parting gift for you.
Pich~uun! Let’s try that again…
193 Prepared horse noises - Mister Twister

Everything I draw tends to be my first time.
Kind of like George Lucas with movies.
Everything I draw tends to be my first time.
Kind of like George Lucas with movies.
196 EqD ATG 2018 Day 2 - Pepperbrony

Hours after this prompt went up, there was a significant jailbreak from the nearest prison. Naturally, this is how I responded
Hours after this prompt went up, there was a significant jailbreak from the nearest prison. Naturally, this is how I responded
211 Tempest in battle - Matt

Decided to try drawing the best unicorn (other than Sunset Shimmer) as she hurls one of those petrifying orbs at the princesses
Decided to try drawing the best unicorn (other than Sunset Shimmer) as she hurls one of those petrifying orbs at the princesses
212 Day 2: Action / on the run - Jameson Ethan

She's either hopping on one foot or running towards you, i haven't decided.
She's either hopping on one foot or running towards you, i haven't decided.
214 Colonel Maplerum's Daring Escape - phallen1

Seems like I only come back to the "Daringverse" versions of the Mane Six during NATG, huh? Maplerum is mainly happy that she can finally pay off her debt to Daring Do from that blimp debacle.
Seems like I only come back to the "Daringverse" versions of the Mane Six during NATG, huh? Maplerum is mainly happy that she can finally pay off her debt to Daring Do from that blimp debacle.
216 Into the Free - heart04winds

its been several months since I've put effort into drawing something
its been several months since I've put effort into drawing something
219 Late Entry - World Eater

Ah, whoops, is ATG *this* month? Good thing I saw someone else posting pictures, or I'd be... later than I already am, I guess.
Ah, whoops, is ATG *this* month? Good thing I saw someone else posting pictures, or I'd be... later than I already am, I guess.
220 Ocean Flight - TheDarkSatanicorn

Not by best fanart by any means, but a one i'm sort of proud of nonetheless.
But, I have to say that it's my best one I did in an ATG!
Glad to be part of this event for the third straight year!
Not by best fanart by any means, but a one i'm sort of proud of nonetheless.
But, I have to say that it's my best one I did in an ATG!
Glad to be part of this event for the third straight year!
221 - Yakoshi

You want action? That’s Rainbow Dash’s middle name.
Rainbow Danger Professionalism Action Dash.
You want action? That’s Rainbow Dash’s middle name.
Rainbow Danger Professionalism Action Dash.
Twitter: Calpain