Phew, that day certainly went by fast! The first day is always the busiest as everyone gets settled in and starts to find their groove (and figure out how the submitter actually works). As per usual, I am always surprised at the ideas you all are able to come up with for these prompts and I couldn't be happier to see the creativity of our new artists as well as returning veterans on display.
Thanks to all of your efforts we were able to accumulate 229 ponies for our first day of the ATG with more to come as I add latecomers in the morning. An impressive showing that just beats last year's number, something that hasn't been done in years!
If you emailed your drawing to me those will be added in the morning with the latecomers as well in order to not mess up the gallery.
Now our second prompt is also an all time classic, just with a little spin on it. Now that our ponies have popped into existence either standing still or frozen in place, it's time to get those ponies moving! Hopefully for this next prompt you'll have a chance to draw dynamic motion poses you might not have had a chance to do before and give your creativity a good flexing.
So without further ado, today's prompt is to Draw a pony in action / Draw a pony on the run.
You can find the submitter for today here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission to our submitter!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #creators-plus-atg for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Tutorials Collected by the Artist Training Grounds Alumni Group
1 Celestia - Pzsoldi

Pzsoldi is only my Deviantart name, I usually go by Itchy Stomach, hence the email address, but to avoid confusion, I want to use Pzsoldi for the submissions.
Pzsoldi is only my Deviantart name, I usually go by Itchy Stomach, hence the email address, but to avoid confusion, I want to use Pzsoldi for the submissions.
4 Posada, Stand User - AaronMk

Is that a Fourth International Posadist reference?
Stand alone Posada:
Is that a Fourth International Posadist reference?
Stand alone Posada:
7 EQD NATG2018 Day 1: Versus - Huffy26

EQD NATG2018 Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony frozen in place
EQD NATG2018 Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony frozen in place
14 Twilight Sparkle Classic Style - Minty_magic

Simple drawing of Twilight Sparkle in a more "classic" My Little Pony style! I was going for a G3 look, but honestly my own style probably overpowers it more than anything lol!
Simple drawing of Twilight Sparkle in a more "classic" My Little Pony style! I was going for a G3 look, but honestly my own style probably overpowers it more than anything lol!
16 NATG2018 - DAY1 - Coolest Pony - DarkDabula

"Twili, I know that you are cool but this is too much !"
"Twili, I know that you are cool but this is too much !"
17 EqD NATG 2018 Day 1 - Bad End - Terton

"Knowing the risks is one thing, Arcania. It's another thing to be prepared for them..." - Remedie Potions to Arcania Charm
"Knowing the risks is one thing, Arcania. It's another thing to be prepared for them..." - Remedie Potions to Arcania Charm
18 Newbie Artist Training Ground - Day 1: Standing pose. - Ben V.

My Little NATG VIII Diary, Day 0:
"I finally decided to join in. After like a month of consideration and self-doubting.
Artistic thing in general was never something I'm good at. Yet I've always wanted to be good at that something, for the love of pony.
To reach such quality of famous artists, it's gonna be a long way to go. But you just gotta start it somewhere. Nobody is at the finish line right away.
This will be a good place to start. Hoping for some fun and experience on the way."
My Little NATG VIII Diary, Day 0:
"I finally decided to join in. After like a month of consideration and self-doubting.
Artistic thing in general was never something I'm good at. Yet I've always wanted to be good at that something, for the love of pony.
To reach such quality of famous artists, it's gonna be a long way to go. But you just gotta start it somewhere. Nobody is at the finish line right away.
This will be a good place to start. Hoping for some fun and experience on the way."
20 Pinkie Pie NATG Day1 - Sasja van der Merwe

This drawing was made by my daughter Melissa. She drew it in break time at school. She is nine years old.
This drawing was made by my daughter Melissa. She drew it in break time at school. She is nine years old.
21 Princess Cadence in a dream - Sasja van der Merwe

This painting was made by my daughter Melissa. She is nine years old and absolutely loves My Little Pony.
This painting was made by my daughter Melissa. She is nine years old and absolutely loves My Little Pony.
22 Lyra - Spone

Lyra got tired of all the ice jokes, so she's just taking a moment to let the artists think about what they've done.
Lyra got tired of all the ice jokes, so she's just taking a moment to let the artists think about what they've done.
25 A pony "frozen" in place - Krafty Kitsune

This is the first piece of artwork i have done so its nothing too special.
This is the first piece of artwork i have done so its nothing too special.
32 Commandor Wordsmith - Matthew

Haven't really experimented with this particular style all that much (hence the awkward facial structure and bland colouration).
I basically just used a Wacom tablet to sketch out a form, then refined the outline and added colour.
Hope that's ok...
Haven't really experimented with this particular style all that much (hence the awkward facial structure and bland colouration).
I basically just used a Wacom tablet to sketch out a form, then refined the outline and added colour.
Hope that's ok...
33 Day 1 - Press Garden Is Cool - Ben Edwards (Pigeon2Qwerty4U)

It doesn't look like it due to not having a background, but I was inspired by Press Garden Zone from Sonic Mania, it was the first thing that popped into my head when the prompt mentioned being frozen.
It doesn't look like it due to not having a background, but I was inspired by Press Garden Zone from Sonic Mania, it was the first thing that popped into my head when the prompt mentioned being frozen.
39 Snowbelle - Stone39

Here we have a new pony that's entered the stable of characters, Snowbelle! She's a special unicorn with her solid horn and her signature bridle. Her Cutie Mark is more related to the holidays, but she's open to spreading her magic all year long! I'm hoping to make a colored reference for her soon, maybe for a makeup day!
Here we have a new pony that's entered the stable of characters, Snowbelle! She's a special unicorn with her solid horn and her signature bridle. Her Cutie Mark is more related to the holidays, but she's open to spreading her magic all year long! I'm hoping to make a colored reference for her soon, maybe for a makeup day!
56 Sunny Buns - Darelith

This year for the Newbie Artist Training Grounds I will be focusing on improving my Shipfic artwork! The image in my gallery on Deviantart is the card, the direct link it just the art for the card.
This year for the Newbie Artist Training Grounds I will be focusing on improving my Shipfic artwork! The image in my gallery on Deviantart is the card, the direct link it just the art for the card.
57 Princess Luna redesign - Selin Nur

This is my first submission to this activity, I'm so happy. Also I took the photo with my potato-phone, that means the picture I took is not HQ.
This is my first submission to this activity, I'm so happy. Also I took the photo with my potato-phone, that means the picture I took is not HQ.
63 MLP- Pencil Pouch Raised Hoof Pose (OC) - ExplosionMare

This is a simple drawing of my avatar OC, Pencil Pouch.
This is a simple drawing of my avatar OC, Pencil Pouch.
67 Ahoi NATG VIII o/ - Ragmo

For Artist Training Ground VIII: Day1: Draw a pony standing/frozen in place.
Here we go. Of to a new start of this years journey of my little OC(s) :) And drawing more than the rest of the year xD
I'm very happy with this one :3 Let's hope i can keep it up for the following month - yet I'm pretty sure I'll be very inconsistent regarding the head/eyes.
For Artist Training Ground VIII: Day1: Draw a pony standing/frozen in place.
Here we go. Of to a new start of this years journey of my little OC(s) :) And drawing more than the rest of the year xD
I'm very happy with this one :3 Let's hope i can keep it up for the following month - yet I'm pretty sure I'll be very inconsistent regarding the head/eyes.
75 ATG 1 - Frozen - PixelGrip94

Had to kind of rush this one out since I'm leaving for work soon. I like how it turned out good overall, but I do wish I had more time to ink it in as opposed to just darkening the outline with pencil. Since I don't use deviantart anymore, I'll be posting all my drawings on my Twitter this year. It's easier that way, especially because I can post the picture using my phone whereas deviantart always gave me problems with that.
Had to kind of rush this one out since I'm leaving for work soon. I like how it turned out good overall, but I do wish I had more time to ink it in as opposed to just darkening the outline with pencil. Since I don't use deviantart anymore, I'll be posting all my drawings on my Twitter this year. It's easier that way, especially because I can post the picture using my phone whereas deviantart always gave me problems with that.
77 You Hesitated (Day 1) - Pone-Dancer

I used both prompts: a pony frozen in place and a standing pony.
I used both prompts: a pony frozen in place and a standing pony.
83 Artist training grounds day 1 - Brainiac

Idk why my friend made me do this but here is todays sketch
Idk why my friend made me do this but here is todays sketch
84 Only Eight Weeks Until Spring - Friendship Is Horses

After Applejack admonished her for being too impatient, Rainbow Dash -- never one to take a criticism lying down, valid or not -- boasted that she could stand in one spot for an entire day. Applejack wagered that she couldn't, and the game was on. Unfortunately, even though she won the bet, she can't stop not moving; the elements have gotten hold of her! It seems the Winter season still carries a grudge against her for trying to eliminate it.
After Applejack admonished her for being too impatient, Rainbow Dash -- never one to take a criticism lying down, valid or not -- boasted that she could stand in one spot for an entire day. Applejack wagered that she couldn't, and the game was on. Unfortunately, even though she won the bet, she can't stop not moving; the elements have gotten hold of her! It seems the Winter season still carries a grudge against her for trying to eliminate it.
92 Scoots' preening - PeriodicBrony

Hey, I'm back to traditional again, guys.
It's been a long while since I drew something on paper.
Let's make it 30 days straight!
Hey, I'm back to traditional again, guys.
It's been a long while since I drew something on paper.
Let's make it 30 days straight!
100 Standing on a wall - PfH Mod

Standing on a wall is still standing, Right?
Ghost pone belongs to @moon-wolfie​ on tumblr
Mech-wing pone belongs to @friendlypsycho​ on tumblr
Standing on a wall is still standing, Right?
Ghost pone belongs to @moon-wolfie​ on tumblr
Mech-wing pone belongs to @friendlypsycho​ on tumblr
105 Aqua's debut - Alquimis

I decided to try my hooves on a Digital drawing, I'm not very good at the lineart yet, nor at coloring and it's basically my first time doing a full body drawing of a pony. I hope that with more practice I can improve a bit.
I decided to try my hooves on a Digital drawing, I'm not very good at the lineart yet, nor at coloring and it's basically my first time doing a full body drawing of a pony. I hope that with more practice I can improve a bit.
106 Can I move now?.. - chaosmalefic
107 Spotlight Splash frozen in Ice - Frith

So it begins anew! Of the two choices, standing or frozen, I went with frozen. I took my sketchbook to work and during my lunch break I established that I still can't draw without looking at solid references. So when I got home I put two references together and I got Spotlight Splash in ice.
So it begins anew! Of the two choices, standing or frozen, I went with frozen. I took my sketchbook to work and during my lunch break I established that I still can't draw without looking at solid references. So when I got home I put two references together and I got Spotlight Splash in ice.
112 ATG Day 1: Edward Kenway Grin - Linzi Howard

Ponified version of Edward Kenway from the game Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Digital version to be uploaded over the original file at a later date (not sure when it will be)
Ponified version of Edward Kenway from the game Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Digital version to be uploaded over the original file at a later date (not sure when it will be)
113 Max in the City - Lou

Lurked for since nearly the beginning of the show, about time I finally start interacting and participating.
I guess she's not really standing, but maybe she paused and is "Froze" in a moment.... Bleh.
Lurked for since nearly the beginning of the show, about time I finally start interacting and participating.
I guess she's not really standing, but maybe she paused and is "Froze" in a moment.... Bleh.
114 Standing Tall (ATG #1) - Bright Idea

I am so ready for this year's Artist Training Grounds!
I am so ready for this year's Artist Training Grounds!
117 The Princess of Love and Her Husband - Erik Butterworth

If it is just a pony standing around, I think this piece will fit the topic.
If it is just a pony standing around, I think this piece will fit the topic.
118 My OC - Spirit Life - Horceye

Ehm sorry but I might posted the wrong link in my first entry. In my first entry it was the wrong image size but this one should be right. Now the problem is I dont have the link to delete my first entry xD Soooo... if it possible for you could you just ignore my first entry? thanks in advanced^^
Some information of the drawing:
drawed with mouse in Paint
Ehm sorry but I might posted the wrong link in my first entry. In my first entry it was the wrong image size but this one should be right. Now the problem is I dont have the link to delete my first entry xD Soooo... if it possible for you could you just ignore my first entry? thanks in advanced^^
Some information of the drawing:
drawed with mouse in Paint
119 How about a concert, Songbird? - Erik Butterworth

How about this? Just standing around waiting for Songbird to put on her concert. This is one of my more recent pieces I worked on some time ago.
How about this? Just standing around waiting for Songbird to put on her concert. This is one of my more recent pieces I worked on some time ago.
120 Not Pizzelle - Anon

Love this horse. She looks like Pizzelle but I like to believe her name is Write Feather and Pizzelle is her twin sister. Haha! 😂
Love this horse. She looks like Pizzelle but I like to believe her name is Write Feather and Pizzelle is her twin sister. Haha! 😂
122 ATG VIII Day I - RizDub

I suppose I could've gone with a more literal interpretation, or done something a little more visually interesting, but I wanted to start out simple.
I suppose I could've gone with a more literal interpretation, or done something a little more visually interesting, but I wanted to start out simple.
123 Day 1: I'm Still Standing (EJ album cover) - Jameson Ethan

Yo, we're back again and i hope i can keep pace. I guess i'll be inspired by album covers this year, for funzies.
Yo, we're back again and i hope i can keep pace. I guess i'll be inspired by album covers this year, for funzies.
125 Standing Tales of Destiny Pony - Circuit Mane

This is a ponification of the main character of Tales of Destiny Stahn
This is a ponification of the main character of Tales of Destiny Stahn
126 "He can't see us if we don't move!" - Harwick

I doubt I'll have the free time to actually keep up with it, but I thought it would be fun to try and tackle some of Equestria Daily's Artist Training Ground entries. If nothing else, it gave me the excuse to draw Petunia Paleo!
I doubt I'll have the free time to actually keep up with it, but I thought it would be fun to try and tackle some of Equestria Daily's Artist Training Ground entries. If nothing else, it gave me the excuse to draw Petunia Paleo!
128 Long Standing Derpy - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

They see her standing, she's waiting. She's gonna be there a very long time.
They see her standing, she's waiting. She's gonna be there a very long time.
133 Solar Halo - Naomi Burgess

That first entry was just a warmup compared to this one. This one's the REAL entry, man.
That first entry was just a warmup compared to this one. This one's the REAL entry, man.
136 A Pony Standing - Vulpes

Mishap here is standing, but only because he doesn't really have a choice in the matter.
Mishap here is standing, but only because he doesn't really have a choice in the matter.
137 Ice, Ice, Baby - Wordplay

I don't care if it saves money on the electric bill, put that thermostat at a normal temperature or so help me I'm lighting your sofa on fire.
I don't care if it saves money on the electric bill, put that thermostat at a normal temperature or so help me I'm lighting your sofa on fire.
139 Standing Guard - Moonatik

The image link only directs to a smaller version of the image so it fits the competition rules.
The image link only directs to a smaller version of the image so it fits the competition rules.
140 - Allonsbro

"Oops. Uh, worry not! Trixie's warm and glowing personality will have him out in no time!"
"Oops. Uh, worry not! Trixie's warm and glowing personality will have him out in no time!"
141 A Sticky Situation - B.J. Dazzle

Derpy has asked her good friends Lyra and Bon Bon to meet her for something, but are confused when they don't see her waiting for them. This is Derpy we're talking about, which means something must've gone wrong (as the text box indicating Derpy's current STANDING in this series implies). Seems a delicious muffin explosion has adhered our beloved mailmare IN PLACE, so she'll need some help getting out of this mess first.
Derpy has asked her good friends Lyra and Bon Bon to meet her for something, but are confused when they don't see her waiting for them. This is Derpy we're talking about, which means something must've gone wrong (as the text box indicating Derpy's current STANDING in this series implies). Seems a delicious muffin explosion has adhered our beloved mailmare IN PLACE, so she'll need some help getting out of this mess first.
144 Hotdish - Omnius

Hotdish is a Unicorn located in Whinnyapolis. He used to be a changeling catcher in the Equestrian Guard until the changelings... changed. Now he's doing something else. Who knows what that is?
Hotdish is a Unicorn located in Whinnyapolis. He used to be a changeling catcher in the Equestrian Guard until the changelings... changed. Now he's doing something else. Who knows what that is?
149 Derpy on Ice - Bombom13

I've had few goes at Pony art throughout the years, on and off since 2012 I think. However, I've always just watched as these Artist training grounds passed by. Well no more! Time for me to commit to learning to sketch, and where better to start?
I'm not great yet, but every attempt gets me a little closer, hopefully!
Thanks especially to ShadowStepWarrior for their tutorial on sketching. I've never attempted to draw a pose without a direct image to copy it from, but this guide helped a lot!
I've had few goes at Pony art throughout the years, on and off since 2012 I think. However, I've always just watched as these Artist training grounds passed by. Well no more! Time for me to commit to learning to sketch, and where better to start?
I'm not great yet, but every attempt gets me a little closer, hopefully!
Thanks especially to ShadowStepWarrior for their tutorial on sketching. I've never attempted to draw a pose without a direct image to copy it from, but this guide helped a lot!
151 Ready Or Not, Here We Go! - phallen1

"W- what!? Now!?!? But... but I'm not ready!"
"Come on, Saye, you've done this like a hundred times already!"
"I wasn't a *pony* at the time, Mai!!! How am I even supposed to-"
"No time like the present! Here! We! Goooooooo!!!"
"W- what!? Now!?!? But... but I'm not ready!"
"Come on, Saye, you've done this like a hundred times already!"
"I wasn't a *pony* at the time, Mai!!! How am I even supposed to-"
"No time like the present! Here! We! Goooooooo!!!"
153 Cold Chase - Binky T.

"When a hunt for treasure goes awry, Doctor Caballeron finds himself in a chase for his life."
"When a hunt for treasure goes awry, Doctor Caballeron finds himself in a chase for his life."
161 EQD ATG8 Day 1: Frozen Ponies! - ArrJaySketch

Drawn for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 8! Today's theme was "Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony frozen in place."
I'm not even a little sorry for this joke. It's Elsa and Mr. Freeze Ponies!
Drawn for the Equestria Daily Artist Training Grounds 8! Today's theme was "Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony frozen in place."
I'm not even a little sorry for this joke. It's Elsa and Mr. Freeze Ponies!
166 standing pony - maud you look

I am fully new at computer art and only recently actually tried anything. I know this isn't anything special but hey at least i made something
I am fully new at computer art and only recently actually tried anything. I know this isn't anything special but hey at least i made something
167 A New Friend - ZoneSystem

Soarin̢۪ is standing very still so as not to disturb the butterfly that landed on his nose.
Soarin̢۪ is standing very still so as not to disturb the butterfly that landed on his nose.
168 NATG VIII - Day 1: GO, Team Cloudsdale! - CMC_Scootaloo

Once more, the Newbie Artist Training Grounds happen on EQD and this year, I will participate more proper again! My goal is again to draw a picture for each day and prompt and since I'm feeling more secure in drawing ponies lately and have also gotten faster at it, I am confident that I will make it this year!
The prompt for Day 1 is "Draw a pony standing/Draw a pony frozen in place". I knew immediately what I am going to draw once my eyes fell on the prompt..... I am participating in the Equestria Games in "Legends of Equestria" that happen for the first time this year, so I went and drew Scoots in the uniform of her team, Team Cloudsdale!
Once more, the Newbie Artist Training Grounds happen on EQD and this year, I will participate more proper again! My goal is again to draw a picture for each day and prompt and since I'm feeling more secure in drawing ponies lately and have also gotten faster at it, I am confident that I will make it this year!
The prompt for Day 1 is "Draw a pony standing/Draw a pony frozen in place". I knew immediately what I am going to draw once my eyes fell on the prompt..... I am participating in the Equestria Games in "Legends of Equestria" that happen for the first time this year, so I went and drew Scoots in the uniform of her team, Team Cloudsdale!
169 - DavinciWolf

Well here we are, another ATG, and I'm once again reminded how hard it is to draw something decent when there's a time limit. normally spend a few weeks on a drawing, so speed is definitely an area I hope to improve on this go around.
Well here we are, another ATG, and I'm once again reminded how hard it is to draw something decent when there's a time limit. normally spend a few weeks on a drawing, so speed is definitely an area I hope to improve on this go around.
173 ATGs 2018 Day 1 Intro - EbonyCrystal1986

I can't believe I almost forgot the ATGs were starting up again today! At least I managed to get something done in time so I just did a redraw of the very first pic I submitted to Equestria Daily 2 years ago. Ebony looks much better here, huh? :3
I can't believe I almost forgot the ATGs were starting up again today! At least I managed to get something done in time so I just did a redraw of the very first pic I submitted to Equestria Daily 2 years ago. Ebony looks much better here, huh? :3
175 bat pony in forest (fixed) - Volchiy poni

I forgot to finish her mane in the last one so i fixed it here, last second. 0_0
I forgot to finish her mane in the last one so i fixed it here, last second. 0_0
177 Discreet Failure - Vivian Iolani

First attempt drawing in a few months, hopefully I'll get better doing this.
I need to spend more time getting this design under control, I'm going for a classical unicorn look with the cloven hooves and leonine tail. His name is Discreet Expedience.
First attempt drawing in a few months, hopefully I'll get better doing this.
I need to spend more time getting this design under control, I'm going for a classical unicorn look with the cloven hooves and leonine tail. His name is Discreet Expedience.
178 Day 1 - RhythmPixel

Here we go again, this time I'll keep up possibly. Since last year I've started to do daily practice, but the real challenge is getting a drawing that I'm satisfied with daily.
Here we go again, this time I'll keep up possibly. Since last year I've started to do daily practice, but the real challenge is getting a drawing that I'm satisfied with daily.
180 Not again!!! - jayruki

"Why do I always get frozen!!! Am I like a magnet for ice spells or something!?"
"Why do I always get frozen!!! Am I like a magnet for ice spells or something!?"
183 How Did This Happen?! - Silver Dash

This is my first time participating in the Artist Training Grounds. A friend of mine suggested I try it and I figure why not. I could've just done a simple pony on a transparent background with no color, but I had an idea and ran with it, haha. This was fun to work on, and I look forward to the other themes coming up!
This is my first time participating in the Artist Training Grounds. A friend of mine suggested I try it and I figure why not. I could've just done a simple pony on a transparent background with no color, but I had an idea and ran with it, haha. This was fun to work on, and I look forward to the other themes coming up!
187 Perfect Freeze - thattagen

Good to be doing yet another NATG. It's my 8th one now, so I'll do my best!
This year's theme is Touhou ponies!
Good to be doing yet another NATG. It's my 8th one now, so I'll do my best!
This year's theme is Touhou ponies!
189 Misty Wind - OC - TwilightDash12

Hello ATG 2018 viewers and participants! This is my first time taking a stab at MLP art, or art in general for that matter. I used a drawing tablet and the digital design program Krita to draw this cute pony! I know it's not much, and I would love for tips/constructive criticism, especially on fundamentals. Thanks and happy drawing :)
Hello ATG 2018 viewers and participants! This is my first time taking a stab at MLP art, or art in general for that matter. I used a drawing tablet and the digital design program Krita to draw this cute pony! I know it's not much, and I would love for tips/constructive criticism, especially on fundamentals. Thanks and happy drawing :)
196 Stagnation - Skypause

Gee Whiz it's been a long time since I've been on here. I know some of my older stuff looks better than this but cut me some slack... it's been like three years since I did anything... and I'm finally trying out that drawing tablet (which is SUPER weird to work with BTW). I'm hoping this will help me improve and bring back some magic into my life if I can keep it up. Hopefully I can improve because there is SOOO much *cough* 'opportunity for improvement' here, and it took me two hours to do this little bit at that... I'm not even caught up on the show but here's to hoping all goes well. O well... Best wishes all. - Skypause-
Gee Whiz it's been a long time since I've been on here. I know some of my older stuff looks better than this but cut me some slack... it's been like three years since I did anything... and I'm finally trying out that drawing tablet (which is SUPER weird to work with BTW). I'm hoping this will help me improve and bring back some magic into my life if I can keep it up. Hopefully I can improve because there is SOOO much *cough* 'opportunity for improvement' here, and it took me two hours to do this little bit at that... I'm not even caught up on the show but here's to hoping all goes well. O well... Best wishes all. - Skypause-
199 Chilling Out - Novaintellus

Given the silence, Trixie thinks her cold spell was a success.
Surely Trixie's best friend can enjoy her now rescued ice cream.
Given the silence, Trixie thinks her cold spell was a success.
Surely Trixie's best friend can enjoy her now rescued ice cream.
200 NATG #1: Standing Pony - Huxley

I want to develop good drawing habits and figure the NATG is a good way to achieve that. I'm also looking to be more confident sharing my work and less concerned with whether it is perfect, as this has bogged me down in the past. So I'll be doing a single drawing per prompt and submitting whatever I have. I'm new and that's okay. The only way to improve is to keep at it!
I want to develop good drawing habits and figure the NATG is a good way to achieve that. I'm also looking to be more confident sharing my work and less concerned with whether it is perfect, as this has bogged me down in the past. So I'll be doing a single drawing per prompt and submitting whatever I have. I'm new and that's okay. The only way to improve is to keep at it!
201 - Sethisto

Rushed sketchy velvet to get in on the deadline. Hopefully I can get back to where I was 2 years ago, but those took 10 hours each! Aint no one got that time.
Rushed sketchy velvet to get in on the deadline. Hopefully I can get back to where I was 2 years ago, but those took 10 hours each! Aint no one got that time.
202 My OC - green913

Thought I would try and actually participate in the Newbie Artist Training Grounds again. I'm pretty proud of how it came out, considering I haven't really drawn much. In order to draw it, I followed this guide I found on drawing ponies:
I've had this idea of my OC floating around in my head recently. It's similar to the OC I have as my icon right now, but with some tweaks. I might make more modifications later. I don't know what I want the mane and tail color to be. Right now, I'm thinking yellow with blue. And I feel I might change the coat color to be a bit lighter. Also, I don't really have a name or cutie mark thought up yet. I'm still working on that.
Thought I would try and actually participate in the Newbie Artist Training Grounds again. I'm pretty proud of how it came out, considering I haven't really drawn much. In order to draw it, I followed this guide I found on drawing ponies:
I've had this idea of my OC floating around in my head recently. It's similar to the OC I have as my icon right now, but with some tweaks. I might make more modifications later. I don't know what I want the mane and tail color to be. Right now, I'm thinking yellow with blue. And I feel I might change the coat color to be a bit lighter. Also, I don't really have a name or cutie mark thought up yet. I'm still working on that.
204 ATG Day1 - Group Up - King-Koder

Here we go again. It's been a while since I've done one of these, so let's see how far I can go.
Here we go again. It's been a while since I've done one of these, so let's see how far I can go.
219 Sig Simply Standing - Sigmath Bits

Simple digital drawing to break in. Been a while, feel a bit out of practice!
Hopefully NATG VIII changes that!
Simple digital drawing to break in. Been a while, feel a bit out of practice!
Hopefully NATG VIII changes that!
220 ATG VIII - Day 1: Amethyst - LightDragon1988

My first picture on the Artist Training Ground) This filly is my future OC (she don`t cutie mark and even a story).
My first picture on the Artist Training Ground) This filly is my future OC (she don`t cutie mark and even a story).
228 Stop Bouncing - Kettles333
229 Rainbow - FloofySammy
Twitter: Calpain