Like our friends over at BronyStudy we've got a very special researcher from California State University, Northridge conducting a psychological research study and its all you, ponyfans! Her and her fellow researchers are super excited to learn more about our community as well as provide the fandom with an opportunity to enter a drawing for a print of Discord and Fluttershy signed by both John de Lancie and Andrea Libman (there are two of these available).
Please continue reading to see all the relevant information!
Hey everypony! My name is Erica Rarity and I am very excited to present to you my first-ever study that is designed specifically for the My Little Pony fandom community. Though this study is similar in scope to BronyStudy, there are some important functional differences in what our two studies measure. Thus, we would love to have you participate as we try to advance the domain of scientific knowledge!
The survey is expected to take only 6 minutes of your time and upon completing it, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a print of Discord and Fluttershy signed by both John de Lancie and Andrea Libman.
Participation in this study is completely anonymous (that is there will be no identifying information recorded about anyone who participates and there will be no names attached to your responses). Anypony who is 13 years of age or older is eligible to participate.
So if you are interested, please click the link below to help us do science and learn more about what makes us us!
Link to Survey:
If you would like to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding my study, please feel free to email me at
Because prior knowledge of this study may affect any conclusions we may be able to draw from the data, we ask that you do not discuss your experience in this study with anyone else. Doing so may compromise the integrity of our results.
Lastly, I would to thank everypony who participates. It is because of you all that we get to do the cool things we do and I am happy to share in this experience!
Twitter: Calpain