Hot off the heels of his last remix, JoinedTheHerd has another one for us! Flawless gets his remix treatment this time, and he's definitely done an awesome job with it. The vocal chopping through the track is gorgeous, and the synthplay through the track is heaps of fun too. Check it out below!
Monday, April 30, 2018 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: VocalShare This!19 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1426
by Calpain
Some of the good captain because it's always nice to keep the movie alive, right?
Evening guys! How are you all tonight?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
These posts are pain. Join me in being ridiculously jealous at everyone else's pone plushies while I sit in line waiting for mine to be available in September.
Get them all below!
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Queen Chrysalis by Earthenhoof
The Greatest and Most Powefulest friend makes sure to eat at least 25% of your food in order to allow you to take in less calories. What a champ.
Get a bunch of humanized/anthro below!
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Trixie and Starlight by iojknmiojknm
The great and powerful Trixie will clean your house and put on a magic show while doing it. What a benevolent and entertaining pony.
Be amazed by crazy amounts of art below!
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Helping Out Around the House by VanillaGhosties
Plushie creator Sophie Scruggs has hopped on with a Chinese factor to produce the bats you see above. Each one is $30 and 10 inches tall. We've seen crowd funded plushies out of china before, but not often an OC. I suppose this will be a good judge on how something like that will work!
You can find the extra info over here. As always, do your due-diligence before picking one up.
UndreamedPanic's new album is pretty great, and this track helps show why! It starts up with some great use of spoken word from master orator Alan Watts about the nature of dreams, on top of some well composed synths, before dropping into some beautiful melodic chords interspersed by cute pony chops. Check it out below for a lovely time!
op 9:00 AM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Future Bass, Media, Melodic Dubstep, Music, Music: Instrumental, Synthpop -
Comic: The Sun / Deep Thoughts / Fly With Me 8 / Empty 14 / I Done? 3:16 / Betrayal 7 / Reality 65
by Calpain
Wow, Trixie can certainly hold a grudge. But I guess we knew this already, didn't we?
Comics my friends! Get them after the break!
Morning Discussion #1198
by Calpain
Finals week starts for me today so some foreboding Celestia seems appropriate to start the day.
Morning guys! Hope you all slept well!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Nightly Roundup #1461
by Calpain
Trying my best to keep these a weekly thing so we don't go almost a month without a Roundup! Hopefully it all works out in the end.
Time for the news guys! Get it all after the break.
After remixing Boo Hoo recently, Strach's now taken a shot at remixing one of Assertive's other early fandom hits, Boooring! Making good use of the vocals from the original in the builds, the drops are full of some awesome clean dubstep sound design, whilst the second drop gives it a bit of a trap feel too. Check it out below!
Sunday, April 29, 2018 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Trap -
Nightly Discussion #1425
by Calpain
So much cuteness in one picture should be a criminal offense. Why do ponies have to be so adorable at what they do?
Evening guys, while I'm dying from cute, why don't you have a chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Tails of Equestria: My Little Pony: The Movie Sourcebook Now Available Through Diamond Distributors
by The Illustrious Q
Remember how I reported a little while ago that Tails of Equestria is now an exclusive product through Diamond/Alliance Games Distributors? Yes? Maybe?
Well, even if you don't, the first product to be added to the line for exclusive availability is the Tails of Equestria: My Little Pony: The Movie Sourcebook. With this product being exclusive through Diamond, this mean you have to order it through your local comic/game specialty shop.
For what the new book adds to game, you can check out the previous US availability post.
No idea on how long this is going to be in stock at Diamond, so you might want to jump on it quick. Have fun everyone!
Special thanks to The Manliest Brony DustyKatt for the heads up!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Vaporize the competition by being the perfect pone. That's what she does.
Art below!
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[COMISSION] Vaportrail reading time by Light262 by Light262
Greetings everyone! Today Equestria Daily brings you news out of the land of the rising sun. In Yokohama Japan, there was an MLP fan meetup today, and to everyone's surprise there was a huge announcement from Phase 6.
For those unaware, Phase 6 acquired the license for translating and publishing the IDW My Little Pony comic series after Village Books ceased publishing MLP Comics after their initial volume tanked. Anyways, the cover art for this volume, created by Japan native and veteran IDW Comic Cover artist S-bis, was revealed!
Isn't it beautiful? Love his work. I hope to meet him one of these days.
Like the original english version, this comic volume will collect issues 7-10 of the Micro Series. It has a price point of 1,800¥ ($16.51 USD). For those looking to order it online, it's not yet available to order on Amazon Japan (grumbles) but the ISBN is known and is 978-4-909434-10-4. So the book will be easy to look up once it goes on sale.
To which the street date is May 18th, 2018! Less than a month to go! Are you excited? Cause I'm excited! More ponies are going to be in Japan! And as a special treat for those who happen to live in Japan, you can find an order from for it after the break!
Special thanks to Sticken1 for the heads up!
It's pretty well established that Vylet makes sure to experiment as much as possible with different styles of music, and this is definitely a pretty big departure from his previous stuff! A gritty, raw punk rock tune, Vylet's pushed his vocals in as different direction that still works pretty well and suits the look of Daybreaker exceptionally well. Check it out below!
"Horse Play": Episode Followup
by algernon97
I signed on to write this episode followup the moment I read the synopsis. The ponies put on a play, and Celestia gets the lead role? And she can't act to save her life? That sounds amazing, sign me the heck up.
And oh, what an amazing episode this was.
I'm algernon97. Join me below the break for the followup to Horse Play.
Note: This followup has a ton of pictures, and quite a few gifs. This may slow down some computers and mobile devices.
If you liked the last "My Little Tale" from way back in August of 2016, a new one has released at almost triple the length. Expect the same style you saw in the game, with a pony twist littered throughout and story unique to this idea.
Go get it below while I cry at how fast 2 years went by.
BroniKoni's Friendship Express album is full of awesome upbeat pop rock music, and one of the coolest parts of it is a 3-segment story about Celestia running away after banishing Luna to the moon. This track is the second of those 3 parts, and mixes awesome high energy instrumental with some fantastic vocals, before a beautiful piano segment to finish the track. Check it out below!
For all of you out there playing the pony version of Planeshift, a new update has been released that introduces a bunch of new things and fixes a few broken ones. Bats get better hearing too, becuase bats.
Get the changes below, and go download it here.
Morning Discussion #1197
by Calpain
Fluttershy makes for a pretty good Celestia, don't you think? (Does this count as Celestia art for those of you asking for more of her in headers?)
Morning everyone! Sleep well?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Keeping the rapid fire polls going! If you want to submit one, be sure to send it over to the submit box and title it POLL!
Unexpectedly, Twilacorn won this one. By a pretty large margin too. It feels like that was kind of a tipping point for the fandom.
New poll time:
What Should Happen Between The Spike and Rarity Pairing?
Get it on the side bar, and get the results of this one below!
Nightly Discussion #1424
by Calpain
How could I not feature a JJ Celestia drawing on a Celestia episode day? It's always good to see a new pony pic pop up from him. Praise the sun!
Evening guys! Have a good Saturday I hope?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
As part of a horse segment, Tosh.0 has slapped up a skit about brony. Of course, it goes off into the clop side of things, but nothing specifically explicit in the video. They did post actual adult MLP drawings once so its by far not the worst place the show has gone.
Head on down below to watch it.
DOG & PONY GAME™ is officially released!
by Calpain
Hey everyone! We've got a new game for you guys tonight, one that has gone under the radar for quite awhile and it looks quite good with that awesome GBA feel.
Dog and Pony Game has been in development for quite awhile now, but has only recently been released! Customize your Dogs and Ponies and go head to head with up to 8 players in this multiplayer adventure.
Check after the break for some screenshots, descriptions, as well as where you can find a place to download the game.
Not a lot of Snowdrop fan art these days. She's still really cute.
Go get art below!
[1] Source
Snowdrop by Celebi-Yoshi
If you didn't catch the episode live today, there was a short promo for next week's "The Parent Map" episode. It's one of the leaked episodes, so be sure to avoid comments if you have't watched it yet. We did have a discussion over here though.
Get the teaser below.
Community soapbox time, where opinions from around the fandom are dropped down below for you all to discuss and debate! Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM MST And now Saturday at 2:00 PM MST. To submit your own, see this post.
Note: These soapboxes do not at all reflect the ideas of EQD. They are an open forum for anyone to post whatever crazy theory they want. Even contrarian opinions everyone would consider bad are welcome as long as they are written with some form of clarity.
Headlines for the week:
Why shouldn’t the broken be heroes?
Characters who Could Outlive Others
Celesta Isn't Useless Nor A Damsel, Sometimes
Shippers: "Tease, don't please!"
Social Commentaries about FiM that don’t Make Sense: Teaching Tolerance
And get your soapboxes below!
Seems like it has been forever since we've had one of these. With new pony merchandise flooding soon as Hasbro continues to list new stuff, quite a bit of last year's and early this year's merchandise has been reduced in price.
Below the break, find a compilation of all of it!
I'd honestly be alright with this concept for a next generation of MLP. Literally in this case. Twilight's daughter heads on over to school and gets all emotional about the MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP.
(And be sure to keep watching after the middle credit thing pops up. One of the people I showed it to thought it was over at that point. Woops)
Head on down below to check it out!
Celestia has no time to worry about all that royal mumbo jumbo, she has an episode starring her to watch! That's right guys, it's time for episode 7 which from what I have seen promises to be a fun one! But who am I kidding, it's always awesome whenever we have Tia involved.
For you guys trying to hype yourself up for the episode we had a behind the scenes animatic for this one here as well as the reveal of a new writer for this episode here.
Been trying to keep up with episode fun? Well, we've got you covered! Check our followups or maybe head on over to our official comic posts. Don't forget our Equestria Girls guide as well which has been receiving updates lately.
Twitter: Calpain -
Morning Discussion #1196
by Calpain
Rainbow with a Rainbow. Huh...Guess that would make it a double rainbow, wouldn't it?
Early Morning Discussion guys! I'm getting good at remembering these.
Time to chat!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Fluttershy Day Draws to a Close
by Calpain
Time for some well earned rest for our favorite yellow pony. She certainly was glad to see all of the great content you guys sent into us tonight! And so with that we end another appreciation day.
Our next appreciation day coming up is Vinyl and Octavia Day on May 27th! Hope to see you all there!
Now check on after the break for the stuff we couldn't quite get to today.
Flutterbats too! I need a Flutterbat figure Hasbro. Use that Fan Series! Get it going!
Get tons of customs and sculptures below!
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FlutterBat2 by AplexPony
I know a lot of people that want a lifesize Fluttershy. Too bad the wait times are almost a YEAR. Hasbro, get on it. Why doesn't high quality show style plush from you guys exist?
Get the pones below.
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Lifesize Fluttershy plush by RosaMariposaCrafts
I'm pretty sure Flutters here wins for most art created on a pony day! This is an astounding amount compared to the last few pony celebration days. Hopefully some of you keep that skill truckin along for more pone art! The fandom could always use new talent.
We also have the Artist Training Grounds happening later on during the summer, so keep an eye out for that one if you want 30 days of nonstop drawing madness with your fellow artists and potential artists.
Anyway, it's open art time! All are welcome. Get the swarm below!
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Fluttergoth by HoodieFoxy
Nightly Discussion #1423
by Calpain
Some humanish Fluttershy for you guys on this lovely Fluttershy Day! Hmm, I wonder why she has her bow ready to go?
Evening guys! Ready for the weekend?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Surf and Turf wasn't the only episode with a new Friendship is Magic writer this season. Nicole Dubuc has revealed over on Twitter the tomorrow's "Horse Play" debuts yet another one! Kaita Mpambara joined the team and used his skills to bring us our newest Celestia story.
For a rundown, he was involved in Ultimate Spider-Man, Aaron Stone, and The Amazing Race.
Expect the episode tomorrow to find out how he did. Pressure's on now~
Thanks to Nick for the heads up.
"They wrote me doing... what with Rarity?"
Fluttershy's fanfic offerings weren't posted last yet, but we have a TON of them this year. Below the break, get a whopping 50 or so of them from all sorts of different genres. Ship her with her bestie, join her on an adventure across Equestria, or read as her dramatic life unfolds!
Get them all below.
Trying to get some new artists up here for best-of headers! Yakavlov, NCmares and Bugplayer tend to dominate on complete accident.
We have another tsunami of Fluttershy for you all, this one bigger than the last and all created in the last year! Hit that first post up for years prior to that.
For Part one, go over here:
Best of Fluttershy 2018 edition Part 1!
And get ZOUNDS of Fluttershys below! Like that word? It's from one of my favorite video games.
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Fluttershy by INowISeeI
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