It's always super cool when musicians are able to make Changeling songs that feel insect-like. The fluttery percussion from Tripon in this track about Chrysalis manages to do that without taking away from having some heavy impact too, which when combined to dark, rolling basslines makes for some really nice atmosphere. Check it out below!
Monday, December 25, 2017 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: InstrumentalShare This!1 Comment
Scraton's music is always really interesting, and this tune especially has a lot of little sounds that feel quite fitting to the song's name. The addition of some vocal elements also adds depth to the tune, and the chilled out composition mixes well with the glitch-y vibes through the track. Check it out below!
Nightly Discussion #1300
by Calpain
Uh oh... Looks like Dash got a little too into the holiday spirit. At least she looks happy with this turn of events!
Evening everyone, hope you all have had a Merry Christmas so far!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
This one ias based on that old Chras animation from last year. In usual Viva Reverie style, it's equally as ridiculous.
Get it below!
We better see some SFM Star Wars pony stuff from this. I've needed that ever since those old re-enacted with ponies animations were a thing.
Download a new SFM model for jedi and clone uniforms over here. -
Christmas means a bigger than average art post today! 70 drawings in all. Hope you want ponies in various holiday accessories, cause the flood is here.
Get it all below.
[1] Source
AJ by GamiJack
Hasbro Studios has dropped their Sales Guide showing off plans for future and current runs of their major brands. Equestria Girls and Friendship is Magic both make a showing, with EG actually pointing out some extra stuff over the four movies and three shorts we have had so far.
On their list are two 44 minute specials. This could be the holiday specials rumored earlier in the month for Friendship is Magic (also 44 minutes) considering a lot of information wasn't finalized or perfected, but I'm personally hoping for some pure pony to go along with these now confirmed ones!
Thanks to Paganmuffin for the heads up.
From Hasbro Studios.
Luckily for us, FiM has its fair share of episodes devoted to the ponies' own winter festivities. So in the spirit of the season, let's take a look back the various Hearth's Warming episodes we've gotten over the years.Let's get holly and/or jolly after the break!
Comic: Merry Season 3 / Reaction / Harmony / Diamond / Rye 2:26 / AoS 1:44 / Cherry 3:8 / Merry
by Calpain
Merry Christmas everyone! We've got some Christmas related comics for you all today, so check on after the break for some Christmas cheer mixed in with your usual comic spread.
Hearth's Warming Eve Music: Daniel Ingram - The Seeds of the Past (µThunder Remix) [Electro House]
by ExplodingPonyToastTo celebrate hearth's warming eve µThunder has brought us a new remix of one of the songs from A Hearth's Warming Tail. With their remix of Say Goodbye To The Holiday being so warmly received, it's cool to see a new one of another song from the same episode. It's pretty upbeat with some fun lead melodies and good use of the vocals, so check it out below!
Morning Discussion #1078
by Calpain
Something non-Christmas to break things up a little bit! Who doesn't love some cute Fluttershy, right?
Morning guys, Merry Christmas!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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