Bonus music returns here with 6 new awesome tracks! We've got some progressive and ambient stuff, a few speedier hardcore and drum & bass tunes, and an orchestral piece to round it off. Check them all out below the break!
Nightly Roundup #1448
by Calpain
Chrysalis has always been one of my favorite villains from the show! Makes me wonder who we can expect to see when season 8 rolls around?
Anyhow, news time my friends! Get it all after the break.
Nightly Discussion #1282
by Calpain
Some Rarity tonight to break up all the Celestia and Luna lately! Feels like it has been awhile since I posted some of our favorite fashion horse.
Time to chat my friends!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Dat mane. I bet she'd win all the years of Rarity's mane magazine thing.
Get a bunch of art below!
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Cloud Mane by SapphireScarletta
Music: Daniel Ingram - Open Up Your Eyes (Einarx & Sable Symphony Remix) [Metalstep]
by ExplodingPonyToastSomething we don't see much around here, dubstep musician Einarx has teamed up with metal musician Sable Symphony and together they've put together this awesome cover/remix of Open Up Your Eyes! Sable's vocals and heavy guitars mix well with the dubstep atmosphere in the build, before some heavy drops complete the experience. Check it out below!
Plushie Compilation #256
by Calpain
Got to make sure we have our bats represented as Seth is still missing them something fierce. Don't worry man, they will probably come back someday in the show.
Plushies my friends! Get them all after the break!
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Flutterbat by Shuxer59
Music: JackleApp - My Destiny Is A Rock (WoodenToaster & General Mumble Remix) [Electro Pop]
by ExplodingPonyToastWoodenToaster hasn't released much over the last couple of years, and General Mumble's pony music has been relatively scarce too. That said, it's cool to see this 'new' release from Mumble of an old remix he and WoodenToaster put together in 2012 but never released until now. There's some classic old-school feels throughout the remix, and a killer synth solo towards the end of the track. Check it out below!
Morning Discussion #1061
by Calpain
When you have so many gifts to deliver you need a giant pony to deliver them all! Just make sure not to crush the houses, Twilight...
Morning my friends! Time to chat.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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