Continuing on with the new format, we've got some great new bonus music tunes for you all! This time around we have a bunch of rock-y vocal stuff, a few relaxing things and a speedy drum & bass tune. Check them all out below the break!
Nightly Discussion #1255
by Calpain
Been posting a lot of Luna in the past NDs and MDs so how about some other best princess to balance things out tonight?
Evening guys! Weekend time!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
A bit of afternoon PMV action for you all. It has been a while since the last one.
Below the break, get two great ones!
With their booming growth these last few days and the absorption of all sorts of licenses their competition once owned, Hasbro looks to be taking a step further with a possible takeover of Mattel. These talks have been in the works for a while now, we even reported about something similar way back in February when it was still barely a thing, but it's looking like this might actually happen.
Both companies saw a surge in stock prices when this was announced, with Mattel receiving a whopping 20% percent jump when they announced that Hasbro has brought up the idea of takeover. At a combined total of 16 billion in market value between the two, this would bring them right up to LEGO as biggest toy company in the world.
How will this effect pony? Probably not much. Aside from me wishing I could go back in time and tell past me to invest everything into Hasbro stocks 6 years ago. That would have been nice.
Thanks to Nebula for the heads up
Source: Wallstreet Journal
Random MLP Merch: Giant Twilight Pillow, MLP Movie Advent Calendar, Gingerbread House, and More!
by Sethisto
Merchandizin time! With the holidays coming up and the My Little Pony Movie helping fuel it, quite a few new items are popping up in stores for parents everywhere to impulse buy. We have a bunch below the break if you are curious about what is out there. Get this week's edition of random merch below!
A list of films that have qualified to be considered for nomination in the category of Best Animated Feature has been released for the Oscars and apparently the MLP: Movie has not been qualified.
As this is a list of films eligible for nomination, it's quite possible Lionsgate/Hasbro didn't submit the film for Best Animated Feature as the movie does seem to meet the requirements qualify it.
We'll let you all know if there are any updates as we learn more!
Thanks to DrForester for the heads up!
Source -
Who wants to get some tea with pones? That selection in the tea store was absolutely nuts.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
Afternoon Tea by YorozPony
We've had hundreds of projects over the years that covered months worth of episodes, updates, or general creation. Stuff like Friendship is Witchcraft dominated the old days, and newer series like DWK's Totally Legit are some of the most loved of the current generation. Fallout Equestria was arguably one of the biggest influences on our growth as a community, bringing in loads of people who thought an adorable pony doing wastelandy things was awesome. Even radio play projects have ascended from simple story readings to fully staffed massive casts with artists, musicians, and more all putting their skills into creating something awesome.
My question, what is/was your favorite? What series do you sometimes go back to and watch just for fun? Or what one do you look forward to seeing in your subscription box or here on EQD every week?
Discuss below!
I think this one is good enough to end without waiting any longer for votes! Looks like The Perfect Pear has once again dominated. Something Something Pear Butter is waifu of the year. And I thought Vapor Trail was going to win it before she popped up.
Get the results below! New poll time:
What Season of MLP was the best?
Get it on the side bar, and get these results below~
The very popular Pony Comic Generator we posted during the summer has updated! With 60 new panels the hilarity can continue as we mash random panels together to create some really awesome comics.
I know I spent a few hours back in the summer playing with this thing, now I have an excuse to revisit it!
Post your funniest, weirdest, or most random ones down in the comments.
Pony Comic Generator
Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #1034
by Calpain
This brings up a good question: what lies ahead for Tempest now that she has reformed? She certainly has the skills to be in the Royal Guard.
Morning my friends! Sleep well?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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