Filly in the Box is back with a tune that's a bit more chilled out and laid back for the most part than his usual works. There's some really nice use of melodies, and some vocal chops later on in the track too, whilst the drops focus on some neuro/electro-hybrid feels, and work together well with the lead synth sounds used. Check it out below!
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Electro, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, NeurofunkShare This!Comments
Nightly Discussion #1239
by Calpain
Would be sort of nice to be able to fly around with some balloons tied to you, wouldn't it? Ponies get to have all the fun.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Griffons, bufallos, hippogriffs, dragons, and more have already been added to the ever-growing lore book behind Equestrian sapient races. It seems like every season invites one or two more to the fold. Chances are, season 8 won't skip out on the tradition. There is still plenty of potential to continue expanding.
So, good minions of Equestria Daily and the greater pony sphere, what do you want to see next? Should we get another pony tribe? Or maybe another humanoid race like minotaurs and ...parrot... people things?
Or bats. How can I make this without bats?
Discuss below.
Someone tell this bat to stop eating all the jack-o-lanterns. I put a lot of effort in mine only to find her passed out on the front porch in a pumpkin coma and my amazing design nowhere to be found.
Get a bunch of art below
[1] Source
Comm: Pumpkin Massacre by pridark
The upcoming "Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks" now has a cover, following a similar style to the "Rainbow Dash Brings the Blitz" book revealed earlier this month. Like it's predecessor, there isn't an actual description for it yet, but we do have a page count of 208 and a release date of the 5th of June.
Expect a followup when we know more.
Thanks to PaganMuffin for the heads up. -
Community Soapbox #55 - Rainbow Dash Isn't Dumb, Pony Morals, and The Other Side to the Lesbian Mare Debate
by Sethisto
As promised, this one will have a response to the anti-lesbian mare side from the last one. Soapboxes are for open opinion, and while many of us don't agree with this argument at all, I asked for both and got both.
Note: We are low on soapboxes again. Get those opinions in so it's not just Booksmart and Nightmare Muffin every time! As much as we love them~
Expect these posts normally when not late every Tuesday at 2:00 PM PST. To submit your own, see this post.
Note: These soapboxes do not at all reflect the ideas of EQD. They are an open forum for anyone to post whatever crazy theory they want.
Headlines for the week:
- Pushing the Boundary of Pony Morals
- The Power of Pop Culture Inspiration In My little pony!
- In Defense of Those who Don’t Want Lesbian Couples in MLP
- The Hypocrisy of Fandoms
- Rainbow Dash Isn't Dumb
And get your soapboxes below!
A bit of Equestria Girls news has popped up over on the Twitter of it's director, Katrina Hadley. When asked if Daniel Ingram was leaving the Equestria Girls team, she confirmed that he did "Good Vibes (Corrected from Waves of Friendship)" but the rest of the upcoming shorts would be new musicians.
You can get a screencap of the twitter conversation below.
(Update: It looks like this only pertains to the summertime shorts. She can't confirm or deny that Daniel is working on future EG content)
Luna's Rebirth is an older track Aelipse produced earlier in the year, but here they have reworked it to sound even more awesome! A truly stunning orchestral piece, the tone changes through the track to really give a sense of story-telling to the track - something Aelipse excels at, and the instrumentation sounds superb. Check it out below!
I'm currently writing up a breakdown of what was discussed yesterday in Hasbro's Investor conference call for the third quarter of 2017, and one bit of information that is worth splitting out while is an interesting line from Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner. Quite a few investors called in asking about the movie, and while discussing how successful the overall idea of media content involving pony is, he dropped this nugget of information:
"The model for My Little Pony has really worked, and I think the team is beginning to think about what a next movie will look like"
Whether that is another theater release, or a straight to DVD deal, we might be seeing another My Little Pony movie on the horizon.
As always, we will keep you posted if more information arrives, which will probably be in a while if the discussion phases haven't even really begun yet.
Alucard's outfit just seems to be such an epic costume on ponies. Then again, it's a pretty awesome outfit regardless, isn't it? Seems to fit into the spirit of Halloween too!
Welcome to another Morning Discussion, folks. Hope you slept well.
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